Exercise Osn

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1. The expression "Do you get my point?" is the expression of...

A. Asking for attention.

B. Asking question.

C. Giving compliment.

D. Checking for understanding.

2. Below is some expression to substitute "Do you get my point?", except...

A. Please listen to me and pay attention.

B. Got it?

C. Is it clear you you?

D. Any question, students?

3. The most possible expression to show understanding to substitute "Yes, I understand, Sir"

A. Pardon.

B. I see.

C. Excuse me? What was that again?

D. Mmm...can you repeat that?

4. Your friend Bella treats you for dinner. You want to thank her. You: ... Bella: Never mind. The
best expression of showing gratitude is...

A. Thanks you for the dinner.

B. Thanks for the dinner.

C. Thank on the dinner.

D. Thanks about the dinner.

5. Your friend has a problem in mathematics. He asks you to help him solve it. He says thanks to
you. Your friend: Thank you for your help. That was really kind of you. You: ... The best phrase
to respond to an expression of showing gratitude is...

A. Not at all.

B. Yes, I am.

C. Don't mention it.

D. How do you know that I am kind?

The dialog is for questions number 6 - 8

Siti : Wow, your bedroom is very tidy, comfortable and large

Lisa : I think it is small

Siti : I don’t think so. It is big. It has any things. There are two pink wardrobes, a green
bookshelf, a pretty bed and a brown mirror.

6. What is Lisa’s bedroom like?

A. It is very small and tidy

B. It was very small and tidy

C. It is very large and comfortable

D. It was very large and comfortable

7. “Wow your bedroom is very tidy, comfortable and large. What is the closest meaning of the
underlined word?

A. Shady

B. Clean

C. Nice

D. Neat
8. How many colours are there in Lisa’s bedroom?

A. Four

B. Three

C. Two

D. One

The dialog is for questions number 9 - 10

Siti : Dayu, do you often go to the park near your house?

Dayu : Yes I do

Siti : What is it like?

Dayu : It is beautiful. There are so many colourful flowers and big trees

Siti : That’s great! We should go there together some time

9. What is the purpose of the dialog above?

A. Ask for and give information related to the qualities of things

B. Ask for and give information related to the qualities animal

C. Ask for and give information related to the qualities of people

D. Ask for and give information of physical appearance of people

10. What is the place near Dayu’s house?

A. Beautiful market

B. Beautiful park

C. Colorful zoo

D. Beautiful zoo
Teks for number 11-17

Living things (11)... found almost (12)... on the Earth. They are found in (13)... habitats. A
habitat is the place (14)... an organism lives. A pond, a stream, a field, an area of leaf (15)..., a
seashore and even a rotting log are all examples of habitats. Within a habitat, many things
affect the (16).. of the organism. Some of these things are air, water and (17).. organisms. The
things that affect the organism make up its environment.

11. Choose the correct word

a. Be

b. Is

c. Are

d. Were

e. Will be

12. Choose the correct word

a. Nowhere

b. Everywhere

c. Elsewhere

d. Somewhere

e. Wherever

13. Choose the correct word

a. Difference

b. Differ

c. Differential

d. Differentiate

e. Different
14. Choose the correct word

a. Where

b. Which

c. That

d. Whose

e. What

15. Choose the correct word

a. Litter

b. Liter

c. Latter

d. Letter

e. Later

16. Choose the correct word

a. Survive

b. Survey

c. Surveillance

d. Survivor

e. Survival

17. Choose the correct word

a. Another

b. The other

c. Other
d. No other

e. Others

18. Complete the following dialog

Dayu : Siti, your hamsters have very large cheeks.

Siti : ....... They eat a lot

A. Yes, they are

B. Yes, they do

C. Yes, it was

D. Yes it is

19. Dewi : Lina, your rabbit is wite like snow and she is very cute

Lina : Yes, she is What is the synonym of the underlined word?

A. Sweet

B. Funny

C. Bad

D. Big

The dialog is for questions number 20-21

Siti : look at the giraffes. They have curly eyelashes

Lina : yes, they do. Their eyelashes are adorable

Beni : and look at the zebras. They have black and white stripes on their bodies

Udin : guys, do you know that each zebra has different pattern?

Edo : they do? That’s very interesting!

Dayu : look at the ekephants. They are huge!

Udin : yes, they are. And look at the tigers. They have sharp teeth
Siti : and they have powerful legs

20. What animals have curly eyelashes?

A. Tigers

B. Zebras

C. Giraffes

D. Elephants

21. How many animals are there in the dialog above?

A. Four

B. Five

C. Six

D. Seven

22. You hear that your classmate, Andi, got an accident and his arm was

injured when he rode his bicycle yesterday.

What would you say to express your hope about Andi’s condition?

A.I hope he gets well soon

B. He should not ride bicycle carelessly

C. Good Job!

D. I have to visit him in the hospital

23. Elki : “Happy birthday to you, Mail. May God bless you”.

Ismail : ……

Elki : “You’re welcome.”

A. I’m sorry

B. Well done!
C. I hope so

D. Thanks

24. Alya “ Do you know where is Gibril?”

Nisa :”I heard he went to Semarang. His uncle held a wedding party.

Alya :”… He has promised to company me watching movie tomorrow.”

A.Thank you

B. Congratulation

C. I agree with you

D. I hope he will go home soon

25. Haris :”What do you think about tangled movie?”

Sinta :”I think it is a good movie. Although it is animation, but it contain

many moral values.”

Haris :”…. I think this movie isn’t fit for us, isn’t for children.

A.Do you agree?

B. Sure

C. I completely agree

D. I don’t think so

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