Profed 104

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1. What is the condition of the learner?

- The condition that Penpen have is Autism Spectrum Disorder, also known
as ASD.

2. How did the parent discover the condition of the child? What did she do when
she learned the condition of her child?

- At first Mrs. Marzo have observed and noticed that Penpen is quite different
from her cousin and others. When they visited their province, she saw her niece
having a complete conversation with her mom, she is looking directly at her mom,
listening, analyzing the words and giving response. However Penpen was not like
when her mom was talking or asking her, she has shakey eyes, avoiding eye contacts,
sometimes not listening, just repeating the words of her mom and does not respond,
it just depends on her mood whether she would pay attention. Therefore, when they
got back in their place they immediately seek for a professional consultation, and
then her parents got the confirmation from the specialist that Penpen has Autism
Spectrum Disorder.

3. What programs does the government implement for the benefit of the persons
with disabilities or differently-abled individuals?

- The government created laws for them, we can take the “Magna Carta for
Disabled Persons” as an example. This law gave them a chance to have an access to
employment, privileged education and health services.
The education department made a decision that some of the children who
have a special needs will be able to join the regular class. For some children that
can no longer continue, they suggest to enroll them or let them join training for
them to learn. For PhilHealth, they made packages for them and they have free
medical services for persons with disabilities. Z morph package was one of their
existing package given. It includes prosthetics, surgical procedures and
amputation. For the children they created benefits that will help them for/in
visual,hearing and mobility disabilities. The national government agencies were
also mandated to give at least 1% of their total budget to the person with
disabilities and senior citizens.
In conclusion the government were trying their best for them. However it is
still not enough to reach the other people with special needs and differently-abled
individuals, but at least they were trying their best for them.

4. Do you think learning is still possible for people with special needs? Yes or No?
Explain your answer.

- In my opinion the people with special needs can still learn many things.
Based on our famous quote or saying “learning and education is endless”, every
people can acquire knowledge and information in many ways. There are
schools,institutions, programs, etc. who were established or built for them. Their
family and friends can also help them to learn simple yet useful things or skills
which will make their future activities easier and organized than before.

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