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1) Define the term IOT.

Also discuss the characteristics of IOT systems

Ans: The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and
digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the
ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer

IoT systems have the following characteristics:

Dynamic and self-adapting: The IoT devices can dynamically adapt with sensed
environment, their operating conditions, and user’s context and take actions accordingly. For
ex: Surveillance System.

Self-configuring: I. IoT devices can be able to upgrade the software with minimal intervention
of user, whenever they are connected to the internet. II. They can also setup the network i.e
a new device can be easily added to the existing network. For ex: Whenever there will be
free wifi access one device can be connected easily.

Unique identities: I. The devices which are connected to the internet have unique identities
i.e IP address through which they can be identified throughout the network. II. The IoT
devices have intelligent interfaces which allow communicating with users. It adapts to the
environmental contexts. III. It also allows the user to query the devices, monitor their status,
and control them remotely, in association with the control, configuration and management

Integrated into information network: I. The IoT devices are connected to the network to
share some information with other connected devices. The devices can be discovered
dynamically in the network by other devices. For ex. If a device has wifi connectivity then
that will be shown to other nearby devices having wifi connectivity. II. The devices ssid will
be visible though out the network. Due to these things the network is also called as
information network. III. The IoT devices become smarter due to the collective intelligence of
the individual devices in collaboration with the information network. For Ex: weather
monitoring system. Here the information collected from different monitoring nodes (sensors,
arduino devices) can be aggregated and analysed to predict the weather.
2) Define the following terms: 1. Sensors 2. Actuators 3. Networking 4. Gateways 5.
Protocols 6. Devices


1. Sensors are devices that collect data from the environment. They can measure a
variety of things, such as temperature, humidity, light, sound, and motion.
2. Actuators are devices that can control the environment. They can be used to turn
lights on and off, open and close doors, and even control machinery.
3. Networking is the infrastructure that allows IoT devices to communicate with each
other and with the cloud. There are a variety of networking technologies that can be
used for IoT, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cellular, and Zigbee.
4. Gateways are devices that connect IoT devices to the internet. They typically have
more processing power and memory than other IoT devices, and they can be used to
translate data between different protocols.
5. Protocols are the rules that govern how IoT devices communicate with each other
and with the cloud. There are a variety of protocols that can be used for IoT, such as
6. Devices are the physical objects that make up the IoT ecosystem. They can be
anything from a simple sensor to a complex piece of machinery.

3) Discuss the closely related IOT technologies and explain in brief.

Ans: 1. Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) :

A WSN comprises distributed devices with sensors which are used to monitor the
environmental and physical conditions. A wireless sensor network consists of end nodes,
routers and coordinators. End nodes have several sensors attached to them where the data
is passed to a coordinator with the help of routers. The coordinator also acts as the gateway
that connects WSN to the internet.
Example –

● Weather monitoring system

● Indoor air quality monitoring system
● Soil moisture monitoring system
● Surveillance system
● Health monitoring system

2. Cloud Computing :
It provides us the means by which we can access applications as utilities over the internet.
Cloud means something which is present in remote locations.
With Cloud computing, users can access any resources from anywhere like databases,
webservers, storage, any device, and any software over the internet.
Characteristics –
1. Broad network access
2. On demand self-services
3. Rapid scalability
4. Measured service
5. Pay-per-use

Provides different services, such as –

● IaaS (Infrastructure as a service)

● PaaS (Platform as a service)
● SaaS (Software as a service)

3. Big Data Analytics :

It refers to the method of studying massive volumes of data or big data. Collection of data
whose volume, velocity or variety is simply too massive and tough to store, control, process and
examine the data using traditional databases.
Big data is gathered from a variety of sources including social network videos, digital images,
sensors and sales transaction records.
Several steps involved in analyzing big data –

1. Data cleaning
2. Munging
3. Processing
4. Visualization

Examples –

● Bank transactions
● Data generated by IoT systems for location and tracking of vehicles
● E-commerce and in Big-Basket
● Health and fitness data generated by IoT system such as a fitness bands

4. Embedded Systems :
It is a combination of hardware and software used to perform special tasks.
It includes microcontroller and microprocessor memory, networking units (Ethernet Wi-Fi
adapters), input output units (display keyword etc. ) and storage devices (flash memory).
It collects the data and sends it to the internet.
Embedded systems used in
Examples –

1. Digital camera
2. DVD player, music player
3. Industrial robots
4. Wireless Routers etc.
4) Give comparison of the main characteristics of M2M and IOT.


5) Discuss the overview of IOT system along with its emerging application areas.
Ans: The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical
and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identification
(UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or
human-to-computer interaction.

IoT systems are made up of three main components:

● Sensors: Sensors collect data from the environment. They can measure a variety of
things, such as temperature, humidity, light, sound, and motion.
● Actuators: Actuators are devices that can control the environment. They can be used
to turn lights on and off, open and close doors, and even control machinery.
● Connectivity: Connectivity is the infrastructure that allows IoT devices to
communicate with each other and with the cloud. There are a variety of networking
technologies that can be used for IoT, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cellular, and Zigbee.
IoT systems can be used in a wide variety of applications, including:

Smart Home

IoT allows you to connect all your home applications like air conditioners, lighting, locks,
thermostat, theft alarm systems, and whatnot into a single system and have the control at
your fingertips with a smartphone.


The fitness bands monitor calorie expenditure, meters of distance covered, heartbeats per
minute, blood oxygen level, and more. These IoT mostly come in the form of
wristbands/watches. However, they can also appear as earbuds, clip-on devices, or smart


First and foremost, wearable IoT devices let hospitals monitor their patients’ health at home,
thereby reducing hospital stays while still providing up to the minute real-time information that
could save lives. In hospitals, smart beds keep the staff informed as to the availability, thereby
cutting wait time for free space. Putting IoT sensors on critical equipment means fewer
breakdowns and increased reliability, which can mean the difference between life and death.


For indoor planting, IoT makes monitoring and management of micro-climate conditions a
reality, which in turn increases production. For outside planting, devices using IoT technology
can sense soil moisture and nutrients, in conjunction with weather data, better control smart
irrigation and fertilizer systems. If the sprinkler systems dispense water only when needed, for
example, this prevents wasting a precious resource.

Smart Grid and Energy Saving

A smart grid is a holistic solution employing Information Technology to reduce electricity waste
and cost, improving electricity efficiency, economics, and reliability.

The establishment of bidirectional communication between the end user and the service
provider allows substantial value to fault detection, decision making, and repair thereof. It also
helps users monitor their consumption patterns and adopt the best ways to reduce energy

Smart Cities

A combination of sensors in different capacities throughout the city for various tasks such as
managing the traffic, handling waste management, optimizing streetlights, saving water,
monitoring energy expenditure, creating smart buildings, and more. Some best examples of
cities working on becoming smarter with IoT include Singapore, Oslo, Geneva, and Zurich.

6) Define and discuss the following terms: 1. M2M value chains 2. IOT value chains 3.
Global value chain
Ans: M2M value chains

Machine-to-machine (M2M) value chains are the processes and activities that are involved
in the creation, delivery, and consumption of M2M services. M2M services are those that
enable machines to communicate with each other and with people.

M2M value chains can be divided into three main stages:

1. The development stage: This stage involves the development of M2M devices,
networks, and applications.
2. The deployment stage: This stage involves the deployment of M2M devices and
networks, and the development and launch of M2M applications.
3. The operation stage: This stage involves the operation and maintenance of M2M
devices and networks, and the continuous improvement of M2M applications.

M2M value chains are complex and involve a wide range of stakeholders, including device
manufacturers, network operators, application developers, and service providers.

IoT value chains

The Internet of Things (IoT) value chains are the processes and activities that are involved
in the creation, delivery, and consumption of IoT services. IoT services are those that enable
people and machines to interact with each other and with the environment.

IoT value chains can be divided into four main stages:

1. The sensor stage: This stage involves the development and deployment of sensors
that collect data from the environment.
2. The connectivity stage: This stage involves the development and deployment of
networks that connect sensors to the internet.
3. The data stage: This stage involves the collection, storage, and analysis of data
collected by sensors.
4. The application stage: This stage involves the development and deployment of
applications that use data collected by sensors to improve decision-making,
efficiency, and safety.

IoT value chains are also complex and involve a wide range of stakeholders, including
sensor manufacturers, network operators, data scientists, and application developers.

Global value chains

Global value chains (GVCs) are networks of interconnected companies that produce goods
and services across multiple countries. GVCs have become increasingly important in the
global economy, as they allow companies to specialize in specific activities and to benefit
from economies of scale.

GVCs are often complex and involve a wide range of stakeholders, including multinational
companies, suppliers, distributors, and governments.

The development of M2M and IoT technologies is having a significant impact on GVCs.
M2M and IoT technologies are enabling companies to collect data from sensors and to use
that data to improve decision-making, efficiency, and safety. This is leading to the
development of new business models and new ways of working.

The impact of M2M and IoT technologies on GVCs is still evolving, but it is clear that these
technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way that goods and services are
produced and delivered.

7) Discuss the emerging industrial structures for IOT systems with reference to
design principles and capabilities.

Ans: Here are some of the emerging industrial structures for IoT systems with reference to
design principles and capabilities:

● Edge computing: Edge computing is a distributed computing paradigm that brings

computation and data storage closer to the edge of the network. This can help to
improve performance, reduce latency, and improve security.
● Fog computing: Fog computing is a type of edge computing that is deployed in a
network of devices that are closer to the end-user. This can help to improve
performance and reduce latency even further.
● 5G: 5G is the fifth generation of cellular network technology. It offers significantly
higher speeds and lower latency than previous generations of cellular networks. This
makes it ideal for IoT applications that require real-time data transfer, such as
industrial automation and autonomous vehicles.
● Artificial intelligence (AI): AI is a rapidly evolving field that is having a major impact
on IoT. AI can be used to analyze data collected by IoT devices, identify patterns,
and make predictions. This can help to improve decision-making, optimize
processes, and prevent problems.
● Machine learning (ML): ML is a subset of AI that is focused on enabling machines to
learn without being explicitly programmed. ML can be used to train models that can
be used to make predictions, classify data, and cluster data. This can help to
improve the performance of IoT systems.
● Big data: Big data is a term used to describe the large amounts of data that is
generated by IoT devices. This data can be used to gain insights into human
behavior, improve decision-making, and optimize processes.

Here are some of the design principles and capabilities of emerging industrial structures for
IoT systems:

● Scalability: IoT systems need to be scalable to accommodate the growing number of

connected devices.
● Interoperability: IoT systems need to be interoperable so that devices from different
manufacturers can work together.
● Security: IoT systems need to be secure to protect data from unauthorized access.
● Privacy: IoT systems need to respect user privacy and ensure that personal data is
not collected or used without consent.
● Sustainability: IoT systems need to be designed with sustainability in mind, using
energy-efficient devices and networks.
8) Draw and explain ITU-T standard IOT reference model.


The ITU-T standard IoT reference model is a conceptual model that describes the different
components of an IoT system and how they interact with each other. The model consists of
four layers:

Application layer

The application layer is the highest layer in the ITU-T standard IoT reference model. It is
responsible for providing applications with access to data collected by IoT devices.
Applications can use this data to improve decision-making, optimize processes, and provide
new services to users.

Service support and application support layer

The service support and application support layer provides services such as security, data
management, and device management. Security services protect data from unauthorized
access. Data management services store and process data collected by IoT devices. Device
management services manage the configuration and operation of IoT devices.
Network layer

The network layer is responsible for connecting IoT devices to the internet. It provides a way
for IoT devices to send and receive data. The network layer can use a variety of
technologies, such as Wi-Fi, cellular, and Zigbee.

Device layer

The device layer consists of IoT devices that collect data from the environment and send it
to the network layer. IoT devices can be anything from simple sensors to complex machines.

The ITU-T standard IoT reference model is a valuable tool for understanding the different
components of an IoT system and how they interact with each other. The model can be used
to design, develop, and deploy IoT systems.

9) What is architecture reference model? Discuss the relationship between IOT

referencemodels with reference architecture.

Ans: A reference model describes the domain using a number of sub-domain.

IOT Domain Model:

•It captures the basic attributes of the main concepts and the relationship between these

•Abstraction level of the IOT Domain model has been chosen in such a way that its concepts
are independent of specific technologies and use cases.

•The idea is that these concepts are not excepted to change much over the next decades or

IOT information Model:

Virtual entity in the IOT Domain Model is the thing in the IOT, the IOT Domain model is the thing
in the IOT, the IOT information model captures the details of a virtual entity centric model, the Iot
Information model is presented using Unified modelling language(UML) diagrams.

Functional Model:
It aims at describing mainly the F.G and their interaction with the ARM while the functional view
of a Reference Architecture describes the functional components of a FG interfaces and
interactions between the components. The functional view is typically derived from the
functional model in conjunction with high-level requirement.

Communicational Model:
It aims at determing the main communications paradigm for connecting elements as defined in
IOT domain model. It contains the components for end to end communication, network
communication, and hop-by-hop communication.

10) Draw and explain the IOT functional model

Ans: The IoT Functional Model aims at describing mainly the Functional Groups (FG) and
their interaction with the ARM, while the Functional View of a Reference Architecture
describes the functional components of an FG, interfaces, and interactions between the
components. The Functional View is typically derived from the Functional Model in
conjunction with high-level requirements.
Device functional group

The Device FG contains all the possible functionality hosted by the physical Devices that are
used for increment the Physical Entities. This Device functionality includes sensing, actuation,
processing, storage, and identification components, the sophistication of which depends on the
Device capabilities

Communication functional group

The Communication FG abstracts all the possible communication mechanisms used by the
relevant Devices in an actual system in order to transfer information to the digital world
components or other Devices.

IoT Service functional group

The IoT Service FG corresponds mainly to the Service class from the IoT Domain Model, and
contains single IoT Services exposed by Resources hosted on Devices or in the Network (e.g.
processing or storage Resources).

Virtual Entity functional group

The Virtual Entity FG corresponds to the Virtual Entity class in the IoT Domain Model, and
contains the necessary functionality to manage associations between Virtual Entities with
themselves as well as associations between Virtual Entities and related IoT Services, i.e. the
Association objects for the IoT Information Model. Associations between Virtual Entities can be
static or dynamic depending on the mobility of the Physical Entities related to the corresponding
Virtual Entities.

IoT Service Organization functional group

The purpose of the IoT Service Organisation FG is to host all functional components that
support the composition and orchestration of IoT and Virtual Entity services. Moreover, this FG
acts as a service hub between several other functional groups such as the IoT Process
Management FG when, for example, service requests from Applications or the IoT Process
Management are directed to the Resources implementing the necessary Services.

IoT Process Management functional group

The IoT Process Management FG is a collection of functionalities that allows smooth integration
of IoT-related services (IoT Services, Virtual Entity Services, Composed Services) with the
Enterprise (Business) Processes.

Management functional group

The Management FG includes the necessary functions for enabling fault and performance
monitoring of the system, configuration for enabling the system to be flexible to changing User
demands, and accounting for enabling subsequent billing for the usage of the system. Support
functions such as management of ownership, administrative domain, rules and rights of
functional components, and information stores are also included in the Management FG.

Security functional group

The Security FG contains the functional components that ensure the secure operation of the
system as well as the management of privacy. The Security FG contains components for
Authentication of Users (Applications, Humans), Authorisation of access to Services by Users,
secure communication (ensuring integrity and confidentiality of messages) between entities of
the system such as Devices, Services, Applications, and last but not least, assurance of privacy
of sensitive information relating to Human Users.

Application functional group

The Application FG is just a placeholder that represents all the needed logic for creating an IoT
application. The applications typically contain custom logic tailored to a specific domain such as
a Smart Grid
11) Draw and discuss the deployment and operational view for parking lot of vehicles
withdifferent devices.


- Deploy and the operational view are very important in addressing how the actual system
can be realized by selecting technologies and making them communicate and operate in
a comprehensive way.
- This view depends upon actual use case and requirements.
- Let’s take an example of the parking lot system.

- As we can see the figure, there are two sensor nodes #1 and #2, each of which is
connected to eight car presence sensors.
- They are also connected to the payment stations through wireless of wired
- The payment station acts both as a user interface for the device to pay and get a
payment receipt as well as a communication gateway that connects the two sensors
nodes and payment interface physical devices with the internet through WAN.
- The occupation sign also acts as a communication gateway for the actuator node, and
we assume that because of the deployment, a direct connection to the payment station
is not feasible.
- The physical gateway devices connect through WAN to the internet and towards a data
center where the parking lot management system software is hosted as one of the virtual
machines on a platform as service configurations.
12) Discuss the technical design constraints while developing and deploying real world
problems in IOT systems.

Ans: There are many technical design constraints to consider when developing and deploying
IoT systems. Some of the most important constraints include:

● Power consumption: IoT devices are often battery-powered, so it is important to design

them to be as energy-efficient as possible. This can be done by using low-power
processors, sensors, and communication modules.
● Data bandwidth: IoT devices can generate a lot of data, so it is important to design the
system to be able to handle the data traffic. This may involve using a high-speed
network or using data compression techniques.
● Security: IoT devices are often connected to the internet, so they are vulnerable to
cyberattacks. It is important to design the system with security in mind. This may involve
using encryption, authentication, and authorization mechanisms.
● Scalability: IoT systems are often designed to be scalable, so that they can be easily
expanded to support more devices and data. This can be done by using a distributed
architecture or by using cloud computing services.

In addition to these technical constraints, there are also a number of non-technical constraints
that must be considered, such as:

● Cost: IoT systems can be expensive to develop and deploy. It is important to design the
system to be cost-effective.
● Regulations: IoT systems may be subject to various regulations, such as privacy laws
and data security regulations. It is important to design the system to comply with all
applicable regulations.
● User acceptance: IoT systems will only be successful if users are willing to adopt them. It
is important to design the system to be user-friendly and to provide users with value.

13) Discuss the following service oriented architectures. 1. Service-oriented

architecture-based device integration. 2. SOCRADES: realizing the enterprise integrated
Web of Things.


Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is a software design approach that defines applications as

a collection of loosely coupled services. Each service is self-contained and provides a specific
function. Services are typically exposed through web services, which are a set of standards for
exchanging information over the internet.
In the context of IoT, SOA can be used to integrate devices and applications. Devices can be
represented as services, and applications can consume these services to access data and
control devices. This approach has several advantages, including:

● Ease of integration: SOA makes it easy to integrate devices and applications from
different vendors. This is because services are defined using standard interfaces, so
devices and applications can communicate with each other without having to be
specifically designed to work together.
● Flexibility: SOA makes it easy to add new devices and applications to an IoT system.
This is because services can be added or removed without affecting the rest of the
● Scalability: SOA makes it easy to scale an IoT system to handle large numbers of
devices and applications. This is because services can be distributed across multiple
servers, so the load can be balanced across the system.

SOCRADES (Service-Oriented Architecture for the Convergence of Real-time and

Asynchronous Data in Enterprise Systems) is a research project that aims to realize the
enterprise integrated Web of Things (IoT). The project is funded by the European Union and is
being carried out by a consortium of 15 partners from industry and academia.

The SOCRADES architecture consists of five layers:

● Physical Layer: This layer represents the physical devices and sensors that collect data
from the real world.
● Data Acquisition Layer: This layer is responsible for collecting data from the physical
layer and converting it into a format that can be processed by the next layer.
● Data Management Layer: This layer stores and manages the data collected from the
physical layer.
● Service Layer: This layer provides a set of services that allow applications to access and
process data from the physical layer.
● Application Layer: This layer provides a set of applications that can be used to monitor,
control, and analyze data from the physical layer.

14) Discuss the components of Building Automation System (BAS) also brief commercial
building automation today

Ans: A building automation system (BAS) is a system that controls and monitors the mechanical
and electrical equipment in a building. BASs are used to improve energy efficiency, comfort, and
security in buildings.

The main components of a BAS are:

● Sensors: Sensors collect data from the building environment, such as temperature,
humidity, and occupancy.
● Controllers: Controllers use the data from the sensors to make decisions about how to
operate the building's equipment.
● Actuators: Actuators carry out the commands from the controllers.
● Communication network: The communication network connects the sensors, controllers,
and actuators.
● Human-machine interface (HMI): The HMI allows users to interact with the BAS.

BASs can be used to control a wide range of equipment in a building, including:

● HVAC systems: HVAC systems control the temperature, humidity, and ventilation in a
● Lighting systems: Lighting systems control the light levels in a building.
● Security systems: Security systems protect a building from unauthorized access.
● Access control systems: Access control systems control who can enter and exit a
● Fire alarm systems: Fire alarm systems detect and alert users to fires in a building.
● Energy management systems: Energy management systems monitor and optimize the
energy use in a building.

BASs can provide a number of benefits for commercial buildings, including:

● Reduced energy costs: BASs can help to reduce energy costs by optimizing the
operation of the building's equipment.
● Improved comfort: BASs can help to improve comfort in a building by adjusting the
temperature, humidity, and lighting levels as needed.
● Increased security: BASs can help to increase security in a building by controlling access
to the building and by detecting and alerting users to fires.
● Reduced maintenance costs: BASs can help to reduce maintenance costs by providing
information about the condition of the building's equipment and by scheduling preventive
● Improved operational efficiency: BASs can help to improve operational efficiency by
providing information about the building's energy use and by optimizing the operation of
the building's equipment.

16)Explain a typical M2M solution overview along with various key application areas.

Ans: A typical M2M system solution consists of M2M devices, communication networks that
provide remote connectivity for the devices, service enablement and application logic, and
integration of the M2M application into the business processes provided by an Information
Technology (IT) system of the enterprise, as illustrated below in Figure 1.1.
❑- The M2M system solution is used to remotely monitor and control enterprise assets of
various kinds, and to integrate those assets into the business processes of the enterprise in

❑ The asset can be of a wide range of types (e.g. vehicle, freight container, building, or smart
electricity meter), all depending on the enterprise.

The system components of an M2M solution are as follows:

❑ M2M Device. This is the M2M device attached to the asset of interest, and provides sensing
and actuation capabilities. The M2M device is here generalized, as there are a number of
different realizations of these devices, ranging from low-end sensor nodes to high-end complex
devices with multimodal sensing capabilities.

❑ Network. The purpose of the network is to provide remote connectivity between the M2M
device and the application-side servers. Many different network types can be used, and include
both Wide Area Networks (WANs) and Local Area Networks (LANs), sometimes also referred to
as Capillary Networks or M2M Area Networks. Examples of WANs are public cellular mobile
networks, fixed private networks, or even satellite links.

❑ M2M Service Enablement. Within the generalized system solution outlined above, the
concept of a separate service enablement component is also introduced. This component
provides generic functionality that is common across a number of different applications. Its
primary purpose is to reduce cost for implementation and ease of application development.

❑ M2M Application. The application component of the solution is a realization of the highly
specific monitor and control process. The application is further integrated into the overall
business process system of the enterprise. The process of remotely monitoring and controlling
assets can be of many different types, for instance, remote car diagnostics or electricity meter
data management.

Key application areas

❑ The largest segment is currently Telematics for cars and vehicles. Typical applications
include navigation, remote vehicle diagnostics, pay-as-you-drive insurance schemes, road
charging, and stolen vehicle recovery.

❑ Metering applications, meanwhile, include primarily remote meter management and data
collection for energy consumption in the electricity utility sector, but also for gas and water
❑ Remote monitoring is more generalized monitoring of assets, and includes remote patient
monitoring as one prime example.

❑ Fleet management includes a number of different applications, like data logging, goods and
vehicle positioning, and security of valuable or hazardous goods.

❑ Security applications are mainly those related to home alarms and small business
surveillance solutions. The final market segment is Automated

❑ Teller Machines (ATM) and Point of Sales (POS) terminals

17)Elaborate stress measurement analysis an IoT solution as a use case example.

Ans: Stress measurement analysis is a use case for IoT solutions that can be used to monitor
and manage stress levels in real time. This can be done by using wearable devices that collect
data on heart rate, breathing rate, and other physiological indicators of stress. This data can
then be analyzed to identify patterns and trends in stress levels, which can be used to help
individuals manage their stress more effectively.

There are a number of benefits to using IoT solutions for stress measurement analysis. First, it
allows for continuous monitoring of stress levels, which can help to identify stressors early on
and take steps to mitigate them. Second, it provides real-time feedback on stress levels, which
can help individuals to make changes to their behavior in the moment to reduce stress. Third, it
can be used to track the effectiveness of stress management strategies over time.

There are a number of different ways that IoT solutions can be used for stress measurement
analysis. One common approach is to use wearable devices that collect data on physiological
indicators of stress. This data can then be transmitted to a cloud-based server where it can be
analyzed. Another approach is to use sensors in the environment to collect data on
environmental stressors, such as noise levels, air quality, and temperature. This data can then
be combined with data from wearable devices to provide a more comprehensive picture of
stress levels.

IoT solutions for stress measurement analysis can be used in a variety of settings, including
workplaces, schools, and healthcare facilities. In the workplace, IoT solutions can be used to
help employees manage stress and improve their overall well-being. In schools, IoT solutions
can be used to help students manage stress and improve their academic performance. In
healthcare facilities, IoT solutions can be used to help patients manage stress and improve their
recovery from illness or injury.
19) Explain IoT value chain

21) Explain the knowledge management within M2M and IoT solutions.

Data: Data refers to “unstructured facts and figures that have the least impact on the typical
manager” (Thierauf 1999). With regards to IoT solutions, however, data includes both useful and
irrelevant or redundant facts, and in order to become meaningful, needs to be processed.

Information: Within the context of IoT solutions, information is data that has been
contextualized, categorized, calculated, and condensed (Davenport & Prusak 2000). This is
where data has been carefully curated to provide relevance and purpose (Bali et al. 2009) for
the decisionmakers in question. The majority of ICT solutions can be viewed as either storing
information or processing data to become information.

Knowledge: Knowledge, meanwhile, relates to the ability to understand the information

presented, and using existing experience, the application of it within a certain decision-making

Due to the nature of big data, as we discussed in previous sections, two key issues emerge:

• Managing and storing the temporal knowledge created by IoT solutions. IoT solutions data will
evolve rapidly over time, the temporal nature of the “knowledge” as understood at a particular
point in time

will have large implications for the overall industry. For example, it could affect insurance claims
if the level of knowledge provided by an IoT system could be proven to be inadequate.

• Life-cycle management of knowledge within IoT systems. Closely related to analytics, the
necessity to have a lifecycle plan for the data within a system is a strong requirement.

22)Discuss ETSI M2M Functional architecture in WAN.

Ans: WANs are typically required to bridge the M2M Device Domain to the backhaul network,
thus providing a proxy that allows information (data, commands, etc.) to traverse heterogeneous

• Thus, the WAN is capable of providing the bi-directional communications links between
services and devices. This, however, must be achieved by means of physical and logical proxy.

• The proxy is achieved using an M2M Gateway Device.

• As before, the M2M Gateway Device is typically an integrated microsystem with multiple
communications interfaces and computational capabilities.
• Transceivers (sometimes referred to as modems) are typically available as hardware modules
with which the central intelligence of the device (gateway or cell phone) interacts by means of
standardized (sometimes vendor-specific) AT Commands.

The ETSI M2M functional architecture in WAN is a three-domain architecture that consists of the

● Device and Gateway Domain: This domain includes the M2M devices and gateways that
are used to connect the devices to the network. The devices in this domain are typically
low-power, constrained devices that use machine-to-machine (M2M) protocols to
communicate with each other and with the network.
● Network Domain: This domain includes the network infrastructure that is used to
transport data between the devices and the application servers. The network
infrastructure in this domain can be either a cellular network or a wired network.
● Application Domain: This domain includes the application servers that are used to store,
process, and analyze the data that is collected from the devices. The application servers
in this domain can be either public or private servers.
23) What is data analytics in M2M and IoT? Explain the architecture of analytics in IoT.

Ans: Data analytics is the process of extracting meaningful insights from data. In the context of
M2M and IoT, data analytics can be used to gain insights into the performance of devices,
systems, and processes. This can help organizations to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and
improve customer service.

There are a variety of data analytics techniques that can be used in M2M and IoT. Some of the
most common techniques include:

● Descriptive analytics: Descriptive analytics is used to describe the past behavior of

devices, systems, and processes. This can be used to identify trends and patterns that
can be used to improve future performance.
● Predictive analytics: Predictive analytics is used to predict future behavior of devices,
systems, and processes. This can be used to identify potential problems before they
occur and to take corrective action.
● Prescriptive analytics: Prescriptive analytics is used to prescribe the best course of
action to improve the performance of devices, systems, and processes. This can be
used to optimize operations and to improve customer service.

Architecture of Analytics in IoT

The architecture of analytics in IoT typically consists of the following layers:

● Data collection: The data collection layer is responsible for collecting data from devices.
This data can be collected in a variety of ways, including through sensors, RFID tags,
and machine-to-machine (M2M) communication.
● Data storage: The data storage layer is responsible for storing the data that is collected
from devices. This data can be stored in a variety of ways, including in cloud-based
databases, on-premises databases, and edge devices.
● Data processing: The data processing layer is responsible for processing the data that is
stored in the data storage layer. This data can be processed using a variety of
techniques, including data mining, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
● Data analytics: The data analytics layer is responsible for analyzing the data that is
processed by the data processing layer. This data can be analyzed using a variety of
techniques, including descriptive analytics, predictive analytics, and prescriptive
● Data visualization: The data visualization layer is responsible for visualizing the data that
is analyzed by the data analytics layer. This data can be visualized using a variety of
tools, including charts, graphs, and dashboards.

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