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Hospital Management System

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the
degree of

Bachelor of Technology In

Computer Science Engineering

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Kaushal Chugh Dr. Harkesh Sehrawat

25623 DEPT. of CSE,






Aug-Dec, 2023

A hospital management system (HMS) is a web application that helps hospitals and other
healthcare organizations manage their operations. HMS systems can automate a wide range of
tasks, including patient scheduling, medical records management, billing, and inventory
management. We will use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We will follow the SDLC phases and
document the project using UML diagrams, user manuals, and test cases.

Problem Statement:
A hospital management system is a web application that helps to manage the daily operations
and activities of a hospital. It can facilitate tasks such as patient registration, appointment
scheduling, billing, inventory management, medical records, laboratory reports, and more. The
main objective is to design and develop a hospital management system that is user-friendly,
efficient, secure, and reliable. The problem statement is:

How can we create a hospital management system that can improve the quality of service and
care for patients and staff, reduce errors and costs, and enhance the overall performance and
productivity of the hospital?

Feasibility Study:
The feasibility of a hospital management system should be assessed in terms of three main
factors: technical feasibility, operational feasibility, and economic feasibility.
-Technical Feasibility:
The technical feasibility of the project should be assessed to determine whether the necessary
hardware, software, and skills are available to develop and implement the system. The project
team should also consider the technical requirements of the system, such as the type of
database, web server, and security features that will be needed.

-Operational Feasibility:
The operational feasibility of the project should be assessed to determine whether the hospital
or clinic is ready to adopt a new HMS system. This includes considering the following factors:

 User acceptance: The project team should assess the willingness of hospital staff to use a
new HMS system. This can be done by conducting surveys or interviews with potential
 Training: The project team should develop a training plan to ensure that hospital staff know
how to use the new HMS system.
 Business processes: The project team should identify any changes that need to be made to
the hospital's business processes to accommodate the new HMS system.
-Economic Feasibility:
The economic feasibility of the project should be assessed to determine whether the benefits of
implementing the new HMS system outweigh the costs. This includes considering the
following factors:

 Development costs: The project team should estimate the costs of developing and
implementing the new HMS system.
 Maintenance costs: The project team should estimate the costs of maintaining and updating
the new HMS system over time.

 Benefits: The project team should estimate the benefits of implementing the new HMS
system, such as increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved patient care.

The objective of the hospital management system is to develop a software system that will help
hospitals and other healthcare organizations manage their operations more efficiently and
effectively. The system will automate a wide range of tasks, including patient scheduling,
medical records management, billing, and inventory management.
The system will also be designed to be:

 Accessible: The system will be accessible to authorized users from anywhere with an
internet connection.
 Scalable: The system will be able to easily be scaled up or down to meet the needs of
growing or shrinking hospitals.
 Affordability: The system will be affordable for hospitals of all sizes.
 Secure: The system will be designed with security in mind to protect patient data.

The overall objective of the project is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of hospital
operations, while also improving the quality of care that patients receive.

The scope of a hospital management system:

 Develop a database to store patient information, appointment information, medical records,

and other data.
 Develop a web application that allows authorized users to access and manage the database.
 Develop features for patient management, scheduling, billing, and inventory management.
 Implement security measures to protect patient data.
 Test the HMS system thoroughly and deploy it to production.

The resources required for a hospital management system will vary depending on the size and
complexity of the project. However, some typical resources include:

 Hardware: The project will require hardware for development, testing, and production. This
may include servers, storage devices, laptops.
 Software: The project will require software for development, testing, and production. This
may include database software, web server software, and development tools.
 Tools and technologies: The project will require editors and technologies for development,
testing, and production. This may include HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, GitHub and VSCode.

Although I have put my best efforts to make the software flexible, easy to operate but
limitations cannot be ruled out even by me. Though the software presents a broad range of
options to its users some intricate options could not be covered into it; partly because of logistic
and partly due to lack of sophistication. Paucity of time was also major constraint; thus, it was
not possible to make the software full-proof and dynamic. Lack of time also compelled me to
ignore some part such as storing old result of the candidate etc.

The limitations of a hospital management system can vary depending on the specific features
and functionality of the system. However, some common limitations include:

 Performance: Hospital management systems can be complex and resource-intensive

systems. This can lead to performance issues, especially if the system is not properly
configured or if it is not running on adequate hardware.
 Scalability: Hospital management systems may need to scale up or down to meet the
changing needs of the hospital. However, some systems may not be scalable enough to
meet the needs of large or rapidly growing hospitals.
 Usability: Hospital management systems can be complex systems with many different
features and functionality. This can make them difficult for users to learn to use, especially
for users with limited technical experience.

It is important to note that the limitations of a hospital management system can vary depending
on the specific system that is being used.

Process Description:
The hospital management system is a software application that aims to simplify and automate
the various tasks and processes involved in running a hospital. The system consists of several
modules that handle different aspects of hospital operations, such as patient registration,
appointment scheduling, billing, medical records, inventory, pharmacy, laboratory, etc.
The process of developing the hospital management system follows a standard software
development life cycle (SDLC), which includes the following phases:
- Requirement analysis: In this phase, the stakeholders of the system, such as the hospital staff,
management, and patients, are identified and their needs and expectations are gathered and
documented. The functional and non-functional requirements of the system are also defined
and prioritized.

- Design: In this phase, the system architecture and components are designed based on the
requirements. The data flow diagrams (DFDs), flowcharts, and use case diagrams are used to
illustrate the flow of data and control among the system modules and actors. The user interface
design, database design, and security design are also done in this phase.

Fig. Context Level Diagram

Fig. Control Flow Diagram


- Implementation: In this phase, the system modules are coded using a programming language
and tools that are suitable for the system requirements and design. The code is tested and
debugged to ensure its functionality and quality.

- Testing: In this phase, the system is tested using various techniques and methods to verify its
correctness, reliability, performance, usability, and security. The testing can be done at different
levels, such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing.

- Deployment: In this phase, the system is deployed to the target environment, such as the
hospital network and servers. The system is installed and configured according to the
specifications and guidelines. The system is also maintained and updated as needed to fix any
issues or bugs or to add new features or enhancements.

The development of a hospital management system is a complex project, but it can also be a
very rewarding one. By carefully considering the technical, operational, and economic
feasibility of the project, the project team can increase the chances of success.
The hospital management system should be designed to be efficient, effective, and user-
friendly. It should also be scalable to meet the needs of growing hospitals. Additionally, the
system should be secure to protect patient data and compliant with all applicable laws and

By implementing innovative features and technologies, a hospital management system web

application can help hospitals to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their operations,
while also providing patients with a better experience.

Here are some specific benefits that a hospital management system can offer:

 Improved efficiency: The system can automate a wide range of tasks, which can free up
hospital staff to focus on more important tasks.
 Reduced costs: The system can help hospitals to reduce costs by automating tasks and
improving efficiency.
 Improved patient care: The system can help hospitals to improve patient care by providing
patients with access to their medical records and other information, and by making it easier
for patients to schedule appointments and pay bills.

Overall, a hospital management system web application can be a valuable tool for hospitals of
all sizes. By carefully considering the needs of the hospital and the patients it serves, the project
team can develop a system that meets the needs of all stakeholders.

References and bibliography:

 Git and GitHub

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