Trial Preparation

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Mock Trial Preparation - Roles and Responsibilities:

First - All students need to: (Please Tick as you go)

o A: Read the case details and note your initial observations and questions. What further information
or evidence do you think would help clarify the facts of the case? You might want to share these
with our Prosecuting Police Officers to help them with their interviews of the accused and witnesses.

o B: Research the law that has been breached in this case and the appropriate penalties for such a
crime. In which courtroom would this trial take place?

o C: Developed a character that includes a name, age, occupation, personality and the dress-code
required for their courtroom role. If you are a guard, are you friendly or harsh? If you are a witness
or juror, what is your background?

A: Read the Case

Observation 1: Question 1:

Ms Fagan said she believed to have saw Ms Ficarra How does walking towards the year 8 area make
walking to the year 8 area. her the thief? Did she witness Ms Ficarra stealing

Observation 2: Question 2:

Observation 3: Question 3:

Further Evidence Needed:

Are these observations

worth sharing with our
Prosecuting Police
B: Research the Law:

What crime do you think has been committed?

In which courtroom would this crime be tried in?

What are the appropriate punishments for this crime?


C: Develop your character:

At minimum, please include the following:






PERSONALITY (Friendly, harsh, forgiving):

Second – Complete your roles responsibilities in preparation for our Mock Trial:
If you have completed your responsibilities below, see your teacher.

Prosecuting Police Officer:

Ensure that our scribe keeps details of all your detective work below, so we have reliable evidence for the
- Collect a statement from the accused (Ms. Russell), questioning them on observations you have
made from the case description.
- Collect a statement from the case witnesses (Mr. Richards, Miss Pulice, Miss Fagan). What details
stand out from their accounts?
- After reading their statements, Interview the witnesses for both the prosecution and defence. How
reliable are their accounts? (See: Prosecution Witness, Defence Witness)
- Ensure a copy of all the accumulated witness accounts, observations and evidence are given to the
courtroom staff and legal teams. (See: Clerk)

Prosecution Witness:
- Write your witness statement
- Share this witness statement with the Courtroom and prosecuting police officers. (See: Clerk)
- Be Interviewed by Prosecuting Police Officers to detail your account further
- Research what to expect in cross-examination during the trial
- You CANNOT communicate with the defence team.

Defence Witness:
- Write your witness statement
- Share this witness statement with the Courtroom and prosecuting police officers for examination
- Be Interviewed by Prosecuting Police Officers to detail your statement further
- Research what to expect in cross-examination during the trial
- You CANNOT communicate with the prosecution.

- Rule on issues that arise relating to the trial with reference to the law
- Research your rights and responsibilities during the trial
Due to our time constraints, the judge will have to sentence the accused/dismiss the case immediately after the Jury
reach a verdict. As such, you will also need to:
- Prepare a statement in case the defendant is found ‘Not Guilty’. Be aware how to end a trial in this case.
- Prepare a statement and sentence in case the defendant is found ‘Guilty’. Your sentence needs to
consider punishment, deterrence, rehabilitation, denunciation and community protection – research these
factors. Your statement should explain how you balanced these factors and reached your decision.

Judge’s Associate:
- Be a point of communication between other courtroom officials and the judge
- Ensure the judge is provided a copy of all court documents
- Facilitate wishes of the judges to the courtroom and throughout the trial
- Aid the Scribe, Clerk, Guard and Tipstaff in preparing for the trial

- Be present for all police interviews, courtroom discussions and legal team debates.
- Ensure you keep an accurate record of events and specifics as they unfold. You may need to
research best ways to summarise in order to keep up!
- Work collaboratively with the clerk and scribe to ensure copies of these accounts are provided to
the other courtroom officials.
- You will have to collaborate and plan with the clerk to ensure you are present for all interviews.
Courtroom Clerk:
- Schedule interviews between Prosecuting Police Officers and witnesses/accused to ensure they are
available for them
- Schedule a court date and inform the courtroom, accused, etc.
- Turn our classroom centre-space into a Jury deliberation room
- Draw a map of how our classroom will look on the day of the trial and be prepared to arrange it
- Ensure copies of witness accounts, police interviews, and any documents created by the scribe are
provided to all courtroom roles.
- Ensure other courtroom roles are progressing and will be ready on time for our trial

- Establish a plan for cases of mayhem within the courtroom and the trial
- Ensure correct separation between witnesses, legal teams and other official roles.
- Be aware of your responsibilities within the courtroom in escorting individuals around.
- Communicate with the Judge about their expectations of you for the trial
- Work collaboratively with the Scribe, Clerk, Tipstaff and Judge’s Associate in preparing the trial.

- Organise a sequence of events for the courtroom (A schedule for the trial).
- Organise an order of when people will speak within the trial.
- Research how to announce courtroom officials and swear in a witness.
- Communicate with the Judge about their expectations of you for the trial

- Decide who will be the foreman
- Research the deliberation process.
- Read all witness accounts, documentation and evidence in order to best inform your judgment
- Research the standards of ‘Innocent until proven guilty’ and ‘beyond reasonable doubt’. Ensure you
understand them to provide a just trial.

Defence Team:
- Be present during the interrogation of the accused and offer advice to them.
- Read all witness accounts, documentation and evidence in order to best inform your defence.
- Prepare questions for witnesses during the cross-examination section of the trial
- Prepare your arguments for the trial.
- Prepare closing arguments
- Communicate with the Judge/Judge’s associate/other officials when issues relating to the case arise

Prosecution Team:
- Read all witness accounts, documentation and evidence in order to best inform your case.
- Prepare questions for witnesses during the cross-examination section of the trial
- Prepare your arguments for the trial.
- Prepare closing arguments
- Communicate with the Judge/Judge’s associate/other officials when issues relating to the case arise

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