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Created @November 15, 2023 6:57 PM


Type Test


Materials: my grammar lab + appendix 2 (page 365-366)

This table is made of wood. = the material that is not heavily manufactured
This table is made from glass, wood and metal. = the material is heavily
manufactured, modified
This table is made out of a wooden door. = the material transformed from one thing
to another
This cocktail is made with gin and tonic. = ingredients contained in foods and

relative clauses with prepositions

They did not own the house which they lived in. = informal
They did not own the house in which they lived. = formal

difference between at and in

Let’s meet at the Faculty of English AMU. = inside or outside the building
Let’s meet in the Faculty of English AMU. = inside the building
The conference was held at the FoE AMU. = at the institution known as FoE AMU

Prepositions 1
The conference was held in the FoE AMU. = in the building of FoE AMU

means of transport
We’ll get in(side) the car and head to the airport.
Make sure to get out of the taxi quickly.
refers to: car, taxi, truck, vehicle, BMW, van, limousine, uber etc.

We need to get on the train before it departs.

Please remember to get off the subway at the next station.
refers to: bicycle, bus, tram, train, plane, ferry, metro, boat, ship, rocket etc.

We walked towards him to ask a question. = we are only closer to him

We walked right up to him to ask a question. = we fully reached him

difference between at and to

She threw the ball at him. = She aimed and threw the ball in his direction.
She threw the ball to him. = She threw the ball so that he could catch it.

He shouted at her angrily. = He raised his voice in anger towards her.

He shouted to her from across the street. = He raised his voice so she could hear

He waved at the crowd. = He made a gesture in their direction.

He waved to his friend. = He gestured to get his friend’s attention.

inclusion and exception

There was nothing he could do other than to wait for the decision.
They had no alternative but to follow the instructions.

Prepositions 2
She had no choice except to resign from her job.

Everyone was there, except for/apart from/but for Sally. +WITH every, all, no

The teacher was unimpressed by her students’ performance except for/apart

from/but for Michael’s. = contradiction of the main idea in the sentence

Each student should submit their essay before 30th October. = on 29th or earlier
Each student should submit their essay by/until 30th October. = 30th OCtober

The train departed just on time, as scheduled. = at exactly the time scheduled
We finished the project in time for the deadline. = we still had some time to spare

like/as/as if
She spoke as a director, expressing her disappointment. = She is a director.

She’s been behaving like our superior lately. = her behaviour resembles that of their
She behaves as if she is an aristocrat. = it’s highly likely she is an aristocrat judging
by her behaviour
He behaves as if he was the head of our family. = he is not the head of our family
and we criticise him for behaving this way

interested in doing/to do
I am interested in learning foreign languages. = it belongs to my interests

I was interested to learn more about this flm director. = I had desire to learn more
about them
I was interested to learn that he had an affair. = I was surprised to learn this

Prepositions 3
be lacking in/lack
His arrogant behaviour shows me that he is lacking in empathy. = more formal,
empathetic and descriptive

They won a few matches this season but they lack consistency.= used in every day

in/at the end

In the end, she chose to go to London College.= after considering everything

The movie credits rolled at the end of the film. = at the final position

at/in the front of

The entrance to the building is at the front. = a specific location at the front building

She stood in front of the class to give her presentation. = ahead of or before

She was sitting in the front of the car. The keys are in the back of the drawer. =
located within the interior of a place or object

Prepositions 4

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