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Hippeastrum x hybridum

1. Latin name: Hippeastrum x hybridum
2. Common name: Amaryllis
3. Family: Amaryllidaceae
4. Origin: Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Mexico and the west
5. Habitat: Tropical and subtropical americas
6. Form:
7. Mature size: Bulb is medium to large from 7.5 - 10 cm. for old
hybrids and reaching 15-20 cm. for newly introduced ones.
8. Leaf Persistance: Evergreen.
9. Flowering/Fruiting season/Significance:
most species come from frost free areas with cool dry winters when
plant becomes dormant and may shed all its leaves at its end (locally
in end of feb to early march). this is what induces flowering around
early to mid-april
10. Prefered exposure: Prefers part sun. Do fine and bloom in a
north exposure with little to no sun provided its clear from any tree
canopies or other elements which can prevent strong albeit indirect
light to reach it.
11. Water consumption: Moderate, in full sun will need much more
12. Hardiness Zones: 8-10
13. Prefered soil type : sand,loam and silty soil as long as they are
well drained and have the set of nutrients necessary for the bulbs
healthy growth.
14. Prefered soil PH: prefers slightly acidic to neutral soils but will
tolerate alkalinity to 8 with less performance due to its inability to
absorb its needed nutrients from the soil at this high PH.
15. Wind tolerance: Medium
16. Salt tolerance: Medium
1. Heat Zones/Humidity tolerance: High tolerance for heat, will
only thrive in the more temperate part of the middle east where it can
get its short but necessary cool dormancy period. will not perform in
the warmer more humid parts of the MENA region.
2. Urban conditions tolerance: Medium.
3. Drought Tolerant: Medium
4. Diseases: mealy bugs and snails are their biggest enemy but they
are easily controlled
5. Plant Propagations: by seed or division
6. Ease of boxing: Easy.
7. Performance in the MENA region: is very well adapted to the
egyptian climate . it reliably blooms every year and its leaves are very
ornamental even when not in flower and performs very well on both
mediterranean and red sea coasts as long as sheltered from heavy winds
and direct salt spray.
8. Growth rate & active/dormancy periods: Plants will grow
quickly and easily from seed, requiring three to several years be-
fore flowering.
9. Special features: The large, bold flowers of Amaryllis are well
known as pot plants, the tall flower scape projecting well above the
long,evergreen, strap-like leaves .Borne in clusters of two to five, the
trumpet-shaped blooms appear in spring when planted in the landscape
and are available in various shades and combinations of white, pink,
red, or orange.
10. Toxity: is considered poisonous to humans if in gested. (most
toxic part of the plant is the bulb)to the presence of alkaloids such
as Lycorine. Severe toxicity occurs if large quantity is ingested.
•Toxic to both cats and dogs.
11. Mentenance level/Pruning Requirement: Medium.
12. Style: Tropical

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