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News: Afghan Taliban cancel peace talks with U.S.

citing 'agenda disagreement'

PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters)- The Afghan Taliban said on Tuesday they had called off
peace talks with U.S. officials in Qatar this week due to an “agenda disagreement”,
especially over the involvement of Afghan officials as well as a possible ceasefire and
prisoner exchange.

Two days of peace talks had been set to start on Wednesday, Taliban officials told Reuters
earlier, but the hardline Islamic militant group had refused to allow “puppet” Afghan officials
to join.

The war in Afghanistan is America’s longest overseas military intervention. It has cost
Washington nearly a trillion dollars and killed tens of thousands of people.

“The U.S. officials insisted that the Taliban should meet the Afghan authorities in Qatar and
both sides were in disagreement over declaring a ceasefire in 2019,” a Taliban source told

“Both sides have agreed to not meet in Qatar.”

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said earlier the two sides were still working on the
technical details and were not clear on the agenda for the talks.

The U.S. Embassy in Kabul did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the

The talks, which would have been the fourth round with U.S. special envoy Zalmay
Khalilzad, would have involved a U.S. withdrawal, prisoner exchange and the lifting of a ban
on movement of Taliban leaders, a Taliban leader had told Reuters.

Taliban sources said that they had demanded U.S. authorities release 25,000 prisoners and
they would free 3,000, but that U.S. officials were not keen to discuss the exchange at this

“We would never announce any ceasefire until and unless we achieve major gains on the
ground. We have the feeling that Zalmay Khalilzad doesn’t have enough power to make
important decisions,” a second Taliban official said.

The Taliban said Khalilzad would visit the United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India
and China to continue the discussion. Khalilzad’s office was not available for a comment.

The Taliban have rejected repeated requests from regional powers to allow Afghan officials
to take part in the talks, insisting that the United States is their main adversary in the 17-year

The insurgents, seeking to re-impose strict Islamic law after their 2001 ouster by U.S.-led
troops, called off a meeting with U.S. officials in Saudi Arabia this week because of Riyadh’s
insistence on bringing the Western-backed Afghan government to the table.
Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the UAE took part in the last round of talks in December.

Western diplomats based in Kabul said Pakistan’s cooperation in the peace process

will be crucial to its success. Independent security analysts and diplomats said the
neighboring country’s powerful military has kept close ties with the Afghan Taliban.

U.S. officials have accused Pakistan of providing safe haven to Taliban militants in its border
regions and using them as an arm of its foreign policy. Pakistan denies the claim.

The United States, which sent troops to Afghanistan in the wake of Sept. 11, 2001, attacks
on New York and Washington and at the peak of the deployment had more than 100,000
troops in the country, withdrew most of its forces in 2014.

It keeps around 14,000 troops there as part of a NATO-led mission aiding Afghan security
forces and hunting militants.

Reports last month about U.S. President Donald Trump’s plans to withdraw thousands of
troops from Afghanistan triggered uncertainty in Kabul which depends on the United States
and other foreign powers for military support and training.

As peace talks gained momentum a draft agreement drawn up by the influential U.S. think
tank RAND Corporation outlining the clauses for a potential peace deal was circulated
among Afghan officials and diplomats in Kabul.

The document, reviewed by Reuters, suggests that the United States and NATO withdraw
their military missions in phases over an expected period of 18 months. It adds that the
United States may continue providing civilian assistance.

Questions 1-5: Decide if the statements are True/False/Not given

1. Washington has never been involved in such a long military intervention as in the war in
Afghanistan TRUE

Dẫn chứng: The war in Afghanistan is America’s longest overseas military intervention. It
has cost Washington nearly a trillion dollars and killed tens of thousands of people.

2. The U.S. Embassy in Kabul gave instant reply to a demand for comment about the
abandonment. FALSE

Dẫn chứng: The U.S. Embassy in Kabul did not immediately respond to a request for
comment about the cancellation.

3. U.S officials wanted to talk about prisoner exchanges with Pakistan. FALSE

Dẫn chứng: Taliban sources said that they had demanded U.S. authorities release 25,000
prisoners and they would free 3,000, but that U.S. officials were not keen to discuss the
exchange at this stage.

4. The third round of US-Taliban talks was held at the end of 2018. NOT GIVEN
5. Taliban would let 25,000 American prisoners go in case US freed its 3,000 prisoners.

Dẫn chứng: Taliban sources said that they had demanded U.S. authorities release 25,000
prisoners and they would free 3,000

Questions 6-10: Choose the best answer

6. Which of the following statements is true about Zalmay Khalilzad?

A. He is a U.S. diplomatic representative

B. He doesn’t have any power to make important decisions.

C. He is a U.S. spokesman.

D. Both A and B are correct.

The talks, which would have been the fourth round with U.S. special envoy Zalmay
Khalilzad, would have involved a U.S. withdrawal

7. What does the author mean by mentioning “puppet” Afghan officials?

A. Afghan officials are moving

B. Afghan officials are active

C. Afghan officials cannot make decisions

D. Afghan officials cannot join the peacetalks

Two days of peace talks had been set to start on Wednesday, Taliban officials told Reuters earlier,
but the hardline Islamic militant group had refused to allow “puppet” Afghan officials to join.

8. Which of the following statements is NOT MENTIONED in the passage?

A. Pakistan was said to protect Taliban militants.

B. Taliban spokesman said there is no information about future peace talks.

C. Afghan government is supported by Western countries

D. US sent 100,000 troops to Afghanistan in 2014

9. The word “it” which is bolded in the paragraph refers to:

A. New York and Washington

B. Afghanistan

C. The US

Dẫn chứng:

The United States, which sent troops to Afghanistan in the wake of Sept. 11, 2001, attacks
on New York and Washington and at the peak of the deployment had more than 100,000
troops in the country, withdrew most of its forces in 2014.

10. What sentence can summarize the news?

A. Afghan Taliban negotiate with the US through agenda.

B. The US withdrawal from Afghan Taliban and its attitude.

C. New moves in the development of the US and Afghan Taliban tension.

D. US called off peace talks with Afghan Taliban over agenda differences.

PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters)- The Afghan Taliban said on Tuesday they had called off
peace talks with U.S. officials in Qatar this week due to an “agenda disagreement”,

Questions 11-15: Matching information

1. US- Afghan
A. had given information to Reuters about the talks
with U.S. special envoy.
peace talks
D The talks, which would have been the fourth round
with U.S. special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad,
would have involved a U.S. withdrawal,
prisoner exchange and the lifting of a ban on
movement of Taliban leaders, a Taliban leader
had told Reuters.
2. Afghanistan
B. was in favour of Afghan security forces.

It keeps around 14,000 troops there as part of a

NATO-led mission aiding Afghan security
forces and hunting militants.
3. A Taliban
C. would visit UAE, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and
leader A
4. The Taliban
D. shouldn’t meet the Afghan authorities in Qatar.
“The U.S. officials insisted that the Taliban should
meet the Afghan authorities in Qatar and both sides
were in disagreement over declaring a ceasefire in
2019,” a Taliban source told Reuters.

“Both sides have agreed to not meet in Qatar.”

E. relies on US and foreign powers for military

Reports last month about U.S. President Donald

Trump’s plans to withdraw thousands of troops from
Afghanistan triggered uncertainty in Kabul which
depends on the United States and other foreign powers
for military support and training.

F. will take place in Qatar

G. affirmed that the United States is their main rival

for 17 years.

The Taliban have rejected repeated requests from

regional powers to allow Afghan officials to take
part in the talks, insisting that the United States
is their main adversary in the 17-year war.

H. were not ready on the agenda.

Questions 16-20: Answer the question with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS
16. What were the attitude of the Taliban and Afghan authorities about the agenda for peace
talks? Disagreement

“The U.S. officials insisted that the Taliban should meet the Afghan authorities in Qatar
and both sides were in disagreement over declaring a ceasefire in 2019,” a Taliban
source told Reuters

17. Which agency is accountable for setting up a draft after the negotiation warrant
promising? influential U.S.

As peace talks gained momentum a draft agreement drawn up by the influential U.S.
think tank RAND Corporation outlining the clauses for a potential peace deal was
circulated among Afghan officials and diplomats in Kabul.

18. Who has put the blame on Pakistan about using Taliban as a tool of foreign policy? U.S.

“U.S. officials have accused Pakistan of providing safe haven to Taliban militants in its
border regions and using them as an arm of its foreign policy. Pakistan denies the

19. Who repeatedly required the Taliban to allow Afghan officials to join the talks? The

“The Taliban have rejected repeated requests from regional powers to allow Afghan
officials to take part in the talks, insisting that the United States is their main adversary
in the 17-year war”

20. How many rounds of talks had taken place before this cancelled one? Four

The talks, which would have been the fourth round with U.S. special envoy Zalmay
Khalilzad, would have involved a U.S. withdrawal, prisoner exchange and the lifting of
a ban on movement of Taliban leaders, a Taliban leader had told Reuters

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