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Heal Your Headache: The book for headache sufferers,

smashes the migraine paradox.
1 -2-3 Program for Taking Written by Dr. David Buchholz,
Charge of Your Pain a professor of neurology at Johns
David Buchholz, MD, Hopkins University School of
Workman Publishing Medicine and a self-described
Company, Inc., 2002. "contrarian," "ornery instigator,"
246 pages. Paperback, and "troublemaker," the book is
insightful, practical, and dis-
$13.95. plays therapeutic attitude.
This book empowers head-
Migraine, the most common ache sufferers by introducing a
disabling primary headache, af- simple plan for headache con-
fects 12.6% ofAmerican adoles-
cents and adults with self-re-
trol. The 1-2-3 Program is repre-
sented by three steps which in- fnsnPROGRAMdm
ofi~Jins !aok" P
inniiOWaM.). QN( OF RPIN.

ported severe headaches. This volve: 1) avoiding "quick fixes"

represents more than 35 million in that major significance is put
migraineurs, and it does not spare on analgesic rebound headache
any ethnic population. The de- (also known as rebound or med-
cade of the brain helped expand ication overuse headache); 2) re- triggers. Thus, for sufferers to
our basic understanding of many ducing headache triggers, partic- help themselves get better, they
neurological disorders. Moreover, ularly such oral triggers as must change the things they can,
this was accompanied by consid- caffeine, dietary items, and med- stop caffeine, and eliminate all
erable growth in our therapeutic ications; and 3) raising headache potential dietary triggers. The
arsenal. Migraine benefited con- threshold, principally obtained second concept has to do with
siderably, as better understand- by using preventive medications headache threshold, the level at
ing of the epidemiology, burden, appropriately. which headache control is main-
impact, and acute treatment fol- Emphasis is placed on elimi- tained. If triggers escalate above
lowed pathophysiology. nating or preventing the devel- this level, headaches are generat-
Unfortunately, in the real opment of rebound headache by ed, but when triggers remain be-
world, 52% of migraine suffer- limiting the use of acute head- low this level, headaches are
ers go undiagnosed and are not ache medications. Migraine suf- controlled. The unchangeable trig-
allowed to enjoy the benefits of ferers are thoughtfully instructed gers are always present, some-
modern treatment. Instead, they in how important rebound is, times better or less active, but at
are frequently misdiagnosed to and useful methods are de- other times worse and extremely
have sinus, tension, or stress with scribed that help them get and active. Reducing oral headache
or without the headache designa- keep better headache control. triggers improves the chance that
tion. Additionally, less than 5% Considerable importance is headache threshold will not be
of migraine sufferers have ever placed on headache triggers. Two breached. Additionally, two other
been started on preventive agents, important concepts are intro- features characterize headache
despite the fact that at least 25% duced that will help sufferers un- threshold: it is lowered by anal-
meet frequency criteria for pre- derstand why and how-usually gesic rebound, and it is raised by
vention (.4 migraine attacks/ with their physicians' assis- preventive medications.
month). Thus, there exists a par- tance-they get into trouble with The description of migraine
adox where what is known about rebound medications or quick as a syndrome with multiple
migraine has not translated into fixes and dietary triggers. First, manifestations and a wide spec-
improved headache care. in terms of triggers, two major trum allows headache sufferers
Heal Your Headache: The 1- categories are discussed: those to recognize how they are im-
2-3 Program for Taking Charge that cannot be changed-e.g., pacted by specific and nonspe-
ofYour Pain, a wonderfully well- weather, menses, and stress-and cific migraine symptoms and
written and instructive self-help those that can be changed-oral comorbidity. Many of these fea-


tures are larval or not typical of The major problem with this sels, which result in pain.
the research criteria formulated book is that it relies too heavily on Despite the over indulgence
by the International Headache the vascular hypothesis of mi- in the vascular hypothesis, this is
Society for headache diagnosis. graine pathophysiology. Almost a very good self-help book for
However, migraine symptoms everything is explained in terms headache sufferers. I highly rec-
are legion and usually respond to ofblood vessels constricting or di- ommend it.
appropriate pharmacological and lating. Unfortunately, this is not
nonpharmacological management. representative of the current hy- Reviewed by:
These are the kinds of issues, pothesis that suggests that mi- Steve D. Wheeler, MD
dilemmas, and features that are graine is a neurobiologic event. Director and Cofounder
described in Heal Your Headache. Migraine appears to be generated Ryan Wheeler Headache Treat-
Many vignettes accompany and in the brain with subsequent stim- ment Center
expand the material, as sufferers ulation of the trigeminal-vascular 20601 Old Cutler Road
are helped to understand that they system. Stimulation ofthis system Miami, FL 33189
are not victims, and they are not results in release of potent vaso- Phone: (305) 235-2243
alone; headache control is within active substances and dilation of Fax: (305) 235-1178
their grasp. capsular or meningeal blood ves-

S* *..

The Cardiology Division at the University of

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more, MD 21201. Communication by e-mail is P.O. Box 800422
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