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Decisions can be made quickly, or they can be made after careful thought.

Do you agree or
disagree with the following statement? The decisions that people make quickly are always
wrong. Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.

Most people agree that everyone in the world should think carefully before making a
decisión. Personally, I believe that these decisions are generally better than the ones you
make quickly, but there are some situations that oblied you to act directly. I feel this way for
two reasons will I will explore in the folllowing essay.

First of all, the society is changing at a rapid pace nowadays and everything is happening
faster than it did decades ago. This is due to the widespread use of technologies, internet,
social media… which have made everything in life move more quickly including decision-
making. As a result, children who have had access to all this techonologies since a young age
are imitating the behaviour if other´s whithout much thought. In my opinion, schools and
parents need to prioritize education that emphasizes the importance of thinking before acting.
This will help children develop critical thinking skills and become more intelligent.

Secondly, our daily lives are full of moments that require us to make decisions, but not all of
these decisions are equally important. It is important to distinguish between basic choices and
those that carry greater weight. Morover, the process og decision-making depends above all
on the context that forces you to make a decision, wether carefully thought-out or not. There
are some daily circumstances where is better to make a decision without thinking. My
personal experience is a compelling example of this. During my weekly routine, I have a lot
of tasks to complete, some of which are obligatory and others that depend solely on my
willpower. My technique for completing the tasks that I do not want to do but are good for
me, such as homeworkg, exercising… is to do them without deliberation, because if I start
thinking, I might talk myself out of doing them.

In conclusion, people need some time to reflect on what they really want to do before making
important decissions. On the other hand, there are daily life choices related to routines that do
not necessarily require that reflection.

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