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Case study on Conflict management

There is a village where all the people are leading their lives very happily without any problem, if occurred problems will be solved united through decision making and brainstorming by taking that into the gram panchayat sabha without intervention of police and no politics are there in the village. There is a sarpanch to that village who was elected by the people based on the character and fame. He will serve at his best to the village and having good leadership skills. He has so many followers and all the people will believe him so much. There is a person by name X, without intimating this person the sarpanch will not do any work, wherever sarpanch presence is necessary there X is also necessary. X is also treated as one of the family member of the sarpanch and he treated them in the same way. X is totally ruined his life to follow the sarpanch and serve for the village. X discontinued his studies to follow him and does not have any respect to his father ideas and feelings. X has dumped into politics due to conflicts in village he has spoiled his 20 years of his whole life.

One day grama panchayat sarpanch was murdered by person Y with some old grudges between the sarpanch and Mr. Y who is new to village. The murder took place in front of the police station and caught by the police immediately. At that time Mr. Y is in a fully drunken state and he doesnt know what he is talking and what he is doing. Police enquired Mr. Y regarding the murder and about the responsible persons, He revealed the names of 5 persons in which one is Mr. X. All the 5 were called for the investigation. No one knows who is mainly responsible for that and no one knows what had really happened. That time Mr. X is in a position of next sarpanch but the son of passed away sarpanch was jealous about Mr. X and framed situation in such a way that Mr. X is the responsible for all thing happened. Without any proof, just by the words of drunken person Mr. Y & sarpanch son, all the family members has blamed Mr. X and confirmed that Mr. X is mainly responsible then they were sent to remand for 6 months. From there a conflict arises in the village and developed in such a way that conflicts between two persons had become conflict between two groups. Some persons who are eagerly waiting for this situation had made use of this

and created lots of disturbances and brought the politics into the village by brainwashing the son of sarpanch. From there whatever happens in the village will be taken to the police notifications. As soon as sarpanch has expired that position was captured by his son and he was tied with politics and filed more than 30 cases on the Mr. X group. All the cases do not have any proofs but only with the help of politicians cases filed on them made stronger in the span of just 2 years. Due to that conflict Mr. X has spoiled his 20 years of valuable life by spending all his earnings for the lawyers and court. The third group who are waiting for the chance to break the village has got an opportunity and they are having grudge on Mr. X during some land disputes in the village. Conflict has been created by the persons ones feelings. Actually Mr. Y has done all this because of his personal grudge and his intension is not to murder him but unfortunately he doesnt what he was doing that time and where he was hitting him. Mr. Y intension is just to warn him regarding some situation. All the Conflicts can be avoided if Mr. Y is not having any grudge on sarpanch. In this main conflict of murder, who all are framed as an accused members were released after final judgment except Mr. Y. Final hearing of the case has taken 15 years of span because all the proofs provided by the offence were meaningless as well as the reasons and proofs in the defense side are very strong. Complete time, money, life of total 20 years had gone waste for all those who indulged in this. For Mr. X it took 20 years to solve all the conflicts.

Conflict Management:
Situation can be avoided by Mr. X, at the time he got an offer by the sarpanch without discontinuing his studies and giving respect to his father ideas and feelings. If Mr. X has left the village after the murder until it was proved he may avoid all the remaining cases. Mr. X can also accommodate to all this situations at the initial stages itself to avoid this. Among all the different styles of conflict management, the best style which suits for this situation is compete/ dictate if Mr. X group is completely aware and confident about the situation or knowing the truth about the situation. That group is now free from all the cases filed against them after 20 years of fighting with courts and police stations. K. Saran Kumar Reddy 112041007 M.Tech Advanced Manufacturing

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