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Unit 3

Virtualization in Cloud Computing
• Virtualization is the "creation of a virtual (rather than actual)
version of something, such as a server, a desktop, a storage
device, an operating system or network resources".
• In other words, Virtualization is a technique, which allows to
share a single physical instance of a resource or an application
among multiple customers and organizations. It does by assigning
a logical name to a physical storage and providing a pointer to
that physical resource when demanded.
• Creation of a virtual machine over existing operating system and
hardware is known as Hardware Virtualization. A Virtual machine
provides an environment that is logically separated from the
underlying hardware.
• The machine on which the virtual machine is going to create is
known as Host Machine and that virtual machine is referred as
a Guest Machine
Difference between Cloud Computing
and Virtualization
Sr.No. Cloud Computing Virtualization

Cloud computing is used to provide pools While It is used to make various simulated
1. and automated resources that can be environments through a physical hardware
accessed on-demand. system.

Cloud computing setup is tedious, While virtualization setup is simple as

complicated. compared to cloud computing.

While virtualization is low scalable compared

3. Cloud computing is high scalable.
to cloud computing.

While virtualization is less flexible than cloud

4. Cloud computing is Very flexible.

In the condition of disaster recovery, cloud

5. While it relies on single peripheral device.
computing relies on multiple machines.

In cloud computing, the workload is

6. In virtualization, the workload is stateful.

• A hypervisor, a virtual machine manager/monitor (VMM), or

virtualization manager, is a program that allows multiple
operating systems to share a single hardware host.
• Each guest operating system appears to have the host's
processor, memory, and other resources all to itself.
• However, the hypervisor is actually controlling the host
processor and resources, allocating what is needed to each
operating system in turn and making sure that the guest
operating systems (called virtual machines) cannot disrupt
each other.
Architecture of Virtualization
Important Terminologies of Virtualization
There are a few essential technologies in Virtualization, which are
defined as follows: –
• Virtual machine: A virtual machine can be defined as the computer
of a virtual type that operates beneath a hypervisor.
• Hypervisor: This can be defined as the operating system that runs on
actual hardware. A virtual counterpart of the operating system is a
subpart that executes or emulates the virtual process. They are defined
as Domain 0 or Dom0.
• Container: These can be defined as virtual machines of lightweight
nature that are a subset of the same operating system instance or the
hypervisor. They are a collection of processes that executes along
with corresponding namespace or identifiers of process.
• Virtual network: This is defined as the network being separated
logically and is present inside the servers. Such networks can be
expanded across multiple servers.
• Virtualization software: This type of software helps deploy
Virtualization on the computer device.
• The architecture in Virtualization is defined as a model that describes
Virtualization conceptually. Virtualization application in Cloud Computing is
• In Cloud Computing, the end-users share the data on applications termed as
the clouds. However, end users can share the entire IT infrastructure with
Virtualization itself.
• The virtual application services help in application management, and the
virtual infrastructure services can help in infrastructure management.
• Both services are embedded into a virtual data center or an operating system.
The virtual services can be used in any platforms and programming
environment. The services can be accessed through an on-premise cloud or an
off-premise cloud.
• Virtualization services are delivered to cloud users by third-party individuals.
The cloud users, in return, have to pay third-party individuals with an
applicable monthly or annual fee.
• This fee is paid to compensate the third parties to provide cloud services to
end-users, and they also provide different versions of applications as
requested by the end cloud users.
• Virtualization is generally achieved through the hypervisor. A hypervisor
enables the separation of operating systems with the underlying hardware. It
enables the host machine to run many virtual machines simultaneously and
share the same physical computer resources.
• There are two methods through which virtualization architecture is
achieved described below:

• Type one: The first hypervisor type is termed a bare-metal

hypervisor. They directly run over the top of the hardware of the
host system. They deliver effective resource management and ensure
the high availability of resources. It delivers direct access to the
hardware system, ensuring better scalability, performance, and
• Type two: The second hypervisor type is the hosted hypervisor. This
is installed on the host operating system, and the virtual operating
system runs directly above the hypervisor. It is the kind of system
that eases and simplifies system configuration.
Characteristics of Virtualization
• Distribution of resources: Virtualization and Cloud Computing
technology ensure end-users develop a unique computing
environment. It is achieved through the creation of one host
machine. Through this host machine, the end-user can restrict the
number of active users. By doing so, it facilitates easy of control.
They can also be used to bring down power consumption.
• Accessibility of server resources: Virtualization delivers several
unique features that ensure no need for physical servers. Such
features ensure a boost to uptime, and there is less fault tolerance
and availability of resources.
• Resource Isolation: Virtualization provides isolated virtual machines.
Each virtual machine can have many guest users, and guest users
could be either operating systems, devices, or applications.
The virtual machine provides such guest users with an isolated
virtual environment. This ensures that the sensitive information
remains protected, and, at the same time, guest users remain inter-
connected with one another.
• Security and authenticity: The virtualization systems ensure
continuous uptime of systems, and it does automatic load balancing
and ensures there is less disruption of services.
• Aggregation: Aggregation in Virtualization is achieved through
cluster management software. This software ensures that the
homogenous sets of computers or networks are connected and act as
one unified resource.
Virtualization Software
Types of Virtualization:
• Hardware Virtualization.
• Operating system Virtualization.
• Software Virtualization.
• Server Virtualization.
• Storage Virtualization.
1. Hardware virtualization
• Hardware virtualization, which is also known as server
virtualization or simply virtualization, is the abstraction
of computing resources from the software that uses
those resources.
• In a traditional physical computing environment,
software such as an operating system (OS) or
enterprise application has direct access to the
underlying computer hardware and components,
including the processor, memory, storage, certain
chipsets and OS driver versions.
• This posed major headaches for software configuration
and made it difficult to move or reinstall software on
different hardware, such as restoring backups after a
fault or disaster.
Types of Hardware Virtualization
• Hardware assisted virtualization has three kinds. These
• Full Virtualization: The hardware architecture is fully
simulated. No modification is required by guest
software for running applications
• Para-Virtualization: The hardware is not simulated,
rather the guest software runs the isolated system
• Emulation Virtualization: In emulation
virtualization, the virtual machine is independent. It
simulates the hardware and there is no modification
required by the guest operating system.
What are the components of hardware virtualization?
Hardware virtualization is structured in layers consisting of the following
• The hardware layer, or virtualization host, contains the physical server
components such as CPU, memory, network, and disk drives. This is the
physical hardware on which virtualization takes place. It requires an
x86-based system with one or more CPUs to run all supported guest
operating systems.
• The hypervisor creates a virtualization layer that runs between the OS
and the server hardware, allowing many instances of an operating
system or different operating systems to run in parallel on a single
machine. Hypervisors isolate operating systems and applications from
the underlying computer hardware, or the host machine, from the
virtual machines that use its resources.
• Virtual machines are software emulations of a computing hardware
environment and provide the functionalities of a physical computer.
Virtual machines themselves consist of virtual hardware, a guest
operating system, and guest software or applications.
1. Full Virtualization: Full Virtualization was introduced by IBM in
the year 1966. It is the first software solution for server
virtualization and uses binary translation and direct approach
techniques. In full virtualization, guest OS is completely isolated
by the virtual machine from the virtualization layer and hardware.
Microsoft and Parallels systems are examples of full
2. Operating system based Virtualization
• Operating system-based Virtualization refers to an
operating system feature in which the kernel enables
the existence of various isolated user-space instances.
The installation of virtualization software also refers to
Operating system-based virtualization. It is installed
over a pre-existing operating system and that operating
system is called the host operating system.
• In this virtualization, a user installs the virtualization
software in the operating system of his system like any
other program and utilizes this application to operate
and generate various virtual machines. Here, the
virtualization software allows direct access to any of
the created virtual machines to the user.
• As the host OS can provide hardware devices with the
mandatory support, operating system virtualization may
affect compatibility issues of hardware even when the
hardware driver is not allocated to the virtualization
• Virtualization software is able to convert hardware IT
resources that require unique software for operation into
virtualized IT resources. As the host OS is a complete
operating system in itself, many OS-based services are
available as organizational management and
administration tools can be utilized for the virtualization
host management.
Some major operating system-based services are
mentioned below:
• Backup and Recovery.
• Security Management.
• Integration to Directory Services.
Various major operations of Operating System Based
Virtualization are described below:
• Hardware capabilities can be employed, such as the
network connection and CPU.
• Connected peripherals with which it can interact, such as
a webcam, printer, keyboard, or Scanners.
• Data that can be read or written, such as files, folders,
and network shares.
features of operating system-based virtualization are:
• Resource isolation: Operating system-based virtualization provides a
high level of resource isolation, which allows each container to have
its own set of resources, including CPU, memory, and I/O bandwidth.
• Lightweight: Containers are lightweight compared to traditional
virtual machines as they share the same host operating system,
resulting in faster startup and lower resource usage.
• Portability: Containers are highly portable, making it easy to move
them from one environment to another without needing to modify
the underlying application.
• Scalability: Containers can be easily scaled up or down based on the
application requirements, allowing applications to be highly
responsive to changes in demand.
• Security: Containers provide a high level of security by isolating the
containerized application from the host operating system and other
containers running on the same system.
• Reduced Overhead: Containers incur less overhead than
traditional virtual machines, as they do not need to emulate a full
hardware environment.
• Easy Management: Containers are easy to manage, as they can
be started, stopped, and monitored using simple commands.
Advantages of Operating System-Based Virtualization:
• Resource Efficiency: Operating system-based virtualization allows
for greater resource efficiency as containers do not need to emulate a
complete hardware environment, which reduces resource overhead.
• High Scalability: Containers can be quickly and easily scaled up or
down depending on the demand, which makes it easy to respond to
changes in the workload. Easy Management: Containers are easy to
manage as they can be managed through simple commands, which
makes it easy to deploy and maintain large numbers of containers.
• Reduced Costs: Operating system-based virtualization can
significantly reduce costs, as it requires fewer resources and
infrastructure than traditional virtual machines.
• Faster Deployment: Containers can be deployed quickly, reducing
the time required to launch new applications or update existing ones.
• Portability: Containers are highly portable, making it easy to move
them from one environment to another without requiring changes to
the underlying application.
Disadvantages of Operating System-Based Virtualization:
• Security: Operating system-based virtualization may pose security
risks as containers share the same host operating system, which means
that a security breach in one container could potentially affect all other
containers running on the same system.
• Limited Isolation: Containers may not provide complete isolation
between applications, which can lead to performance degradation or
resource contention.
• Complexity: Operating system-based virtualization can be complex to
set up and manage, requiring specialized skills and knowledge.
• Dependency Issues: Containers may have dependency issues with
other containers or the host operating system, which can lead to
compatibility issues and hinder deployment.
• Limited Hardware Access: Containers may have limited access to
hardware resources, which can limit their ability to perform certain
tasks or applications that require direct hardware access.
3. Software Virtualization

• Software Visualization in Cloud Computing allows the single

computer server to run one or more virtual environments. It is
quite similar to virtualizations but here it abstracts the software
installation procedure and creates a virtual software out of it.
• In software virtualizations, an application will be installed
which will perform the further task. One software is physical
while others are virtual as it allows 2 or more operating system
using only one computer.
Benefits of Software Virtualization
Here, is the list of Software Virtualization Advantages in Cloud
Computing :
• It is easier to test the new operating system and software on
VMs as it does not require any additional hardware and the
testing can do within the same software. After the testing, the
VM can move or delete for the further testing.
• In software virtualization, there is higher efficiency in resource
utilization if it tunes correctly. The VM can modify as per the
requirement such as the user can modify ram, drive space, etc. It
requires very less amount of hardware as compared to the
equivalent number of physical machines.
• It is efficient in a way such that it can run 12 virtual machines and
eliminates the use of 12 physical boxes. This is the power cost as well
as the cost of maintaining the server.
Less Downtime
• The software is upgrading and the upgrade in the VMs can do when the
VM is working. VM can modify when it is working or it is not working
which means that the downtime of it is very less.
• It provides flexibility to the user so that the user can modify the
software as per their demand. The modification can do within minutes
and can adjust easily when the workload changes.
• It can protect with many hantaviruses. Moreover, there are several
firewalls which prevent hacking and virus. The data in the software
virtualization is safe as it stores in several different places so if the
disaster takes place the data can retrieve easily.
Types of Software Virtualization
Operating System Virtualization
Application Virtualization
Service Virtualization
i. Operating System Virtualization
In operating system virtualization, the hardware is used which consists
of software on which different operating systems work. Here, the
operating system does not interfere with each other so that each one of
them works efficiently.
ii. Application Virtualization
Application virtualization is a technology, encapsulates the computer
program within the operating system. It can say that application
virtualizations refer to running an application on a thin client.
This thin client runs an environment, which is different from what refer
to as encapsulating from the operating system which is the location of
iii. Service Virtualization
In the service virtualization, the DevOps team can use the virtual
servers rather than the physical one. It emulates the behaviour of
essential components which will be present in the final production
With the help of service virtualization, the complex application
can go through testing much earlier in the development process. It
can say that service visualization is a technique to simulate the
behaviour of some components in a mixture of component-based
4. Server Virtualization
• Modern hardware, such as servers are powerful enough to
accomplish a wide range of tasks.
• Server virtualization is the process of using software to divide
physical hardware into separate unique virtual servers. Once
divided, these independent virtual servers can be used for a
multitude of tasks. Each virtual server will be able to host a
different operating system without any compatibility issues.
• Server virtualization helps to maximize the power of any device and
can provide many benefits to an organization and individual users.
• By implementing the proper services and software, a single piece of
hardware can emulate the duties of multiple machines.
• Virtualization can also help protect servers by masking resources
from independent users. Specific solutions, such as application or
security virtualization are also available and further extend the many
uses of any single piece of hardware.
Types of Server Virtualization
There are three main types of server virtualization:
• full-virtualization,
• para-virtualization,
• OS-level virtualization.
1. Full-Virtualization
• A hypervisor is a specialized type of software that is necessary for full
server virtualization.
• There are many different hypervisors available, so make sure to
compare your requirements with available features before finalizing a
• Hypervisors function by communicating with servers to monitor disk
space and CPU usage.
• The software can then allocate resources as needed across multiple
virtual server deployments.
• Computing power can even be shared across various operating
systems with ease without sacrificing efficiency.
• Hypervisors do require a set amount of dedicated server resources to
operate, limiting overall server power. When utilizing full
virtualization, the separate server instances will not need to be aware
of each other.
2. Para-Virtualization
• The major difference between full and para-virtualization is
that each OS on the server is aware of each other's presence.
• This allows for an entire network to work together to manage
• The most significant benefit of para-virtualization is that the
hypervisor doesn't require nearly as many resources to operate
because different virtual servers are aware of each other and
thus can more efficiently share physical resources.
3. OS-Level Virtualization
• The most basic form of server virtualization is OS-level
• There are limitations when using this method, but it can be
implemented and maintained with fewer resources than para- or
full- virtualization.
• When using OS-level virtualization, there is no need for a
• The duty of managing resources and separating virtual
machines is instead handled by the physical server’s operating
• The drawback to this solution is that each virtual machine will
have to run the same operating system, because the OS is acting
as a hypervisor.
Categories of Server Virtualization
1. Application Virtualization
• A popular managed service is application virtualization. This
method uses virtualization to host and implement specific apps
or software without the need to take down the operating system
for installation or updates.
• Application virtualization is one of the quickest and most
affordable ways to implement new software. Using separate
virtual machines to host software and an operating system also
allows for updates to be installed safely without worrying about
the entire system going down.
2. Client Virtualization
• Sometimes employees may not have the necessary equipment at
home or at their desks to run the applications required for their
positions. Client virtualization (aka desktop virtualization)
allows for the simulation of an entire OS that utilizes server
resources from other PCs.
• Employees can then access server resources or applications from
multiple machines using managed login credentials. Small
businesses and organizations can even rent servers for desktop
virtualization from third parties to reduce hardware costs and
receive the security benefits of larger organizations.
• This improves the computing power of employee machines and
increases security, because access to resources is locked behind
the virtual machine and not the staff's physical computers.
3. Security Virtualization
• Security virtualization provides protection by using security
software on virtual machines. This allows security to be more
flexible and easily scalable because protection is not tied to a
specific device. More often than not, security virtualization is
hosted in the cloud and managed by a third party.
• Another significant benefit of this type of network security is
that services and functions can quickly move between virtual
and physical machines within a network.
• The ease of scalability also makes security virtualization one of
the most affordable security solutions.
5. Storage Virtualization
• storage virtualization is a technique for pooling physical
storage devices such that IT is able to address a single
“virtual” storage device.
• Though now largely eclipsed by the cloud model, storage
virtualization offered significant operational and cost
efficiencies over “bare metal” storage (in which physical
storage devices are addressed directly).
• With virtualized storage, organizations reduced compatibility
concerns and boosted the performance and security of storage
Types of storage virtualization
There are a few ways that storage can be applied
to a virtual environment:
• Host-based,
• Array-based,
• Network-based.
• Most often used in HCI systems and cloud storage, host-based
virtualization relies on software to direct traffic.
• In this method, physical storage can be attributed to nearly any device
or array.
• The host, or a hyper-converged system comprised of several hosts,
presents virtual drives to guest machines of any configuration, such
as virtual machines (VMs) in an enterprise, PCs accessing file shares, or
servers accessing data via the cloud.
• In array-based storage virtualization, servers are physically located, and
which array is being accessed is not visible to the servers or users
accessing the storage.
• Here, a storage array serves as a primary storage controller, using
virtualization software to pool storage resources from other arrays. The
array also can present different types of physical storage as tiers, rather
than a disparate collection of devices.
• Such tiers can be made up of solid-state drives (SSDs) or hard disk
drives (HDDs) on the various arrays.
• The most common form of storage virtualization is network-
based. Here, all storage devices are connected in an FC or ISCSI
SAN by a network device. These interconnected devices present
themselves as a single virtual pool within their storage network.
Benefits of storage virtualization
• Lower cost: Because virtual storage doesn’t require the typical hardware redundancies
needed in traditional enterprise storage architectures for disaster recovery, fewer
appliances and/or software licenses need to be purchased. This saves enterprises from
the significant cost of up-front financial commitments.
• Saved time: Virtualized storage not only reduces downtime—planned and unplanned—
but it also makes upgrading much less time-consuming and disruptive.
• Scalability: With virtual storage, organizations no longer need to forecast their long-term
future storage needs or pay for all that capacity upfront. Instead, IT can take advantage of
dynamic provisioning that responds to changing needs on demand.
• Easier management: Virtual storage simplifies and improves resource use, providing an
easy addition/deletion of storage without interrupting applications. It also enables
seamless data migration and streamlines advanced feature application across the storage
• Reduced risk: If a disk drive, storage controller, or power supply were to fail, each is
already mirrored in the virtual array, so the risk of disruption is considerably reduced.
That virtual redundancy limits slower performance and increases storage efficiency and
• Increased productivity: Virtual storage not only delivers 100% availability, but it also has
the potential to accelerate app and service deployments to realize value faster.
• Improved efficiency: Getting faster storage with better capacity utilization is the biggest
benefit. It also provides more stability to data access and processing. In addition, virtual
storage ensures 100% utilization and little chance of running out of capacity.
6. Data Virtualization
• Data Virtualization: This is the kind of
virtualization in which the data is collected from
various sources and managed at a single place
without knowing more about the technical
information like how data is collected, stored &
formatted then arranged that data logically so
that its virtual view can be accessed by its
interested people and stakeholders, and users
through the various cloud services remotely.
Many big giant companies are providing their
services like Oracle, IBM, At scale, Cdata, etc.
Network Virtualization
• Network Virtualization (NV) refers to abstracting network
resources that were traditionally delivered in hardware to
software. NV can combine multiple physical networks to one
virtual, software-based network, or it can divide one physical
network into separate, independent virtual networks.
• Network virtualization software allows network administrators to
move virtual machines across different domains without
reconfiguring the network. The software creates a network
overlay that can run separate virtual network layers on top of the
same physical network fabric.
• Network virtualization describes hardware, software, and network
functionality combined into a single, virtual network. This allows
developers and engineers to test software that is under
development or in the simulation stage.
How does network virtualization work?
• Network virtualization decouples network services from the underlying
hardware and allows virtual provisioning of an entire network. It makes
it possible to programmatically create, provision, and manage networks
all in software, while continuing to leverage the underlying physical
network as the packet-forwarding backplane. Physical network
resources, such as switching, routing, firewalling, load balancing, virtual
private networks (VPNs), and more, are pooled, delivered in software,
and require only Internet Protocol (IP) packet forwarding from the
underlying physical network.

• Network and security services in software are distributed to a virtual

layer (hypervisors, in the data center) and “attached” to individual
workloads, such as your virtual machines (VMs) or containers, in
accordance with networking and security policies defined for each
connected application. When a workload is moved to another host,
network services and security policies move with it. And when new
workloads are created to scale an application, necessary policies are
dynamically applied to these new workloads, providing greater policy
consistency and network agility.
Types of network virtualization
1. External network virtualization
The goal of the external network virtualization is to allow for seamless
interoperation of physical networks and thus allow for better
administration and management. Network switching hardware and
virtual local area network (VLAN) solutions are used to create a
In this VLAN, hosts attached to different physical LANs can
communicate as if they were all in the same broadcast domain. This
type of network virtualization is prevalent in data centers and large
corporate networks. A VLAN may separate the systems on the same
physical network into smaller virtual networks
2. Internal network virtualization

• Internal virtualization is designed to use software containers to

replicate the functionality of a single network.
• Network virtualization entails creating an emulated network inside an
operating system partition. The guest VMs inside an OS partition may
communicate with each other via a network-like architecture, via a
virtual network interface, a shared interface between guest and host
paired with Network Address Translation, or some other means.
• Internal network virtualization can help prevent attacks on your
internal network by isolating applications that might be vulnerable to
malicious threats. Networking solutions that implement it are
sometimes marketed as “network-in-a-box” offerings by their
• Standard VLAN technology is still vital, but its limited 12-bit
structure has led to the development of better, technically advanced
alternatives, particularly when it comes to multi-tenant cloud
computing. Virtualization in cloud architectures relies upon multiple
types of virtualization to create centralized, network-accessible
resource pools that can be quickly provisioned and scaled.
Benefits/ Advantages of network virtualization
• Reduces cost: When you shift to a virtual environment, one physical
server transforms into a virtual machine that can work on many things at
• Enhances resilience during downtime and reduces downtime :When
something happens to the physical server, someone has to fix it. This can
take hours, and days depending on the issue. This becomes easy with a
virtual environment as you can easily clone the virtual machine and
deploy the solution.
• Centralized control: The virtual environment allows segmentation into
multiple virtual machines. This allows the developers quickly resolve
issues without hampering the work and production. This is an ideal
situation for testing as the developer can create a clone quickly and run
• Increases productivity and efficiency : This brings to the next benefit
of network virtualization– increased productivity and efficiency. When
you have few physical servers to maintain, IT teams spend less time on
hardware and infrastructure maintenance.
• Network visibility : Having a centralized network gives complete
visibility into the entire network and infrastructure. The administrators
can manage the network traffic, examine abnormalities and produce
reports on traffic behavior.
• Eco-friendly : Cutting down on physical components reduces your
power consumption. This is a more eco-friendly option as it reduces
costs and your data center's carbon footprint.
Challenges/ Disadvantages of network
• New skills for IT staff: This is one of the major challenges faced
during network virtualization. The staff needs to be trained and
experienced in handling the shift to the virtual machine.
• Lower performance: The shift from physical hardware to virtual
systems often causes performance issues. Virtual system saturation
causes performance depletion initially if not implemented with
proper planning and with the right resources.
• Changing standards: Standards play an important role in running a
system smoothly. The administrator must stay updated with the
latest standards better than when they were working on the hardware
• Difficult management: When everything is shifted to a virtual
network locating data becomes difficult because both virtual
machines and containers can be transferred between servers.
• Finding the right vendor: Integrating software from different
vendors creates complexity and also finding the right vendor
for your installing a virtual network is crucial because of the
complexity it comes with.
Virtual Cluster
What is a Virtual Cluster in Cloud Computing?
• In cloud computing, a virtual cluster is a group of virtual
machines (VMs) that are deployed as a single logical unit.
They share the same virtualization software and hardware, and
they appear as a single unit to the end-user.
• Virtual clusters provide the ability to scale operations easily.
You can add or remove VMs to meet changing demands, and
you can move VMs to optimize the use of hardware. You can
leverage a virtual clustering solution to reduce data center
costs, increase efficiency, and increase scalability.
• More flexible and efficient allocation of resources.
• Enhance development productivity.
• It lowers the cost of IT infrastructure.
• Remote access and rapid scalability.
• High availability and disaster recovery.
• Pay peruse of the IT infrastructure on demand.
• Enables running multiple operating systems.
Drawback of Virtualization
• High Initial Investment: Clouds have a very high initial
investment, but it is also true that it will help in reducing the
cost of companies.
• Learning New Infrastructure: As the companies shifted
from Servers to Cloud, it requires highly skilled staff who have
skills to work with the cloud easily, and for this, you have to
hire new staff or provide training to current staff.
• Risk of Data: Hosting data on third-party resources can lead
to putting the data at risk, it has the chance of getting attacked
by any hacker or cracker very easily.
Uses of Virtualization
• Data-integration
• Business-integration
• Service-oriented architecture data-services
• Searching organizational data

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