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Chapter 6 Answering the Phone Professionally

Module Objective: To equip employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to answer phone calls
professionally and handle inquiries effectively, fostering positive customer interactions and enhancing
the company's image.

Language Function: Interpersonal Communication

Module Content:

1. The Importance of Professional Phone Etiquette:

 Understand how phone communication impacts the company's reputation.

 Recognize the benefits of effective phone communication in building positive relationships
with customers and stakeholders.

2. Greeting Callers:

 Employ courteous greetings tailored to the context (e.g., "Good morning", "Thank you for
calling [Company name]").
 Clearly identify yourself and your department.
 Avoid unprofessional greetings such as "Yeah?" or "What do you want?"

3. Active Listening:

 Demonstrate attentiveness through nonverbal cues and verbal acknowledgements (e.g., "Uh-
huh", "I understand").
 Minimize distractions and focus solely on the caller's message.
 Ask clarifying questions to ensure complete understanding of the inquiry.

4. Handling Inquiries:

 Identify the caller's needs and concerns through open-ended questions.

 Provide accurate and relevant information, tailored to the caller's specific needs.
 Offer solutions, guidance, or alternative resources as needed.
 Transfer calls to appropriate colleagues when necessary, ensuring a smooth transition.

5. Professional Language and Tone:

 Utilize clear, concise, and positive language, avoiding jargon and technical terms.
 Maintain a respectful and courteous tone throughout the call.
 Speak slowly and enunciate clearly for optimal understanding.

6. Building Rapport:

 Address the caller by name throughout the conversation.

 Demonstrate empathy and understanding towards their concerns.
 Be patient and respectful, helping with a positive attitude.
 Conclude the call with a cordial farewell and appreciation for their inquiry.

7. Handling Difficult Calls:

 Maintain professionalism and composure even during challenging situations.

 Actively listen to identify the source of the caller's frustration.
 Offer solutions or de-escalation strategies based on the specific circumstances.
 Transfer calls to supervisors if necessary, ensuring proper resolution of the issue.

8. Best Practices:

 Answer calls promptly within a reasonable timeframe (e.g., three rings).

 Take accurate and complete messages, including the caller's name, number, and reason for
 Return calls promptly, demonstrating responsiveness and professionalism.
 Document calls for future reference, facilitating efficient case management.

Module Activities:

 Role-playing scenarios to practice various call situations.

 Simulated calls with colleagues for real-time experience and feedback.
 Group discussions and individual exercises to strengthen theoretical understanding.

Additional Resources:

 Online tutorials and videos demonstrating effective phone communication techniques.

 Company-specific phone protocols outlining expected procedures and guidelines.
 Professional phone etiquette guides offering further insights and best practices.


 Evaluation of role-playing scenarios based on adherence to best practices.

 Written assessments to gauge theoretical knowledge and understanding.
 Observation and feedback from supervisors on actual call interactions.
 Module Completion:
 Upon successful completion of this module, participants will demonstrate proficiency in:
 Answering phone calls professionally and efficiently.
 Providing accurate and helpful information to address customer inquiries.
 Communicating effectively using appropriate language and tone.
 Building positive rapport and fostering trust with callers.
 Handling difficult calls calmly and professionally.

This module equips employees with the necessary skills to excel in phone communication,
contributing to enhanced customer satisfaction, improved business image, and overall operational


Ring ring.

Employee: [Answers promptly with a smile] "Good morning, thank you for calling [Company name].
This is [Employee name], how may I assist you today?"

Caller: "Good morning, I'm calling to inquire about your [product/service]."

Employee: "I'd be happy to help! Could you please tell me a little more about what you're looking
Caller: "Yes, I'm interested in [specific details about the product/service]."

Employee: "Thank you for the information. I can help you with that. [Provides detailed information
about the product/service, addressing the caller's specific needs]."

Caller: "That's very helpful. I have another question..."

Employee: "Please go ahead, don't hesitate to ask anything you need."

Caller: "[Asks a question about the product/service]."

Employee: "That's a great question. [Provides a clear and concise answer]."

Caller: "Thank you so much for your help. I appreciate it."

Employee: "You're welcome! Is there anything else I can assist you with today?"

Caller: "No, that's all for now. Thank you again, have a nice day."

Employee: "You too! Have a pleasant day."


1. What product or service is the caller interested in?

2. What are the specific details about the product/service that the caller asks about?
3. What other questions does the caller have?
4. How does the employee answer the caller's questions?
5. How does the employee end the call?
Chapter 7: Handling Complaints with Empathetic
Explanation: This module provides workers with a framework for addressing customer concerns
calmly and effectively using empathetic communication techniques.

Language Function: Empathetic communication builds rapport with the customer by demonstrating
understanding and concern for their feelings.

Module Contents:

A. Introduction: Briefly explain the importance of handling complaints effectively and

the benefits of using empathetic communication.
B. The Five Steps of Empathetic Complaint Handling:

1. Active Listening:

 Give the customer your full attention and avoid interrupting.

 Use nonverbal cues like nodding and maintaining eye contact to show you're

 Paraphrase the customer's concerns to confirm understanding.

2. Acknowledge and Validate Feelings:

 Use phrases like "I understand your frustration" or "That sounds upsetting."

 Avoid minimizing or dismissing the customer's feelings.

 Show sincere empathy and concern.

3. Gather Information:

 Ask open-ended questions to get a clear understanding of the problem.

 Avoid being accusatory or making assumptions.

 Focus on gathering factual information.

4. Offer Solutions:

 Work collaboratively with the customer to find a solution that meets their

 Offer options and explain the consequences of each.

 Be realistic about what you can and cannot offer.


 Thank the customer for bringing the issue to your attention.

 Confirm that the solution is satisfactory.

 Follow up later to ensure the customer remains satisfied.

C. Tips for Using Empathetic Communication:

 Use a calm and respectful tone of voice.

 Avoid using jargon or technical terms.

 Be mindful of cultural differences.

 Be patient and avoid rushing the conversation.

 Show genuine interest in the customer's concerns.

D. Sample Scripts:
 Provide examples of scripts for different types of complaint scenarios.
E. Additional Resources:
 Include links to further resources on empathetic communication and
complaint handling.

Benefits of Using This Module:

 Improved customer satisfaction: By addressing concerns effectively and building rapport with
customers, you can increase their satisfaction and loyalty.

 Reduced stress: By using empathetic communication techniques, you can de-escalate tense
situations and reduce stress for both you and the customer.

 Enhanced problem-solving: By actively listening and gathering information, you can identify
the root cause of the problem and find effective solutions.

 Positive work environment: By treating customers with respect and understanding, you can
create a more positive and productive work environment.

Module Implementation:

 Train workers on the content and application of the module.

 Provide role-playing exercises to help workers practice using empathetic communication


 Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the module and make adjustments as needed.

This module, along with ongoing training and support, can equip workers with the skills and
knowledge they need to handle customer complaints effectively and build strong relationships with

Grammar Considerations for the Handling Complaints:

1. Tone and Formality:

 Formal tone: Use formal language and avoid slang, contractions, or informal expressions.

 Second person: Address the worker directly using the second person ("you").

 Active voice: Use active voice whenever possible to sound direct and confident.
2. Sentence Structure:

 Clarity and conciseness: Avoid long and convoluted sentences. Opt for clear, concise
sentences that are easy to understand.

 Variety: Use a variety of sentence structures to maintain reader engagement.

 Parallelism: Use parallel sentence structure for emphasis and clarity when listing steps or

3. Word Choice:

 Precise vocabulary: Use specific and precise words that accurately convey your meaning.

 Positive language: Focus on positive solutions and avoid negative language that could blame
or criticize the customer.

 Empathetic language: Use words and phrases that convey empathy and understanding, such as
"frustrating," "inconvenient," and "disappointed."

4. Punctuation:

 Use punctuation correctly: Proper punctuation ensures clarity and readability.

 Use bullet points and numbered lists: These can improve the organization and readability of
complex instructions or steps.

5. Consistency:

 Maintain consistent verb tense and tone throughout the module.

 Use consistent terminology for specific concepts or processes.


 Use transition words and phrases to connect ideas and improve the flow of information.

 Proofread carefully to ensure there are no grammatical errors or typos.

By adhering to these grammar considerations, you can create a module that is clear, informative, and
professional, enabling workers to effectively handle customer complaints with empathy and

Dialog from the "Handling Customer Complaints with Empathy" Module:

Setting: A customer service representative (CSR), Lisa, is on the phone with a customer, John, who is
complaining about a recent purchase.


John: (frustrated) Hi, I'm calling to complain about a recent order I placed. The product I received is
not what I ordered.

Lisa: (calmly) Hi John, I'm Lisa. I understand your frustration. Could you please tell me more about
the issue you're experiencing?
John: I ordered a blue sweater, but I received a green one instead. I'm very disappointed because I
needed the blue sweater for an event this weekend.

Lisa: (empathetically) I understand how frustrating that must be. I apologize for the inconvenience
this has caused you. Can you provide me with your order number and a description of the sweater you

John: (calmly) Sure, my order number is 1234567890 and I ordered a blue, wool sweater with a crew

Lisa: Thank you for the information. I see that you're correct, the order confirmation states you
ordered a blue sweater. Let me check our inventory and see if we have a blue sweater available.

John: (slightly less frustrated) Okay, thank you.

(Lisa checks the inventory and finds a blue sweater)

Lisa: Good news, John! We have a blue sweater in stock. I can have it shipped to you today via
expedited shipping so you will receive it in time for your event.

John: (relieved) That's great news! Thank you so much for your help.

Lisa: You're welcome, John. I'm glad we could resolve this issue for you. Would you like me to
process the return of the green sweater as well?

John: Yes, please.

Lisa: No problem. I will email you a return shipping label. Please let me know if you have any other
questions or concerns.

John: Thank you again for your help. I appreciate it.

Lisa: You're welcome, John. Have a good day!

Questions from the Dialog:

1. What is the customer's complaint?

2. How does the CSR respond to the customer's complaint?

3. What steps does the CSR take to resolve the issue?

4. What language functions does the CSR use to communicate empathy?

5. How does the customer feel at the end of the conversation?

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