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Use the following list of questions to guide the interview and recreate the buying journey.

You don’t ask all these questions, it would be far too many!

Pick any question under the bold text to ensure you cover the essential stuff.

The other questions can help you to get more details.

Keep in mind improvisation is key, don’t be afraid to improvise and ask your own questions to
find the story you need.

Let’s get into it.

Note: The texts in italics are the script you follow.


Use this intro script to set expectations for the interview

Hello, and cheers for setting aside some time for chit-chat. [Engage in light-hearted banter]

We're going to discuss your choice to purchase [relevant product]. I'm interested in not just
your opinion on [relevant product] but also the sequence of events that led to its trial. Can we
chat for about 20-30 minutes? [Wait for answer]

Awesome. Just to be clear, this isn't a test - there are no right or wrong responses. No sales
pitch either. I'm here to capture your story your way. Think of it as a friendly chat rather than
a questionnaire. There may be times when I probe deeper into specific circumstances or ask
you to clarify points - it might feel like déjà vu, but it's just to ensure I get the full picture.
Consider it a documentary-style exploration of your purchasing journey.

Do you have any queries before we roll? [wait for responses] Fab! Let's dive in.
To ease into our chat, let’s start with this…

● Can you recall when you purchased the product?

● Do you remember the trail that led you to [PRODUCT]?
● What about [PRODUCT] really grabbed your attention?


Now, let's go snorkeling in the details:

● Can you expand a bit more on that?

● What drives your need for that?
● Could you walk me through your thought process leading to that decision?
● It sounds like you're irked about something. Got a story to share?
● You seem really stoked about that — why is it such a big deal?

Let's dig into why [PRODUCT] made the cut:

● How does [PRODUCT] make your life better or easier?

● Was there a particular issue you hoped [PRODUCT] could resolve?
● Why was [PRODUCT] more attractive than other options you've tried?


Let's envision your ideal scenario with [PRODUCT]:

● What improvement were you hoping for after buying [PRODUCT]?

● You seem thrilled about that benefit — why is it significant to you?


Looking back, let's discuss your previous experiences:

● What was your go-to before [PRODUCT]? What made you seek something new?
● Can you share the highs and lows with [OLD SOLUTION]?
● It sounds like that really grated on your nerves. Why?
Let's try to pinpoint the moment you felt the need for change:

● Do you recall the moment you first realized a new solution was necessary?
● That seems to have been a pain point. Why was that problematic?


Let's take a walk along your path to purchase:

● Once you decided to change, how did you scout for the right solution?
● How did [PRODUCT] enter the equation?

Before the buy, let's explore any reservations you might have had:

● What made you hesitate before deciding on [PRODUCT]?

● What could have made you decide against it?
● How did you address your initial concerns?


Let's find out what gave [PRODUCT] the edge:

● If you had to pinpoint one reason, why did you choose [PRODUCT]?
● Any primary factor that led you to go for [PRODUCT]?

Now that you're using [PRODUCT] let's gauge your satisfaction:

● How does [PRODUCT] stack up against your initial expectations?

● What suggestion would you give to improve [PRODUCT]
Time up!

That will be it.

I honestly appreciate your time spent answering these questions.

This is to serve you better.

Thank you, and have a wonderful day.

The answers you get either give you an idea of what to improve in your offer or what to create
to satisfy your customer more.

Either way, it’s in your best interest to always consult your buyers to hear what they think
about their purchase.

Play by this script, and you’ll surely have some good materials.

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