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CHAPTER Units, dimensions & error analysis In this chapter, we will discuss about units and dimensions of different physical quantities and error that occur in measurement. Physical quantities All the quantities which are used to describe the laws of physics are called physical quantities, e.g., length, mass, volume, etc. To express the measurement of a physical quantity, we need to know two things as given below. (i) The unit in which the quantity is measured. (ii) The numerical value or the magnitude of the quantity. i.e. the number of times that unit is contained in the given physical quantity = nu nec4 => mu=constant n= numerical value of the physical quantity and u = size of unit Inside We may write as, Tae D vase + Sytem of ut 3 Dimension of physical quantities + Appin of dinero sais A + Defects or limitations 1) Units where, n, and ng are values of the physical quantity in two different units uy and up. cof dimensional analysis 3 Significant figure + Rales to determine sigificant The standard amount of a physical quantity chosen to measure the physical quantity nae of same kind is called a physical unit, + Mathematical operations of : ; ; siguleant figures The essential requirements of physical unit are given below. + Rounding off (i) It should be of suitable size. 6 omer a eee i) It should be easily accessible. a ome es (ii) It should not vary with time, Sa (iv) It should be easily reproducible. * Combination of errors (¥) It should not depend on physical conditions like pressure, volume, etc. ®) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 Systems of unit A complete set of units which is used to measure all kinds ‘of fundamental and derived quantities is called a system of units, Some of the commonly used systems of units are as follows 1.CGS system In this system, the units of length, mass and time are centimetre (cm), gram (g) and second (3), respectively. The unit of force is dyne and that of work or energy is erg. 2. FPS system In this system, the units of length, mass and time are foot, pound and second respectively. The unit of force in this system is poundal. 3, MKS system In this system, the units of length, mass and time are ‘metre (m), kilogram (kg) and second (3), respectively. The unit of force is newton (N) and that of work or energy is, joule ). 4. International system (si of units This system of units helps in revolutionary changes over the MKS system and is known as rationalised MKS ‘stem. It is helpful to obtain all the physical quantities in physics. Note 1. The FPS sjstem is nota metic system. Ths system is no in much use these ays 2 The drawback of CGS system is that many of the derived units on this system are inconvenient small. 13. The advantages of MKS system is that some of the detved units are of convenient sie Example 1.1 The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 ms“. Give its value in ft s™, Sol, As 1 m=3.28 ft + 9.8 m/s? 39.8 x 328 ft 32.14 fs? 32 ft s Example 1.2 The value of gravitational constant G in MKS system is 6.67 x 107"! N-m? kg”?. What will be its value in cos. Sol. G = 6.67x 107"! Nm? kg* = 6.67% 107" (kg ms“) m? kg? = 6.67% 10" fm?) (5°) kg") =6.67x 10"! (10? cm)? (5)? 0? gy =6.67x 10 cm? gis? = 6.67% 10 dyne-cm? g* Fundamental quantities and fundamental units Those physical quantities which are independent of other physical quantities and not defined in terms of other physical quantities, are called fundamental quantities or base quantities. The units of these quantities are called fundamental or base units, Table below gives the seven fundamental quantities and theiy ST units. ase ST units quantity Length Defi Name Symbol a © m The metre isthe length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during time interval of 1/299792458 of Metre om Mass of the prototype ofthe iridium alloy ternational Bureau of Weights and Measures at Sevres, near Paris, Franc Time Second ‘The second is the duration of, 9192631770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cosiu-133 atom, Electric current Ampere A’ The ampere is that constant current ‘which if maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite length, of negligible circular cross-section, and placed 11m apart in vacuum, would produce a force between these conductors equal to 2 x10-" N/m of length. jee Kelvin K__The kelvin is the fraction 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water. ‘Thermo- dynamic temperature Amount of substance [Mote mol The mole Is the amount of substance of a system which Contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms in 0.012 kg of carbon-12. ‘The candela is the luminous intensity in a given direction of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency ‘540 «10? Hz and that has a radiant Intensity in that direction of 1/683 Wir. eee eee Luminous Intensity (Candela ed Derived quantities and derived units ‘The quantities which can be expressed in terms of the fundamental quantities are called derived quantities. The units of these quantities are called derived units. €4. Unit of speed = ms” can be derived from fundamental unit ie., unit of length and time as Speea = Distance Time Supplementary quantities and supplementary units Other than fundamental and derived quantities, there are two more quantities called as supplementary quantities. ‘The units of these quantities are known as supplementary units. Table below gives the supplementary quantities and their ST / Chapter 01: Units, dimensions & errors analysis (19 Some other units (Not contained in SI units) Length 1 micron = (i) 1 nanometre = 1nm = 10°? m (iii) 1 Angstrom =1A =107!° m=10-%cm=10™ iv) 1 fermi = 1fm =107 m (v) 1 astronomical unit = 1 AU =1.496% 1 (vi) 1 light year = tly = 9.467 x 10'S m (vii) 1 Parsec = 3.08 x 10'°m = 3,26 ly = 206267 AU am =10°° m Mass (i) 1 quintal = 100 kg (2) 1 tonne or Imetric ton =1000 kg = 10 quintal (iii) 1 megagram = 10° kg Gv) 1 gigagram = 108 kg (v) 1 teragram =10° kg (vi) 1 slug =1457 kg ‘cal (vii) 1 pound = 11b = 0.4536 kg ‘ST unit Time nits Supplementary ; ss quantity “| Name Symbol Definition A beiumineacanin | _______— (Gi) 1 microsecond = 107° s Plane angle [Radian rad__One aan Is the angle e aa za subtended at the centre by Gi Tahal eee ‘an are equal in length to the (iv) 1 nanosecond = 10° s Inds ofthe cir a “a . (ix) 1 year = 365 days = 3.15107 s a ed (9) 1 century = 100 years ——— Common SI Prefixes and Symbols for Cee te te brace ee rtp era Multiples and Sub-multiples Centre ofa sphere, by that Moliple ara surface of he sphere, Sikhs ogulimare coche Factor Prelix Symbol | Factor Prefix Symbal Tare of due et _ Sy of the sphere. i = pea Omer eee ra f ce) oe B o. ——} 10° a 10 » i, ne cee = r 10% c 10 a 20) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 Example 13. The wavelength of a light is of the order of 6400 A. Express this in micron and metre. Sol As A =10 8 m Wavelength of light = 6100 A = 6400% 107! m =6.4x107%m Also. 1 micron =10°% metre 64x10 Wavelength of light (in micron) = ——"5— micron = 0.64 micron Example 14 How mary microns are there in 1 light year? Sol. 1 ty = 9.46% 10% m 10° micron 146 x 10° x 10° micron = 9.46% 10" micron As. Im s ly ~10 micron (approx) Example 15 How many microseconds are there in 10 minutes? Sol, 1 second =10® microseconds 1 60 seconds =10x 60x 10° = 6 «10° microseconds 10 minutes Example 16 Calculate the angle of () 1° (degree) ¥ (minute of are or are minute) and "(second of arc or arc sec) in radian, (Use 360° = 2 rad, 1° = 60 and’ = 60") 22 160 rad =1.746 x 107 rad Gi) Lare min = = E rad 22.91 107 rat 7B Ta MAPUTO rad (i) 1 aresec att = 1% sag 60 60x60 60x 60” 180 = 485x10° rad 2) Dimensions of physical quantities The dimensions of a physical quantity are the powers (or exponents) to which the fundamental quantities must be raised to represent that quantity completely. Mass _ Mass e.g., Density = =_———— ? 7 Volume (Length)® Density = (Mass) (Length)? sedip s of density are 1 in mass and ~ 3 in ner fundamental quantities or Thus, the dimension: length. The dimensions of all oth are zero. Dimensional representation of physical quantities For convenience, the fundamental quantities are represented by one letter symbols. The dependence of all other physical quantities on these base quantities can be expressed in terms of their dimensions. Thus, the seven dimensions of physical world are represented as follows, (Ml for mass w for length faa] for time (Al for electric current (K) or) for thermodynamic temperature [ed] for luminous intensity [mol] for amount of substance The physical quantity that is expressed in terms of the base quantities is enclosed in square brackets. Thus, from Eq, (i) dimensions of density can be represented as[ML~ }. Dimensional formula and dimensional equation ‘The expression of a physical quantity in terms of its dimensions is called its dimensional formula. e.g-, Dimensional formula for density is[ML“T°}, the dimensional formula of force is {MLT~] and that for acceleration is [M°LT™~?]. ‘An equation which contains a physical quantity on one side and its dimensional formula on the other side, is called the dimensional equation of that quantity. eee equations for a few physical quantities are given elow. Speed [v] =[M°LT~] Area [A] =[M°L?T°] Force [F]=[MLT~] etc. ‘The physical quantities having same derived units have same dimensions. Chapter 01: Units, dimensions & errors analysis (21 Dimensional formulae of some physical quantities ‘The table given below gives the dimensional formulae and SI units of some physical quantities frequently used in phy 21 2. 23. 24, 2, 26, 28, 29. 30. a1. | Physical Quantity Velocity = displacement/time Torque = force perpendicular distance Power = work/time Momentum = mass x velocity Impulse = force x time Angle = ate/radivs av v ‘Stress = force/neea AL Stain = AE Pressure = foree/area “Modulus of easticity = stress/strain Frequency = 1/ime period Angular velocity = angle/time Monent of inertia = (mass) x (distance)? ‘Surface tension = foreevlongth forcex(distance)? Grovitational constant = fe#*(distanes)” Gass Angolar momentum Coefficient of viscosity Plane Specific heat (3) Coefficient of thermal conductivity (K) Gas constant (R) Boltzmann constant (k) Wien’ constant (6) ‘Stefan’ constant (6) Electic charge Electric intensity Electric potential SEUni is mit hems? genta? = Nem = joule oF} J Nm wewton or N sor watt gems Na radian or rad No units Nin? Nim? Nim? per second or het (He) rad/s gm? Nm Nentiag? kemiss Nein? Is Vek vatlnk Syma yi mk watvin Kt ci Nic vel Dimensional Formula (Tes eet, or eat?) wer Mer (Mier auT~} wut") peer) eer) pastry a'r pan} peer) erry (M219) (LT er ac“ MTS 2 ow? wero“ panto“ IMT? omer} (Mer? oy [en certo} an cur say [ects ~ 22) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 S.No. | Physical Quantity ST Units ____| Dimensional Formula 32. | Capacitance (fora © (IML? 7447] 233. Peamitivity offre space cin? becTtAy 34. | Elecuc dipole moment cm LTA] 35, | Resistance ‘Ohm IMET?A7] 36. | Magnetic field tesla (T) or weber/m? (Wb/m7) IMTa“] 31. | Coefficient of selfinduction henry 1) [MTA] 38. | Magnetic flux ‘Wh (weber) IMPT*A+] 39, | Permeability of free space Hm™ ([MLT7A7] 40. | Magnetic moment Am? [MoT°AL Quantities having same dimensions S.No. | Quantities Dimensions 1. _ | Swain, refractive inde, relative density, angle, solid angle, phase, distance gradient, relative Dever) permeability, relative permittivity, angle of contact, Reynolds number, coefficient of fiction, mechanical equivalent of heat, electric susceptibility ete ' 2, | Mass and inertia MET) 3. | Momentum and impulse Mery 4. | Thrus, fore, weight, tension, energy gradient. Mur] 5. | Pressure, stress, Young's modulus, bulk modulus, shear modulus, modulus of rigidity, energy density. | (M'L-"T~2) 6. | Angular momentum and Planck's constant (h). MT] 7. | Acceleration, g and gravitational field intensity. Meet) 8. _| Surface tension, free surface energy (energy per unit area), force gradient, spring constant. MILT 9, | Latent heat and gravitational potential, Mr) 10. | Thermal capacity, Boltzmann constant, entropy. Mercy) Ni. | Work, torque, internal energy, potential energy, kinetic energy, moment of force, (q?/C),(LE) @V) IMLT?y WC), Re), (S (Ie), (pV), (RT), nL), (me AT). 12, | Frequency, angular frequency, angular velocity, velocity gradient radioactivity. Loy 1? (ay w {2 ES.) © eerste i 14. | Power wn, PR), 77%) (ML?) Example 17. Find the dimensional formulae of (i coefiien of viscosity.) charge, @ (i pore, V (i) capacitance, C and (0 resistance, Some of the equations containing these quantities are -na(22), q=lt, U=Vit, V=R where, Ais the area, vis the velocty,t isthe length, Is the electric and ‘current, tis the time and U is the energy. so.) MET gt eT wo : 147) Gi) oe 1) MUTA] yg rpg ines TATE ow) acy 7 t= - JAN oper tayy Miers ® ver = . wat META META (al Example 18 If force (F), velocity (v) and time (T) are taken as fundamental unit, then find the dimension of mass. Sol, We know that, Fem = F=™ = m= t a + Dinensions of m = ENT ope “7 Example 1.9 If C and R denote capacitance and resistance, then find the dimension of CR Sal The capacitance of a conductor is defined athe rato ofthe charge given to the rise in the potential ofthe conductor ae ( *) vow q ampere®-sec™ leg-metre” /sec* Chapter 01: Units, dimensions & errors analysis (23 Hence, dimensions of Care (MIL? M447]. From Ohm's law, V=iR, therefore dimensions of resistance Volt 7” Ampere =lg-metre*ee ampere? Dimensions of R=[ML?TA?] * Dimensions of RC =[M'L*T'A?ML?T“A~) MPL?) Re Example 110 For which ofthe following quantities does ratios are dimensionless? Work : ) Momentum =] Sol, (i) Since work and energy both have the same dimensions [MUT*), thei ratio is a dimensionless quantity. @, here O represents an angle. An angle is the ratio of two lengths i. arc length and radius. Therefore 815, dimensionless hence sin 0 is dimensionless. [iu i -oar [omen] Time ( ee the given ratio is not dimensionless. Example LI In the formula x = 3y2*, x and y have dimensions of capacitance and magnetic induction respectively, then find the dimensions of ¥. Sol, x=3yz £ ___ Capacitance yt =__Cepactance 32? (Magnetic induction)” aes Applications of dimensional analysis ‘The method of studying a physical phenomenon on the basis of dimensions is called dimensional analysis. The three main uses of a dimensional analysis are described in detail inthe following sections 1, Checking the dimensional consistency of equation Every physical equation should be dimensionally balanced. This is called the principle of homogeneity. This principle states that the dimensions of ech term on both sides of an equation must be the same. On this basis we can judge whether a given equation is correct or not. But a dimensionally correct equation may or may not be physically correct. 24) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol 1 Lae 6.06 in the physical expression ¢= ut ¢ 5a the a inthe ph Y 7 same. di itty ensiony of stand Ba? all aie) Note th yal unees separated byte symbols +, 2 (XJ=(LT™) ‘Therefore, = MLIT4 (Mer) (ML Hence, the quantity x represents acceleration. In this example, itis the acceleration due to gravity, g. (m, + mp)g represen!s the weight exerted by two masses m,, my on the area A. 2. To convert a physical quantity from one system of units to other system of units This is based on the fact that the product of the numerical value (n) and its corresponding unit (u) is a constant, i n(u)=constant or nyfuy]=nzlup] ‘Suppose the dimensions of a physical quantity are a in mass, in length and c in time. If the fundamental units 1» one system are M,,L, and T, and in the other system are Mz, La and T, respectively. Then, we can write ny (Mf L4 Tf] =n,(M$L4 TS] wall) uy My] (uy [1y ny =m “tan MY} |E]] 7 [Mp | [C2] [7 Here, ny and ng are the numerical values in two system of units respectively. Using Eq. (i), we can convert the numerical value of a physical quantity from one system of units into the other system. Example LI7 Find the value of 100 J on a system which has 20 cm, 250 g and half minute as fundamental units of length, mass and time. Sol, The dimensional formula of work is =[ML?T~*] ‘The convert a physical quantity from one system of units to other system of units, we use the following formula ool EeTE) vvou ee] es last) =100[ 1228] [idem Pfs] “(250g || 20cm | [305 100 x 4 x 25x 30% 30 10% new units Example L18 The value of gravitational constant is G =6.67 x 10"! Nom? /hg? in ST units. Convert it into CGS system of units, Sol. The dimensional formula of G is (M7LT*} The convert a physical quantity from one system of units to other system of units, we use the following formula nM L377} = ngIMz'1357) MT fap PRT? voonfra] [a] fb -e6rxto{ tka ‘fm _]yisy? naneetele zx al fats] i] or ny =6.67 x10 ‘Thus, value of G in CGS system of units is 66710" dyne cm? /g*. 3. Deducing relation between the physical quantities If we know the factors on which a given physical quantity depends, we can find a formula relating to those factors. Chapter 01: Units, dimensions & errors analysis @ Example 119 The frequency (f) ofa stretched string depends upon the tension F (dimensions of force), length of the string and the mass per unit length, x. of string. Derive the forraula for Frequency. ‘Sol. Suppose, the Frequency / depends on the tension raised to the power a, length raised to the power b and mass per unit length raised to the power e ‘Then, ree y a Que or fener oh wy Here, k is a dimensionless constant. Ths, [A=er OF wy or IM°L°T“!}=[MLT“P (LP (ML or IMP] = [Met Lt #729] For dimensional balance, the dimensions on both sides should be same. Thus, atc=0 i) atb-c (ii) and ~2a ov) Solving these three equations, we get ‘Substituting these values in Eq. (i), we get F=HEY*0" GY"? or Fs Experimentally, the value of bis found tobe 1 VK Example 120 The centripetal force F acting on a particle roving uniformly in a circle may depend upon mass (rm), velocity () and radius (of the circle. Derive the formula for F using the method of dimensions, Sol, Let him) WP (yt Here, kis a dimensionless constant of proportinalty. ‘Writing the dimensions of RHS and LHS in Eq. (), we have MLT?]= (MP LT (UF . =v T>} Equating the powers of M, Land T of both sides, we have 1, y=2and y+ 2=1 or zel-ys-1 Putting the values in Eq, (), we get Hence, (where k=1) 26 opiective PHYSICS vol 1 Defects or limitations of dimensional analysis The method of dimensions has the following limitations. (i) The value of dimensionless constant involved in a formula cannot be deduced from this method. (ii) By this method the equation containing tuigonomietsical, expanential and logarithmic terms cannot be analysed. = Check point 1.1 ) 1. In the Si system, the unit of temperature is (a) degree centigrade (0) keWvin (©) degree celsius (@ degree Fahrenheit 2. Dimensions of surface tension are (@) MAET A] (&) IMPLT®] (6) (MT?] (A) [LT ?] ‘The dimensions of impulse are equal to that of (@) force (0) linear mernentur (©) pressure {@) angular momentum 4. Which ofthe following is not equel to watt? (@) joule/second () ampere xvolt (©) (ampere)? x ohm (6) amperatvolt 5. Which of the following does not possess the same dimensions as that of pressure? (@) Stess (0) Bulk modulus (o) Thrust (¢) Energy density 6, What isthe dimensional formula of gravitational constant? (@) Mer?) © MET} (9 wrtsry (2) None of these 7. (Cand R denote capacitor and resistance, the dimensions. of CR are @ Mey () (MLT] Deer) {(@) not expressible in terms of M, L and T 8, Which one of the folowing have same dimensions? (@) Torque and force (0) Potential energy and force (©) Torque and potential eneray (@) Planck's constant and linear momentum 9. Which of the following is a dimensional constant? (@) Poission's rato (b) Rotractve index (0) Relatwe density (@ Gravitational constant 10. The force F on a sphere of radius a moving in a medium with velocity vs given by F = 6x na v. The dimensions of n are (@) ML] (&) IMUT2] (©) (MT"] MT] {ii) This method does not work when physical quantity depends on more than three variables because we only have three equations by equalising the power of M, Land T. (iv) If dimensions are given, physical quantity may not be unique. e.g., work, energy and torque all have the same dimensional formula [ML?T ~?]. (v) It gives no information whether a physical quantity is a scalar or a vector. 14. Density of liquid in CGS system is 0.625 g cm". What is its magnitude in SI systern? (@) 0.625 (6) 0.0625 (©) 0.00625 () 625 12, Joule xsecond is the unit of (@) energy (©) momentum {©) angular momentum ——_() power 13, [MUT~°A"1]is the dimensional formula for (@) capacitance (©) resistance (©) resistivity (¢) potential ctference 14, The dimensional representation of specific resistance in terms of charge Q is @ Mero?) (©) IMT0"} (© IMLT#0"1) @ Merry 1, The dimensional formula for Planck's constant and angular momentum is (@) IMET~?]angIMLT“!]——(@) [MLET-"Jand (ML?T“] (©) [MLT"Jand (MUT-2]— (6) [MLT~"Jand IMLT~2), 16, Which of the following pairs has the same units? (@) Wavelength and Rydberg constant (©) Relative velocity and relative density (©) Thermal capacity and Botzmann constant (@) Time period and acceleration gradient 17, Which one of the following is not the dimensionless quantity? (@) Planck’s constant (©) Solid angle (©) Dielectric constant (@) Strain 18. Given that y = acos @} wheret represents time in following statements is true? (@) The unit of xis same as that of q (b) The unit of x is same as that of (6) The unit oft is same as that of (@) The unit oft is same as that of p 2 19. The dimensions ote inthe equation p =. ae where pis pressure, xis distance andt is time, are (@MUT) IMT?) (LT) (MEET ino (2-) ‘here «is angular velocity and vis the linear velocity The dimension of k will be am) or em @ on 21. If ‘muscle times speed equals power’, then what is the ratio of the SI unit and the CGS unit of muscle? 10 @)10? ow 22, The dimensions of i e9%(e is the permittivity of the space and E is electric ele, is (2) (MET“] (by (MET?) (@) (MLET-®)__(@) (MET. 20. The equation of a wave is given by (10% 3) Significant figure ‘The significant figures are normally those digits in a measured quantity which are known reliably or about which we have confidence in our measurement plus one additional digit that is uncertain, egy If length of some object is 185.2 om, then it hes four significant figures. The digits 1,8 and 5 are reliable and digit 2 is uncertain. Note significant grs indicat the precision ofthe mesurement which “epends onthe east count ofthe measuring instument, Rules to determine significant figure For determining number of significant figures, we use the following rules : Rule 1 All non-zero digits are significant. e.g., x = 2567 has four significant figures. Rule 2 The zeros appearing between two non-zero digits are significant, no matter where the decimal point is, if any. e9., 6.028 has 4 significant figures, Rule 3 If the number is less than 1, the zero(s) on the right of decimal point but to the left of first non-zero digit are not significant. €.g, 0.0042 has two significant digits. Rule 4 The terminal or trailing zero(s) in a number without a decimal point are not significant. Thus, 426m = 42600 em = 426000 mm has three significant figures. Chapter 01: Units, dimensions & errors analysis, @ 23. I'p represents radiation pressure, c represent speed of light and represents radiation energy striking a unit area per second, then non-zero integers x, y and z such that p'Q'c* is dimensionless are (@) s=ty=t2=-1 (@x=-hystzat 24, The units of length, velocity and force are doubled. Which of the foliowing is the correct change in the other units? {@) Untot time is doubled (b) Unit of mass is doubled {6) Unit of momentum is doubled {@) Unt of energy is doubled 25, Assuming that the mass m of the largest stone that can be ‘moved! by a flowing river depends upon the velocity v of the ‘water, its density p and the acceleration due to gravity g. Then, mis cirectly proportional to @v (ov wv av Rule 5 In a number with decimal, zeros to the right of last non-zero digit are significant. £9, 4.600 or 0.002300 have four significant figures each, Pointof confusion andits remedy Suppose me change the untsthen we wl te 230 m= 230 cm= 20mm= 0.00250 kn When we are writing 300 mm, then from Rule-, we would conclude erroneously thatthe number fas two significant figures, wb in fac it bas the significant figures and a mere change of units cannot change the number of significant figures. Toremove such anbiguitis in determining the number of significant Fiuces, apply folowing rule, Rule 6 The power of 10 is irrelevant to the determination, of significant figures. e.g., in the measurements 2.30 m= 2.3010? em = 2.30%10% mm. = 2.30107 km The significant figures are three in each measurement, because all zeros appearing in the base number in the scientific notation (in the power of 10) are not significant. Rule 7 A choice of change of different units does not change the number of significant digits or figures in a measurement. e.g. the length 7.03 cm has three significant figures. But in different units, the same value can be written as, 0.0703 m or 70.3 mm, All these measurements have the same number of significant figures (digits 7, 0 and 3) namely three. 2) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 Rule 8 The exact numbers appearing in the mathematical formulae of various physical quantities have infinite number of significant figures. e.g., perimeter of a square is given by 4x side. Here, 4 is an exact number and has infinite number of significant figures. ILean be written as 4.0, 4.00, 4.0000 as per the requirement. Some significant figures of measured values given in the table below. Number of significant figures 12376 5 6024.7 071 410m 2.40 1.6 x10! Rule Measured value In 2(U), digit 2 Example 1.21 How many significant figures are there in the measured values. (0227.2 9, (9 3600 9 {itd 0.00602 g (a) 2.50% 10° g Sol, () 227.2 g has all the non-zero digits, Hence, it has four significant figures. (i) According to rule number 4, trailing zeroes are not significant. Hence, 3600 g has 2 significant figures. (Gil) According to the rule number 3, the zeroes at the beginning are not significant. Hence, 0.00602 g has ‘3 significant figures. (iv) According to the rule number 6, it has 3 significant figures. Mathematical operations of significant figures ‘The result of a mathematical operation involving measured values of quantities canniot be more accurate than the measured value themselves. So, certain rules have to be followed while doing mathematical operations with significant figures so that precision in final result is consistent with the precision of the original measured values. Addition and subtraction ‘Suppose in the measured values to be added or subtracted, the least number of significant digits after the decimal is n, Then, in the sum or difference also, the number of significant digits after the decimal should be n, 6.9 1,243.45 + 6.789 = 11.439 = 11.4 Here, the Jeast number of significant digits after the decimal is one. Hence, the result will be 11.4 (when rounded off to sinallest number of decimal places). €.9., 12.63 - 10.2 = 243 = 2.4 Example 122 Add 6.75 » 10° cm to 4.52 x 10? em with regard to significant figures: Sol, Let a=6,75x 10%em b=4.52x 107 cm =0.452x 10° cm 0.45% 10° em (upto 2 places of decimal) addition of significant figures a +b=(6.75x 10° + 0.45x 10°) cm=7.20x 10° cm Example 123 Two sticks of lengths 12.132 cm and 10.2 cm are placed end to end. Find their total length with due regard to decimal places. Sol, Length of first stick = 12.132.em Length of second stick = 10.2 em (G significant figures) +. Total length of two sticks =12132 + 102 =22.332 ‘The answer should be rounded off with least number of significant digits after the decimal. + Total length of two sticks will be 22.3 em (S significant figures) Multiplication or division Suppose in the measured values to be multiplied or divided, the least number of significant digits be n, then in the product or quotient, the number of significant digits should also be r, e.g. 1.2% 36.72 = 44.064 = 44 The least number of significant digits in the measured values are two. Hence, the result when rounded off to two significant digits become 44, Therefore, the answer is 44. 100 _ 1078431373 «110 102 As 1100 has minimum number of significant figures (ey 2), therefore the result should also contain only two significant digits. Hence, the result when rounded off to two significant digits becomes 110, 1100 m/s 9102 ms Mote inthis case answer becomes 08 Think ay? 2G 107.8431373 ~108 Example 124 A thin wire has a length of 21.7 cm and radius 0.46 cm, Calculate the volume of the wire to correct significant figures. Sol, Given, 1=21.7 em, r = 0.46 mm= 0.046 em Volume of wire, V=ar't=22 (0.0467 (21.7) = 0.1443 cm® = 0.14 em? Exomple 1.25 The time taken by a pendulum to complete 25 vibrations is 88.0 s. Find the time period of the pendulum in seconds upto appropriate significant figures. Totaltime taken Sol, Time period of oscillation = —Totaltime taken _ Number of oscillations ut of the two quantities given in the data, 25 is exact hence has infinite significant figures. Therefore, the answer should be reported to three significant figures fc, 3.52 8. Example 126 The voltage across a lamp is 6.32V when the current passing through it is 3.4 A. Find the power consumed to appropriate significant figures. Sol, Voltage across a lamp = 6.32 V (3 significant figure) Current flowing through lamp = 3.44 (2 significant figure) s+ Power consumed, P =VI = (6.32\3.4)= 21.488 W Answer should have minimum number of significant figure. Here, the minimum number of significant figure is 2. « Power consumed =21W Example 1.27 5.74 g of substance occupies 1.2 om®. Express its density by keeping the significant figures in view. Sol. Here, mass (m)=5.74 g; volume V)=1,2 em? Asdensity, p= STAS. = 4783 gem? ‘As mass has 3 significant digits and volume has 2 significant digits, therefore, as per rule, density will have only two significant digits, rounding off, we get p = 48 cm. ‘ Rounding off The process of omitting the non significant digits and retaining only the desired number of significant digits, incorporating the required modifications to the last significant digit is called rounding off the number. In physics, calculation is a vital part and during that we shall reduce the number to the required extent and that is why there is a need to round off numbers. Like mathematical operations of significant figures, rounding off numbers also follow certain rules. Rules for rounding off a measurement Following are the rules for rounding off a measurement. Rule 1 If the number lying to the right of cut-off digit is less than 5, then the cut-off digit is retained as such. However, if it is more than 5, then the cut-off digit is increased by 1. €g, x = 6.24 is rounded off to 6.2 to two significant digits and x = 5.328is rounded off to 5.33 to three significant digits. Rule 2 If the insignificant digit to be dropped is 5 then the rule is (i) if the preceding digit is even, the insignificant digit is simply dropped. Chapter 01: Units, dimensions & errors analysis (ii) if the preceding digit is odd, the preceding digit is raised by 1. €.g., x = 6.265 is rounded off to x = 6.26 to three significant digits and x = 6.275 is rounded off to x = 6.28 to three significant digits. Rule 3 The exact numbers like 1, 2, 3 and 4 etc,, that appear in formulae and are known to have infinite significant figures, can be rounded off to a limited number of significant figures as per the requirement. Example 1.28 Round off the following numbers upto three significant figures. (92520 (i 4.645 (ii)22.78 (i) 36.35 Sol, (i) 2.520 : Since 0 is less than 5, preceding digit is left ‘unchanged. Hence, 2.52. (i) 4.645 : Since the digit to be dropped is 5 and the preceding digit 4 is even. Hence, 4.64. (ti) 22.78 : Since the digit to be dropped is 8 and is greater than 5, therefore the preceding digit 7, is ralsed by 1. Hence, 22.8, Gv) 36.35 : Since the digit to be dropped is 5 and the preceding digit 3 is odd, we can write the answer as 36.4 Example 129 The length and the radius of a eylinder measured with slide callipers are found to be 4.54 em and 1.75 cm, respectively. Calculate the volume of the cylinder. Sol. Length of eylinder, h=4.54em (3 significant figures) Radius of eylinder, r= 1.75 em (G significant figures) Volume of cylinder = nr°h = 3.14% (1.75)? 4.54 em? = 43.657775 cm? = 43.6. cm* (Rounded off upto 3 significant figures) Order of magnitude ‘Any physical quantity can be expressed in the form of ax 10! (in terms of magnitude), where a is a number lying between 1 and 10 and bis any negative or positive exponent of 10, then the exponent b is called the order of magnitude of the physical quantity. And the expression of a quantity as a x 10° is called scientific notation. e.g, the speed of light is given as 3.00 x 10*m/s. So, the order of magnitude of the speed of light is 6. ‘The order of magnitude, gives an estimate of the magnitude of the quantity. The charge on an electron is 16 x 107!°C., Therefore, we can say that the charge possessed by an electron is of the order 10"? or its order of magnitude is -19. Example 130 What is the order of magnitude of the distance of the sun from the earth in ST unit? ‘Sol, Distance of sun from the earth = 1 AU =1.496 x 10'm Order of magnitude = 11 Check point 1.2 1. What is the number of significant figures in 0.0310 x10? (a) 2 0) 3 4 @6 2. The number of significant figures in 1.11810 Vis @s3 4 5 @s6 43. Inwhich of the following numerical values, all zeros are significant? (@) 0.2020 (© 202 ©) 2020 (8 None of these What is the number of significant figure in (3,20 + 4.80) 10°? @s 4 @3 @2 5. Subtract 0.2 J from 7.26 J and express the result with correct number of significant figures @7 (©) 7.08 @7 (@) None of these 4) Error in measurement We use different kinds of instruments for measuring various quantities. However, these measurements always has a degree of uncertainty related to it. This uncertainty is called as error in the measurement. Thus, the difference between the measured value and the true value of a quantity is known as the error of measurement. True value — Measured value Errors may arise from different sources and are usually classified as follows 1. Systematic errors ‘These are the errors whose causes are known to us. They can be either positive or negative. Some of the sources of systematic errors are as follows (i) Instrumental errors These errors are due to imperfect design or erroneous manufacture or misuse of the measuring instrument. 6. The length, breadth and thickness of rectangular sheet of metal are 4.234 m, 1.005 m and 2.01 em, respectively. The volume of the sheet to correct significant figures is (@) 0.0855 mr* (©) 0.086m* (©) 0.08556 m? (4) 0.08? 7. Multiply 107.88 by 0.610 and express the result with correct number of significant figures, (@) 65.8068 (0) 64.807 (©) 6581 (0) 658 8. The radius of a thin wire is 0.16 mm. The area of cross-section of the wire in mm? with correct number of significant figures is (2) 008 —(&) 0.080 © (~) 0.0804 (@) 0.080384 9. What is the value of [(6.0 x10") (6.0 x10™*)] with due regards to signiticant digits? (@) 25x10" (0) 25.0x10- (0) 25010 (2) 25010" 10, When 97.52 is divided by 2.54, the correct result is (@) 38.3937 (0) 38.94 (0) 65.81 (4) 38.4 These are of following types (a) Zero error If the zero mark of vernier scale does not coincide with the zero mark of the main scale, the instrument is said to have zero error. A metre scale having worn off zero mark also has zero error. (b) Least count or permissible error This error is due to the limitation imposed by the least count of the measuring instrument. It is an uncertainty associated with the resolution of the measuring instrument. (c) Constant error The exrors which affect each observation by the same amount are called constant errors. Such errors are due to faulty calibration of the scale of the measuring instrument, (@ Backlash error Backlash error occurs in screw gauge, when we try to rotate the screw very fast to measure a reading. Due to this, there is some slipping between the different screws instead of the rotation, which gives an incorrect reading to avoid this we should rotate the screw slowly in only one direction. (ii) Causes of systematic errors Following are few causes of these errors {@) Instrumental errors may be due to erroneous instruments. These errors can be reduced by using more accurate instruments and applying zero correction, when required (b) Sometimes errors arise on account of ignoring certain facts. e.g., in measuring time period of simple pendulum error may creap because no consideration is taken of air resistance. These errors can be reduced by applying proper corrections to the formula used. (6) Change in temperature, pressure, humidity etc., may also sometimes cause errors in the result. Relevant corrections can be made to minimise their effects. 2. Random error ‘The errors which occur irregularly and at random, in magnitude and direction are called randora errors. The causes of random errors are not known. Hence, itis not possible to remove them completely. These errors may atise due to a variety of reasons. eg. the reading of a sensitive beam balance may change by the vibrations caused in the building, due to persons, ‘moving in the laboratory or vehicles running nearby. The random error can be minimised by repeating the observation a large number of times and taking the arithmetic mean of all the observations. The mean value would be very close to the most accurate reading. Thus, Expression of errors Errors can be expressed in following way 1. Absolute error The difference between the true value and the measured value of a quantity is called an absolute error. Usually the mean value a, is talsen as the true value. So, if Then by definition, absolute errors in the measured values of the quantity are, Gq - a, Gy 22 Aa, = aq ~ Oy Absolute error may be positive or negative. Chapter 01: Units, dimensions & errors analysis | 31 Mean absolute error It is the arithmetic mean of tlic magnitudes of absolute errors. Thus, [day _ 14 +1daq1 +3) aaj) ni This final result of measurement can be written as A= yt Digan {heteala oreo This implies that value of a is likely to lie between. Op + AQqnean 2d dy — Adnan Aenean 2. Relative or fractional error ‘The ratio of mean absolute error to the mean value of the quantity measured is called relative or fractional error. Thus, | Relative erros 3. Percentage error ‘When the relative error is expressed in per cent, it is called percentage error. It is denoted by 3a. Ba = Anan 5 100% Thus, Example 131 The length of a rod as measured in an experiment is found to be 2.48 m, 2.46 m, 2.49 m, 2.49 m and 2.46 m. Find the average length, the absolute error in each ‘observation and the percentage error. ‘Sol, Average length = Arithmetic mean of the measured values 2.48 + 2.46 42.49 +2.49+ 2.45 _12.38 5 5 True vale, Xpeaq = 2.48 m Absolute errors in various measurements, Ax = 155 ~ pq |=2-48 ~2.48 = 0.00 m [dx|=|2.46 -2.481 =0.02 m [xy|=12.49-2.481 =0.01 m [Axy|=1249 -2,481=0.01 m [xsl =[2.46 -2.481 = 40.02 m Mean absolute error = 231+] %1-+ |Axg1+ ...+ 14x51 5 (0.00 + 0.02 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.02) _ 0.06 5 5 476 m Axpqn =0.01 m Thus, x=248 40.01 m Percentage error, 8x = S%mn x 190 = 921 100=0.40% 2.48 \ 32) oglectiVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 Example 132 The diameter of a wive as measured by a screw mus found fo be 2.620, 2.625, 2.630, 2.628 and 26 em. Calculate (9 moan wale of shameter, id elowsite eras in cach measinement, (ii) moan esol error, (i) fractional error, 0) percentage error and (wi express the result in terms of percentage ron Sol. (i) Mean value of diameter, _ 2.620 + 2.625 + 2.630 + 2.628 + 2.626 5 = 2.6258 em =2.626 em {rounding off to three decimal places) (ii) Taking a,, as the true value, the absolute errors in different observations are ‘Aa, =2.626 -2.6: Aa = 2.626 ~2.626 =0,000 em Mean absolute error, ae [delta +a [+ [dal +14a5) 0.006 + 0.001 + 0.004 + 0.002 + 0.000 5 =0.0026 = 0.003, (rounding off to three decimal places) (iv) Fractional error = + S¢ne, (w) Percentage error =+ 0.001 x 100=+0.1% (vi) Diameter of wire can be written as, d =2.626 cm + 0.1% Example 133 The refractive index (n) of glass is found to have the values 1.49, 1.50, 1.52, 1.54 and 1,48. Calculate ( the mean value of refractive index, Gi absolute error in each measurement, (ii) mean absolute error, (iv) fractional error, and (i) percentage errr. ‘Sol, (i) Mean value of refractive index, ny, = LAD+ 1.504 1.524 1.544 1648 a 5 = 1.50 51 {rounded off to two decimal places) (i) Taking n, as the true value, the asbolute errors in different observations are, An =1.51~ 1.49=+ 0.02 .51-1.50=+ 0.01 51=1.52=-0.01 any =1S1~ Lot 003 ng eLst- 1+ 0.08 i) Me ate ey any Le Lan L+1ns 1m 002 +001 +001 +003 +009 _ 44, 5 Salita iui i Fria enor «Atm £202 «4 go132 (v1 Fat eor «2 Man £00 (# 0.0132x 100)=+ 1.32% () Percentage error Combination of errors Most of our experiments require us to use the measured values, of a number of different physical quantities. We then put them in appropriate formula, to calculate the required quantity. We must therefore know how the errors in all the measurements combine and appear in the final quantity. 1. Errors in sum or difference Letx=atb. Further, let Aa is the absolute error in the measurement of a, Ab is the absolute error in the measurement of b and Ax is the absolute error in the measurement of x. Then, x+ Ax = (at Aa) + (b+ Ab) (ab) + (+ Aa t Ab) £ (t Aa + AB) or Ax =+Aat Ab ‘The four possible values of Ax are (Aa — Ab), (Aa + Ab), ( Aa ~ Ab) and (- Aa + Ab). Therefore, the maximum. absolute error in x is Ax =+(Aa + Ab) ie, the maximum absolute error in sum and difference of two quantities is equal to sum of the absolute errors in the individual quantities. Example 134 The volumes of two bodies are measured to be V, =(10.2+ 0.02) em? and V2 =(6.4+ 0.01) cm. Calculate sum and difference in volumes with error limits. Sol. Given, V; =(10.2+ 0.02) cm® and V; = (6.44 0.01) cm? av=+4y+Av) (0.02 + 0.01) em? Y+V2 = (10.2 + 6.4) cm Vi -Vp=(10.2 - 6.4) em Hence, sum of volumes =(16.6 + 0.03) cm? and difference of volumes = (3.8 + 0.03) em? and 2. Errors in a product Let x =ab ‘Then, (r+ Ax) = (a+ Aa) + Ab) wet lea(ct a oe Meebo Ae ae x b a aiob - Bay Ab y be ab ab ab Here, 42. S is a small quantity, so can be neglected. @ Hence, Possible values of 4 are (# oa x a b Aa | Ab Aa Ab — 58458 Jana{ - 44 - Ab), le eee Hence, maximum possible value of a .(2 2 = a b Therefore, maximum fractional error in product of two (or more) quantities is equal to sum of fractional errors in the individual quantities. 3. Error in division Let x=£ b : (oh aa) eon) As & << 1 s0 expanding binomially, we get (2)-(128)e 2) x ah eb a7 Ab, Aa Ab or renee ee or Chapter 01: Units, dimensions & errors analysis (33 Here, 2¢ 2 isa small quantity, so can be neglected. 4% 0440 ae Ab Hence, sabi ear ae a b a b 482482) therefore, the maximum Possible values of “* are (# sn.(A +) cal a Or, the maximum value of fractional error in division of two quantities is equal to the sum of fractional errors in the individual quantities. Example 135 Calculate focal length of a spherical mirror from the following observations. Object distance u = (50.1% 0.5) cap 1 AA MOO, Aly, Ab ( Apo ee ar Note Constants do not have any erorin them. i) Volume, V =10 Lx 10L x 10L = 1000L* Percentage change in volume Conclusion The maximum percentage change will be observed in volume, lesser in area and the least ( minimum) change will be observed in length or radius. Example 1.39 Calculate percentage error in determination of time period of a perdulum rao ft 9 where, | and g are measured with + 1% and + 2% errors. 2.100) 9 sot 2 x 100=2(4x A! x 100+ T oer =t(L1stx2)at15% Bo ASS Example 1.40 Find the relative error in Z, if Z =“ and cD the percentage error in the measurements of A, B, Cand D are 4%, 2%, 3% and 1%, respectively. Sol. Bo 4) 01 22), 6,3 aD Z ay aay cet: Given that, 24x 100-4, 4 AB x10 =: 7 2, AC 100-3 ¢ and AP 100-1 D Az 1 3 MS x100=(4x 4)+(4«2)+3+(2x1 se0a tr ae(daa}es4( 2) 2s =16+243+5 +5t8ed = 21.16% The percentage error in the measurement of Z is 21.16%. Therefore, the relative error in Z is 0.2116. Check point 1.3 1. If error in measuring diameter of a circle is 4%, the error in ‘measuring radius of the circle would be (@) 2% (b) 8% (©) 4% @ 1% 2. The heat generated in a wire depends on the resistance, ‘current and time. Ifthe error in measuring the abave are 1%, 2% and 1%, respectively. The maximum error in measuring the heat is @o% = ex (©) 10% (a) 12% 3. Aforce Fis applied on a square plate of side L Ifthe percentage error in the determination of Lis 2% and that in Fis 4%, What is the permissible error in pressure? @a% when (0) 4% @% 4. A.cuboid has volume V = 1x21 x31, where lis the length of cone side. Ifthe relative percentage error in the measurement Of Fis 19, then the relative percentage error in measurement, ofVis (18% 6x (©) 3% a 1% 5. The length of a rod is (11.05: 0.2) em. What isthe length of the two rods? (@) (22.1 £0.05) om (©) 22.10 0.05) em (&) 22.14 0.1) om (@) 22.104 0.2) cm 6. Three measurements are made as 18.425 om, 7.21 cm and 5.0 om. The addtion should be written as (@) 20.635 om {b) 90.640m (6) S063em (6 3080m 7. I the eror in the measurement of momentum ofa partic is (¢ 100%) then the erorin the measurement of kinetic eneray s (@) 100% (©) 200% (© 800% (@) 400% 8. Abody travels unformiy a cistance of (13.8 0.2) min atime (4.004) s. The velocity of the body within er iit is (@ (453 02) ms" (©) (8454 03) ms"* (© (45# 04) ms" (6 (45 0.5) mst 9. The radius ofa ball is 6.2: 0.2) om, The percentage error in the volume ofthe ball is (epproximatey) @ 11% © 4% Om Om 10. Tho valuos of two resistors aro (6.0+ 0.2) kS-and (10.0% 0.1) kA. What isthe percentage error in the ‘equivalent resistance when they are connected in parle"? 2% 5% TH) 10% Chapter exercises A) Taking it together (Assorted questions of the chapter for advanced level practice) 1. If dimensions of A and B are different, then which of the following operation is valid? wa We (@A-B (AFB 2. The diameter of a wire is measured to be 0.0250 10 m The number of significant figures in the measurement is (five @)four 3, Dimensional formula for electromotive force is same as that for (a) potential (0) current @ energy 4, The number of significant figures in 0.06900 is INCERT Fxemplar] @s 4 @2 @3 5. ‘The sum of the numbers 436.32, 227.2 and 0.301 in appropriate significant figures is (NCERT Exemplar] (2) 663.821 » (b)664 (663.8 (4) 663.82 6. The dimensional formula for magnetic flux is (@) [ML>T*A“4} (&) IMT *A*} (©) (LPT 7A] (@ [MUTA] 7. A force F is given by F =at + bt”, where t is time. The dimensions of a and b are (2) [MLT™]and (MLT“4] (O(MLTJand [MLT*) (c)three —(@) nine (©) force (b) {MLT~“)and [MLT*] (@(MLT*] and [MLT"] 8. If the dimensions of a physical quantity are given by [M°L'T‘], then the physical quantity will be (a) force, ifa=Qb=-L.e=-2 (b) pressure ifa=1,b=-L.e=-2 (©) velocity ifa = b=Qe=-1 (@) acceleration ifa=,b=.c=-2 9. Three measurements are made as 18.425 em, 7.21 em and 5.0 cm. The addition should be written as (@) 30.635 cm (b) 30.64 em (c) 30.63cm (4) 30.6 em 1 4 ne (@) C2N“hn? (b) Nm’C? _() Nm?C? 11. The radius of a circle is 2.12 m. Its area according to the rule of significant figures is (a) 14.1124 m? (b) 14.112 m? (14.11 m? @ 141m? 12, If the value of resistance is 10.845 ohm and the value of current is 3.23 amp, the value of potential with significant numbers would be (a) 35.0V (b) 3.50 V (c) 35.029 V (d) 35.030 V 18. The position of the particle moving along Y-axis is given as y = At? — Bt®, where y is measured in metre and tin second. Then, the dimensions of B are @LT) OLT) OLT) OMT’) 14. The length, breadth and thickness of a block are given by! =12cm, 6cm and ¢ =2.45 cm. The volume of the block according to the idea of significant figures should be (@)1%10? cm? (1.764 x 107em? 15. Out of the following four dimensional quantities, which ‘one qualifies to be called a dimensional constant? (a) Acceleration due to gravity (0) Surface tension of water (©) Weight of a standard kilogram mass (@ The velocity of light in vacuum 16. The random error in the arithmetic means of 100 observations is x, then random error in the arithmetic mean of 400 observation would be 1 i (a) ax mix Oa @ 5x 10. What is the units of k= (@) Unitless (b)2x 107em® (@) None of these 17. A physical quantity Qis calculated according to the ' AB «yD I percentage errors in A B, G, Dare 2%, 1%, 3% and 4% respectively. What is the percentage error in Q? 28% WL1O% 414% — (@) £128 18, With usual notation, the following equation, said to give the distance covered in the nth second. i.e, Q= Syauta MoD (@) only numerically correct (©) only dimensionally correct (@ Both dimensionally and numerically (@) Neither numerically nor dimensionally correct 19. The velocity v of «particle at time is given by v=at+—, where a band are constants. The tre dimensions of a, b and c are, respectively. (LT), [L} and [T] (0){L*} (7) and (LT?) (LT, LT andl, (@ (0), (LT) and (T] 20. If the random error in the arithmetic mean of 50 observations is a, then the random error in the arithmetic mean of 150 observations would be @a 30 @$ @2a 21, Velocity v is given by v = at? + bt +c, where ¢ is time. ‘What are the dimensions of a, b and c respectively? @ (LT), (LT) and LT} (b)(LT"), (LTJand [LT (LT), [LT] and {LT} (@(LT-4, [LT] and (LT) 22. The square root of the product of inductance and. capacitance has the dimensions of (@) length 0) time (© mass (@ no dimension 28, The frequency of vibration of string is given by fk [E] | Here, pis number of segments in the string and I is the length. The dimensional formula for vill be (a) (MOLT) (b) (MET) (© (MET) @ Dr) 24, The numbers 2.745 and 2.735 on rounding off to 3 significant figures will give [NCERT Exemplar] (a) 2.75 and 2.74 (b) 2.74 and 2.73 (c) 2.75 and 2.73 (@) 2.74 and 2.74 Chapter 01: Units, dimensions & errors analysis (37 25. The mass and volume of a body are 4.237 g and 2.5 em’, respectively. The density of the material of the body in correct significant figures is INCERT Exemplar] (@) 1.6048 ¢ em? (0) 1.69 gem? (LT gem? (@) 1.695 g em 26, ‘The length and breadth of a rectangular sheet are 16.2 cm and 10.1 cm, respectively. The area of the sheet in appropriate significant figures and error is INCERT Exemplar] (©) 163.62 + 2.6 cm? (@)163.62 + 3m? (2)164 3 cm (0)163.6 + 2.6 cm? 27, Which of the following pairs of physical quantities docs not have same dimensional formula? [NCERT Exemplar} (@) Work and torque (®) Angular momentum and Planck's constant (©) Tension and surface tension (@) Impulse and linear momentum 28, Measure of two quantities along with the precision of respective measuring instrument is A=2.5ms"' £0.5ms"!, B= 0.10 s£0.01s. The value of AB will be INCERT Exemplar] (@) (0.25 + 0.08) m ()(0.25£0.5)m (€)(0.25 + 0.05)m (@) (0.25 + 0.135)m 29, Which of the following measurement is most precise? INCERT Exemplar] 5.00 mm (6) 5.00em (@).00m (4) 5.00 km 80. The mean length of an object is S cm. Which of the following measurements i most accurate? (NCERT Exemplar] 49cm —W)4.805em (€)5.25em (d) SAcm 81, Young's modulus of steel is 1.910! Nm”. When expressed in CGS units of dyne/cm?, it will be equal to (IN=10° dyne,1m? =10%cm?)—"_{NCERT Exemplax] (19x10 (b)1.9x10" (e)1.9%10? (1.9% 10% 82, If the energy (B}, velocity (v)and force (F) be taken as fundamental quantities then the dimensions of mass will be OF] OF WE @ Ey) 33. If force F, length L and time T are taken as fundamental units, the dimensional formula for mass will be @) (FLT) 6) (FLT?) () FLT) @ (FLT) 84, From the dimensional consideration, which of the following equations is correct? ra GM @Ta2n T= anor (or aanf @ra2x|® R ‘eM >. 38) oBlective PHYSICS Vol. 1 35. If voltage V = (100 5)V and current = (10+ 0.2) A, the percentage error in resistance R is (5.2% 25%) 7% 86. A wire has a mass (0.3 0.003) g, radius (0.5 0.005) mm and length (0.6 + 0.006) em. The maximum percentage error in the measurement ofits (@) 10% density @ we (3 4 37. If x=10.0 0.1 and y = 10.0 £0.1, then 2x—2yis equal to (a)(0.040.1) (&) Zero (@) (0.0 0.4) (4) (20+ 0.2) 88. The dimensional formula for molar thermal capacity is same as that of (@) gas constant ©) specific heat (6) Boltzmann's constant _(d) Stefan’s constant 89. Dimensions of Ohm are same as k ws (here, his Planck's constant and e is charge) 40. The equation of state of some gases can be expressed as (r+ S)e-b-er where, pis the pressure, Vis the volume, Tis the absolute temperature and a, b and R are constants. The dimensions of a are G@)IMLIT?] bo) IML™'T) (e)(L9) (om 41. Using mass (M), length (L) time (T) and current (A) as fundamental quantities, the dimensions of permeability is, @) (LT “ay (b) [MLPT*At] (©) (MLT“A*) (@ (MLT"A) 42. Let g be the acceleration due to gravity at earth's surface and K the rotational kinetic energy of the earth. Suppose the earth's radius decreases by 2%. Keeping ‘mass to be constant, then (a) g increases by 2% and K increases by 2% (b) g increases by 4% and K increases by 4% (c) g increases by 4% and K increases by 2% (d) g increases by 2% and K increases by 4% 43. In a system of units, the units of mass, Jength and time are 1 quintal, 1 km and 1 h, respectively. In this system 1 N force will be equal to (a) 1 new unit (0) 129.6 new unit (©) 427.6 new unit (@) 60 new unit fog =] where, a = constant. Using dimensional analysis, the 2 2 of et wk € : e 44. Given that f value of n is (a1 (b) zero =1 (@) None of these 45. If momentum of an object is increased by 10%, then ig kinetic energy will increase by (a) 20% (b) 21% (0) 40% (d) 19% 46, The magnetic force on a point charge is F=q(vx B) Here, q =electric charge v=velocity of point charge B =magnetic field The dimensions of B are (@)[MLT“'A] (by EMLT 7A] (©) [MT 7A") (a) None of these 47. A capillary tube is attached horizontally to a constant heat arrangement. Ifthe radius of the capillary tube is increased by 10%, then the rate of flow of liquid will change nearly by +08) + 46% = (108) 408 48, By what percentage should the pressure of a given mass of a gas be increased so as to decrease its volume by 10% at a constant temperature? (a) 5% (b) 7.2% (c) 12.5% (@) 11.1% 49, In measuring electric energy, 1kWh is equal to @) 3.6% 10° () 36x 10°] (©) 7.3% 108 J (@) None of these S01 where Vis the 50. A quantity is given by X = t potential difference and is the length. Then, X has dimensional formula same as that of (a) resistance (b) charge (@) voltage (@) current 51. The length of a strip measured with a metre rod is 10.0 cm. Its width measured with a vernier calipers is 1.00 em. The least count of the metze rod is 0.1 cm and that of vernier calipers 0.01 em. What will be error in its area? @ 4138 W)+7 eae —(d) LW 52. The length of cylinder is measured with a metre tod having least count 0.1 cm. Its diameter is measured with vernier calipers having least count 0.01 em. Given that length is 5.0 cm and radius is 2.0 em. The percentage error in the calculated value of the volume will be @) 15% 25% ©) 3.5% (a) 4B 58, The length of a uniform rod is 100.0 em. If length is measured with a meter rod having least count 1 mm and radius is measured with vernier callipers having Teast count 0.1 mim, the percentage error in calculated volume of cylinder is @21% — O)3¥ 201% — 3.2% 54, You measure two quantities as A = 1.0m +0.2 m, B=2.0m+0.2 m We should report correct value for VAB as INCERT Exemplar (a)1.4m+ 0.4m (0)1.41m + 0.15 m ()1.4m+0.3m (@)14m£0.2m 55. If momentum (p), area (A) and time (T) are taken to be fundamental quantities, then energy has the dimensional formula INCERT Exemplar} (par) )[p’T) (olpa’?t) (@{ parry 56. If E = energy, G = gravitational constant, impulse 2 and M= mass, then dimensions of S™!° are same as E that of (a) time (b) mass (c) length —(d) force 57, The relation p=e * , where pis pressure, Zis distance, kis Boltzmann constant and @ is temperature, ‘The dimensional formula of f will be @MCLT} w (MT) MET) @ eT 58. If E, M, Land G denote energy, mass, angular momentum and gravitational constant respectively, then the quantity (E7L?/M°G?) has the dimensions of (a) angle (b) length. () mass (d) None of these Chapter 01: Units, dimensions & errors analysis @ 59. A uniform wire of length L, diameter D and density p is stretched under a tension T. The correct relation between its fundamental frequency f, the length L and the diameter Dis 1 1 en iran 1 1 @ feos Ofer 60. If the energy E = GPh'c", where G is the universal ‘gravitational constant, h is the Planck's constant and c is the velocity of light, then the values of p, q and r are, respectively (@)=1/2, V2 and 5/2 ()1/2,~1/2 and -5/2 (0-1/2, 1/2 and 3/2 () 1/2, 1/2 and - 3/2 61. A gas bubble formed from an explosion under water ‘oscillates with a period T proportional to p’d’E‘, where p is pressure, dis the density of water and Eis the total energy of explosion. The values of a, band ¢ are @ast bakc=2 @)a=.b=2c=1 Spotent a=-5, Oangb=en5 @a=-2 8) Medical entrance special format questions Assertion and reason Directions (Q. Nos. 1-17) These questions consists of two statements each printed as Assertion and Reason. While answering these question you are required to choose any one of the following five responses. (@) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion. (0) IF both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not the corzect explanation of Assertion. (©) If Assertion is true but Reason is false. (@) If Assertion is false but Reason is true. 1. Assertion Method of dimension cannot be used for deriving formulae containing trigonomettical ratios. Reason This is because trigonometrical ratios have no dimensions. jertion Number of significant figures in 0.005 is one and that in 0.500 are three. Reason This is because zeros before decimal are non significant. 8. Assertion When we change the unit of measurement of a quantity, its numerical value changes. Reason Smaller the unit of measurement smaller is its numerical value. 4, Assertion Pressure has the dimensions of energy density. £ energy _{ML?T~*] volume — [L*] Reason. Energy density =(ML"T*}=pressure 5. Assertion When percentage errors in the ‘measurement of mass and velocity are 1% and 2% respectively, the percentage error in KE is 5% 1 y2, SE Am , av aE my 6. Assertion The error in the measurement of radius of the sphere is 0.3%. The permissible error in its surface area is 0.6%. Reason The permissible error is calculated by the formula Reason KE or E ‘AA_ Ar ee: 7, Assertion The light year and wavelength consist of dimensions of length. Reason Both light year and wavelength represent time. 8, Assertion Out of two measurements {= 0.7mand 1 =0.70 my the second one is more accurate. 40) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 7 Reason In every measurement, the last digit is not accurately known. 9, Assertion A screw gauge having a smaller value of pitch has greater accuracy. Reason The least count of screw gauge is directly proportional to the number of divisions on circular scale. 10. Assertion L/R and GR both have same dimensions. Reason L/R and CR both have dimensions of time. 2, Match the following columns. Column T Column It (A) Stress (p) Pressure (@) Strain (@) Energy density (C) Modulus of elasticity (@)_Angle ) Torque (9)_Enerey 8. Suppose force (F), area (A) and time (T)are the fundamental units, then the match the following 11. Assertion Ife = 2” the 2 B=(LT*] 14, () Using the relation for volume, length xBreadth x Thickness 2126x245" 1764 om? [164 «10cm? ‘The minimum number of significant figure is 1 in breadth. Hence, the volume will contain only one significant figure. ‘Therefore, V = 2x10 em’. 16. (b) Since error is measured for 400 observations instead of 100 observations. So error will reduce by 1/4 factor. op 11. Q= 4 #848) Chapter O1: Units, dimensions & errors analysis (45 Given that, 44 x190 = 2,42 «100 =1 a B AC 109-3 22 x100=4 c D $8 100 =(9x2)+ (x04 (3)+ 2x 1100= BxD# OHD+ I 3 x = 414% 21. (a) Dimensions of velocity are(V]= (LIT) So, dimensions of [at?]= [LT™! = m= oT} > Gl=0T 4} Dimensions of fx]= (LT™}=> (8) (1}=(LT 7} => (b= LT Dimensions of (c}= {LT 22.0 fase Lot «Met WG ‘Oxf on “Thus, VEG has the dimensions of tine, 23. (9 mis mass pe unit length 24. (4) Rounding off 2.745 to 3 significant figures it would be 2.74. Rounding off 2.735 to 3 significant figures it would be 2.74. 25. (2) In this question, density should be reported to two 6948 ‘On rounding off the number, we get density = 17 26. (2) Given, length I= (16.2+ 0.1) em Breadth Rounding off to three significant digits, area aL, ab O41, 01 T* > "162°304 LOLs 162,263. 162x10.1 “163.68 => bdndx 253. «163.6228 73.68 163.68 2.63 cm? A=3 cm? By rounding off to one significant figure) Area, A=A‘t AA=(164 3) em? 27. (@ (a) Work = force xdistance =(MLT-"UL|=[MLPT™ ‘Torque = force x distance =([ML?I~%] (b) Angular momentum = mur = [MILT Planek’s constant == = MET) ya? we et [ML>T~} = 48) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 (0 Tension = force = [MLT™ force _(MLT™) iength~ [L) (a) Impulse = force x time =[MLT~?)[T] =[MLT} ‘Momentum = mass x velocity =[MJLT™)]=(MLT~] Note One should not be confused withthe similar form tension in both the physical quantities-suface tension and tension. Dimensional forma for both of them isnot same MLoT™) Surface tension = 28. (a) Given, A= 2.5 ms!+ 0.5 ms, B=0.10s+0.01s Xx =AB = (2.5(0.10)= 0. 25 m na: x A 25 ‘Ax = 0.075 = 0.08 m, rounding off to two significant figures. ‘AB= (0. 25% 0.08)m 29. (0) All given measurements are correct upto two decimal places. As here 5.00 mm has the smallest unit and the error in 5.00 mm is least (commonly taken as 0.01 mm if not specified), hence, 5.00 mm is most precise. Note In solving these type of questions, we shouldbe careful about units although their magnitude is same. 30. (a) Given length, I= Sem Now, checking the errors with each options one by one, we get Aly =5.25-5=0.25em -5= 04cm Au= Error AJ; is least. Hence, 4.9 em is most accurate, 31. (d Given, Young's modulus, ¥ = 1.9%10" N/m? 1N=10° dyne Hence, ¥ =19%10" «10° dyne/m? We know that 1 m= 100m ‘ Y= 19x10!" x10° dyne/{100)* em? .9x 10°" dyne/em? ¥ =19%10?? dyne/em? Note while we are going through units conversion, we should keep in mind that proper relation between urits are mentioned. Substituting the dimensions, LHS =[T] @ OM (Ml e jus, LHS = RHS for T = 2m} —— ‘Thus, LHS = RHS ea 35. () Given, voltage, V = (100 + 5)V Current, 1=(10£0.2) A From Ohm's law, V = IR RUS 2n| Rosistance, R= ‘Maximum percentage error in resistance 2R 100) =(4¥ x al ) (Fx1%)-(7 1) ($ tee (ee) (ee) 2542=7% oe. ° Alter substituting the values, we get the maxirnum percentage error in density = 4%, 39. (c) Dimension of (chm) R = 4s le = charge = current time) worl Further, L will remain constant. Rel Keg) ‘MR? or KoR® and geR* 43, (0) (Force}= (MLT“} w=) (5) e008 = 1286. 100) | 000, 46. (c) Magnetic force, F=9(v xB) or F=quBsin@ 4 a -[£] AMLTA _iyer-2ay (ATILT") AT. (B) Volume of liquid coming out of the tube per second, weet (a)! oY An, 2 110) (Bo) =v = vaca un = Bay ¥ _ MANY Vs % 48. (&) When Tis constant, pV = constant. When volume is decreased by 10% that is volume becomes °°. the pressure 100' ust become 100/90. Thus, percentage increase in pressure {100 90) «100 = 11% 51, (d) Area of strip = 1b aA) at a 44) 100 =(4!) x100+ (22) x (3) (G)rr00 (0 = 24,1004 20h 100 = 42% 10 1 52, (b) Volume of cylinder D venrtr=(2) 82) 100+ (2) x100 D L 221) «300 + (2) n10=258 40 3 54. (Given, A=L0m£02mB=20ms0.2m Le, YaVAB VOR =1.414 m Rounding off to two significant digitY = 1.4m AY faa. 3] AaB v2 tfoa 02) 06 alto 20)" 320 O6y _ osx1A = 08F 06414 9.212 oe 2x20 2x20 Rounding off to one significant digit AY = 0.2m ‘Thus, correct value for VAB =r + Ar=1.44 0.2m 55, (2) Given, fundamental quantities are momentum (p), area (A) and time (Ts We can write energy E as Ba ptar’ = E=kp "AT where, kis dimensionless constant of proportionality. Dimensions of E =[E]=(ML2T" and [p] =(MLT™) (Als 0) >, 7 (e)= (Kip) 14) 1" Chapter 01 : Units, dimensions & errors analysis @ Putting all the dimensions, we get (MET }= (MLT-Y (04) 11) apeerets [By principle of homogeneity of dimensions, a=1,2b+a=2 = 2b+iN2 => bav2 -ate=-2 = Hence, 51, (@ Inthe given equation, £2 shouldbe dimensionless. ko _ (Mr K4 OK) Z = ley [MLT?) $58, (d) The dimensions of E={ML7T™] Dimensions of M=[M] Dimensions of L =ML7T™} Dimensions of G=[M'L2T™] ea) _ ime?) parry? Me)" Beery Mer + Dims off 159, () The fandamental frequency is (= 2 E aw al fer. LE Boe PV 1 fed (8 7, and are constants) 61. (@ Given, Tx p''E* We have [M°L°T]=k[ML"T~7]"[ML*] {ML?T~9}° where, kis a constant. On comparing dimensions of similar terms, we have PLerye apart 3 Sep -Be= 34 On comparing powers of M, we have O=a+b+e €) ‘On comparing powers of L, we have O=-a-W+% Ai ‘On comparing powers of 7, we have I= 2a—2 ‘On solving Eqs. (i) and (i), we have en Zb=s, Caer ~ B) Medical entrance special format questions Assertion and reason 4. (a) Prowsite anil enongy density have same dimensions, me oe MP 100 (4) x - am 6. (0 Ae dn? S100 = 25% x100 = 20.99% =0.6% 10. (a) L/R andl CR both have dimensions of time. 15. (0) Match the column 3.1Al= IU) (= 1a!) j= IFA’? T?) 0 Medical entrances’ gallery 1. (@ Given, F= Asin@+ Boos Dr nfl here, (= time and x= distance As, we know that trigonometric ratios are dimensionless. ‘This implies sinCr= dimensionless and cos Dr = dimensionless io, a=[%]=1-4 ana [4] As, Eq. (i) represents the force. So, Aand B both have the dimensions as that of force. So, A/B is dimensionless, i.e. meer} [E | =ReLr} wu, [8] D. 2, (e) Electr potential isa scalar quantity, 3. (e) Option (e) is wrong because 1 astronomical unit =1.5x10"'m 4. (0) According tothe question, we have, cc p".v™ or mite ” ve, A py" or mits A= py where, bis proportionality constant, Using principle of homogeneity, we get (ML = MLN) [LT or (IML°T"} = MPL) TT Equating both sides, we find 5. (a) We know that, energy of an emitted particle Bow = hee v Planck's constant : ie mute ep a) and moment of inertia, Teme? => T=(MU] li ‘On dividing Eq, (i) by Eq. (i), we get n_[M2r Gut MP |-ri-2 T | ML? | risy ie, 4 ctr} = frequency of a particle T 6. (a) The force per unit length experienced due to two wires in which current is flowing in the same direction is given by Eta Bh, WTA dan d o (MLT4)_ | [_Q? is 2 “TT =n 2] => Ho =IMLQ™) 7, (0) As electric flux is given by dye Bdne oe «iment [ME] nr Force [F] ‘We know that surface tes = Force [FL 8. (We know that surface tension (9) = FT (MT So, [s] =O = ar (s) i] t 7 Energy (E) = Force x displacement => (E]=[ML°T Velocity ) Sortaconet = WILT y As, Soe‘ re where, a & care constants. From the principle of homogeneity, [LHS] = (RHS} = MOT Mer pL Tr > MLPT =pners bh 9 quating the power on both sides, we get ant, 20+b=0,b=-2 = ~2a-b+c=-2 = e=(2a+6)— So, (S)=(6r*r4}= (evr 9, (a) The dimensions of electrical resistance Ww) w v Aa) a) MUTT} A = (ML? TA) Re w Pre Then, (A> 2) “The dimensions of electrical potenti ve MPA aM TA Then (8) (9) ‘The dimensions of specific resistance Pei (META) (L] =(MLTA] ‘Thus, (C)—+ (1) and the dimensions of specific conductance 1 i 2) on OTA = not given ia column Thus, )—> (4) 10. (a) Given, x= gem? s=[MLT™} yogst=(MUT 4 and zsems”?=[M°LT*} Now, Par) < and yet = (MOT YM? 4) =IMUT =x ie, xe? 11. (Q) Ideal gas law is given by pV =RT ge 2¥ Unit of work “"T “Unit of temperature = Rake K 12, (@ From the formula, = 4 => 9= Langer 13, (e) Reynold’s number describes the ratio of inertial force per tnt area to viscous force per unit area fora flowing fluid. ‘Thus, Reynold’s number is the ratio of two physical quantity cof same dimension which cancel out each other. Hence, ‘Reynold’s number is dimensionless [M°L°T"] quantity. 14, (a) Substituting dimensions, ma Ee > sae Energy '_ Frequency ‘Angular momentum = Moment of inertia x Angular velocity =(ML)x(T = IMT} 15. (6) (a) Plane!’ sconstant = Chapter 01 : Units, dimensions & errors analysis (4s () Impulse = Force x Time = (MLT(T]=[MLT~') and linear momentum = (0 Moment of inertia = Mass x(Distance)* = [ML7}=(M] (L4] and moment of force =Foree Distance =(MLT{L]=[MUT 7) (@ Energy = [ML?1" and torque = (ML?T™, 16, (0 The absolute exzor inthe value A - B will be a+b. 17. (@) We know that : Fem > Fe™ = mee t v 4 Dimensions of [M]= aren 1B. (@) Let x kg be unit of mass, then f =GrkgX1000 m\t00 5)? = 1000 = x x1000x 10000 = 10000 kg = 10" kg. 19. (a) Dimensions of = Unit of Bx Unit of A he ms" xm S| ae =kgm?s A= [MUTA 20. (c) The unit of electric field Eis Newton, _kg~metre sec? ‘Coulomb ", Dimensions of electric field are (MLT™A"}. ‘= kg-metre sec" amp"! ampere-see z mh 21. (a) [zoe 2nare dimensionless quantities. So, vito s-[ #2] -[] 22, (Her P= = 342 100+ 248 x100+ 86100 + A x100 =Sx142x24344 Beste d= 1d 50) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 23. (c) Standards which are used to measure the fundamental ‘quantities are called as fundamental units which are length, ‘mass, time, temperature, current, luminous intensity, quantity of matter. Hence, magnetic field is not a fundamental quantity. 24, (a) From the definition, we know that the rate of doing work is called power. So that, Dimension of rate of doing wor 25. (a) Given density of glass in COS syste Value of density in SI system = 28 g/em? _ 28x10 kg 10% me = 28%107 kgm 26. (a) From Ohim’s law V = JR = [A-ML2T~°A"%}= [ML2TA"4 A iP where, p= pressure, y= distance, ky = Boltzmann constant and T= temperature ae [Dimensions of kg [Dimensions of 7] Dimension of B= Dimensions of p{Dimenslonsat j] 27. (8) Given equation, 28. (8) Dimensional formula of potential 7] =[ML? 7°47) Dimensional formula of (RC]=[M° L°T} 29. (8) We knows, Dimensions of moment of inertia =[ML?) Dimensions of moment of force F = [MLT~] Dimensions of moment of yelocity 6) = [LT] Dimensions of moment of work (7) = (ML?T™] mensions of moment of length (0 =[L] ensions of {FU™) 2 of WE = fML (MLT “(LTP Here, Dimensions of [X] 30. (@) A physical quantity ae mln Percentage error in iven, m=4 31.) Grea mS Dimensions n=l Here, A= force =[MLT~3] linear density = m: ‘unit length = M4) and _m=linear density = mass per unit length = 79 [MLT-4} > mee Ur is same dimension as that of latent heat. 32. (a) X= (M'LITY] Maximum % error inX=aa+bB+ey

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