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Name : b.

If I pass the state university

entrance test
c. If i have passed the state
university entrance test
Conditional sentence d. If i am passing the state univesity
entrance test

6. What is the fact of the previous

1. If i had free time ....
sentence? (question number 5)
a. I will watch the movie together
a. I don’t pass the state university
with my friend
entrance test
b. I would watch the movie together
b. I didn’t pass the state university
with my friend
entrance test
c. I would have watched the movie
c. I wasn’t passing the state
together with my friends
university entrance test
d. I would have been watching the
d. I am not passing the state
movie together with my friends
univeersity entrance test
2. What is the fact of the previous
7. If I had gone with my friends five
sentence? (question number 2 )
hours ago to our villa, .............
a. I didn’t have free time. Therefore,
A. I would not be alone right now
i didn’t watch the movie together
B. I will not be alone right now
with my friend
C. I am not alone right now
b. I don’t have free time. Therefore,
D. I was not alone right now
i don’t watch the movie together
with my friend
8. What is the fact of question number 7?
c. I was not having free time.
a. I do not go with my friends five
Therefore i was not watching the
hours ago, so I am alone right now
movie together with my friend
b. I did not go with my parents five
d. I am not having free time.
hours ago, so I am alone right now
Therefore, i am not watching the
c. I was not going with my parents
movie together with my friend
five hours ago, so I am alone right
3. If I were you, ..........
d. I am not going with my parents
a. I will buy that limited edition
five hours ago, so I am alone right
b. I would buy that limited edition
9. Please make a conditional sentence
c. I would have bought that limited
type 1 !
edition camera
d. I would have been buying that
10. Please make a conditional sentence
limited edition camera
type 2 and the fact !
4. What is the fact of the previous
question? (question number 3)
a. I am not you
b. I were not you
c. I was not you
d. I have not been you

5. My father would buy me a new

motocycle ...................
a. If I passed the state university
entrance test

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