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Increased Use of Social Media

Readers who are blessed by allah SWT. The progress of information technology is currently very
rapid and the flow of information is very fast.Currently the PPKM policy (Implementation of
Restrictions on Community Activities) forces all work,study,shopping and other activities to be
carried out using digital technology from home.This causes internet use at home and social media to
increase significantly. The presence of social media makes it easy for people to communicate and
socialize.However, with the rapid development of technology and the increasing number of Covid-19
cases in Indonesia which continues to increase every day,this has become an opportunity for certain
groups and individuals who want to spread fake news(Hoaxes) circulating via social media starting
from Facebook,YouTube,Whatsapp,Twitter,Instagram and other social media.Hoax news cant not
only confuse people but can cause panis,anxiety and even mislead people’s minds.

Some information that spreads quickly can be accessed and consumed by te public.However,this will
make it difficult to filter the news circulating,some of which are even indicated as hoax news the
truth of which cannot be accounted for by anyone even the spreader of the the koran it is
explained that those who spread false news will suffer a great punishment.In an effort to reduce the
problem of social media misuse,especially in the midst of current Covid-19 pandemic,ethical
behavior needs to continue to be pursued.

What are the Islamic communication ethics on social media from the perspective of the Koran?

As a Muslim community whose main guide in life is the Al Aqur’an, we must be clever and wise in
using social media. In Islam, communication ethics must be in accordance with the Shari,a, namely
emphasizing covel all Islamic techings such as aqidah (faith), sharia islam and morals ihsan so that
ethics in communication will run and will not cause hostility between people Islamic
communication ethics on social media are procedures dor good communication attitudes morals in
online media where users can interact, participate, share. Form virtual social bond which are
accordance with the values of Islamic teaching al quran and sunnah. Islamic ethics on social media
are based on insrructions in the korea, namely:

 Communication must be based pn truth and patience

In carrying out communication activities,islam views that the communication carried out must
have good aims and intentions(da’wah) to remind each other of goodness and advise each other
in the truth, so that prosperity in life can always be realized ;

 Communication in receiving information tabayyun

On communication activities, of course there are activities of receiving and conveying information.
Along with of information and communication technology via the internet network in social media
the development of information and communication technology via the internet network in social
media , its is very easy for us

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