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Job analysis is the process of gathering information about a job. It is,
to be more specific, a systematic investigation of the tasks, duties
and responsibilities necessary to do a job.

Job Analysis

Nature of job analysis

Job Tasks

Job Analysis Job Duties

Job Responsibilities

Job Analysis

Partial job analysis questionnaire

The information about a job is usually collected through a structured

Your Job Title_______________ Code__________Date_____________
Class Title_______________ Department_____________________
Your Name_________________ Facility___________________________
Superior’s Title______________ Prepared by_______________________
Superior’s Name____________ Hours Worked______AM______to AM____
8. What is the general purpose of your job?
9. What was your last job? If it was in another organisation, please name it.
10. To what job would you normally expect to be promoted?


Job Analysis

Partial job analysis questionnaire

4. If you regularly supervise others, list them by name and job title.

5. If you supervise others, please check those activities that are part of your
supervisory duties:

 Hiring  Coaching  Promoting

 Orienting  Counselling  Compensating

 Training  Budgeting  Disciplining

 Scheduling  Directing  Terminating

 Developing  Measuring Performances  Other____________

8. How would you describe the successful completion and results of your work?

9. Job Duties – Please briefly describe WHAT you do and, if possible, How you do it.
Indicate those duties you consider to be most important and/or most difficult:


Job Analysis

Partial job analysis questionnaire

(a) Daily Duties
(b) Periodic Duties (Please indicate whether weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.)
(c) Duties Performed at Irregular Intervals

8. Education – Please check the blank that indicates the educational

requirements for the job, not your own educational background.
 No formal education required  College degree
 Less than high school diploma Education beyond graduate
 High school diploma or equivalent degree and/or professional license.
 College certificate or equivalent

List advanced degrees or specified professional license or certificate

Please indicate the education you had when you were placed on this job.

Job Analysis

Benefits of Job analysis

Job analysis information is useful for a variety of organisation

purposes ranging from human resource planning to career

Job Analysis

Important benefits of Job Analysis

M u lt if a c e te d N a t u r e o f J o b A n a ly s is

R e c r u it m e n t
H u m a n R e s o u rc e
P la n n i n g S e le c t i o n

J o b E v a lu a t i o n P la c e m e n t

J o b D e s ig n a n d
T r a in i n g
R e d e s ig n

P e r fo rm a n c e
C o u n s e llin g
A p p r a is a l
E m p lo y e e S a f e t y

Job Analysis

Who should conduct job analysis?

 Job incumbents themselves

 Supervisors

 External analysts

Job Analysis

The process of Job analysis

The major steps involved in job analysis are:
 Organisational analysis
 Selection of representative positions to be analysed
 Collection of job analysis data
 Preparation of job description
 Preparation of job specification

Job Analysis

The Competency Approach to Job

This approach encourages employees to develop role based
competencies (knowledge, skills and abilities needed to play diverse
roles ) that may be used in diverse work situations, instead of being
boxed into a job.

Job Analysis

Methods Of Collecting Job Analysis

Seven general techniques are generally used to collect job analysis data;
 Job performance: the analyst actually performs the job in question
and collects the needed information
 Personal observation: the analyst observes others doing the job
and writes a summary
 Critical incidents: job incumbents describe several incidents
relating to work, based on past experience; the analyst collects,
analyses and classifies data.
 Interview: job incumbents and supervisors are interviewed to get
the most essential information about a job

Job Analysis

Guidelines for conducting job

analysis interviews
 Put the worker at ease; establish rapport.
 Make the purpose of the interview clear.
 Encourage the worker to talk by using empathy creativity.
 Help the worker to think and talk according to the logical sequence of the duties
 Ask the worker only one question at a time.
 Phrase questions carefully so that the answers will be more than just “yes” or “no”.
 Avoid asking leading questions.
 Secure specified and complete information pertaining to the work performed and
the worker’s traits.
 Conduct the interview in plain, easy language.
 Consider the relationship of the present job to other jobs in the department.
 Control the time and subject matter of the interview.
 Be patient and considerate to the worker.
 Summarise the information obtained before closing the interview.
 Close the interview promptly.

Job Analysis

Methods Of Collecting Job Analysis

 Panel of experts: experienced people such as job incumbents
and supervisors with good knowledge of the job asked to provide
the information.

 Diary method: job incumbents asked to maintain diaries or logs

of their daily job activities and record the time spent and
nature of work carried out.

 Questionnaire method: job incumbents approached through

a properly designed questionnaire and asked to provide
 The Position Analysis Questionnaire: it is a standardised form
used to collect specific information about job tasks and
worker traits.

Job Analysis

Employee activities in PAQ

1. Information Input: Where and how does the employee get the information he/she
uses in performing his/her job.
Use of written materials.
Near-visual differentiation.
2. Mental Processes: What reasoning, decision making, planning and information-
processing activities are involved in performing the job?
Levels of reasoning in problem solving.
3. Physical activities: What physical activities does the employee perform and what
tools or devices does he/she use?
Use of Keyboard devices.

Job Analysis

Employee activities in PAQ

4. Relationships with other people: What relationships with other people are
required in performing the job?
Contacts with public, customers.
5. Job context: In what physical and social context is the work performed?
High temperature.
Interpersonal conflict situations.
6. Other Job characteristics: What activities, conditions, or characteristics other than
those described above are relevant to the job?
Specified work pace.
Amount of job structure.

Job Analysis

Methods Of Collecting Job Analysis

 Management Position Description Questionnaire: it is a
standardised form designed to analyse managerial jobs

Management Position Description Factors

1. Product, marketing and financial strategy planning.
2. Coordination of other organisational units and personnel.
3. Internal business control.
4. Products and services responsibility.
5. Public and customer relations.
6. Advanced consulting.
7. Autonomy of actions.
8. Approval of financial commitments.
9. Staff service.
10. Supervision.
11. Complexity and stress.
12. Advanced financial responsibility.
13. Broad personnel responsibility.

Job Analysis

Methods Of Collecting Job Analysis

 Functional job analysis: it is a systematic process of finding
what is done on a job by examining and analysing the
fundamental components of data, people and things.

Job Analysis

Behavioural Factors Impacting

Job Analysis
The following behavioural factors must be taken care of while
carrying out a job analysis:
 Exaggerate the facts
 Employee anxieties
 Resistance to change
 Overemphasis on current efforts
 Management straight jacket

Job Analysis

Job Description And Job Specification

The end products of job analysis are:

Job description: this is a written statement of what the job holder
does, how it is done, under what conditions it is done and why it is

Job Analysis

Specimen of Job Description

Title Compensation manager

Code HR/2310
Department Human Resource Department
Summary Responsible for the design and administration of employee
compensation programmes.
Duties  Conduct job analysis.
 Prepare job descriptions for current and projected
 Evaluate job descriptions and act as Chairman of Job
Evaluation Committee.
 Insure that company’s compensation rates are in tune with
the company’s philosophy.


Job Analysis

Specimen of Job Description

 Relate salary to the performance of each employee.

Conduct periodic salary surveys.
 Develop and administer performance appraisal
 Develop and oversee bonus and other employee
benefit plans.
 Develop an integrated HR information system.
Working conditions Normal. Eight hours per day. Five days a week.
Report to Director, Human Resource Department.

Job specification: it offers a profile of human characteristics

(knowledge, skills and abilities) needed by a person doing a job.

Job Analysis

Specimen of job specification

Education  MBA with specialisation in HRM/MA in social work/PG

Diploma in HRM/MA in industrial psychology.
 A degree or diploma in Labour Laws is desirable.
Experience  At least 3 years’ experience in a similar position in a large
manufacturing company.
Skill, Knowledge, Abilities  Knowledge of compensation practices in competing
industries, of job analysis procedures, of compensation
survey techniques, of performance appraisal systems.
 Skill in writing job descriptions, in conducting job analysis
interviews, in making group presentations, in performing
statistical computations
 Ability to conduct meetings, to plan and prioritise work.
Work Orientation Factors  The position may require upto 15 per cent travel.
Age  Preferably below 30 years.

Job Analysis

Role Analysis

To have a clear picture about what a person actually does on a job,

the job analysis information must be supplemented with role
analysis. Role analysis involves the following steps:

 Identifying the objectives of the department and the functions to be

carried out therein
 Role incumbent asked to state his key performance areas and his
understanding of the roles to be played by him
 Other role partners of the job such as boss, subordinate, peers are asked
to state their expectations from the role incumbent
 The incumbent's role is clarified and expressed in writing after
integrating the diverse viewpoints expressed by various role partners.

Job Analysis

Job Analysis In A Jobless World

In recent times, the traditional way of jobs having a clearly-delineated
set of duties and responsibilities is being increasingly questioned. For
example, knowledge workers do not like standardised, routinised
operations to be carried out in a fixed, predetermined time schedule.
Talented ones, again, may require jobs with stretch pull and
challenge. They may want to carry out their duties in a flexible

Job Analysis

A close look at the jobs inside

India’s best work places
 Sasken Communication Technologies: Employees enjoy considerable freedom
to think and innovate and work in their own style. There is absolutely no
monitoring of anybody. There are no attendance registers and there is no limit on
sick leaves. Every employee is trusted and management is transparent. There is
no perk that CEO Rajiv Mody enjoys that a junior employee does not.

 Hughes Software Systems: HSS makes sure that all its employees get
interesting breaks - these may take the shape of personality development
programmes, cricket matches, literature clubs, or adventure activities. One of the
employees even commented "If I don't like my boss, I can change my section."
 Monsanto India: Monsanto India is a flat organisation (three to four levels). Even
these levels are often cut short through an open culture. Everyone sits in an open
office. The workstations are the some size. The travel allowances are the same so
are the refreshments of course it sets stiff targets for employees, but trains them
with a rare rigour so that they get a fair shot at those. People identified as future
leaders are rolled over challenging positions.


Job Analysis

A close look at the jobs inside

India’s best work places
 Cadbury India: Fun is serious business at Cadbury India. The HR manager's
statement sums up the company's philosophy: “We believe that the day you stop
enjoying work is the day you stop contributing. We make people stretch: but we
make them stretch with a smile." The company firmly believes that a smile a day
keeps the market blues away.

 Philips Software Centre: The company's office in Bangalore, employees could

have all the comforts in the world: a variety of cuisines, a creche, a gymnasium,
bunker beds for naps, gym instructor, doctor, psychological counsellor, a dietician.
It is a whole new world of work, play, study and rest. Not surprisingly, senior
executives remain glued to their seats even after office hours. The company had
to come out with an order recently stating that nobody should stay in the office
after 9 p.m. without sufficient reason!

Job Analysis

Job Analysis In A Jobless World

 Flatter organisations
 Work teams
 Boundary less organisations
 Reengineering exercises

Job Analysis

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