Notification of Unsuccessful Deduction

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AIA Singapore

1 Robinson Road, AIA Tower

Singapore 048542
T : 1800 248 8000

Real change to health begins


Jul 26, 2023



Dear Policy Owner

Policy No : U125626712
Insured's Name : Kyaw Kyaw

Thank you for insuring with AIA.

Our attempt to deduct your renewal premium of S$200.00 from your OCBC account no. xxxxx0001
was unsuccessful as informed by the bank due to the following reason:

- Refer to Paying Party

Please arrange for payment to be made to AIA as soon as possible. You can choose from a range of
payment options that are convenient to you, including AIA PayEZ website, online banking or AXS.

Otherwise, we will make another attempt for deduction on the next available deduction date. Please
maintain sufficient funds in your account. The Grace Period is 31 days from the premium due date.

For your information, this is the current status of your policy:

Premium Amount : S$200.00 *
Frequency of Payment : Monthly
Premium Paid To Date : 18 May 2023

The GIRO service is provided free and for the convenience of AIA’s customers. However, we
understand that some banks may levy a charge for unsuccessful deduction.

If you require further assistance, please contact your AIA Financial Services Consultant / Insurance
Representative or call our Customer Care hotline at 1800-248-8000 or +65-6248-8000 (if you are
calling from overseas) from Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays), between 8.45 a.m. to 5.30
p.m. We’d be happy to assist.

Thank you for your trust in AIA.

We look forward to hearing from you and servicing your insurance needs.

Control & Collections Department

This computer generated letter requires no signature.

cc 2 Venture Drive / SP-JERALD / Tan Aik Siang

AIA Singapore Private Limited (Reg. No. 201106386R)

AIA Singapore
1 Robinson Road, AIA Tower
Singapore 048542
T : 1800 248 8000

Real change to health begins


SGP / SPILFB01 / Gspopr00 / UDED

Note: * If your policy is a Healthshield Basic [H] policy, the premium amount stated above is the full
premium amount. Note only the “in excess” cash portion which exceeds the maximum medisave
withdrawal limit will be deducted from your GIRO or Credit Card account.

AIA Singapore Private Limited (Reg. No. 201106386R)

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