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Article Title (Written with Title Case, Maximum 18 Words, Calibri (Body)

16, Bold) [The editing of the title must be clear, concise and clearly represent the content of the writing.
It is highly recommended to use the title that is creative and attractive to the reader. Avoid using the words
“influence”, “relationship”, and “case study” in the title. Note, the location of the research is displayed in
the method section, not mentioned in the title, except for certain research where the mention of the location
has a truly significant meaning.]

Author1, Author2, Author3, … Etc. (Calibri (Body) 10, bold)

1Author 1's affiliation consists of Name of Study Program/Faculty, Name of University, City, Country

2Author Affiliation 2 consists of Name of Study Program/Faculty, Name of University, City, Country

…. Etc.

Abstract. Abstract is written concisely and factually, includes the background, the purpose Psympathic :
of research (dapat pula langsung menuliskan tujuan, tanpa diawali oleh background), the Jurnal Ilmiah
method of research, the result and conclusion of research. Abstract is written in English, Psikologi
max. 150 words in one paragraph, font Times New Roman 10. Vol… : …, ….. 20…,
Page … - …
Keywords: word 1, word 2, word 3, … eISSN: 2502-2903
pISSN: 2356-3591
Keywords can be taken from research variables, referenced theories, or methodological
elements (certain types of design, main characteristics of the subject, significant loci, certain Article Info
data analysis techniques), consisting of a minimum of three words or combinations of words Received:
separated using commas. -

Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Fakultas Psikologi UIN SGD Bandung, Indonesia.
This is an Open Access article under the CC BY 4.0 license

Corresponding author: …………………….
E-mail: ……………….

Introduction The maximum number of introductory pages is

The introductory part consists of a description of the 20% of the total pages, written in Times New Roman
background of the problem, benefits of research, 11 with 1.15 spacing.
theoretical studies, and ends with objectives and/or
hypotheses. This section contains; (a) a description of Methods
the latest developments in the research topic under The method section consists of a description of the
study, supported by the results of primary and recent research approach and design, identification of
literature reviews; (b) description of the gap (in the variables, research subjects, data collection
form of evidence gap, knowledge gap, practical- techniques, research instruments (name of measuring
knowledge gap, methodological gap, empirical gap, instrument and its manufacturer, aspects measured,
theoretical gap, or population gap); (c) the researcher's number of items and several examples, as well as
argument about efforts to close the gap which shows information on validity and reliability), research
commitment to the contribution of research to the procedures (in This section explains ethical clearance,
development of science; and (d) description of the if any), and the statistical analysis techniques used.
research objectives and/or hypotheses. If the Description of each section, can use subtitles or
description requires a description in pointer form, then without subtitles.
you are required to make each point part of the The explanation in this section focuses on a clear
paragraph. descriptive explanation of the various activities
carried out by researchers in conducting research, so


that it can provide opportunities for other researchers References

to replicate or verify the research procedures carried Making a bibliography using a reference manager,
out. Avoid including definitions regarding parts of the such as Mendeley, EndNote, or at least the References
method, for example: definition of population. feature in Microsoft Word using APA Style 7th
Results and Discussion The reference list is written alphabetically and
The research results consist of a description of the chronologically. The Reference List must contain all
data obtained in the research. The data in question is sources referred to in the manuscript, originating from
not raw data that is still or needs to be processed, but sources that are: (a) relevant, (b) at least 81% up to
data resulting from analysis or hypothesis testing that date (maximum of the last 5-10 years), and (c) at least
clearly answers research questions and shows the 81% primary, especially from journal articles.
latest findings obtained. If presented in the form of
tables or pictures, the meaning should be easy for [Example of Reference Writing]
readers to understand quickly. Books:
The discussion section is a description of the Christensen, L. B., Johnson, R. B., & Turner, L. A.
researcher's analysis of the research results obtained, (2015). Research methods, design, and analysis
by linking them to the results of previous studies. The (Twelfth edition). Pearson.
description in this section focuses on critical and Zuhaily, W. (2016). Tafsir al-munir Jilid 11 Juz 21-
substantial analysis of research results and comparison 22. (A. H. Al-kattani dkk., Terj.). Gema Insani.
with previous findings based on the results of Book Chapter:
relevant, up-to-date and primary literature reviews. Naito, T. (2013). Moral development. In K. D. Keith
Comparisons should lead to differences with previous (Ed.), The encyclopedia of cross-cultural
research findings so as to show the contribution of psychology (pp. 891-897). Wiley.
research to the development of science. In the final Journal Article:
section, the limitations contained in the research are Reysena, S., Chadbornb, D., & Plante, C. N. (2018).
presented. The minimum number of discussion pages Theory of planned behavior and intention to
is around 30%, which in principle is no shorter than attend a fan convention. Journal of Convention
the introduction page. & Event Tourism, 19(3), 204-218.
The research results section is described first,
then the discussion section (can use subtitles or 3
without subtitles). Thesis or Dissertation:
Wantaate, F. S. M. (2019). Gossiping about the
Conclusion supervisor: The mediating role of follower self-
The conclusion section is a formulation of answers to esteem on the relationship between the dark
the research objectives and research questions asked. triad traits and workplace gossip [Unpublished
Conclusions are not a summary of research results. doctoral thesis]. Regent University School of
When explaining conclusions, they should be made Business & Leadership.
concisely, clearly and concisely based on the results Web page:
and discussion. Conclusions must be made in Nugroho, S. A. (2018, Januari 19). Seorang anak
paragraph form, not numerical. The conclusion berkebutuhan khusus ditemukan tersesat di
explains the research findings and new things that Cilincing. Kompas.
contribute to the development of psychology. https://megapolitan.kompas.-com/read/2018/01/
Acknowledgments (if any) khusus-ditemukan-tersesat-di-cilincing.
This is a short text to acknowledge the contributions
of colleagues, institutions, or agencies that aided the Seminar or Conference Presentation:
efforts of the authors. Libriastuti, F., & Sudewo, P. A. (2016, Oktober 17-
18). Dinamika psikologis tawadhu mahasiswa

2 Psympathic : Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi … : …, 2023

Cancelled: Effect of Cyber-Ostracism on the Mental Condition of Instagram Users

terhadap gurunya. [Presentasi paper]. Seminar Table 1 (table nomor)

Nasional dan Gerak Produk, UMM, Indonesia. Validity and Reliability of Measuring Instruments (table
description, Title Case, italicized)

[Article Writing Format] Dimension Validity Reliability

Integrative .944 .969
Articles are written in good and correct Indonesian or
English, neatly typed in Times New Roman font size wellbeing
11 with 1.15 spacing, left-right aligned, and printed on Dukungan petugas .980 .890
A4 paper. Articles are arranged with the following Coping Strategy
margins: Top: 3 cm, Left: 3cm, Right: 3cm, Bottom: 3 Logical analysis .961 .620
cm, Gutter: 0, with Gutter Position: Left; uses a two Guidance support .950 .600
column format.
Picture example:
[Subtitle Writing]
First Subheading (Title Case, Bold, Left Aligned,
Second Subheading (Title Case, Bold, Left
Third Subheading (Title case, Bold, Italics)
Fourth Subheading (Title case, bold)
Fifth Subheading (Title case, italics)

[Writing Quotes]
The source of the in-text quotation is written between
the opening and closing brackets stating the author's
last name, year with a comma, and page number if
deemed necessary:
- If the quotation comes from one source and one Figure 1. Sociocultural disharmony in the form of
author: (Javed, 2017), or (Javed, 2017, p. 27). poverty and mental health issues
- If the quote comes from one source with two
authors: (Fernandez & Walker, 2021) or
Figure 1. Image caption... (if the image is taken
Fernandez and Walker (2021)
- If the quotation comes from one source with from another source, must include the source;
three or more authors: (Guo et al., 2022) or Guo Center position if the caption is 1 line, and
et al. (2022) Align Text Left if it is more than 1 line).
- If the quotation comes from two different
sources by the same author: Peterson, 2014, Example formula:
2018), if the year is the same (Peterson, 2014a, Use the Equation feature in Ms Word. Number
the equations starting from (1), (2), etc.
- If the quote comes from the institution: (UIN, 2
n ( n−1 ) x
2019). ( 1+ x )n=1+ nx + +…
1! 2!
Tables, Figures and Formulas (1)
Each table or figure is given a sequential number,
title, according to the contents of the table and figure,
and the source of the quotation if any. The source of
the quote is written below the table or image, Times
New Roman font size 10. The table title is written
above the table and the image title is written below the
image. The formula was created using the Equation
feature in Microsoft Word.
Example table:

Psympathic : Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi 10:1, June 2023 3

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