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to actuate to foster
to make a machine work or be Past participle: fostered to acuate
the reason a person acts in Gerund: fostering to cause to take action
a certain way: fostering (n) to incite
A detonator is actuated fosterer (n) to impel
by heat, percussion, friction, To promote the growth and dev to motivate
or electricity. elopment of to move
to further to propel
He was
to boost to given an incentive for action
actuated almost entirely
to promote a speech that actuated dissenters
by altruism.
to advance .
to cultivate actuated by unworthy desires.
to shape into Foster artistic talent actuated by selfish motives
To develop into a particular form o Foster one’s capacities this actuated me to change my
r condition: Foster friendship career
this is shaping into one of th to foster new ideas. they were actuated by desire
biggest scandals of the century
fostering of new ideas a statement actuated by malice

To foster to propel
cogent To nurse To cause to develop or progress:
convincing to cherish a misunderstanding that propels
appealing to the intellect to cherish (a plan, hope, etc) in the story forward
valid one's mind
compelling foster a secret hope.
A cogent argument
foster (adj) to propel
to develop Receiving parental care to drive, or cause to move, forwar
To bring from latency to and nurture d or onward
or toward fulfillment: from those not related to to propel a boat.
An instructor who develops the one through legal or blood ties steam propels this ship
capabilities of each child :
foster parents
a foster home

to develop to flip
to shape to come into existence To cause to turn over or around, e
To plan or devise: to take shape specially with a light quick motio
to shape a new educational to arise n:
programme to rise flip over a card;
to grow flipped the pancake with a spat
To embody in a definite form:
to shape
a new religious movement ula.
shaped a folk tale into an opera developed in that country
To influence in a formative way:
to shape
experiences that shapes his identity

a great many opportunities to develop to flip

many to To strike quickly or lightly; flick:
a myriad change the use of and make av flipped me on the shoulder with
a host of ailable or usable; his finger.
a wealth of

to duplicate to flip out to flip

to duplicate an emotion To react strongly; become excit To move or act on with a quick m
ed, upset, or angry: otion:
to go bananas flip a switch
I flipped out when they told flipped open her briefcase.
told me they were getting
germ of an idea unreasonable (adj) to flip
beginnings not fair or acceptable: To turn through (papers, for exam
rudiments It seems unreasonable to ple); leaf:
something that initiates expect one person to do both flipped the pages of the report.
development or serves as an jobs.
origin I find your attitude completely
to foster flip (n) to flip
to bring up A short, quick movement: To react strongly and especially e
to nurture a flip of the wrist nthusiastically:
bear and foster offspring I flipped over the new car.

to read or look at rapidly or per perfunctory exigent

functorily: Done routinely and with little i pressing
to flip through nterest or care: urgent
to flick through routine requiring/demanding immediate
Flip through a magazine casual attention
cursory exigent problems
tenuous careless
Weak or insubstantial performed merely as a routine
flimsy duty; pressing
a tenuous argument;
hasty and superficial: very earnest or insistent
a tenuous link between pieces of The operator answered the ph a pressing invitation
evidence. one with a perfunctory greetin
perfunctory courtesy.
marked by lack of attention
to fructify to fructify frugal
make (something) fruitful or to produce good results careful when
productive. I let the idea sit in the back of using money or food, or (of
"they were sacrificed in order my mind to fructify. a meal) cheap or small in amount:
that their blood might fructify fructifying purpose frugal lifestyle
the crops" fructifying incentive frugal meal
to fructify into reality
in any shape or form shape Existing or happening now; current:
of any type the way something present
present trends
of any kind is organized,
or its general character or natur
e: Precarious or insecure:
tenuous survival.
we need to change the whole
shape of the organisation/field

having a thin consistency Long and thin Open to doubt or challenge; problem
tenuous slender atic.
Pluto’s tenuous envelope of tenuous questionable
slim dubitable
gas controvertible
questionable accuracy
tenuous strands
a tenuous thread
to controvert argue about (something). unusual
to raise arguments against to controvert uncommon
"the views in the article have rare
to voice opposition to unusualness (n)
been controverted"
to deny the truth of
"subsequent work from the
same laboratory controverted
these results"
disparate (adj) to hold dear to actualise
separate, divergent, unlike: to be fond of make real or concrete; give reality or
disparate objectives in the two to be attached to substance to
groups to cherish to substantiate
to treasure our ideas must be actualised into
vicarious to feel tenderness for action
indirect I hold that cat very dear to substantiate our ideas into action
experienced second hand
to shape to shape up
To create or configure, as from a to develop
material: this season is shaping up to be
a sculpture that was shaped out the best in years
of ice
volition (n) Fair and comfortable
The act of making a conscious pleasant
pleasant weather
choice or decision: pleasant day
wilful pleasant
with deliberate intention giving or affording pleasure or enjoy
He left of his own volition. ment;
volitional (adj) enaging
affording pleasure
a pleasant scene
pleasant sensations
pleasant news
he was most anxious to seem
agreeable and pleasant

unpleasant repercussions
unpleasant odors
unpleasant personality

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