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itioasfasfanaflfas games from science various.

The purpose this research to know folk games research through

content analysis in Garuda RISTEK-BRIN website. The research method use analysis content with qualitative
approach. The data fascollection through literature study from 13 folk games research. Based on result analysis
found 5 sub themes consist of architecture desain, the type of traditional games analysis, school teaching
materials, song traditional games anfasfasalysis, and traditional games transformation. The research based on
publication year has various year publication. The experience of publication year ups and down after sorted using
journal names from the initial letters of journal names a to s. The language used in this study uses Indonesian
with differences in the writing of the title, the use of Indonesian English titles, Indonesian titles, and Indonesian
English titles. The research 13 studies has 63 types of traditional games with the number of games reaching 77.
Folk games from an area become a cultural representation of the area itself. Hopefully this research will provide
benefits for the reference and development of the next folk game research.

folk games; culture of object; analysis content; Garuda RISTEK-BRIN

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