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Smart Classroom

Energy saving, in this sense, represents a benefit for the environment, as well as for the
preservation of non-renewable resources. To make this statement possible we are planning to
build simple yet effective solution for automatically turning off fans and lights for institutions
This project aims to develop an automated system for controlling the operation of a fan in a
specific area. The system utilizes a Passive Infrared (PIR) sensor, which detects motion
within its range, to determine the presence of individuals. The core idea is to turn off the fan
when the area is unoccupied and turn it on again when someone enters the area. By
implementing this solution, energy efficiency can be improved by avoiding unnecessary fan
operation in unoccupied spaces. The project will focus on designing and building a prototype
for a single room or region. The system will provide automatic control of both fan and light.
1. To conserve energy by automatically turning off fans and lights in unoccupied areas.
This will help reduce electricity consumption and lower utility costs.
2. To Achieve cost savings for organizations by reducing electricity bills through
efficient fan and light control.
3. To Ensure that the system does not compromise the comfort and convenience of
occupants. Lights and fans should activate when someone enters the area.
4. To Design the system with scalability in mind, so it can be easily expanded to control
fans and lights in multiple rooms or areas within a building.


PROPROSITION: The idea of consuming less amount of electrical energy in large

institutions to save electricity was brainstormed and planned to a built a product that works
well for classrooms. The idea was born out of a thoughtful consideration of the
environmental and economic implications of excessive energy use
FEASIBILITY RESEARCH: Based on proposed idea, research on possibility was made to
ensure the deployment of product. Various Papers was explored and analysed to choose the
most suitable design. This research encompassed a thorough investigation into existing
technologies, academic papers, and industry best practices. The goal was to ensure that the
project's goals align with the current state of technology and knowledge. The selection of the
most suitable design implies a careful evaluation of different approaches, taking into
consideration factors like cost-effectiveness, scalability, and compatibility with classroom
PROTOTYPE IN SOFTWARE: The project shifted from theory to practical
implementation. A software prototype was developed to simulate the core functionality of the
envisioned product. This prototype involved creating a model to control lighting and fan
systems based on the presence of individuals in a classroom. The aim was to test and validate
the conceptual ideas in a digital environment before moving on to physical hardware. This
approach allows for iterative development and ensures that the software's logic is sound
before investing in hardware components.
OBTAIN COMPONENTS: Purchase of Arduino Uno, bread board, wires, Passive Infrared
sensors Relay switch and other components to build the model. The acquisition of materials
signifies a tangible commitment to bringing the project to life in the physical world.
DEVELOPMENT OF PRODUCT: The software prototype from integrated with the
hardware components obtained. This integration process involves coding the Arduino Uno to
communicate with sensors and relay switches. The result is a cohesive system that can
intelligently control lighting and fans in classrooms based on the presence of occupants. This
marks a significant milestone, as the project has now transitioned from planning and
development to a deployable product.
DEPLOYMENT OF PRODUCT: The installation and deployment of the product in actual
classroom environments. This is where the project's impact is realized. Students and teachers
benefit from the automation system, which not only simplifies their experience but also
contributes to energy conservation by ensuring that lights and fans are only active when
Cost of the components for one Fan and light:
1. Arduino uno – 550
2. USB cable - 100
3. Fan - 100
4. Jumper wire- 20
5. Relay - 100
6. Connecting Wires- 40
7. PIR Sensor (4-5 meters range) - 100
8. Bread Board- 65

Total Components cost: 1075 RS

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