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About Washmen:

Established in 2015, Washmen is your go-to app for outsourcing your dry cleaning and laundry. An award-winning
pioneer in its industry, Washmen is well recognized for its quality, consistency, and convenience. Washmen’s
mission is to replace your washing and drying machine using state-of-the-art technology and a user-friendly app.
The service is aimed at people who lead busy lives and need quick soluFons for tasks that consume big chunks of
their day.
Washmen operates in Dubai & Abu Dhabi and caters to more than 50,000 users. Washmen’s offices in Dubai, Beirut
& Istanbul are home to a steadily growing team of young professionals.

Job Descrip5on:
We are seeking to hire a Product Manager (PM) who will be responsible for the development, strategy, and overall
success of a product or product line.

Job Responsibili5es:
• Define the product vision, goals, and roadmap in alignment with the overall company strategy.
• Gain a deep understanding of customer experience, idenFfy, and fill product gaps and generate new ideas
to improve customer experience and drive growth.
• Translate product strategy into detailed requirements ad prototypes.
• Scope and prioriFze acFviFes based on business and customer impact.
• Work Closely with engineering teams to deliver the product.
• Drive product launches including working with cross- funcFonal teams i.e. Design, markeFng.
• Evaluate plans to ensure that they are consistent with product line strategy and budget.
• Represent the company by talking to customers to solicit feedback on company products and services.
• IdenFfy potenFal risks and challenges in the development and launch of the product.
• Develop conFngency plans and strategies to miFgate risks.
• ParFcipate in the Agile/Scrum development process, ensuring effecFve communicaFon and collaboraFon.

• Bachelor's or Master's degree in computer Science
• Previous experience in product management or a related role for at least 4-5 years. Ideal candidate must
have worked in app-based company as Product Manager.
• Strong analyFcal, communicaFon, and leadership skills.
• Solid technical background with understanding and/or hands-on experience in soZware development and
web technologies.
• Skilled at working effectively with cross functional teams in a matrix organization.
• Proven ability to develop product and markeFng strategies and effecFvely communicate
recommendaFons to execuFve management

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