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PSIII Growth Plan

Goal 1: Enhance classroom management and positive behavior support

Rationale: Effective classroom management creates a conducive classroom environment
where all students feel safe to learn, leading to better academic outcomes and student
- Attend professional development workshops on classroom management and behavior
support strategies
- Collaborate with, and observe experienced teachers to learn effective classroom
management techniques
- Implement a structured behavior management plan with clear expectations and positive
- Seek feedback from students and colleagues to evaluate the effectiveness of classroom
management strategies.
Indicators of Achievement:
- Reduced disruptive behaviors and improved classroom dynamics as evidenced by
classroom observations and student feedback
- Consistent adherence to the behavior management plan and noticeable positive
changes in student behavior
- Positive feedback from administrators, parents, and students regarding the improved
classroom atmosphere and behavior
Timeline: September - December 2024

Goal 2: Enhance assessment and feedback practices for student growth

Rationale: Effective assessment and timely, constructive feedback promote student
understanding, motivation, and continuous improvement
- Participate in professional development, workshops and seminars on effective
assessment strategies and feedback techniques
- Explore research and literature on best practices for formative and summative
- Implement a variety of assessment methods and provide timely, specific feedback to
- Collaborate with colleagues to share assessment strategies and feedback practices
Indicators of Achievement:
- Improved student performance and growth over time, demonstrated through
assessments and student work
- Positive feedback from students regarding the usefulness and clarity of feedback
- Adoption of effective assessment practices in lesson planning and demonstrated ability
to modify teaching based on assessment results
Timeline: September - December

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