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Name: Tuba Qamar Shigri

Enrollment: 01-154201-055
Social Media Marketing

Tuba Shigri: Welcome to another episode of "Marketing Insights Unleashed!" I'm your host
Tuba Shigri and today, we're diving deep into the world of social media marketing. It's a
landscape that's constantly evolving, and today, we have two incredible guests who are experts in
this field. Joining us are Zargham and Eman. Welcome to the show, both of you!
[Guests respond with greetings]
Tuba Shigri: To kick things off, let's talk about the evolving trends in social media marketing.
Emman what's one significant trend you've noticed lately?
Eman: Thanks for having me! Absolutely, one of the trends I've been observing is the rise of
ephemeral content. Platforms like Instagram Stories, Snapchat, and now even Twitter Fleets are
changing the game. Users are engaging more with temporary, time-bound content. This trend is
pushing brands to create more authentic, in-the-moment content that disappears after 24 hours,
fostering a sense of urgency and immediacy.
Tuba Shigri: That's fascinating! And Zargham what's your take on this? Any other notable trends
catching your eye?
Zargham: Definitely! Another trend I've been observing is the increasing role of social
commerce. Platforms are becoming more transactional, blurring the lines between social media
and e-commerce. Features like Instagram Shops and Facebook Marketplace are empowering
brands to sell directly to their audience, making the buying process seamless and integrated
within the social experience.
Tuba Shigri: Social commerce is indeed revolutionizing the way we shop online! Now, Eman,
how do you see the future of influencer marketing in this rapidly evolving landscape?
Eman: Influencer marketing is here to stay, no doubt about that. However, what's changing is the
nature of these collaborations. We're seeing a shift towards micro and nano influencers, focusing
more on niche audiences with higher engagement rates. Authenticity and genuine connections
are becoming more valued than follower counts. Moreover, long-term partnerships are gaining
traction, allowing brands to build deeper relationships with influencers.
Tuba Shigri: Authenticity is crucial in today's marketing efforts. Zargham, could you share some
tips for our listeners on how brands can maintain authenticity while leveraging social media?
Zargham: Absolutely! Authenticity begins with understanding your audience. Brands need to
listen, engage, and respond genuinely to their audience's needs and concerns. It's about being
transparent, humanizing the brand, and telling real stories that resonate with your audience. User-
generated content is also a powerful tool; it allows customers to become brand advocates,
fostering authenticity and trust.
Tuba Shigri: Great insights! As we wrap up, any final thoughts or advice you'd like to leave our
listeners with?
Tuba Shigri: I'd say, stay agile and adaptable. The social media landscape evolves rapidly, so be
ready to pivot and experiment with new trends and platforms.
Zargham: Absolutely! And remember, it's not just about being present on social media; it's about
creating meaningful connections and adding value to your audience's lives.
Tuba Shigri: Wise words! Thank you both, Eman and Zargham, for sharing your expertise and
valuable insights on social media marketing. And to our listeners, thank you for tuning in to
"Marketing Insights Unleashed!" Remember to subscribe for more episodes packed with
actionable marketing strategies. Until next time, keep innovating and unleashing your marketing

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