A Metaphorical Script For Premature Ejaculation

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by G. Wurglitz, M.Div., Psy.D. CPT, MS, USArmy LSA Anaconda, Balad, Iraq

The unconscious mind guards a variety of treasures like a guard in an art museum, standing
in a room full of sculptures and paintings of beautiful women. They get to observe the
reactions of people as they walk into that room, and hear the sudden exclamations, the oohs
and aahs of appreciation that just burst forth from their lips as soon as they see those things
that are so beautiful it takes their breath away.

It is easy to demonstrate our appreciation with that unexpected, uncontrolled response, the
same kind of reaction you see in children when they receive a special gift, a toy perhaps, a
birthday present or a Christmas present. I love watching their uncontrolled excitement as
they tear off the wrapping paper and throw it everywhere and jerk out that toy and start
playing with it at once and probably break it before they even have a chance to say, 'thank

But sometimes it can be more satisfying watching a friend or lover receive a gift, carefully
examining the package, appreciating the beauty of the wrapping, and slowly undoing it,
savoring each moment of anticipation, enjoying the pleasure of each step, stretching it out
over time, not giving in to the temptations, but taking their time to enjoy each step, pausing
every now and then to say something, to express their appreciation, wondering out loud what
it could be, and then finally opening the box, taking out the gift slowly, gently, softly
expressing their pleasure in a deep and genuine way, letting the giver receive attention for a
time, telling them how wonderful and thoughtful.

And then, and only then, when everything else has been done, finally exploring the present
completely, enjoying themselves thoroughly, like real art lovers who also take hours and
hours on end.

With a quiet reverence and respect they pay tribute in a quiet way, that takes them far away
from the crowds of noisy children skipping through yelling Look at this and that!”

And through it all, the guard stands back watching and protecting, knowing that sometimes a
teacher comes in, calms the children, gets their attention, and slowly and carefully explains to
them how to look at the beauty quietly, how to see what’s really there, so that they too can sit
and stare and feel the pleasure grow as they slowly begin to know how to control their own

Premature Ejaculation
Pressure can be controlled
Young men often feel unsure of themselves sexually and every other way. The pressure of sexual
thoughts and the relentless basic drive to procreate allied to intense visual stimuli, the smell,
shape, body heat and physical feel of the female body can combine to overwhelm the senses and
the young man comes too soon. Premature ejaculation can happen outside the body or an instant
after penetration. Whenever it happens, it is a disappointment for them both, and one failure can
lead to another, and then start a downward spiral of worry, anticipation, fear and more failure.
However, young men are very resilient, and don't actually need much to get them sorted out. This
metaphor can encourage the mind to hold back until the right moment.
Grand Canyon
Everyone knows the Grand Canyon. It was scoured out by the Colorado River. The Colorado
River is called 'colorado' because it's the Spanish word for 'coloured'.
And the Colorado River was called the Coloured River because most of the time it's a peaceful
river. But there are times when it rains in the mountains and there is a great irresistible surge and
that great surge blasts out all the water down there. And that was what created the Grand Canyon.
And when the surge was going full strength the river would pick up mud and debris and the water
would become coloured. And that's what the Spanish Conquistadors saw, a great coloured torrent
roaring past, an enormous powerful river that they couldn't cross.
And yet, when you think about it, the river and canyon go together. They are supposed to be like
that. The canyon is open ready to receive the water of the river.
And yet the Hoover Dam was built across that river. The Hoover Dam was put there to control
the Colorado. Eve that great surging power can be controlled. That mighty river, the thing that
carved out the Grand Canyon was controlled. A dam was built. The dam is very simple. And that
dam allows the water out when it needs to go out, and holds it back when it needs to be held back.
Any river can be held back, controlled. The thing about control is, the more control you have, the
more control you get. And you know, the really interesting thing is that by damming that river,
the dam creates power. It generates electricity. It energises itself. And by taking control it actually
produces the power to give more control.
A dam can actually produce the power needed to control itself. And that thin dam is all that is
needed to control the surge. A dam is a simple idea. And you know, even the mightiest river can
be controlled.

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