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(SECTION – A) (03X20)

1. Discuss Politics as art of government and Politics as power and struggle for scarce resources.

2. Critically evaluate the behavioural and post behaviourial revolution in political science.

3. Critically discuss the social contract theory of Hobbes ,Locke and Rousseau.

4. Write a critical note on the concept of Sovereignty. Also analyze the factors for the decrease of
sovereignty in this age of globalization.

5. What are the functions of the legislature? Discuss arguments for and against bicameralism.

6. What are the challenges before the civil servants in this age of Liberalisation, Privatisation and

(SECTION – B) (02X05)

Write short notes on any two of the following:

7. Politics as ‘authoritative allocation of values.

8. Concept of welfare state.

9. Rise of PMO in India.

10. Referendum, Initiative and Recall.


(SECTION – A) (04X15)

1. Discuss politics as compromise and consensus and as power and struggle for scarce resources.

2. Critically discuss the Social Contract Theory of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau.

3. Discuss the functions of the State especially in this age of Liberalisation, Privatization and

4. What are the main features of a Parliamentary form of government?

5. What are the main functions of Legislature? Give arguments for and against bicameralism.

6. Discuss Indo-Pakistan relations in recent years.

(SECTION – B) (02X05)

Write short notes on:

7. Politics as “Authoritative allocation of values”.

8. ‘FUNTERNARSA’ factor.

9. ‘Senonomics’.
10. Referendum and Recall.


(SECTION – A) (04X15)

1. Comment on politics as art of government and power and struggle for scarce resources.

2. Discuss the different types of power according to Joseph S Nye.

3. Critically discuss the problem of corruption in India and solutions to cure the malaise.

4. What are the problems plaguing the Indian bureaucracy?

5. Discuss the main tenets of China's foreign policy. What is chongqing model?

6. Briefly discuss the problem of Naxalites in India. Suggest some solutions.

(SECTION – B) (02X05)

Write short notes on:

7. New Public Administration (NPA).

8. ‘Rent raj.

9. 'Gross National Happiness' (GNH).

10. 'Salwa Judum'.


(SECTION – A) (04X15)

1. Critically examine the role of non-State actors (MINTIE) in the field of transnational relations.

2. Briefly explain the Chinese foreign policy in the recent years. Also discuss the Chongqing model of

3. What was Look East and New Look East policy? Also discuss the "Act East" policy of the NDA

4. Give a comparative analysis of NDA’s foreign policy and that of its predecessors. 5. Discuss the
different types of power according to Joseph S Nye.

6. ‘SAARC is a slow boat to nowhere’! In light of the above statement, critically discuss the
functioning of SAARC in recent years.

(SECTION – B) (02X05)

Write short notes on:

7. ‘FUNTERNARSA’ factor.
8. ‘Mumbai Consensus’.

9. Modi’s 3Cs.

10. Indira doctrine, Gujral doctrine and Truman doctrine.


(SECTION – A) (04X15)

1. Discuss politics as ‘Compromise and Consensus’ and ‘Power and struggle for scarce resources’

2. Describe the philosophical, empirical and the scientific traditions to the study of Politics.

3. Discuss the social contracts theory of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau.

4. “India is facing a crisis of governibility”. Comment.

5. Describe the main features of Liberalism. Also discuss the different types of Liberalism.

6. What are the main functions of Legislature? Give arguments for and against Bicameralism.

(SECTION – B) (02X05)

7. Rule of Law

8. post-Modernism

9. Judicial Review

10. Referendum and Recall.


(SECTION – A) (04X15)

1. “Discuss the different approaches to the study of politics with special re ference to philosophical,
empirical and scientific traditions.

2. Critically discuss the social contracts theories of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau.

3. Discuss the main causes for the decline of legislature and the rise of PMO in India. Briefly discuss
the case for and against Bicameralism.

4. “India is facing a crisis of governability”. Comment

5. Discuss the main features of Liberalism. Also discuss the key philosophy of Classical liberalism,
Modern liberalism, and Neo- liberalism.

6. Discuss the political ideologies of Fascism, Anarchism and Religious fundamentalism.

(SECTION – B) (02X05)
7. ‘Politics as power and struggle for scarce resources.

8. Judicial Review

9. Concept of Rule of law.

10. Referendum and Recall


1. Critically examine the nature of political science.
2. Write an essay on the behavioural approach to the study of political science.
3. Briefly discuss the concept of ‘welfare state’.
4. Describe the main features of the parliamentary form of government.
5. Critically evaluate the Austinian concept of ‘sovereignty’.
6. Define democracy and discuss its merits and demerits.

7. Discuss briefly the elements of the state.
8. Distinguish between de facto and dev jure sovereignty.
9. Write a short note on the types of democracy.
10. Examine the force theory of the origin of the state.

POLITICAL SCIENCE- 2013 (3 hours)

(Section A)
(Answer in approximately 250 words) (4 x 10)

1. Write a critical note on causes of terrorism and measures to cure the problem.
2. Discuss politics as compromise and consensus and as power struggle.
3. Discuss the Social Contract theory of Rousseau or Hobbes.
4. Write a note on the recent rise of civil society upsurge in India.

(Section B) (5 x 2)

Comment on the following:

5. Politics as “Authoritative allocation of values”.

6. ‘Seno-nomics’.
7. FUNTERNARSA factor.
8. Difference between Wholesale and Rretail terrorism.
9. ‘Pizza effect’.
(Section C) (10x1)

10. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be –

i. What is the full form of C4ISR?

ii. The concept of ‘glocalization’ has been given by Rolland Roberston. (True/False)

iii. Smart power is a mix of hard and soft power. (True/False)

iv. The key feature of Anarchism is stateless society. (True/False)

v. Name any one country which is the part of ‘new golden triangle’ famous for narcotic smuggling.

vi. NATO was established in the year 1947. (True/False)

vii. The key feature of Spartan system of education was that it in was public hands. (True/False)

viii. The concepts of ‘Intellectual’ and ‘Hegamony’ is given by Gramschi. (True/False)

ix. What is the full form of PNAC?

x. The concept of ‘messianic or ‘post modern terror’ has been given by Bruce Hoffman. (True/False)

POLITICAL SCIENCE- 2013 (3 hours)

(Section A)
1. Discuss the three main functions of the state in this age of LPG.
2. Critically explain the Marxian theory of the state.
3. Discuss the Anna Hazare movement in India with special reference to middle class activism.
4. Explain politics as power and struggle over scarce resources.
5. Explain the Divine Origin theory of state.
6. Critically discuss Rousseau’s social contract theory with special reference to his concept of
General Will.

(Section B)
7. Politics as ‘authoritative allocation of values’.
8. Explain the difference between state and government.
9. Explain the concept of Neo liberal state.
10. Hobbes’s concept of ‘Leviathan’.

POLITICAL SCIENCE- 2012 (3 hours)

(Section A) (4 × 10)

1. Discuss politics as compromise and consensus and as power struggle

2. Write a note on the recent rise civil society upsurge in India with special reference to middle class
activism since 2011.

3. Write a critical note on causes of terrorism. Discuss some solutions to combat the menace.
4. Discuss the Social Contract Theory of Rousseau. .

(Section B)
Comment on the following: (5x2)

5. Politics as “Authoritative allocation of values”

6. ‘Seno-nomics’


8. Difference between wholesale and retail terrorism

9. ‘Pizza effect’

(Section C) (10x 2)

10. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be

i. What is the full form of C4ISR?

ii. Who has given the concept of ‘glocalization’?

iii. What is smart power?

iv. What is the key feature of Anarchism?

v. Name any one country which is the part of ‘new golden triangle’ famous for narcotic smuggling.

vi. Which year was NATO established?

vii. The key feature of Spartan system of education was that it was in private hands. (True/False)

viii. Who has given the concept of ‘Intellectual’ and ‘Hegamony’?

ix. What is the full form of PNAC?

x. Who has given the concept of ‘messianic or ‘post-modern terror’?

POLITICAL SCIENCE- 2012 (3 hours)

(Section A)
(Answer in approximately 250 words) (4 x 10)

1. Discuss critically, the Naxalite menace in India.

2. Discuss Politics as public affair and as a power and struggle over scarce resources.

3. Has secularism failed in India? Give reasons to support your answer.

4. Critically evaluate the Hindutva doctrine.

(Section B)
(Answer in approximately 50 words) (5 x 2)
Comment on the following:

5. Politics as “authoritative allocation of values”

6. Recent middle class activism in India.

7. Revanchism.

8. ‘God Gap’

9. ‘Sons of the soil’ theory.

(Section C)
10. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be- (10x1)

i. TINA stands for “There is no alternative”. (True/false)

ii. The concept of Pitribhumi and Punyabhumi with respect to Hindutva has been given by Sumit
Sarkar. (True/False)

iii. Recently BSP government has floated the desire to divide UP in 4 parts.(True/False)

iv. “All philosophers have sought to interpret the world. The point however, is to change it”. It was
said by Karl Marx. (True/False)

v. Five core beliefs of Hinduism were given by Karan Singh. (True/False)

vi. The slogan ‘personal is political’ is associated with Feminism. (True/False)

vii. The concept of India and US as ‘God Lands’ has been given by Conor Cruise O Brien. (True/False)

viii. The full form of PAP is ‘Project Affected People’. (True/False)

ix. In the 15th Lok Sabha, 153 MPs have against them grave criminal charges. (True/False)

x. The concept of India as a land of ‘million mutinies’ has been given by V.S Naipaul. (True/False)

POLITICAL SCIENCE- 2012 (1.5 hours)

(Section A) (1 x 20)

1. ‘Critically discuss Plato’s theory of Justice.

What was the Behavioral revolution in Political Science?

(Section B)
Comment on the following: (5 x 4)

2. Reality is the shadow of ideas’(Plato)

3. ‘State is a natural institution’(Aristotle)

4. Key features of Social Contract Theory

5. Machiavelli as the ‘Child of his times’

6. ‘Theory of Two Swords’

(Section C) (10 x 2)

7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be

i. Who has said that, “All philosophers have sought to interpret the world, the point however is to
change it.”?

ii. Name the form of government which is the most ideal form according to Aristotle.

iii. Who was the Greek political philosopher who believed in the concept of transmigration of soul?

iv. Name any one political thinker who has given the concept of Utilitarianism.

v. What is ‘Dialectics’?
vi. Which is the most important component of the State?

vii. Hobbes state of nature was a picture of peace and goodwill. (True/False)

viii. Rousseau’s General will is the synthesis of all the actual wills of the people. (Tru e/False)

ix. Aristotle is the author of the book ‘Republic’. (True/False)

x. What is psephology?

POLITICAL SCIENCE- 2011 (3 hours)

(Section A)
(Answer in approximately 250 words) (4 x 10)

1. Discuss critically the Naxalite menace in India and solutions to solve the issue.

2. Discuss Politics as public affair and as a power and struggle over scarce resources.

3. Has secularism failed in India? Give reasons to support your answer. Also discuss some
suggestions to strengthen it.

4. Critically evaluate the Hindutva doctrine and its impact on Indian society and politics.

(Section B)
(Answer in approximately 50 words) (5 x 2)

Comment on the following:

5. Politics as “authoritative allocation of values”.

6. Recent middle class activism in India.

7. Revanchism.

8. ‘God Gap’.

9. ‘Sons of the soil’ theory.

(Section C)
10. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be- (10x1)

i. What is the full form of TINA?

ii. The concept of Pitribhumi and Punyabhumi with respect to Hindutva has been given by Sunil
Khilnani…… . (True/False)

iii. Recently BSP government has floated the desire to divide UP in …..(2/3/4/5 ) parts.

iv. “All philosophers have sought to interpret the world. The point however, is to change it”. Who
said it?

v. Name any one core belief of Hinduism according to Karan Singh.

vi. What is Gresham’s law in Politics?

vii. The concept of India and US as ‘God Lands’ has been given by Bruce Lincoln… . (True/False)

viii. What is the full form of PAP?

ix. In the 15th Lok Sabha, …..(143/153/163/173) MPs have grave criminal charges.

x. The concept of India as a land of ‘million mutinies’ has been given by V.S Naipaul…. . (True/False)

POLITICAL SCIENCE- 2011 (1.5 hours)

1. Discuss the differences between the classical public administration and new public
administration. In this light discuss some problems of Indian bureaucracy and suggest
some administrative reforms to counter them.

Comment on the following:

2. Neo- protectionism.
3. Bio- piracy.
4. Seno- nomics
5. Sovereign wealth funds
6. Singapore issues.

POLITICAL SCIENCE- 2010 (3 hours)

1. Discuss India as an emerging economic powerhouse.
2. Discuss the features of Hindutva and its impact on Hinduism, Indian politics, society and
3. Has secularism failed in India? Give reasons to support your answer.
4. What is midday meal scheme? Critically discuss its performance in India in light of the rece nt
planning commission survey in July 2010.

Comment on the following:

5. Difference between classical and new public administration.

6. Revanchism
7. ‘God- Gap’
8. Types of power
9. Demographic dividend

10. What is golden interval of intervention?

POLITICAL SCIENCE- 2010 (3 hours)

1. Explain Indian foreign policy after 1991.
2. Write a note on Non- Aligned Movement (NAM).
3. Explain India’s nuclear policy.
4. Discuss the reasons why SAARC has not done well. Give some suggestions to strengthen it.

Write short notes on the following-

5. Heping Jueqi.
6. Gujral Doctrine.
7. Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan.
8. India’s policy towards the Islamic world.
9. ‘Middle Kingdom Complex’ of China.

POLITICAL SCIENCE- 2010 (1.5 hours)

1. “India is facing a crisis of governability”. Comment.
Describe politics as a public affair and as a power struggle.

2. Politics as “Authoritative allocation of values”.
4. ‘Fish in the water’ strategy.
5. “Indian zippies”.
6. “Seno- nomics”.
7. What is the key principle of “Thatcherism”?


1. Explain MNCs, NGOs, international media order and ethnic groups as a challenge to the
sovereignty of the state.
“India is facing a crisis of governability”. Comment.

3. “Politics as authoritative allocation of values”.
4. “Liberalization with a Human face”
5. “Fish in Water” strategy.
6. Noam chompsky’s views on terrorism as wholesale and retail.

POLITICAL SCIENCE- 2008 (1.5 hours)

1. Discuss the various theories of the origin of state.
Discuss the nature of Political Science.

2. “The state is an individual writ large” (Plato).
3. “The state is a natural institution” (Aristotle)
4. The “end justifies the means” (Machiavelli).
5. Rousseau’s theory of General will
6. Politics as a “Authoritative allocation of resources” (David Easton).

POLITICAL SCIENCE- 2008 (1.5 hours)

1. What are the main features of the constitution (73rd) Amendment Act? What are the
problems faced by the Panchayati Raj Institutions as of now?
What are the challenges facing the civil servants in this age of Liberalization, Privatization,
and globalization?

2. Politics as a process of ‘Conflict resolution’.
3. Globalization as a double- edged sword.
4. “India is facing crisis of governance”. Comment.
5. “India versus Bharat” Divide.
6. New Public Administration (NPA).

POLITICAL SCIENCE- 2008 (3 hours)

1. Discuss the nature of Political Science with special reference to politics as ‘power’ and
‘compromise and consensus’.
2. Discuss briefly the various theories of origin of the state.
3. Discuss referendum and initiative as techniques of direct legislation.
4. Write a critical evaluation on behaviouralism and post- behaviouralism.
Discuss the arguments for and against bicameralism.

5. Features of ancient Greek political thought
6. Theory of two swords
7. ‘State is an individual writ large’ (Plato).
8. “The end justifies the means”. (Machiavelli).
9. ‘State is a natural institution’ (Aristotle).

POLITICAL SCIENCE- 2008 (3 hours)

1. Briefly discuss the social Contract Theory of Hobbles and Locke.
2. Discuss the three main phases of Indian party system since independence.
3. Discuss the main features of Constitution (73rd) Act, 1992. Also discuss the main reasons why
PRIs remain a paper tiger.
4. How far do you agree with the statement that India has become an economic powerhouse?
Give reasons to support your answer.

5. Gross National Happiness (GNH).
6. Problem of regionalism in Indian politics.
7. Swatantra party.
8. Neo Liberalism.
9. NPA

POLITICAL SCIENCE- 2007 (3 hours)

1. Write briefly the contribution of Rousseau to the social contract theory.
2. Do u feel there has been a decline in Legislatures in contemporary times? Give reasons
in support of your answer.
3. Write a note on Judicial Activism in India.
4. Evaluate the institution of PMO in India.

Write short notes on the following:

5. Initiative
6. Recall
7. Keshavananda Bharti case
8. Plural Executive
9. Judicial Review.

POLITICAL SCIENCE- 2007 (3 hours)

1. Write a short essay on the behavioural as well as post behavioural revolution in the history
of political science.
2. Give arguments for and against bicameralism.
Do you feel that there has been a decline in legislatures in contemporary times? Discuss the
3. Write a note on judicial review with special reference to India.
4. Evaluate the institution of PMO in India.

Write short notes on the following:

5. Relation of politics with economics

6. Referendum
7. Evolutionary theory of the origin of the state.
8. Plural executive
9. Process of judicial appointments in India.

POLITICAL SCIENCE- 2006 (1.5 hours)

1. Critically discuss the basic principles of ‘Marxism’. Do you think it is still relevant? give
your arguments in favour and against.
“The social contract of Rousseau is Leviathan with its head chopped off”. In the light of
the above statement, discuss Rousseau’s concept of General Will.

2. Hobbes despite being an absolute thinker is the greatest individualistic thinker-
3. Locke is the father of liberalism- comment.
4. Rousseau’s ideas are the synthesis of Hobbes and Locke’s ideas- comment.
5. Critically discuss the ‘Force theory’ of the origin of the state .
6. In your view which one is the most satisfactory theory of the ‘origin of the state’.

POLITICAL SCIENCE- 2006 (3 hours)


1. Write briefly about the contribution of Hobbes to the social contract theory.
Write a critical essay on behavioural revolution.
2. Give your arguments for and against Bicameralism.
Highlight the key reasons for the decline in Legislatures in contemporary times.
3. What do you understand by judicial activism? Evaluate it critically with special
reference to India.
Write a critical essay on judicial review with special reference to India.
4. What are the challenges facing the Indian civil servants in this age of liberalization,
privatisation, and globalization?
Evaluate the institution of PMO in India.

Write short notes on the following:
5. Separation of poers
6. Referendum
7. Keshavananda Bharti case
8. Evils afflicting bureaucracy
9. New public administration (NPA).

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