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First published 2021

RTO Works

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Business Works is a series of training and assessment resources developed for qualifications
within the Business Services Training Package.

Section 1: Planning communication 6

Section 2: Preparing communication 11

Section 3: Presenting and negotiating 12

BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence | 4


Mr. Saddam Khan


Date: 22/05/22

Business this assessment Ozhouse clean

is based on:

BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence | 5

Section 1: Planning communication

1 Describe the organisation you are basing this project on.

1.1 What is the name of the organisation?


1.2 What are the main activities of the organisation?

providing quality services to all their customers

1.3 What are the organisational objectives?

valuing and respecting all of our customers

caring for the environment through our environmentally friendly services

caring for our staff through a friendly working environment

2 Choose and describe a scenario in your organisation that requires you to present information
to others.

the chosen scenario talks about how we can deal with customers who currently use our
service. We can be sure that our services are of quality and that we never make one of our
customers dissatisfied.

3 Understand organisational and legal requirements.

3.1 Describe any organisational policies and procedures that relate to communication (e.g.
internal communication policy, external communication policy, confidentiality
agreements etc.).

Keep the following recommendations in mind for how to communicate policies and
procedures to staff:

Inform employees up-front. ...

Ask for feedback. ...

Introduce final product. ...

Ask employees to review employee handbook or policy manual. ...

Provide training where required. ...

Request employee sign-off.

BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence | 6

3.2 How do these policies and procedure confirm your authority to present the information

to simplify and better understand the objectives of the company as a provider.

3.3 What are the relevant conventions and protocols for communicating with team

relevant for us as a company and for our customers as a form of family care.

3.4 Summarise your legal and ethical responsibilities associated with any confidential

promoting excellence and innovation in all of our business practices.

The objectives are to:

increase the number of clients by 20%

meet or exceed the expectations of customers

implement best practice in cleaning operations, including environmentally sustainable


4 Plan your communication by completing the table below.

Who am I Project team with customers


What is the understand the meaning of working understand the meaning of having
purpose of my at ozcleaner ozcleaner services

What information dedication satisfaction

should be part of

BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence | 7

What position will leader leader
you take
regarding the
information that
must be

Should any no no
information be
kept confidential?

What will be How we work How we offer or service


What are the Work as a team Satisfaction for both parts

objectives of (cliebtes/company)
negotiation (at
least one each)?

What stakeholder --- ---

needs and
should be met
during the

What are the All information may can not match All information may can not match
potential issues from our team from our clients
and problems that
may arise from
the negotiation (at
least one each)?

What position will Good company Good service

you take
regarding any
negotiation that
will take place

BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence | 8

(identified in
Section 1)?

What are your Showing that our company is good Showing that our service is good in
supporting australia
arguments to
meet your
(identified in
Section 1)?

What forum will I Group meeting Powerpoint

use to present the
information at the
meeting e.g.
presentation at
Group meeting,
printout of
information, one-
discussion etc)?

How does the The target That product like a service

forum meet

What vocabulary, In all polite and clear words In all Polites and clear words
tone, structure
and style suits the

How will I: Be clear in all conversation and Be clear in all conversation and
explanations explanations
• build trust

BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence | 9

• develop

• show respect
for the
opinions and
values of

• maintain

Policies and procedures ☒

BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence | 10

Section 2: Preparing communication

1 For each meeting planned in Section 1, prepare a visual/written presentation that reflects
the information requirements and desired outcomes outlined in the work you’ve done on this
assessment so far.

this presentation aims to clarify how the company OzCleaner has been working to meet the
expectations of all involved with a single objective: satisfaction.

This presentation cannot be extended by the simple fact of not being too complicated to

2 For each meeting, prepare any other additional meeting materials (e.g. Agenda, Survey,
Feedback form etc.).

3 Schedule both meetings.

3.1 How will you schedule each meeting

meeting request sent via email

3.2 Which materials should be distributed before the meeting?

Powerpoint apresentation

3.3 Attach proof of how you’ve scheduled the meeting to this section of your portfolio.

Attach: Presentations (x 2) ☒

Additional meeting materials ☒

Proof of scheduling meetings (x2) ☒

BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence | 11

Section 3: Presenting and negotiating

1 If not already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your two meetings to this
section of your portfolio.

Complete this section after you’ve met with your identified stakeholders.

2 For each meeting and presentation, create a written document on the outcomes of the

Note: These written documents must be distributed to the relevant stakeholders. Keep the
audience in mind as you create each document.

Your document should include a summary of the meeting, including:

• who attended the meeting

• what was discussed at the meeting

• outcomes of your negotiation (including potential issues and problems).

Attach your documented meeting outcomes to this section of your portfolio.

at our meeting everyone's attendance was significant. we had the presence of everyone who
was important in this negotiation for the company's growth as a service. the meeting participants
were administrators, employees and customers.

eat the speech of one of our administrators as a speaker at the meeting. the results were
significant even with some minor problems during the presentation. the problem was due to the
fact that there was not full agreement among the participants of the meeting, but even so the
results did not change and the direction of the meeting was not compromised

3 Distribute your two meeting summary documents to relevant meeting stakeholders


3.1 For each meeting document, how will you distribute the meeting outcomes (e.g. via
email, hand out a printed copy in person etc.)?

The meeting outcome will be sent by email, so that will be faster getting the information

3.2 Attach proof of how you distributed the meeting outcomes summary to this section of
your portfolio (e.g. draft email, photo of you physically handing out a printed copy, link
to intranet location of document etc).

BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence | 12

Draft email

4 Evaluate your presentations.

4.1 What feedback did you receive at the meeting?

all participants were fully involved in the case studied.

4.2 What did you do well?

make everyone understand and work together

4.3 How can you improve?

With the outcome of de meeting

Attach: Proof of meetings (x 2) ☒

Documented meeting outcomes (x 2) ☒

Proof of distributing meeting outcomes to ☒


BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence | 13

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