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2. Buat akun ceres terlebih dahul dan masuk lewat email

3. Masukkan Lokasi yang diingikan atau bisa menggunakan GPS, Lalu tekan DONE


4. Setelah Lokasi didapatkan, mulai Skenario yang diinginkan

KLIK tanda Garis 3 dipojok kiri atas, Lalu Pilih RUN NEW SKENARIO
5. Pilih ALOHA scenario Type yang di inginkan.
(saya contohkan scenario TANK yang bocor)

6.Pilih Change wheater Source, dan Klik NEXT

Lalu masuk ke Page Hazard :pilih tank Failure type (contoh: Leaking tank) dan KLIK NEXT
8. Isikan semua Parameter Tank, Lalu KLINK NEXT DAN KLIK OK
9. Pada Page Leak, isikan semua Parameter, Lalu klik NEXT

10. Pada Page POOL isikan Max Puddle Area, Lalu Klik NEXT
11. Pada page EXPL isikan parameter dan Kilk Next

12. Pada page Levels isikan parameter dan Kilk RUN

13. Berikut tampilan dari hasil Scenario TANK LEAKING, untuk mendapatkan Report detail , KLIK REPORT

14. Pada Colum Report KLIK Continue, lalu masukkan email yang akan menerima report.

Lalu Klik SEND Email


CERES 2.7.7968 ALOHA® 5.4.7

Flammable Report
Time: June 08, 2023 08:02
Location: MCPG+8P4, Pangkalan Batu, Kec. Kendawangan, Kabupaten Ketapang,
Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia (2.31384S, 110.42758E)
Chemical Name: 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE

Wind: 18 km/h from 30.0° (NNE) true at 10 m

Model Run: Gaussian
Red: 4 m --- ≥29400 ppm (60% LEL - Flame Pockets)
Note: Threat zone was not drawn because dispersion predictions are
unreliable for lengths less than the maximum diameter of the puddle.
Maximum diameter of the puddle: 8 meters
Yellow: 4 m --- ≥4900 ppm (10% LEL)
Note: Threat zone was not drawn because dispersion predictions are
unreliable for lengths less than the maximum diameter of the puddle.
Maximum diameter of the puddle: 8 meters

Threat Zone (Plume Impacted Zone)

Concentration Population Distance

≥29400 ppm (60% LEL - Flame Pockets) N/A 4m
Note: Threat zone was not drawn because
dispersion predictions are unreliable for lengths
less than the maximum diameter of the puddle.
Maximum diameter of the puddle: 8 meters
≥4900 ppm (10% LEL) N/A 4m
Note: Threat zone was not drawn because
dispersion predictions are unreliable for lengths
less than the maximum diameter of the puddle.
Maximum diameter of the puddle: 8 meters
wind direction confidence lines

Note: ALOHA limited the duration to 1 hour

Source Strength (Release Rate)
Time: June 08, 2023 08:02

Chemical Name: 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE

Leak from hole in horizontal cylindrical tank
Flammable chemical escaping from tank (not burning)
Tank Diameter: 4 m
Tank Length: 2 m
Tank Volume: 25,100 liter
Tank contains: liquid
Internal Temperature: 23.9 °C
Chemical Mass in Tank: 38,300 kg
Tank is: 90% full
Circular Opening Diameter: 5 cm
Opening is: 0.5 m
from tank bottom
Ground Type: Default soil
Ground Temperature: 23.9 °C
Max Puddle Area: 50 m^2
Release Duration: 1 hour
ALOHA limited the duration to 1 hour
Max Average Sustained Release Rate
(averaged over a minute or more): 2.56 kg/min
Total Amount Released: 144 kg
The chemical escaped as a liquid and formed an evaporating puddle. The
puddle spread to a diameter of 8.0 meters.
Text Summary

Location: MCPG+8P4, Pangkalan Batu, Kec. Kendawangan, Kabupaten Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat,
Indonesia (2.31384S, 110.42758E)
Time: June 08, 2023 08:02

Chemical Name: 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE
CAS Number: 630-20-6 Molecular Weight: 167.85 g/mol
PAC-1: 0.2 ppm PAC-2: 2.2 ppm PAC-3: 13 ppm
LEL: 49000 ppm UEL: 121000 ppm
Ambient Boiling Point: 130.5deg C
Vapor Pressure at Ambient Temperature: 0.015 atm
Ambient Saturation Concentration: 14,886 ppm or 1.49%


Wind: 18 km/h from 30.0° (NNE) true at 10 m
Ground Roughness: 1 m Cloud Cover: 5 tenths
Air Temperature: 23.9 °C Stability Class: D
No Inversion Height Relative Humidity: 50%

Leak from hole in horizontal cylindrical tank
Flammable chemical escaping from tank (not burning)
Tank Diameter: 4 m
Tank Length: 2 m
Tank Volume: 25,100 liter
Tank contains: liquid
Internal Temperature: 23.9 °C
Chemical Mass in Tank: 38,300 kg
Tank is: 90% full
Circular Opening Diameter: 5 cm
Opening is: 0.5 m
from tank bottom
Ground Type: Default soil
Ground Temperature: 23.9 °C
Max Puddle Area: 50 m^2
Release Duration: 1 hour
ALOHA limited the duration to 1 hour
Max Average Sustained Release Rate
(averaged over a minute or more): 2.56 kg/min
Total Amount Released: 144 kg
The chemical escaped as a liquid and formed an evaporating puddle. The puddle spread to a
diameter of 8.0 meters.

Model Run: Gaussian
Red: 4 m --- ≥29400 ppm (60% LEL - Flame Pockets)
Note: Threat zone was not drawn because dispersion predictions are unreliable for lengths less
than the maximum diameter of the puddle. Maximum diameter of the puddle: 8 meters
Yellow: 4 m --- ≥4900 ppm (10% LEL)
Note: Threat zone was not drawn because dispersion predictions are unreliable for lengths less
than the maximum diameter of the puddle. Maximum diameter of the puddle: 8 meters

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