I Was Brke Tiwec

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I was completely broke TWICE as a designer

I was broke and felt hopeless twice in my design career.

For all you who think success happens overnight here's a short story:


First time in 1999 when I already did some freelancing and my typical full website design + code cost €55
- yes, those were my rates back then.

And yet some clients refused to pay even that and after 3 years of experience designing and coding
websites I was completely broke and had to find a job.

I was seriously doubting whether I should continue doing web design, or maybe start studying to be a
doctor or a lawyer...


Then a decade later, after working at some agencies and already having experience with larger
projects (nestle, pilsner urquell, dhl, upc) I quit my agency job and went freelance again.

However because of NDA's I couldn't really show ANY of my past work so basically it was starting from
scratch again.

Building a brand (hype4) from scratch took enormous effort. I worked 12 hour days all 7 days a week.

I replied to client emails on Saturday, while at a movie theater (happened more than once) or on date
nights with my wife.

Broke beyond belief

In 2011 I was so broke that I had to calculate how much of my last €25 should I spend on gas to be able
to drive to the store and still get some cheap wine for supper. (Priorities, don't drink now at all lol)

The thing is that I never gave up. We lived in a shitty apartment in one of the worst districts of warsaw,
with gang fights outside almost every night, with just one tiny window. Depressing, ugly reality.

Everything stacked against me

Still didn't give up.

Now I own a couple of properties, including a beautiful home by the baltic sea, I spend my winters in
Spain and enjoy full freedom and life full of adventure.

I feel grateful for all that happened, but the most important thing is to never forget that €25 moment
from not that long ago.

I was in a shitty reality and I CHANGED it.

So if you feel like sh*t is going sideways, correct course and keep going forward - it sometimes takes a

Don't give up, ok?

This is relevant

Just wanted to share this, especially after another beloved brand (Spotify) fired 1500 people just before
the holidays - great timing! Yes, I know it's tough - read the above again! :)

Because the economy is shit (still) I'm prolonging the course deals (40-50% off).

Just don't buy them if you're short on cash - prioritize your welbeing first! Get some food, coffee and
stuff you need to survive first!

Here's the deal(s)

Deal 1

For now however you can get my second most popular course, most beginner friendly at over 50% off
here: https://hype4academy.gumroad.com/l/uicourse/lw9tyea

Deal 2

50% off the preorder of my Boring Guide to Auto Layout A true gem that will help you stand out: https://


-40% use the code VTC3ZWF or BLURRY2023 at checkout! Note: this only works for one course at a time,
so if you plan to get a couple sadly you need to do them separately - technology :(

I seriously hope the industry improves, but for now I wish you all a beautiful day!

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