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Pin Diode dn a PIN (Po inteinkic 0) Hiode tte Semtcorduct®) wafer has heavily cleped ren Layer of P tyre watenial Acporated Prem og Cqually heavily doped Paneco Lassen ot nt | Malenial by a thicker Lager high Yesiativity tralervial thak oY Intsingic . 2s N_CN type 81) Metall; Contact| —_P (Dobsingie &) Pe Si Silicon dy unidely ured becaure of IFS pau hadi vo, Capacity owek high veaishvity inte Invi nic, Yegion and cay Padeteaction Electsica) Contack ane token Prom tee 20° heavily doped Seqrons PIN diodes any turtcely used $a mice power Fouttching | limiting cod mocbulat > The PINdicde acts oy a leno by rect"! tred- Could Bectity mate. powan tan BES FR eset ctiode . SoU Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner upte aboul- oom, Ha operction uh Xmilan-toan Bidinary Nicrowave election ard misting . — > Bolanced Minen in ACW vader 7 Microwave dake tq tonge | Uple loo GH Zz nelse Figure’ ude +. Isde Hela contact old pled | Coveuwic 4 se ewaleg oss a Metal contact Conode) tigi Contivucten, Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner A 86D Commlsls cA mele bare on muhtch a Bilicen Peller of mounted. 4 Spring lead waive wlth a Shaxp Poli mater contact itt Yee polithed Runbace ef the emt Conduckh Qellel- They ane noiker obeve loge shar D-V ard C-V chonacleristics aoe Sinlen qo thee P— wm dunchions bul have Aleepen Pv Slope - operation Since there ya Contact belusen a Anmt Conduck®) ard a metal ina S8BO , ib Remults in a okential boowien ab the Inlerface : athe PV and c-V chonacleristies being Rimilan to Hea oe ep oh juuncHers Wills leur bveadinun yellage ave abo duc 4 extremely high election umber daniher, tte deplebion Fegion on wale corduction bord ‘ we oo Nghe ergy leve | Plow into were al : a te meted (ntyp mete! interface) «This “ fea builds up & paitive Spee change ob decom | lthie Held oppas futher Phew this r to 4 ion of thy inlertace which gy due eae Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner the differences in The wo8kK funcHeny ob hy | soo imabeniaus - Pr Se0'8 thi w-tyre Remicenduct wollen ay cuamed fo be usiclen then the bosnien Yeqion widly Ta mat bawvien types, te notype Serica ‘wail Ly nodIUTUON thon the bornien tuidit under Pavoandleios » the borrien haghhs educed) \ Electrons will be injected inte * metal with on appronimately exponential) a2 Chonacteise - Under teventebles , te besten height uy jowaed ond te electron injechen adbde CeaKoS - Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Gunn dicde Nodes i Tanne + Depending eporating Cordier; A gunn effect atci lay made fo Bcillabe in any of te fou | on The taleriod poramebens Oud can be Frsquoncyy modes « 1. Domain mode (dipole transit time 2 tev domain mode ) Q. Delayed &\ Iohibiled olematn mode 3, Quenched clewrain mode ws Aimiled Space charge Accuummat (L848) Mode « DL Domain mode Tika a de bias qd value equal to one alm HRon Cevexpencing to a tRukold field ot cbouk 3 kV/em sy applied fe am n-lyfe Gar® example, He charge dlantitien and electric | Lield cnithin Te Rample become pron = eanibZin | elecleny in Rare Vege creating domains ive, ee tte Rompe will be ival- to expe tte inter volley teomkr tran fh ver of sage Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Eel atlellad alata Directon ch motion ct elcelens cathode Aincdle end Layen cd excers electron uw to ternal fluctuation (noize ) in canner clentity € Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner the eleckric-field inricle He dipele demain Would — be gfealer than ite fields on eile, Side a le dipole Applied Pield od Field dus to the acetals charger an both preent it applied Fie val leveshdld , the field of Hh anocle Rice ob-fke nce tim change exceeds — [Rruxheld ord te electyony in that Feafon ini tutte Lens mobility ig ob fa U-valley “Ths creates a light excess af electrons in Tra Yegion ord a Alight alebiciency A elections in The Yeagon Imwedlfolely chend The Yegion eb excess and deSezent elects] Lam a dipcle Layer. As th dipole Anith along, mere electron in fre vicinihy uaill tramber fe tke U — valley Until tke electric field cubxide te dipole Yegion 4 clepremed below theurhold olech | field. “thin dipde Combiner foward, the ancl | until Ib Collected Upon Collection / HE Diets fn te Romie emps inwediely to iS | Riginal value ard Me new clemain fawotir Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner ee peg os Reon as the field value exceeds iE yrerheld Velue ard the process iy then Yepentcalley cxplically The Hime taken by the clipele demain to travel Pum cattieds to cede Stk yeantil toe ch Itz clevie The Fundamental fain mize $2 Nd L ushere Vy = Drift velociby Cem ms anally) Lo = Device Lemgite in Lem. ‘ Tranait time domain mocke ThA oy ale called tke Guan mode - Herne f. = 0 cons uahen vy svg tke Rutlaining velocity , por Kigh field dowain oh Stable - Th tak come Hh Aeillalion pericd = tranait time Te = v (Fig (a) fo EH b Elacliic tield . becaure The EF ficiency vy below |o% ) in axsrivey at Iq ance ate touin cout ~~ Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner level | —the operating fe (£2 a/c) in thie mole vy Righty Renditive dy te applied Velece Since tte Awigh velocity YA deperch on the bias Velkage - 5 blew volkage incenns » Vy ore) hence tte operating £5, dlecrenres ThA mocke dees hot Yequire ouy external civenéh $8 iH8 operation Th vy a Umo power ; leo efficie| naede owl Yequives operating $4 be lene ton Boaqtz D Delayed Domain revels (idem|se < PL Thar mode horan ad 20% Gp AM @uerched bomain mode i— (41 52x16 emf) TE te bias fit dvopa beloey Ludbainig Lield Es dering negative hel cyeto the clerncin Collapses betae it reaches Hz neds: ~ Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner FP ihe domain deppeey : ide Ake ppecrs Rome ucho fn the got ISelE* dence He hemain hoe’ nok toa [ 0 ta 4 to anode. ehen tte bias Lett seus ak above Hoerhold valuc Vir ya new olomad, ya be Famed cnc the proces Agpeals pence In this meds, the clemain uy quenched pefae ib Yeaches te ancole 1 41387 v GP Vmited Space _chorge Accamulaction mode | (Fu>2* tem] sec) shin & the madtt impattant proce cf operoction fa Guan Beillat8) as “hts rede iver high peuser with high ef ficiency - . Qn tke made, Re dlormalin vy nel 0 od the fy card RF Vollagt ane fen tke demain ole nek howe Subbetent 4p fam Lhkile the Bield uj above threshold _ i intrined As a vesullk adit a te clomains ome vs " . dive Cercluctance stale cluning in ee" i cyl anoe od te volleys ” ca, power ane high the LEA mocke yield hgh P ; wed upto ow (207) Be ee" be vowel hroavily gana preodest ), allowwedl 4 chien Weak cperahion 4 Cath (High F Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Tranail He mode > de bic, % ® m4 % 238 a ou \ Werf a Fe oe > Gum diode Moodley . Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner A\volanche Tranait Tb oy pdiéble +e were a twictowene Heck, exhibil- negative verintonce by having % dels, J in oh avalon belween Voltage wd cornenk togetten coith Acantik Hime hreugh the roleray Arvalarche Honit Gich devices OM called chime devices they wa pomien inapack ionization ord dwigh in te high field vegion HA 2 Sert Conducta duncHen te preduce hesective Wish ak microwave #95 shine cow three distinc’ racde, of avelancts drcillabsu - 1. DrqgatT ! Empoctk Fonizetien Avalanche une Trani Time device - 2. TRapaTT i ‘Trapped Plorma Avalourche PF qeater Tronnik Device - 3: papitt_. beerier injected qront Hot device a Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner geieaTT Dicde — cAey device weer a IB weqative YeRistance i bi it » fa de will sho © F $M 0c) Ban oc yollege Y applied Comment will vice hen vol Palla al- an ac Yale . lence chive yedibkance con abe be def “3 jp te be 186 our of phase cuit” the Volkaae nt dif eglen +t tet tet tt + t4+tt attttt + 444+ f= lo Larn —} Jaen Ah combination a deley involved 9 greg avalanche cunrent maulliplication ogettan unite dale duc te tronit ime threugh © diiboen “fee \ provides tk, necessary [28 phore dif Perence, applied volhage ard Tre redetlling Dmpatt diode - + om being ite P QwemT oy a clicde , te lunch! Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner ond n ayes - fin extsemely high volkoge qodiont Creer. ciode eventually vy applied fo the IDMPATT vetulting in a vevy high cument A naiwal Aicde Would very quikly breatdown Ureler thee Condition bub PMPATT uy conabucted gach thal je wall cath Rharcl Thee Conditions repeatedly - Buch a Nigh potentiod apodienl- back biaxing fe diode Couey & “flees” fH ai hy Career oerts He Junction - i | deb oy Contider oppltcation ap a RE ee vel | Kuperingied on top te high he volkage | | reread velocity d-elecPeom ard holes voulh | in odditicrad elector ard holes by Knockirg Trey uk ab He crystal Attuctune by co called dmpack lonizatton Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner clewert pele marina uthenv=0 fy Ve CaurnenE pale ak cathode TT Ken ve pa a esac deift 4e calkade Current ? fg: Vert? vert Chonachenisti at te focorrels lee in tig (a) Ay Ritualed the coment P junc or atk dees nok Sto there bek moves oe opplied yeverse bie: Tre cotkode he time take? $a eure nt pubre to move fae veo pain 4p VE negative marin of RE cycle exactly 26. age I" out & phe ard cunvent one 180 eT “ pe nagetve yersbeon® exis c Oo geitersrors| anpatr ded oy oshul bolk a Or an amplifier 2 q diode 4 A Scanned with CamScanner canned with CamScanner luke, Vj = Cannien obulf | velocity Lez lematk Ale dnift Space vealow - ( ores — [tee ) - [Ma \/To “Ts bie) - te TA ) here Re = AC Powe Ue = de Pour Va ardfa = ac voltage anol curren k— VA ord@d = de h won Applications — Microwave gents => Receiver local dcillatey, => Modulated olp deillabsy . Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner | Kystron& ——— A Klyskron Wy a Vacuun tube thak :can be used either a a generat a BV as an amplifier | ct Ppounn ab microwave frequencies ¢ This WEA invented by Ruasel 4h. Varian al Stantarol Univerrity in laaq- an “Two cavity Klystyon camplifier !— cul elaciot> (Gancher) (Galcher) = i : Vv xlystvon amplifier y borgeally & Heres & hgh Velocity uaa acl Rent dun — A two cavity Velocity modulated Tube clectron beam ty £8imacl , foe along & glen tute tough O° input cawity (buchen) atield free drift Space ard on culpul Cavity (catcher) to a collect electrode | anooke + Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner es tthe anode 4) Kepk ak ‘a péitive polerial Wort cathode “the electron bear passer thous ags A gap As cenaitting sf choo aft of the bunch, Cowiky Reponated shy Veouy Food, Aitdeunce oy.) teoo hen aprids ab thi calchen Cavity Luith Analy ger 8 : t : > The jnpul and @utpul- ane daten from the here Via verorank cawitien cull the aid oh couplir. le ' ; coupling Opa: Operation’ —sthe RF Riqnad +o be amplified wy wrod fa exciting ‘tke mpuk bunchen cavity there by developing an altenneding volkege of Rignad Prequency ocr le Up AL . + > seb Us Wow condiden the Cffecl a: this Fe voll - on * ecto beam pong Heough eee — Ab peek B on the Inguk Re cyple. fhe salllennabing Noltaae uy” Hero ord -qaing pattive OFF this intent, the elebtvic Field acre gap A wy Yero ard an dlection urhich power fw Br A ak This intkank. uf": Lrodbected Shy fhe RF Sgrol” del this election she. calléd the rele eleckron Eg uch trowel — exit ea uh, Velocity p= [aeV/ne thee v uh “the cunode# Cathode Vellage : : Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Time taken by electron te trewel Ahnough Avigl Tee Space - t -_-> Voltage acid sepa is Sig: Aeple gale diagpar’ ofa Kigition oneen — poi Xd! ob the input RF eyole an electren | cabich Leower gap A Loter Wan yefenente elechon, ey called ‘te Iohe electron St 4} ubjected to modimum paitive RF volhage grt hence travels ieveanrd Velocity (V>¥e)| ctousands § gap B culty. on : lake te regen od this electron tries to over! cledivon eps | Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner 5 fae P'S cantly Around = loci! thoekae the Ve! by ; peeddance catlte REY input Nelhage", YeAulting in Velociby modulation” af the electyen beam. barching Lieve (belween poins and ‘e's) ofrodually bunch togelien on, trey travel down fia dadt Space, from gap * 4 gap B- > The pulzating MPteam af elactrom pas tram Hs gap & Vary cyclically caith Hime, kato the election beam Contains an ac coment a Niltle —» Gimilaaly ference ate the 9? ag eeotimrn negative fay ei sien “ycteon dlecelevated ou} Hens “ * ace velectly Ve * this electy,, rt NE nae tke easly electron. electron Vanies in fetull eh Thexe actions , He electYons in th and excite Reillaon, jn the Oubpul- Ceatcher): The density of electrom par'y By cesment modulated the dyift- Space Conwell “the velocthy meclulation fnfo carmen modus Bach yee only once por cycle cote! Mee reference @lectyon uit proper di RE pemey : ; epplied to tke burcher co" Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner yesulls in lenge beam cunnenlS ab fhe catcher Cavity cull a Contiiclenable power gain: PerfSmance chanocleriatics |- > Frequency | 250MH# — loo GH (GoGHE Nominal) > fouers lokea — Go0kw (ew) zomu (pelea) — foun gain! ISAB- ode (Gods nenvinal ) — Barcuctdltys: Limited (because Cawihy teromalss one being ured’) 10 - GOMHE - generally wed in fisted fey applications. : —> Noike Figure! 15 -20d8 — Thedritical Efficiency | 58, Mullicavily klyateons wx ble than 00 cawitics Cupto 6), with male bunching : Volkaqe amplification cord heme prusen gain, | ond Bi Applications te 1. A& Powsn outpul- uber - ey. Bo CHE TW tanbrilbens (b) Pn troposphere Sealey transmitters (c)* Sakelile communication qfroud SkeHons. (A) Roden +vansmilkers . 2. AS pou Bcillala (S- Sou) He areal oy a Hystreon acl (later. Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner electron be the velocity. a, tre L be the avifk Space Length: input &igral to Le amplified by Vw RE the Klyshron- “then, 3 we (Ee 2 oa OTE mfg. ara Ge ViSinvok V = amplitude’ ob be Signod VN, < Mn. Yoolan Yeccivens — local Scillakd in microwave vecei ves — Signal Sousce in mictowave generat] a vortable fa, > Portable microwave Links > faromel ic Seillata in parametric auvplifien . Construction prod covthy eekso" er oor QB oye De conus f- an electron quiny a Filamenk Rusvrewded by cabtede curd Focusing, eloclrede ab callsele Pdentiat The elelon beam uy accelenaled -frroandy the anede cawity > Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner dbler pasing ta gap in Th Comey, SOC tN Yowardy a repellen electrode ehich Y ab a hig, negative potential Ve athe electrons never veach repelley becaw, a te hegative Sicld oul cre veluwnecl Lacy towards TK” gap: Under Ruitable cerctitions | ft clecheny give méle ENG to tke Gap Hen th, 1 took from tk gap © Theiy feucerd Journey aud cillationy one Suttatneed . operation A Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner ” | 5 TH oy amumed thet Te daillatieny are Seb up in fe tube Initially alue to noike & Seuitching “transients al ther Acillaken “anc Seatained by device cperatin > the RF velhage trak oy procluced arcrds fe gap by The Cavity eeilletions ack on Itt electron beam to couse velocity mrodulection » 9 eR sh the Yeference election that pores through Ihe Gap usher tte aap volkane ‘ol awd ring wegective - Ce Sy unaffected by the gap vollage This mover towards dks vepellen vd gels yeblected by tt neepctive Vellage om te Yepellen BE vetunns and power Through tha qaup fa a Record iene . 5 the easly election @ that paws through th ave bef Hie vefenence locum Cp experiences reeustnnaton paitve velbeqe acrés tke gap aed this electron Uy accelerated, Tr mover usltiy afruater veloci by wel penetra deep into yepellen Space athe velinn Hime fa) electron ery qreaker os the oleplk ob penetration into tte Yepeller “Space oy mde Hence Se and Ep xppean al tee Fee fa Hu Second Hime alike Some in&tanl ~ — the lale clecten €¢ Hak pames Re Ie laten thon Yherente electron * &! experiences maximum negedtive volkage” ancl meves tit o relarding velocity. The vebuan Hime oj Shorten as fe pencbraton inte yepeller Space oy len ond catch up wtllk CR ourel electrons farming a bunch . Burch crew ence Per cycle cenkerecl around IKE yeferiue cleckion Cp ard thee benches frenaber meccimun ey Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner energy te tk gap to get: Subained Filla, — Fa Beillotions fo be Rustalood , He tine . by the elechensy to rowel nto th Yepelley ¢ ard back to te gop Called Aron Haw’) mo have an cptimam value + This facts Ase, ayieak impattance - : the sma optimum eportine time ay obvicwy, Cetrteredl on HT Yefenonce electron thick 4 N al 186° pein Sine rawe Velkaae acs ty YeRorad st aep - athe Cowity Yeaored2| Spends eneray in acceleni He election and gainy energy in velouting ti, A§ Thine one oy Meng Yehowled clichren 4, stoelel WE eal ena oullay nil has Ceurer electrons 4 fu . qokive Vol beluur a oe Th Wing op te a or enowy te te ap. Ths it SPpeans hak the beat ine. fey elect to Yehunny too tke SOUP Yak ty . ga hone Qeup Volhage 8E point 4- Rebannivg or elections atten 1% a at asi]: Cycler eke . Sette, ttt above Yequivement Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Ga genes), Hee pti thousil time Alle Le 3 Te nto nm a any rwhegen Wis depench on Yepeller our omode velrages . Ne operating, chanactesighes \- pew q. vellege: Cherecteriatio BeillHony com be chbainad ovily far specitie Combinations of- omocde and yepeller volhagec ‘Trak give a Pewounatle. trantit time (T= 4%) the Showed arsor Hhow pAtible dilation Cembivations ond henry Lins Chew ephinwm . Combinations . ba 4 Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner > Fach value sk P= BB nes CEP On a clifferent mode fa tre reblox Klason, Aeillots - 5 the eanbien the mode the Leryer thE ole pou... vakich oj obviowky advantage } > The moder carepening to mot widely ured » Pou aubpukr and Fy Foun Oe Sa sul ) ) ner Anay any characteristics _chenacto en Oo Too Repeller volkaqe in volls . , lcci mip the $oquenay eb vexmanse te Catt te Sq cb Acilladion vartetions of repel Blighlly change, He fa TNA ameunls staning or veklex Klyation. sthig prakes HE J yo we vetlen KlyAPon as a volkege Hund “ Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Eticiewuy cb Reflex Klysion B= Similor to Klyatvon aunplitien , Marian pomier uj Frosted to tte cubpit cdhen te Aokwuning- punched leclrery arrive ak fhe canihy ood the Hild al cuntinode ‘perwen point > De pan Rupplied by beam velkage Vey Qe = Voto Re = Tee TCX) Sine —> As tte werent flows in te negective te hegative Regn becomwy poshve and Bin @. gf | and Vy uy Vy being Ro = Pov) TCH!) dliisection, Single ard Same cavity: trent x « ML ee (= 20m 4) 3 . Me 2 ae (Gor) > Subaktukrg $n vy in Fac te 1 QVo Do XT x) —= Bfficieneyy = fac ~ 2%2 x50) Fac Vo fo (ann) Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner — > the fact x! TO) Teach, & maxiniuy Val, ad 1-asa ab , x! = Que Tit) = ose 5 the moctimerm pore wy obtained hen ne, BN He mode - sthemetical efficiency Uj Mandi mur = 2(2uos)Co3D © aa.n¢h Caos) los) “Intmey ane) MB the practical Veluwe, ibetina ar ane anourd 20/, Pou oukpule inlenns Of- Yepelles vol Ve ra oe P mae VR. Rx ave I, ¥ TG!) at Qna — Are Qmsw q. ——— No Ee Cvp Ye) ax electser burch \ ant- Ths Gl = wh = The negative Aiqn ey nok takeo trovel, in tie yeven&e disection, —%' a yl Teel Rio Tox Trl) (Crewe ur = ~ ams w V, elfmi native % i | 1)" Zz uw < aiote x'T:C) (yp -ve) FER wos Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Es 2 Fa maximum value of X! 7) () = br wre gel 1-25 Vo Pa (Vp -Vo) e amVo Sra we —— PerbBivewee chanactesishor ef Reflex Klystion . —> Prequancy Yorge fy - 200GHE —> oulpal peuen = J 00 nw) + Qsw —> (these = BQ 78/, —> (Practical) m = lent Qo. Bene ak duoctts, to — Tuning Yorge = a ae Scanned with CamScanner ~~ Scanned with CamScanner 5 robles _ + Se tien bon tte @ & to comity Kuper smn Following, porate Determine athe eleelvon veloei ty wo athe ole electron Fronkit He . oat wy O o cghe input volbage far “ € veltage . + olectbels - al geen in (a) The velba? ® Ve = 01893 « IF (Fee, : ela 24 xi = 12 xtolm/se -3 “ (b) Tranaik Howe od = [xe _ g onset . ex id , od (¢) gee tonrit- angle 5 & Fwy _4 z an (2x10) | _——4 1.2 xe = Qe Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner —_————" Beam couplivg coefficient - Sin (28/2) i = P =O: Po O-Fo! E Tae 7 dec tronnl— owe ( ay aye? — wh _ an (exo) tXte | a x ) bexlet = NK, Maxime olp velkage, Vo_ GE) = orser, R= VE a (200) Creat) = Yo lév ortoy ® NL cy (o-rouy Crit cu) (e882 )(ue Me) (a) Ag = 20 xX Io xX | 8a Nimans Q3 3b = Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner 'f @ A Reflex Klystion operates trden le Y te Wourirg Covclitioms - \, = 5oov Rsh = 20KSL fe = @GHE Lelmm uy ite Spacing bebucen ~epelofEauit she duke uy Baillating ot fy oc He peak on Wer mode B 1% mode . AM LUmEe thal HG fay, | Hime Rough, thi ger andl Dhrough beam Loed;,, efec- com be neglacked () Hirt the volue A vepellen volbage Vp &) Hud te de mecemany fo give Micvoraue sp A velkage of 2oov ©) caletate fe election effretemcy (ay _ vo . Qe —vey” ~ Tie a (anm — fo)” _L(iasax id!) (2M — Ma) : z © ark) le = 0'023 (hy = ° Ne = SoS Sav df Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner ca) Ny 2 Rey Po = 225 1, (x! Rey 9, - “I ~ 200 Q = “Lp _ XO? 27)! Rh, — 2Aw!B2% 20 x10 % = gsr xin A ox! T(x!) ce) 2 ¢ " (aan - Aa) loony | x = fi‘! oe, p 2Vo 6! = w amb (ve -%o ) -s 6 = QR BK KZKIO KO'SIS AIO [Foo 159% 10! [ 503 -(-500)] ' O = 4.55% 4a Bia! x = doo x F956 _ yg) Qk Soo 1 X= El from ghaph xT (x )so8y Qe Qx 0-By 8% Od an(2)- Ae a Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Travelling Wave Tube (Tw) 17 y The travelling woowe fube uj Anew type y rabe cuhich hor ctitplayeel Centiclerable pie, . as a bread bowl cconpli Fiery propded by Fee, in 19ué. There amplifies ane different From RLipine, amplifiers 2D Klyabroms are exrcoHally neonow bod cho wo They Uke cavity Yeroratay to Velocity rrodutale tte elechon beam ov and —chewvicos tr ushel EL A NROTDD aap aihereas Tlor's ane broad b There ove no cavihy yexorad ts The Interaction Space in o THT ay erterdad arol tte election beam exchanger energy auth the RP Wave oven Ite full Lengtic of ta wave -tube - the TST maker Gre chitteibulecl interaction belween an electron beam and a travelling Wave » To prelorg, He intenaction bebeusen oF election beam ond He RE freld jp vy necors to ensue thal Rey Ore babs taweling. in Rame divection . usitk Nearly Game velocity: sthas Th differs fram tha KlyttAon io the election beam rowel, anc te RF Yeraing Stationary Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Yr > The elactron beam travelg with a velocthy Governed by te anode Voltage ( Typically OM 7 Ves The velocity ob light in Vacewtm) » the RE Lele) propagates wit avelectty equal +o Velocity of Ligh Ve sthe interaction beluwen He Re Field ard tk movi electron beam Uuill tate place only urhen tt RE Held dy Vebowled by frome meanr, NBwally Alo Wave SPuctuner one utilized to _yelord He RE ict, Lite helix 8 a waneguble or rougennenl Congivuctionas features of TOT Conthsuchored Teatres oF @ Physical ConaBucton of tT Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner E-lecPien gun : 30 ol cathode eae WW L este >E C6C.CC 6 TS | heli = pe (2) Schematic elechoda arrergenent— The — phuypiced censheuction of a typical THOT along arity the Echemoctic elechsoole Av rougeni ay oun jn “hg. 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Heel propagokes appre ivotely tre Rome velocity on the Chechen bear uhen the omial field 4y ero, election veloaty 4 crobbected This hoppers ak He point node ce Mtr nial electsic field - peink whee ttt otal field v4 pattie artinede , tte electyon coming. agyerinn iby ted ord tsies te cabchap cath the chien uuhich encounter Ike nodal RF acceler Ipen bb alate goirl cuhene lie ooded RF field artineda , Itcelechons Yeberrad befex ferd te cueabote . The electrons geb wlecihy vsdulated 43, 9. tetall & energy panther Prom The lection = te PF Field to phere cuit, fe RF Sield 4 ot th on, 4 Second wane vy induced O° 4 Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner pelix This produced an asial eleclaic eld Ito lags behind te diginal eleckdic field by Aly, punching Cobinets te fake place» The elecksena in the bunch encounte, Yebarding -Field arc cleliver ehengyy yo He woowe om the helix The ofp becomes Langer then fie inpell— arch cumplificaty yexullh - thus, tke energy ircvecue in the RE jen Centinous, precem Persone _cheractentsticn Pevbawonn [- Frequency a operaction: OSG t fo AWSGHE 3. power oukpals | Smu (lo- uoaile ee Qeokv(CW) ab sanz Ghighpousn “ttt ) lated ( Pulsed ) af 3GH2 . &- Efhicieny \ S— Ref, 4 Meise faune | = 6d (Lewpeuen DoT) asda ¢. ‘Hah powen Ter) Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Applications ge TOT frp de tae RP complifien Lyeodbord microwave > dow nel Yeccivers » i. ther in wuideband Communicedten > Repeater at (lang is Linn orel coowmied jelephory ) > Due fo deny tube Dike (50,000) Rowrs oxaine | Vutk fa ofker type), TwT y wad % power ole tebe in Communication Satellites > continous wewe high prmen Tio 'S Are ons) in troposcatten Links 5 ANirbane ant Shipbine pubed Nigh pouen Yecho Bem around bared Yadany Wo a THT y Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner & A helical Trot hex dicemelen of arm wile Se tron fem () caleulate anted phase velocity and the anode volhage ab which tt TWwT can be operalee) $8 urebul gain. . . Piteh @) y= Velocity of light * —iecumfo Pitch = az crore = 2x10 4m Socm Civeumfernce < NKD = WK2KIO°m -3 2 6:Q8UX lo = Vp = Bxiexax _!° GRBy KIS? _ &) ee he ~2} Lom vere bax lo (0 sigan Vo = mate YP fa —J ° ze ~ pete -3I 1 \ lo si & - Avant s 12. ( asuex! j ~ cen” ( = Qgiarkv Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner

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