Roles and Responsibilities

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Roles and Responsibilities

1. Deputy Chief Executive Officer School Support

The Deputy Chief Executive Officer School Support has the responsibility to:

 ensure that the policy is widely disseminated, understood and monitored throughout DoE

2. Director School Support Services

The Director School Support Services has the responsibility to:

 arrange timely advice and training to principals and teachers with regard to changes in
policy and legislation that affects the care or treatment of students with disabilities, including
the provision of relevant information for schools to forward to families and caregivers

 ensure that the policy is widely disseminated, understood and monitored throughout

 effectively provide specialist education advice to schools, families and relevant stakeholders
for students with a disability

 recommend access to, or change from, educational options in accordance with the Enrolment
of Students with Disabilities in Special Schools and Special Centres Policy where the option is
other than in a mainstream school setting

 respond to schools in relation to support services, specialised facilities, equipment, resources

and training to meet individual student needs

 ensure a high standard of information management in relation to students with disabilities

 ensure the provision of coordinated services by developing and maintaining cooperative links
with relevant government departments and community agencies

 ensure facilitation and support of the implementation, application and development of policy
through advice and models of best practice in the field of special education

3. Executive Directors Schools and Regional Directors

The Executive Directors Schools and Regional Directors have the responsibility to:

 ensure overall monitoring, implementation and application of this policy in schools through
performance discussions

 ensure the development of appropriate inclusive curriculum and supporting


4. School Principals
School Principals have the responsibility to:

 ensure the policy is reflected in the school Strategic Improvement and Annual Operational

 ensure the policy and associated documentation is provided to School staff, families,
guardians and caregivers in a format that is understood and meets their needs

 ensure that members of the school community have access to appropriate professional
development opportunities around the Students with Disabilities Policy and special

 deliver quality educational programs that respond to the needs and abilities of all students,
including students with disabilities

 ensure that the school develops, implements, evaluates and reviews the Education
Adjustment Plan, Behaviour Plan, Health Care Plan or Student Support Plan for the student
with disabilities
 ensure that stakeholders are invited, with reasonable notice, to meetings concerning a
student’s profile, educational planning and other relevant education decisions

 report outcomes in the School Performance Reports to the school community

 report to, and actively initiate and maintain, consultation with families, guardians and
caregivers with regard to the educational placement of their children and their ongoing
 educational programs

 ensure that the identification and provision of educational programs for students
with disabilities is in accordance with this policy

 ensure, in consultation with Directors School Performance, and within recognised constraints,
 appropriate resources are provided for the implementation of effective
education programs for
 students with disabilities

 inform Student Support, and other relevant business units, of the specialised
services and facilities, equipment, resources and training required to meet
individual needs of a student with disabilities

 ensure that appropriate records are kept and disseminated.

5. Classroom Teachers
Teachers have the responsibility to:

 deliver quality educational programs that respond to the needs and abilities of all
students, including students with disabilities
 develop, implement, evaluate and review every 6 months the Education Adjustment Plan for
the student with disabilities. This may involve working collaboratively with the Special
Education Teacher or appropriate person

6. Special Education Teachers

Special Education Teachers have the responsibility to:

 support classroom teachers to deliver quality educational programs that respond to the needs
and abilities of all students, including students with disabilities
 support classroom teachers to develop, implement, evaluate and review every 6 months the
Education Adjustment Plan (EAP) for the student with disabilities
 coordinate the EAP process in the middle years and senior years context
 ensure that transition plans are written from Primary to Middle School to Senior School and
also transition to work plans are written in consultation

7. Support Staff
School support staff have the responsibility to:

 support classroom teachers to deliver quality educational programs that respond to the needs
and abilities of all students, including students with disabilities
 support the school’s inclusivity process by familiarising themselves with the needs of students
with disabilities

8. Parents and Carers

Parents/carers have responsibility to:

 initiate and maintain constructive communication and relationships with schools and other
involved providers to achieve the best educational, social and emotional outcomes for the

 actively participate in the planning, implementation, and review of education adjustment

plans, designed to assist the student to achieve optimum educational outcomes.

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