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1. Which goal do you think we need the most? Why? Choose 3 goals and explain your answer.

(10 points)

I think that No Poverty; Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions; and Partnership for the

Goals are the goals that we need the most. I chose these three because I think that some of the other

goals can be under those three and can include all of the goals we wanted to achieve, and we needed

them – as long as we can – to incorporate them into our lives and our country. Just like no poverty, it can

also mean that there will be zero hunger, quality education, good health and well-being. And then in

peace, justice, and strong institutions. That also means that there will be no inequalities at all. And then

in partnership for the goals. We need this because in order to achieve all the goals that we need the most,

we have to have a partnership that is strong and competent enough to give support regarding these

important things that our people and the world need.

2. What does it mean to be a global citizen? Give ways on how to become a responsible global citizen. (10


Being a global citizen also implies that you are aware and fully awake to the current events in

our world, that you understand your purpose and responsibility for the issues that require our attention,

particularly the environment. a human being, your responsibility isn’t always just around the house and

your family, but you also have a responsibility to your environment and to the earth to make it peaceful

and sustainable. To become a responsible global citizen, first you need to know and accept that you have

a responsibility to the earth or the world. Second, you should be aware of the things that are happening

that can kill and harm the mother earth and take an action – no matter how small it is, it can help. Third

and last, for me, is to give information or educate people about these things and encourage them to take

a stand and be aware of the things the world needs and also take an action until they ask themselves, "If

not me, who?" If not now, when? "

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