Professional Learning Tool 1

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PSII Growth Plan

A teacher builds positive and productive relationships with students, parent/guardians,

peers and others in the school and local community to support student learning.

Student Teacher Practices Influence on Student Learning Experience

Learned student names This allows students to feel like I am making

an effort to connect to them and see them as
unique individuals and learners, establishing
mutual respect

Ask students questions about Students know that the classroom is a place
themselves of caring, respect, and takes their best
interests into consideration

A teacher engages in career-long professional learning and ongoing critical reflection to
improve teaching and learning

Student Teacher Practices Influence on Student Learning


Observe TA By observing how my TA teaches, I can

reflect upon the practices and strategies to
implement in my teaching, creating the
most effective learning experience for the

Experiment with different strategies Students are exposed to different learning

of active learning methods and can see what works well/what

A teacher applies a current and comprehensive repertoire of effective planning practices
to meet the learning needs of every student.

Student Teacher Practices Influence on Student Learning


Observe and refine student learning Optimal student learning for individuals
strategies. Allows me to plan for what
may be beneficial for students

A teacher applies a current and comprehensive repertoire of effective instructional

practices to meet the learning needs of every student.

Student Teacher Practices Influence on Student Learning


Different note-taking and learning Students are exposed to different learning

activities techniques that may be beneficial to them
A teacher applies a current and comprehensive repertoire of effective assessment
practices to meet the learning needs of every student.

Student Teacher Practices Influence on Student Learning


Implementing a formative and Students demonstrate their learning and

summative assignments that are comprehension through different forms and
more hands on activities.

A teacher establishes, promotes and sustains inclusive learning environments where
diversity is embraced and every student is welcomed, cared for, and respected

Student Teacher Practices Influence on Student Learning


Observing the students Allowed me to observe the students’

strengths and weaknesses so I am able to
cater lessons to fit their learning needs

Experimenting with different styles of Allow lessons to be catered in a way that

notes and learning activities helps certain students understand the topic
and experiment with different ways of
A teacher develops and applies foundational knowledge about First Nations, Metis and
Inuit for the benefit of all students.

Student Teacher Practices Influence on Student Learning


Fun facts in science related to FNMI Application to the world around the
knowledge students to connect their learning to FNMI
ways of knowing. Ex. Story of Big Rock in

A teacher demonstrates an understanding of and adherence to the legal frameworks
and policies that provide the foundations for the Alberta education system.

Student Teacher Practices Influence on Student Learning


Adhering and emphasizing the rules Professional relationship between student

stated in the Alberta Code of and teacher and helps in conducting a
Conduct and St. Francis Junior High positive classroom culture for all
Planning for Learning - PSII
Inquiry Related Strategies Resources/ Evidence of Timeline
TQS Support Success
Question: Required

How can I 1 - Fostering Learn about Resources may Students feel March 6th,
effective each include slip comfortable 2023 -
establish a
relationships individual in questions as approaching me April 20th,
repertoire of the students and 2023
strategies to classroom enter/exit the communicating
through classroom their thoughts,
promote active
interactions needs, and ideas
learning and a

3- Emphasize Observe TA and Students are March 6th,

Demonstrating the other teachers able to connect 2023 -
a professional on how they the activity with April 20th,
and allow
body of students to
assess student the learning 2023
knowledge form those learning and outcome
connections relate outcomes
between the to activities
lesson and during lessons

Goal: Develop 4- Observe Resources may Incorporating March 6th,

strategies to establishing learning needs include printed activities into 2023 -
of the
engage students, inclusive visuals, digital use, lessons that April 20th,
students and
promoting effective learning stories, etc cater to the 2023
cater lessons
learning environments learning needs of
that suit those
needs individuals in the

Inquiry Question: How can I establish a repertoire of strategies to promote active learning
and a positive classroom culture?
Reflection at Midway Point: So far during this practicum I have been able to start working
towards this goal in ways such as building relationships, a positive classroom culture by
emphasizing respect, as well as implementing strategies that help students visualize/understand
the topics. The one part I am really struggling with is time management and planning in a way that
is engaging for the students but also manageable for myself and my mental health. One thing I am
starting to realize is that not every lesson has to be fun, and the more engaging/active learning
strategies I have been using have been more time consuming and I am unable to pace myself
according to where I should be in my unit plan at this point.

Achievements In Progress Future Considerations

- Made relationships and - Still getting to know - Which strategies are

connected with my students the different ways my actually promoting
- All students are aware that students learn the optimal learning? Are
my #1 rule is respect (mutual best students staying on
respect towards each other, - Experimenting with task? How can I assess
yourselves, and the different strategies to this?
environment) get students up while - Consider how I might
- I have learned lots about my having them on task balance “fun” active
students in general as well as learning with lessons
their strengths/ weaknesses and strategies that
as learners and have started are manageable for
implementing learning me
activities that get them
exploring/wondering and

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