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Give Peas a Chance by Morris Gleitzman

Book report by Euan Bristow

I will split up this report because it has lots of mini-stories in it, I will only review five and
then conclude the book with an overall review.:

Mission impossible:
This is about a boy called Jake who must man the motel for a few hours while his parents
catch up on sleep their babies made them miss. After a while, the people who were
supposed to be at the beach come back and cause havoc. This is all made to sound like a
daring spy mission and is very well written. 4/5

This story is about a group of friends called Natalie, Holly and Kevin. They drive a car to
the hospital while avoiding people trying to for some reason take photos of them. They
must go to the hospital because their friend Tara got burned in a house fire and they
have boxes on their heads to hide all the makeup they “borrowed” to make themselves
look burned in an act of friendship. 3/5

Greenhouse gas:
This is about a boy and his grandpa who are going to be the Australians of the year. The
reason they are getting the reward is because they discovered a native Australian tomato
and donated it to countries all over the world. They don’t want the reward however
because they got what they wanted. They live in Alice Springs and have never seen the
ocean before. The grandpa makes a special artificial tomato that makes people fart,
generating greenhouse gases. This means the ice caps melt and the sea levels rise to
Alice Springs. 4/5

Think big:
This is written as if it is a science project. It was made by a girl called Tracy. The
experiment is making her mum stop an extreme diet that her annoying aunt Bev
suggested. The way she does it is by getting as much chocolate as she can and hiding it
until her aunt Bev’s healthy eating society comes to her house then she dumps all the
chocolate on the floor and tells everyone to amalgam that the chocolate balls are stars
and that they are small. This makes the members feel like they can eat unhealthily
sometimes. 3/5

Odd socques:
This story is about a boy named Max except his name is spelt Macques. His classmates
bully him whenever a relief teacher comes by doing a spelling test and when it comes to
the word tax or fax, they deliberately spell it like this tacques or facques and if the
teacher asks if anybody can spell it right, they point at Max. When the reliever asks how
he spells his name he gets in trouble for apparently spelling his name wrong when that
was how it was spelled. In the end, this group of people called the bad names club rescue
him and put him in a world with no bad names.

In the end, I enjoyed this book because every story had something new to it and lots of
fun aspects. I rate it 5/5

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