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Employe Salary Structure

Aamir Shahzad
Abdul Haseeb
Abdul Rahman
Ali Nawaz


The employee salary management software designed to streamline and organize

key aspects of payroll and compensation within an organization. Its primary goals
are to efficiently manage employee information, facilitate dynamic adjustments in
salary structures, and provide insightful reporting for informed decision-making.

Database Schema Description:


Employee Table:
● EmployeeID (Primary Key)
● Name
● DepartmentID (Foreign Key referencing Department Table)
● ResignationDate
Department Table:
● DepartmentID (Primary Key)
● DepartmentName
Grade Table:
● GradeID (Primary Key)
● GradeName
● BasicSalary
Allowances Table:
● AllowanceID (Primary Key)
● AllowanceName
● Amount
Employee_Grade Table (to represent the relationship between employees and their
● EmployeeID (Foreign Key referencing Employee Table)
● GradeID (Foreign Key referencing Grade Table)
Employee_Allowances Table (to represent the relationship between employees and
their allowances):
● EmployeeID (Foreign Key referencing Employee Table)
● AllowanceID (Foreign Key referencing Allowances Table)
Deductions Table:
● DeductionID (Primary Key)
● DeductionName
● Amount
Employee_Deductions Table (to represent the relationship between employees and
their deductions):
● EmployeeID (Foreign Key referencing Employee Table)
● DeductionID (Foreign Key referencing Deductions Table)

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