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Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics

Vol. 33, No. 2, April 2022, pp.393 – 405

Damage effectiveness assessment method for anti-ship

missiles based on double hierarchy linguistic
term sets and evidence theory

YAO Tianle , WANG Weili, MIAO Run, DONG Jun, and YAN Xuefei
1. Ordnance Engineering College, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430000, China; 2. Xi’an Modern Chemistry Research In-
stitute, Xi’an 710065; 3. Institute of Systems Engineering, Academy of Military Science, Beijing 100082

Abstract: The research on the damage effectiveness assess- This is a comprehensive research involving weapon sci-
ment of anti-ship missiles involves system science and weapon ence and system science, and many factors need to be
science, and has essential strategic research significance. With
considered comprehensively. In the field of damage as-
comprehensive analysis of the specific process of the damage
assessment process of anti-missile against ships, a synthetic
sessment and effectiveness assessment, scholars have
damage effectiveness assessment process is proposed based conducted research and established related models for
on the double hierarchy linguistic term set and the evidence the- analyzing the relationship between criteria and the prob-
ory. In order to improve the accuracy of the expert ’s assess- ability of damage. For example, according to the charac-
ment information, double hierarchy linguistic terms are used to teristics of infrared imaging and the Global Positioning
describe the assessment opinions of experts. In order to avoid
System (GPS), Zhao et al. [3] analyzed the characterist-
the loss of experts ’ original information caused by information
fusion rules, the evidence theory is used to fuse the assessment
ics of terminal ballistics to determine the relationship
information of various experts on each case. Good stability of between damage effect, fuze explosion height, and guid-
the assessment process can be reflected through sensitivity ance accuracy. Wang et al. [4] established a calculation
analysis, and the fluctuation of a certain parameter does not model of warhead damage probability based on the
have an excessive influence on the assessment results. The as- Monte Carlo method, and obtained the damage probabi-
sessment process is accurate enough to be reflected through
lity of different warhead’s modes of action to two targets.
comparative analysis and it has a good advantage in damage ef-
fectiveness assessment. Xiong et al. [5] analyzed the damage mechanism of tor-
pedoes to ship targets, established a damage assessment
Keywords: anti-ship missile, damage effect assessment, lin-
model based on damage trees, and simulated the effects
guistic term set, evidence reasoning.
of different factors on the damage effect of ships. Guo
DOI: 10.23919/JSEE.2022.000041 et al. [6] designed four levels of combat effectiveness as-
sessment criteria for air-to-surface missile weapon sys-
1. Introduction tems and provided mathematical expressions of effective-
ness criteria, forming a complete air-to-surface missile
The damage effect assessment of anti-ship missiles weapon system combat effectiveness assessment method.
against ship targets is an important long-term continuous In terms of the combination of qualitative judgment and
research in various countries around the world, and is an quantitative calculation, Li [7] used the fishbone diagram
important basis for assessing real-time battle conditions method to construct an assessment model that supported
in actual combat environment. Therefore, there is an ur- causal analysis, and provided a basis for causal analysis
gent need for an efficient and low-cost assessment me- of the effectiveness of weapon equipment system assess-
thod that can effectively assess the damage effect of anti- ment results. In order to improve the shortcomings of the
ship missiles. In actual situations, the damage effect is the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) combat effectiveness
result of the interaction between the damage source and
assessment, Peng et al. [8] applied the gray cloud model
the damaged object, so it induces strong causality [1,2].
to the whitening weight function, and established a com-
Manuscript received December 21, 2020. bat effectiveness assessment model that integrated the ad-
*Corresponding author. vantages of the gray cloud model and the improved AHP.
394 Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics Vol. 33, No. 2, April 2022

Aiming at the situation of the anti-radiation weapon range set and successfully applied it in haze management and
test, Liu et al. [9] proposed an anti-radiation weapon strategic capability assessment. In order to prevent the
combat effectiveness assessment model based on nonli- loss of information due to information fusion rules, the
near criteria aggregation, and gave the corresponding cri- evidence theory proposed by Dempster et al. [16] can
teria system model and criteria aggregation method. Li et preserve the integrity of the information to the greatest
al. [10] constructed a fuzzy Bayesian network model to extent, and it can fuse uncertain information from differ-
quickly assess the damage effect to target under various ent experts by using evidence inference rules [17] and re-
attack conditions. Analyzing the above works, it can be duce the loss of information in the assessment process [18].
seen that there are two key steps to conduct damage ef- Moreover, the evidence theory has also been widely used
fectiveness assessment. The first is to construct an appro- in weight calculation. Fei et al. [19] introduced the
priate assessment criteria system based on the relation- concept of evidence contradiction coefficient and pro-
ship between the damage source and the damage object, posed a method for calculating the weight of evidence
and to form a reasonable assessment analytic structure. that can effectively use conflict information, overcoming
The second is to select an appropriate assessment method the shortcomings of the classic Dempster-Shafer (D-S)
based on the correlation between the criteria, and form a evidence theory. It also has been widely used in the field
suitable criteria data fusion process. Much research has of information fusion, and better fusion results can be ob-
been done in both aspects. tained in an effective reasoning form without prior prob-
Although work has been done on the research of da- ability [20]. Based on the above analysis, damage effect
mage effect assessment, there are still two problems that assessment of anti-ship missiles against ship targets is
have not been fully resolved in the actual assessment pro- taken as the background in this paper, and a damage ef-
cess, which need to be further considered. The first prob- fect assessment process is proposed based on the double
lem is that it is difficult to control the accuracy of the data hierarchy linguistic term set and the evidence theory.
assessed by the experts when the assessment process is While improving the accuracy of expert assessment dur-
conducted. The more accurate the data assessed by the ing the assessment process, this process can minimize the
experts, the more difficult it is for the experts to distin- information loss and effectively integrate multiple opi-
guish the performance of adjacent data. Therefore, how to nions from different experts, thus improving the accur-
enable the experts to better distinguish and judge the acy of damage effect assessment.
granularity of data without reducing the accuracy of the 2. Construction of the hierarchical structure
assessment is also an urgent problem in the process of as- of assessment criteria system for
sessing the damage effect of the anti-ship missile. The
anti-ship missile
second is that the mapping between the hierarchical struc-
ture of the assessment criteria system is non-linear. How As shown in Fig. 1, the hierarchical structure of the as-
to effectively fuse the information assessed by the ex- sessment criteria system is divided into three layers,
perts and how to prevent the assessment information from where F1, F2, and F3 represent the three layers, and C rep-
being lost in the assessment process are problems that resents the damage effect criteria. There are many actual
need to be solved. Therefore, it is necessary to construct a operational factors that need to be considered in the ac-
novel assessment process to analyze and handle the com- tual combat environment, including the command status
plex damage effect assessment of anti-ship missiles. of the commander, the interference of the electromagnet-
Generally, in complex assessment situations, the score ic environment, and so on. Therefore, it is difficult to accu-
often cannot directly reflect the preference and personal rately assess the damage effectiveness of the damage
judgment of the assessment expert. At this time, because source. Fig. 1 only shows the result of the interaction
linguistic term can describe the assessment information between the damage source and the damage object. This
vividly, the greater assessment advantages than numbers result can only represent the physical result produced by
can be fully reflected [11,12]. Double hierarchy linguis- the causal interaction between the damage source and the
tic term set divides complex linguistic information into damaged object, which is the damage effect of the da-
two simple linguistic hierarchies in which the first hier- mage source against the damaged object. Yet it can lay a
archy linguistic term set is the main linguistic hierarchy useful foundation for further assessing the damage effecti-
and the second hierarchy linguistic term set is the lin- veness of the damage source under actual combat condi-
guistic feature or detailed supplementary of each linguis- tions. Therefore, it is meaningful to conduct damage ef-
tic term in the first hierarchy linguistic term set [13]. fect assessment. Because damage effect is mainly the re-
Scholars such as Zhang et al. [14] and Xue et al. [15] de- sult of the interaction between the warhead damage capa-
veloped extensions of the double hierarchy linguistic term bility of the anti-ship missile and the damage resistance
YAO Tianle et al.: Damage effectiveness assessment method for anti-ship missiles… 395

of ship, the criteria in the second layer are the warhead ments C19 . The criteria in the lower layer of the damage
damage capability C1 and the damage resistance of ship resistance of ship C2 include geometry of the ship C21,
C2. The criteria in the third layer are mainly used to de- hull bulkhead structure C22 , hull deck structure C23 , spe-
scribe the performance of the criteria in layer. The crite- cial structure C24 , main material of the ship C25 , ship
ria in the lower layer of the warhead damage capability stiffener C26 , and welding material for ship C27 . The sym-
C1 include missile hit position C11 , hole size C12 , number bols of criteria in the second layer and the third layer are shown
of penetrating cabins C13, range of shock wave C14, shock in Fig. 1. In Fig. 1, there are three criteria in the first layer
wave overpressure C15 , positive pressure duration C16, and the second layer, so there are a total of three times of
number of fragments C17 , and initial velocity of frag- information fusion.

C Damage effectiveness

C1 C2
F2 Warhead damage capability Damage resistance of ship structure
Number of penetrating cabins

Initial velocity of fragments

Welding materials for ship

Positive pressure duration
Shock wave overpressure

Main material of the ship

Hull bulkhead structure
Number of fragments
Range of shock wave

Geometry of the ship

Quality of fragment
Missile hit position

Hull deck structure

Special structure

Ship stiffener
Hole size
















Fig. 1 Hierarchical structure of damage effect assessment criteria system

3. Information processing and fusion model S =‘terrible’,‘bad’,‘poor’,‘normal’,

3.1 Information processing model based on double ‘good’,‘excellent’,‘perfect’} =
hierarchy linguistic term set {S k , k = −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3} . (2)
Before assessing the damage effect, the relevant sets and The second linguistic term set is denoted as
variables should be defined. The lower layer criteria of C2
are used as examples. Let C s = {C si |i = 1, 2, · · · , 7 } be a set O = {Ot , t = −2, −1, 0, 1, 2} =
of criteria; w = {wi |i = 1, 2, · · · , 7 } be a set of weights, { −2 ’,
‘O ‘O−1 ’,
‘O0 ’,
‘O1 ’,
‘O2 ’}. (3)
∑ 7
{ } Among them, according to the different values of t, the
where wi = 1 。Let A = A j | j = 1, 2, 3 be a set of
i=1 meaning of Ot is slightly different when it is integrated
cases of damage. In this paper, a total of four experts are into the first hierarchy linguistic term set, as shown in
invited to participate in the assessment,
{ so the expert set Fig. 2.
{ }
is E = eq |q = 1, 2, 3, 4 . wAE = wAE
q |q = 1, 2, · · · , 4} is a
∑4 O−2 O2
q = 1 . In the
wAE −1 1
set of weights of the experts, where O O 0
i=1 O−2={O0=just right, O1=a little, O2=far from}
assessment criteria system shown in Fig. 1, Cw1−Cw9 are O−1={O−2=entirely, O−1=much, O0=just right, O1=a little, O2=far from}
the criteria of the benefit type and Cs1−Cs7 are the criteria
O0={O−2=far from, O−1=a little, O0=just right, O1=much, O2=entirely}
of the cost type. The cost type is converted into the bene-
O1={O−2=far from, O−1=a little, O0=just right, O1=much, O2=entirely}
fit type according to
O2={O−2=far from, O−1=a little, O0=just right}
score (Cwi ) , Cwi is the benefit type
x (C si ) = . (1) Fig. 2 Information expression form of the second hierarchy lin-
1 − score (C si ) , C si is the cost type guistic term set

As shown in the following equation, the first linguistic After experts express their opinions through the first
term set is denoted as hierarchy linguistic term set, the second hierarchy lin-
396 Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics Vol. 33, No. 2, April 2022

guistic term set is used to adjust the assessment opinions. archy linguistic term set is a subtle adjustment to the ex-
The elements in the second hierarchy linguistic term set pert’s judgment on the basis of the first hierarchy lin-
shown in Fig. 2 are adverbs or adphrases and can be used guistic term set, which makes the expert’s judgment more
to modify the adjectives in the first hierarchy linguistic accurate. Therefore, the final scoring function is the li-
term set. There are five elements in Fig. 2: “just right”, “a near superposition of the two scoring functions. The score
little ”, “far from ”, “much ”, and “entirely ”. These ele- is represented by fraction before the final result is ob-
ments are used to adjust the degree of the elements in the tained.
first hierarchy linguistic term set.
The first score function is
Therefore, the double hierarchy linguistic term set can
be expressed as k+3
SCORE1 (Sk ) = . (6)
{ } 2×3
SO = S k⟨O ⟩ k = −2, −1, 0, 1, 2; t = −2, −1, 0, 1, 2 . (4)
The judgment of experts makes k take −2, −1, 0, 1, 2
Therefore, the decision matrix formed by an expert can respectively.
be obtained as The second-level score function is
 q(1,1)  t
 S S q(1,2) S q(1,3) 
 SCORE2 (Ot ) = . (7)
 q(2,1)
k⟨Ot ⟩ k⟨Ot ⟩ k⟨Ot ⟩
 S S q(2,2) S q(2,3) 
D =  .
q k⟨Ot ⟩ k⟨Ot ⟩
.. ..  .

k⟨Ot ⟩
(5) Therefore, the final score function is shown in the fol-
 .. . . 

  lowing equation and the possible scores of all criteria are
S q(7,1) S q(7,2) S q(7,3)
k⟨Ot ⟩ k⟨Ot ⟩ k⟨Ot ⟩
shown in Fig. 3:
Two scoring functions are used to quantify the opi- ( )
nions of each layer of linguistic term set assessed by ex- SCORE S k⟨O ⟩ =SCORE1 (S k ) + SCORE2 (Ot ) =

perts. The first hierarchy linguistic term set has obtained k+3 t
+ . (8)
the main judgment of the expert, and the second hier- 6 24

Terrible Bad Poor Normal Good Excellent Perfect

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0 1
24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
Fig. 3 Information expression form of the double hierarchy linguistic term set

3.2 Information transformation of criteria In order to calculate βi , the information shown in (5)
should be handled first. Using Hamming distance to
In the fusion process, in order to fully fuse the informa-
measure the difference in opinions between experts, the
tion of opinions expressed by experts and not cause in-
difference in opinions between any two experts can be
formation loss, the opinions are formed into evidence, so
expressed as
that the information of opinions can be fully reflected in
the assessment results. In order to facilitate analysis and ( p )
X S k⟨O t⟩
, S k⟨O
information fusion, transforming all information into a ( p ) ( )
belief structure is considered [21]. Belief structure is ac- SCORE S k⟨Ot ⟩ − SCORE S k⟨O q
. (10)
tually a method of using belief degree to represent the
distribution of assessment degree of a criterion. The spe- Then the similarity degree between the linguistic ele-
cific expression is ments assessed by any two experts and the support de-
gree for one of the expert ’ assessment result can be ex-
{( q ) }
D (ci ) = S k⟨O⟩ , βi , q = 1, 2, · · · , 4; i = 1, 2, · · · , 7 (9) pressed as
( q )
where S k⟨O⟩ represents the assessment degree,and βi ( q ) X S k⟨O ⟩ , S k⟨O ⟩

SL S k⟨O ⟩ , S k⟨O ⟩ = 1−
t t
represents the belief degree of S k⟨O⟩ in Ci.
t t
YAO Tianle et al.: Damage effectiveness assessment method for anti-ship missiles… 397

( q ) ∑ 4 ( q )   7 
= , S k⟨O
. 

 ∏ ( ) ∏
ST S k⟨O t⟩
SL S k⟨O t⟩ t⟩
(12) 

 mn = k   mi,n + mi,H − mi,H 
p=1, 


  7
i=1 i=1

  ∏ ∏7

  
Finally, through calculating the support degree of all 

 m̃H = k  mi,H − m̄i,H 
expert’ assessment results, the belief degree of any expert’ 

 i=1 i=1

  7  , (16)
assessment result can be expressed as 

 
 ∏ 
( q ) 

 =  i,H 

m̄ H k m̄ 
( q ) ST S k⟨O 

B S k⟨O ⟩ = 4

(13) 

  24 7
∑ ( ) 

 ∑ ∏ ( ∏ 


ST S k⟨O ⟩ 
 k = 

 mi,n + mi,H − (N − 1) mi,H 
t 
q=1 n=1 i=1 i=1
 mn

 βn =
Based on the above analysis, the evidence matrix that 

 1 − m̄H
integrate all experts’ assessment information and their be- 
 , (17)

 βH =
lief degree can be obtained: 1 − m̄H
{( q(i, j) ) } where n = 0, 1, · · · , 24 , i = 1, 2, · · · , 9 , N = 4 . βn and βH
D = S k⟨O t⟩
, B(S k⟨O
q(i, j)
) q = 1, 2, 3, 4; j = 1, 2, 3; i = 1, 2, · · · , 7 .
represent the belief degrees of the aggregated assessment,
(14) which respectively correspond to degree S k⟨O⟩ and set S.

Yang [23] proved that βn + βH = 1 and the above evi-

3.3 Information fusion based on evidence reasoning n=1
dence reasoning is reasonable and effective. The normali-
Through information transformation, all qualitative in- zation process is provided by (17).
formation is expressed by belief structure. This section For the final assessment results, linear aggregation
uses evidence reasoning to aggregate the belief structure should be performed according to the weight of expert. It
of each criterion into up-layer criteria. The seven lower- is more objective to obtain the weight of expert based on
layer criteria of C2 are still used as examples. First, com- the experts ’ assessment results. The richness of the ex-
bine the relative weights and belief degrees of the criteria pert’s subjective experience is often reflected in the con-
and the belief degrees are transformed into the basic sistency of the assessment results, which has been stu-
died by Yu et al. [24]. Euclidean distance which is used
probability masses by
to measure the consistency of experts’ assessment results

 mi,n = mi (Hn ) = wi βi,n is an effective method to optimize expert’s weights.

 q

 ∑24 The weighted Euclidean distance between S k⟨O ⟩ and

 p

 i,H = mi (H) = 1 − wi βi,n

 m S k⟨O ⟩ as the assessment results between any two experts is


 n=1 ∑ 4 ( )2

 (15) z2qp = q · SCORE(S k⟨O ⟩ ) − w p · SCORE(S k⟨O ⟩ ) .
q p

 m̄i,H = m̄i (H) = 1 − wi wAE AE

t t

   q=1,q,p

  ∑ 24
 (18)

 
 mi,H = m̃i (H) = wi 1 −
 βi,n  The optimization model that minimizes the sum of
n=1 squared distances between the assessment results of all
where n = 0, 1, · · · , 24 , i = 1, 2, · · · , 9 . mi,H = m̄i,H + m̃i,H experts is constructed as follows:
∑9 ∑4 ∑

and wi = 1 . mi,n denotes the basic probability mass be- min Z = z2qp
q=1 p=1,4
i=1 q q,p
ing assessed to assessment degree S k⟨O⟩ on the criterion  AE
Csi. mi,H denotes the probability mass assigned to the set 

 wq ⩾ 0, q = 1, 2, 3, 4

S, which consist of m̄i,H and m̃i,H . m̃i,H is caused by the in- s.t. 

. (19)

 q =1
completeness of the assessment on criterion Csi , and m̄i,H 
is caused by the relative importance of criteria. The Lagrangian algorithm is used to solve (19), the fi-
After transforming the lower-layer criteria of Csi from nal weight vector of expert can be obtained as
the belief structure to the basic probability mass, the fol- Ψ −1 I
wAE = T −1 (20)
lowing equations [22] are used to aggregate the basic I Ψ I
probability mass: where I = (1, 1, · · · , 1)T and Ψ is
398 Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics Vol. 33, No. 2, April 2022

  7×3  
 ∑ ( ( )) 2
 ∑7×3(( ( ))( ( ))) ∑7×3 (( ( )) ( ( )))
 
(4−1)· SCORE S k⟨Ot ⟩  1i
− SCORE S k⟨Ot ⟩ SCORE S k⟨Ot ⟩
1i 2i
· · · − SCORE S k⟨Ot ⟩ SCORE S k⟨Ot ⟩ 
1i 4i
 
 7×3 i=1 i=1  7×3  i=1 
 ∑(( ( )) ( ( ))) ∑( ( ))2 ∑((
7×3 ( ))( ( )))
 − SCORE S 2i 1i
SCORE S k⟨Ot ⟩ (4−1)· SCORE S k⟨Ot ⟩  2i  · · · − SCORE S k⟨Ot⟩ SCORE S k⟨Ot⟩ 
2i 4i
 k⟨Ot ⟩
 i=1 i=1 i=1 
 .. .. .. .. 
 . . . . 
 ∑   
 7×3 (( ( ))( ( ))) ∑7×3 (( ( )) ( ( ))) 
 ∑7×3 ( ( ))2 
− SCORE S k⟨O 4i 1i
− 4i 2i
· · · ·  4i  
SCORE S k⟨Ot ⟩ SCORE S k⟨Ot ⟩ SCORE S k⟨Ot ⟩ (4−1)  SCORE S k⟨Ot ⟩  
i=1 i=1 i=1

4. Case study result should be transformed into the double hierarchy

linguistic term set according to Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. This pa-
4.1 Collection of criteria information
per invites four experts from scientific research institutes
In order to obtain the evidence matrix shown in (14), ex- and industrial departments to assess the three damages in
perts should first be asked to assess the criteria shown in the form of a survey report. The assessment results are
Fig. 1, and then the results of the linguistic assessment shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Assessment linguistic results assessed by four experts

Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3 Expert 4

A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3
{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }
C11 S 3⟨O0 ⟩ S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S 3⟨O−1 ⟩ S 2⟨O2 ⟩ S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 2⟨O1 ⟩ S 2⟨O−1 ⟩ S −1⟨O0 ⟩ S 1⟨O2 ⟩ S 1⟨O2 ⟩ S 1⟨O0 ⟩ S 1⟨O1 ⟩
{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }
C12 S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S 2⟨O1 ⟩ S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 2⟨O−1 ⟩ S 1⟨O0 ⟩ S 3⟨O−1 ⟩ S 1⟨O0 ⟩ S 0⟨O−1 ⟩ S 0⟨O2 ⟩ S 2⟨O−1 ⟩ S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S 2⟨O1 ⟩
{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }
C13 S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 1⟨O−1 ⟩ S 2⟨O1 ⟩ S 2⟨O−1 ⟩ S 2⟨O−1 ⟩ S 1⟨O2 ⟩ S 1⟨O−1 ⟩ S 0⟨O2 ⟩ S 1⟨O0 ⟩ S 0⟨O2 ⟩ S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S 1⟨O−1 ⟩
{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }
C14 S 1⟨O2 ⟩ S 0⟨O2 ⟩ S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 2⟨O1 ⟩ S 1⟨O2 ⟩ S 3⟨O−1 ⟩ S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S −1⟨O−1 ⟩ S 0⟨O1 ⟩ S 1⟨O−1 ⟩ S 1⟨O2 ⟩ S 2⟨O−1 ⟩
{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }
C15 S 1⟨O0 ⟩ S 0⟨O2 ⟩ S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 3⟨O−1 ⟩ S 1⟨O2 ⟩ S 3⟨O0 ⟩ S 1⟨O0 ⟩ S −2⟨O2 ⟩ S −1⟨O0 ⟩ S 0⟨O2 ⟩ S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 1⟨O2 ⟩
{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }
C16 S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S −1⟨O2 ⟩ S 3⟨O−1 ⟩ S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S 0⟨O0 ⟩ S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 1⟨O2 ⟩ S −1⟨O2 ⟩ S 0⟨O0 ⟩ S 0⟨O2 ⟩ S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S 2⟨O1 ⟩
{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }
C17 S 2⟨O−1 ⟩ S 1⟨O2 ⟩ S 1⟨O0 ⟩ S 2⟨O−1 ⟩ S 0⟨O2 ⟩ S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S 0⟨O−1 ⟩ S 0⟨O2 ⟩ S −1⟨O1 ⟩ S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S 1⟨O−1 ⟩ S 0⟨O2 ⟩
{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }
C18 S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 1⟨O0 ⟩ S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 2⟨O1 ⟩ S 2⟨O−1 ⟩ S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S 1⟨O0 ⟩ S 1⟨O2 ⟩ S 0⟨O1 ⟩ S 0⟨O1 ⟩ S 1⟨O0 ⟩
{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }
C19 S 1⟨O0 ⟩ S 1⟨O−1 ⟩ S 3⟨O0 ⟩ S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 1⟨O−1 ⟩ S 0⟨O1 ⟩ S 0⟨O2 ⟩ S 0⟨O−1 ⟩ S 0⟨O2 ⟩ S 0⟨O1 ⟩
{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }
C21 S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S 3⟨O−1 ⟩ S 3⟨O−1 ⟩ S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 0⟨O1 ⟩ S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S 1⟨O0 ⟩ S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 2⟨O1 ⟩ S 0⟨O2 ⟩
{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }
C22 S 2⟨O1 ⟩ S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 0⟨O2 ⟩ S 2⟨O1 ⟩ S 2⟨O1 ⟩ S 1⟨O2 ⟩ S −1⟨O1 ⟩ S 0⟨O2 ⟩ S 1⟨O2 ⟩ S 3⟨O−1 ⟩ S 1⟨O2 ⟩ S 2⟨O0 ⟩
{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }
C23 S 1⟨O−1 ⟩ S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 1⟨O0 ⟩ S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 2⟨O−1 ⟩ S 2⟨O−1 ⟩ S 0⟨O−1 ⟩ S 1⟨O2 ⟩ S 2⟨O−1 ⟩ S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 1⟨O−1 ⟩
{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }
C24 S 1⟨O0 ⟩ S 1⟨O2 ⟩ S 1⟨O0 ⟩ S 1⟨O0 ⟩ S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S 0⟨O1 ⟩ S 1⟨O2 ⟩ S 0⟨O2 ⟩ S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S 2⟨O1 ⟩ S 1⟨O0 ⟩
{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }
C25 S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 1⟨O2 ⟩ S 3⟨O0 ⟩ S 2⟨O1 ⟩ S 1⟨O2 ⟩ S 0⟨O1 ⟩ S 2⟨O1 ⟩ S 2⟨O−1 ⟩ S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 0⟨O2 ⟩ S 1⟨O2 ⟩
{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }
C26 S 3⟨O−1 ⟩ S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S 2⟨O−1 ⟩ S 1⟨O1 ⟩ S 1⟨O2 ⟩ S 2⟨O−1 ⟩ S 0⟨O−1 ⟩ S 1⟨O0 ⟩ S 0⟨O1 ⟩ S 1⟨O0 ⟩ S 2⟨O−1 ⟩ S 1⟨O1 ⟩
{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }
C27 S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 2⟨O−1 ⟩ S 1⟨O−1 ⟩ S 2⟨O−1 ⟩ S 1⟨O0 ⟩ S 0⟨O−1 ⟩ S 0⟨O−1 ⟩ S 2⟨O−1 ⟩ S 2⟨O0 ⟩ S 3⟨O−1 ⟩ S 2⟨O1 ⟩ S 2⟨O−1 ⟩

Substituting the assessment linguistic information in obtained. And the belief degrees of the linguistic in-
Table 1 into (8) can get the scores of all the criteria. formation of all criteria are finally obtained as shown
Substituting the score corresponding to each criterion in Table 2. After obtaining the data in Table 2, all the
into (9)−(13), the Hamming distance, the similarity de- evidence elements of the decision matrix in (14) are ob-
gree, and the support degree related to criteria can be tained.
YAO Tianle et al.: Damage effectiveness assessment method for anti-ship missiles… 399

Table 2 Belief degree of the linguistic information of all criteria

Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3 Expert 4
A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3
C11 0.249 4 0.253 3 0.249 4 0.250 6 0.249 7 0.250 6 0.250 6 0.243 7 0.250 6 0.249 4 0.253 3 0.249 4
C12 0.250 3 0.251 5 0.252 4 0.250 3 0.251 5 0.250 0 0.249 1 0.245 5 0.245 2 0.250 3 0.251 5 0.252 4
C13 0.249 4 0.250 9 0.249 4 0.250 6 0.248 5 0.250 6 0.250 6 0.249 7 0.250 6 0.249 4 0.250 9 0.249 4
C14 0.249 7 0.252 1 0.252 1 0.248 5 0.252 1 0.250 9 0.252 1 0.243 7 0.244 9 0.249 7 0.252 1 0.252 1
C15 0.250 9 0.251 2 0.251 8 0.244 9 0.253 7 0.249 4 0.253 3 0.243 9 0.247 0 0.250 9 0.251 2 0.251 8
C16 0.248 5 0.247 0 0.252 4 0.252 1 0.253 0 0.252 4 0.250 9 0.253 0 0.242 8 0.248 5 0.247 0 0.252 4
C17 0.251 8 0.250 0 0.251 8 0.251 8 0.250 0 0.250 6 0.244 6 0.250 0 0.245 8 0.251 8 0.250 0 0.251 8
C18 0.247 6 0.249 7 0.249 7 0.252 4 0.247 3 0.249 7 0.252 4 0.253 3 0.250 9 0.247 6 0.249 7 0.249 7
C19 0.248 8 0.250 9 0.249 4 0.248 8 0.248 5 0.250 6 0.253 6 0.249 7 0.250 6 0.248 8 0.250 9 0.249 4
C21 0.253 0 0.251 5 0.250 3 0.249 4 0.250 3 0.246 7 0.244 6 0.246 7 0.252 7 0.253 0 0.251 5 0.250 3
C22 0.252 4 0.251 5 0.248 8 0.254 9 0.250 3 0.251 2 0.240 2 0.246 7 0.251 2 0.252 4 0.251 5 0.248 8
C23 0.252 7 0.249 1 0.249 4 0.246 7 0.251 5 0.250 6 0.247 9 0.250 3 0.250 6 0.252 7 0.249 1 0.249 4
C24 0.250 3 0.248 5 0.250 9 0.251 5 0.250 9 0.249 7 0.247 9 0.252 1 0.248 5 0.250 3 0.248 5 0.250 9
C25 0.252 4 0.246 4 0.250 3 0.247 6 0.253 6 0.250 3 0.247 6 0.253 6 0.249 1 0.252 4 0.246 4 0.250 3
C26 0.251 5 0.249 7 0.251 2 0.251 5 0.250 9 0.251 2 0.245 5 0.249 7 0.246 4 0.251 5 0.249 7 0.251 2
C27 0.251 8 0.249 7 0.251 5 0.253 0 0.248 5 0.246 7 0.243 3 0.252 1 0.250 3 0.251 8 0.249 7 0.251 5

4.2 Fusion of criteria information Table 3 Weight of all criteria in the second and the third layers
Criterion in the second layer Criterion in the third layer
In order to aggregate the data information in Table 1 and
Missile hit position (0.1)
Table 2, the weight of each expert should be solved first.
Hole size (0.05)
Substituting the score corresponding to the linguistic in-
formation in Table 1 into the optimization model (19), the Number of penetrating cabins (0.05)
matrix Ψ can be obtained as Range of shock wave(0.07)
Warhead damage capability
  Shock wave overpressure (0.07)
 86.354 2 −29.706 6 −22.227 4 −26.463 5  (0.6)
 −29.706 6 94.453 1 −23.191 0 −27.637 2  Pressure duration (0.25)
Ψ =  .
 −22.227 4 −23.191 0 55.354 2 −20.652 8  Number of fragments (0.07)
−26.463 5 −27.637 2 −20.652 8 76.286 5 Quality of fragment (0.06)
Initial velocity of fragments (0.1)
Substitute the matrix Ψ into (20), and the weight vec-
Geometry of the ship (0.06)
tor of experts can be obtained as
Hull bulkhead structure(0.13)
wAE = [(0.235 1, 0.224 3, 0.291 5, 0.249 1)]T
Hull deck structure (0.1)
After the four experts have assessed the weights of the Damage resistance of ship
Special structure (0.05)
eighteen criteria in the second and third layers in Fig. 1, (0.4)
Main material of the ship (0.28)
the weight of each expert and the weights of criteria are
Ship stiffener (0.22)
linearly summed. The final weight shown in the brackets
Welding materials for ship (0.16)
of each criterion can be obtained as shown in Table 3.
Substitute the scores corresponding to the linguistic in- It can be seen from Fig. 4 to Fig. 7 that the distribution
formation in Table 1, the belief degree of the scores of of the fusion results of assessment information of Expert 3
criteria in Table 2, and the weights of criteria in Table 3 is relatively concentrated, the distribution of the fusion
into (16) and (17). The distributions of the assessment results of assessment information of Expert 1 and Expert 4
results of three damages assessed by four experts are is more scattered than that of Expert 3, and the fusion re-
shown in Fig. 4−Fig. 7. In Fig. 4−Fig. 7, the horizontal sults of assessment information of Expert 2 is the most
axis represents the numerator of the score corresponding scattered. Combine the distribution of the assessment re-
to the assessment degree, and the denominators are all sults in Fig. 4 to Fig. 7, and the expected values of the as-
twenty-four. The vertical axis represents the belief de- sessment results of the four experts for the three damage
gree of corresponding to each assessment degree. cases are shown in Table 4.
400 Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics Vol. 33, No. 2, April 2022

0.10 0.14
0.07 0.10
Belief degree


Belief degree
0.04 0.06
0.01 0.02
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 0
Assessment degree 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
: A1; : A2; : A3. Assessment degree
: A1; : A2; : A3.
Fig. 4 Distribution of belief degree of the assessment information
expressed by Expert 1 Fig. 7 Distribution of belief degree of the assessment information
expressed by Expert 4
Table 4 Expected values of the assessment results of the four
0.07 experts for the three damages

0.06 Expert A1 A2 A3
Expert 1 0.196 2 0.161 3 0.249 6
Belief degree

Expert 2 0.207 1 0.181 7 0.237 6

0.04 Expert 3 0.211 9 0.110 7 0.152 3
Expert 4 0.163 7 0.193 1 0.202 5
According to the results in Table 4, the expected va-
lues of the assessment results assessed by four experts are
0.01 ranked as

0 Expert 1 : A3 > A1 > A2 ;

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Assessment degree
: A1; : A2; : A3. Expert 2 : A3 > A1 > A2 ;
Fig. 5 Distribution of belief degree of the assessment information
expressed by Expert 2 Expert 3 : A1 > A3 > A2 ;

0.10 Expert 4 : A3 > A2 > A1 .

The expected values in Table 4 and the weights of ex-
0.08 perts are linearly summed, and the final damage effect as-
0.07 sessment result is shown in Table 5.
Belief degree

0.06 Table 5 Final assessment result

0.05 A1 A2 A3
0.04 Assessment value 0.195 1 0.159 0 0.206 8
Therefore, the expected values of the assessment re-
sults are ranked as
A3 > A1 > A2 .
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Assessment degree It can be seen from the above rank that the final assess-
: A1; : A2; : A3. ment result is consistent with the assessment results of
Fig. 6 Distribution of belief degree of the assessment information Expert 1 and Expert 2, and partly consistent with the as-
expressed by Expert 3 sessment results of Expert 3 and Expert 4. Among the
YAO Tianle et al.: Damage effectiveness assessment method for anti-ship missiles… 401

four experts, Expert 3 has the highest weight, while Ex- 0.10
pert 1 and Expert 2 have relatively low weights. This is 0.09
closely related to the consistency of the original assess- 0.08
ment information of several experts. However, the differ- 0.07
ence of consistency does not make the gap of weight

Belief degree
between experts too large. Therefore, the final assess-
ment result is still the assessment result that combines the 0.05
common preferences of the four experts. 0.04
4.3 Sensitivity analysis of weight
The weights of criteria may have a greater influence on
the final assessment result, so it is necessary to analyze its
influence on the result according to the fluctuation of the 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
weights. The weight in the paper is divided into two Assessment degree
parts: the weights of criteria and the weights of experts. : −30%; : −20%; : −10%; : 0;

Since the weights of experts used in this paper are objec- : 10%; : 20%; : 30%.
tively solved based on a large number of assessment data Fig. 8 Distribution of assessment results of A1 under different
of experts, it has good stability. The weights of criteria weights
come entirely from the assessment of experts, which is Table 6 Changed criteria weight values
too subjective, so different assessment results of the same
θ/% w1 w2
expert can be different. From Fig. 4 to Fig. 8, it can be
−30 0.72 0.28
seen that the assessment results of different experts will
inevitably produce different results. Based on above ana- −20 0.68 0.32

lysis, the influence of the fluctuation of the weight on the −10 0.64 0.36
final assessment result should be analyzed. First, we 0 0.60 0.40
should analyze the sensitivity of the weight’s fluctua- 10 0.56 0.44
tions to the results. As shown in Table 3, the number of 20 0.52 0.48
criteria at the bottom layer is large, so the weights of cri- 30 0.48 0.52
teria are generally small, and the fluctuation of a single
weight has a little influence on other weights. However, It can be seen from Table 1 that after the normaliza-
there are only two criteria in the second layer of the as- tion, the scores of warhead damage capability are mainly
sessment criteria system hierarchy structure, and fluctua- distributed in the high score area, while the scores of
tions in the weight of each criterion may have more obvi- damage resistance of the ship are mainly distributed in
ous influence on the final result. Therefore, assessment of the low score area. From (21) and Table 6, we can see
A1 handled by Expert 1 is taken as an example to analyze that w1 decreases monotonously as θ increases. Since w1
the weight sensitivity. The weight of the criteria in the is the weight of the warhead damage capability and w2 is
second layer will fluctuate as the weight of damage resistance of the ship, it shows that
the influence of the change of weight is transmitted to the
w1 = 1 − θ · w2 . (21) result of information fusion along with evidence reason-
ing, and mainly influence the results related to criteria. It
The fluctuation range is −30%−30%, and the fluctuation can be seen from Fig. 8 that the change in the distribu-
step is 10 %. θ is the fluctuation range of the weight value tion of the assessment result is very obvious as the
of w2 . As shown in Table 6, the fluctuation range is from weights are constantly changing.
−30% to 30%. In order to further analyze the influence of the fluctua-
It can be seen from Fig. 8 that when θ fluctuates from tion of weight on the final assessment result, the expec-
−30% to 30%, the belief degree of the assessment result ted value of the assessment result in Fig. 8 under the fluc-
in the low score area becomes higher, while the belief de- tuation of weight is solved. Moreover, the trend graph of
gree in the high score area becomes lower. When the as- distribution of the expected value shown in Fig. 9 is ob-
sessment degree is less than 10/24, the belief degree in- tained. It can be seen from Fig. 9 that the change of the
creases with the increase of θ ; when the assessment de- expected value of the assessment degree presents a curve
gree is greater than 15/24, the belief degree decreases of the convex function. When θ fluctuates from −30% to
with the increase of θ. 30%, the expected value of the assessment result is
402 Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics Vol. 33, No. 2, April 2022

monotonously reduced, and the variation does not exceed 5. Comparative analysis
0.05. In the actual assessment process, the fluctuation of
θ generally does not reach 60%. When θ fluctuates from 5.1 Comparison with simulation result and
−10% to 10%, the change in the expected value of the as- test result
sessment result does not exceed 0.02. At this time, the As shown in Table 7, the data reflecting the specific at-
fluctuation of θ also reaches 20%, which is still a small tribute values of the warhead damage capability in each
probability event. Therefore, although the fluctuation of case are provided, and the data can be used as a basis to
the weight of the criteria has an influence on the assess-
verify the accuracy of the assessment process. It can be
ment result, it can be considered that the influence is very
seen from Table 5 that the anti-ship missile has the
limited. If the weight value given by the expert does not
highest damage effect in case A3 . By verifying the accu-
have a major error, the assessment result can be con-
racy of the case with the highest damage effect, the as-
sidered accurate.
sessment process of several cases can be considered reas-
onable. Therefore, the relevant conditions of A3 are used
to verify the damage effect through dynamic simulation
0.210 and actual explosion test. In order to simulate the dam-
0.205 age of the missile against the cabin, the simulation is car-
ried out according to the relevant conditions of case A3.
Expected value

As shown in Fig. 10, the simulation of the damage of the

missile to the proportionally reduced single cabin is car-
0.190 ried out in LS-DYNA software. The hole on the right side
0.185 of the cabin in Fig. 10 describes the part hit by the mis-
sile. It can be seen from Fig. 10(a) that the stress is the
highest at the welds and corners in the cabin, so the disin-
0.175 tegration of the cabin starts from the edge. It can be seen
0.170 from Fig. 10(b) that the disintegration effect of the cabin
−30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30
Fluctuation range/% is better, and the bulkhead stress begins to decrease after
Fig. 9 Change trend of the expected value of the assessment result cabin disintegration, which shows that the damage effect
of A1 under different weights of the missile is very good.

Table 7 Normalized values of each criterion of warhead damage capability

Criterion C12 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19
A1 0.698 8 0.530 0 0.505 4 0.622 3 0.557 1 0.542 1 0.595 9 0.504 4 0.629 2
A2 0.205 5 0.622 2 0.398 8 0.414 9 0.371 4 0.477 6 0.681 0 0.378 6 0.486 9
A3 0.685 1 0.576 1 0.593 2 0.663 8 0.742 8 0.596 9 0.425 6 0.623 1 0.584 3

According to the relevant conditions of case A3, the ac- guistic term sets theory to reflect information, which is
tual explosion test of the proportionally reduced single helpful to solve the problem of disagreement of experts or
cabin is carried out, and the test results is shown in Fig. 11. hesitation of experts. Therefore, this section combines the
It can be seen from Fig. 11 that the cabin has been com- hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets (HFLTS) theory with
pletely dismantled, and the bulkhead has been seriously the evidence theory for joint assessment. In addition, as a
damaged. It proves once again that the damage effect of classic decision-making theory, the technique for order
the missile in case A3 is high, and it also proves the accur- preference by similarity to an ideal solution (TOPSIS)
acy of the assessment process proposed in this paper. plays an essential role in many assessment occasions.
Therefore, TOPSIS is often used as a way for compre-
5.2 Comparison with other assessment processes
hensive assessment. According to the analysis in Subsec-
In order to verify the accuracy of the synthetic assess- tion 4.2, the damage effect of the missile in case A3 is the
ment process proposed in this paper, this sub-section highest. Therefore, taking the case A3 as an example, the
presents a comparison with two existing assessment pro- above two assessment processes are used for assessment.
cess to determine the effectiveness of the proposed syn- As shown in Fig. 12, the three curves respectively repres-
thetic assessment process. ent the assessment results of case A3 in different assess-
Literature [10−12] mainly used the hesitant fuzzy lin- ment processes under the fluctuation of weights.
YAO Tianle et al.: Damage effectiveness assessment method for anti-ship missiles… 403

V-M stress/MPa cesses are very close in principle. Hesitant fuzzy linguist-
473.8 ic term sets are more suitable for fuzzy environments.
421.1 When experts are hesitant to many assessment values,
368.5 hesitant fuzzy sets provide a powerful tool to solve prob-
lems. In this paper, a distance-based optimization model
210.6 is adopted to optimize the weights of experts. Therefore,
157.9 the final assessment result excludes the subjective factors
105.3 of the experts and considers all the information of the ex-
perts. Therefore, changes in the final assessment results
(a) t=4 200 μs should be gentler. If the TOPSIS method is used for as-
sessment, it can be seen that the change in the assess-
V-M stress/MP ment results using the TOPSIS method are the gentlest.
493.5 As the weights change, the assessment results change
444.1 very little. The TOPSIS method cannot obtain informa-
tion as finely as the linguistic term set, and the TOPSIS
method uses Euclidean distance and close degree to char-
246.7 acterize the assessment results, which cannot provide a
197.4 good explanation for the fusion process with nonlinear
148.0 characteristics. Therefore, the TOPSIS method as a quick
assessment method is very convenient, but the assess-
0 ment results are relatively rough.
(b) t=8 000 μs
Fig. 10 Von-Mises (V-M) equivalent stress cloud diagram of the
bulkhead 0.22
Assessment characteristic value






−30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30
Fluctuation range/%
: Process in this paper; : Process with HFLTS;
: Process with TOPSIS.
Fig. 11 A part of the cabin after being damaged
Fig. 12 Fluctuation of the assessment result of A3 with different as-
In Fig. 12, the black curve represents the assessment sessment processes
results of the assessment process proposed in this paper;
the red curve represents the assessment results of the as-
sessment process using HFLTS and evidence theory; the
6. Conclusions and future work
blue curve represents the assessment results of the assess- Based on the damage effect assessment of the anti-ship
ment process using TOPSIS. The results of the TOPSIS missile against the ship target, this paper proposes a dam-
method is relatively close, so the final assessment result age effect assessment process based on double hierarchy
has a larger value. In order to show the changing trend of linguistic term set and evidence theory. The following
the curve more clearly, the blue curve in Fig. 12 repres- two main conclusions can be drawn:
ents the result of a downward shift of 0.4-unit length. It (i) Aiming at solving the problem of low accuracy of
can be seen from Fig. 12 that the assessment results of the experts’ assessment information in the assessment process,
assessment process using hesitant fuzzy linguistic term double hierarchy linguistic term set is used to describe
sets theory and the evidence theory are very close to the experts’ opinions, and an appropriate scoring function is
assessment results in this paper. Actually, these two pro- used to convert experts’ opinions into quantifiable scores.
404 Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics Vol. 33, No. 2, April 2022

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YAO Tianle et al.: Damage effectiveness assessment method for anti-ship missiles… 405

DONG Jun was born in 1982. He received his M.S. degree from Xi’an
Biographies Modern Chemistry Institute, China. He is currently a doctoral candidate
in Naval University of Engineering. His research interests include ex-
YAO Tianle was born in 1994. He received his M.S. degree from Amy plosive manufacture.
Engineering University, China. He is currently a doctoral candidate in E-mail:
Naval University of Engineering. His research interests include weapon YAN Xuefei was born in 1989. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees
system of systems and damage effectiveness assessment. from Ordnance Engineering College, China. He is currently a resear-
E-mail: cher in Academy of Military Science. His research interests include da-
WANG Weili was born in 1962. He is currently a professor in Naval mage effectiveness assessment and warhead power assessment.
University of Engineering. His research interests include warhead E-mail:
design of missile and damage effectiveness assessment.

MIAO Run was born in 1989. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees
from Naval Aeronautical University, China. His research interests in-
clude damage effectiveness assessment and explosion test.

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