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Spooky story exemplar

It was a bleak, cold, miserable night. As we walked along the road, it

began to rain (1 glockenspiel). Then we heard thunder in the distance
which grew louder and louder (2 drums and piano gradually getting
louder). Presently, an old house emerged from the mist, and as we
were hungry and tired, we approached the house and rang the
doorbell (3 chime bars E - C). The door opened (4 creak!) and we
peered into the dark hall, but there was nobody in sight. Cautiously,
we took a step inside and the door slammed behind us (5 bang!). As
we stood there, terrified, wondering what to do next, an old
grandfather clock in the next room struck 3 o’clock (6 chime bars and
piano). I look at my watch and it is 11pm!
The house was dark, cold and spooky, and the storm raged fiercely
outside (7 storms - glock, drum, piano, castanet). Then we heard a
dreadful howling noise coming from upstairs - (8 recorders howl).
Then the sound of ghostly laughter (9 BBC Sound FX cackle) and
strange music (10 eerie music recorded on garage band). Above all
these terrifying noises came the sound of the wind and rain growing
louder and wilder (11 storms getting louder). We turned and ran (12
running feet) for the door, slamming it behind us (13 bang) and made
great haste away from this haunted house (14 sounds of running feet).
Eventually we reached home, wet, cold and tired, but safe at last (15
Vocal Phew).

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