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T-Consciousness Scientific Reports

The Examination of the Effect of Training

Taheri Consciousness Fields, Faradarmani
and Psymentology, on Meaning of Life for
the Clients in Erfane-kamal Center in Tehran
1 2 3 4*
Arezoo Pedramnia , Mohammad Ali Taheri , Afshin Lorestani , Monir Haddad

1. Master of Guidance and Counseling. Azad

1. Master’s of Guidance and Counseling ABSTRACT
University, kerman, Iran
Faradarmani and Psymentology are two Iranian complementary medi-
cines of applying Taheri Consciousness Fields (TCFs) in order to treat
2. Sciencefact R&D Department, Cosmointel Inc. disturbances of human existential dimensions, founded and intro-
Research Center, Ontario, Canada
2. Science fact R&D Department, Cosmointel
duced by Mohammad Ali Taheri. In these methods, the relation be-
Inc. Research Center, Ontario, Canada
tween the partial and Whole (Cosmic) intelligence, and consequently,

T-Consciousness Research
Founder of Faradarmani and
3. Professional Project manager, PMP, PMI the scan of the system under the study is performed for repair, cor-

The First Journal in

Psymentology, founder of
Cosmointel research center rection, and modification. The current research aimed to examine the Vo l . 0 1
N o . 05
4*.Corresponding Author: Firoozgar Medical &
Email: effect of the Faradarmani and Psymentology training and their TCFs on April
Educational Hospital’s psychiatrist, Tehran, iran 2022
the personality of the clients Erfane-Kamal center in Tehran. The qua-
si-experimental method with the pretest-post was utilized for 35 par-
3. Professional Project manager, PMP, PMI
certifiedMBA, Strategic management. ticipants who were simple-randomly selected from 100 persons who

actively and voluntarily underwent Faradarmani and Psymentology
TCFs training course (54 sessions each 120 minutes, twice a week, in-
4. Psychiatrist and researcher of Cosmointel cluding theoretical subjects and practical experience of its TCFs). The
research center
questionnaire of life meaning (Wong) was the measure for data collec-
tion. The findings were analyzed via analysis of the variance (ANOVA)
using SPSS software. Due to the Faradarmani and Psymentology
train-ing courses, about 78% (F =126.28, P<0.001, n2 = 0.78) change
occurred in the participants’ meaning of life according to the
Meaning of Life Questionnaire (Wong). In other words, their
perceptions, interpreta-tions, judgments, and attitudes effectively

* Corresponding author: improved after the training. In conclusion, in the case of the
Faradarmani and Psymentology train-ing course that focuses on
Psychiatrist and researcher of Cosmointel
research center correcting worldviews, and the philosophy of human creation, it is

anticipated that people’s worldviews regarding these topics would be
corrected and modified after undertaking the training courses which
have been confirmed by statistical results.
Keywords: the meaning of life, complementary medicine, Faradarmani, Psymentology, Taheri Consciousness Fields
INTRODUCTION microorganisms, materials, etc. This connection

raditional medicine, which generally ƒŽŽ‡† Dz––‡•ƒŽdz ‹• ‡•–ƒ„Ž‹•Š‡† „› –Š‡ ƒ”ƒ†ƒ”-
views human existence with a holistic ƒ‰ƒ”ǯ•‹†ȋƒ ‡”–‹ϐ‹‡†ƒ†–”ƒ‹‡†‹†‹˜‹†—-
approach, stems from the geographical al who has been entrusted with the TCFs).
environment, civilization, and traditions. In con- The human mind has an intermediary role
trast, modern medicine (allopathic) is rooted in ȋ‘— ‡”Ȍ ™Š‹ Š ’Žƒ›• ƒ ’ƒ”– „› ϐŽ‡‡–‹‰ ƒ–-
‘”–Š‡”—”‘’‡ǡ ”‡‡ ‡ǡƒ†‘‡ǤŽ‘‰™‹–Š tention to the subject of study and then the main
modern medicine, more than a hundred medical achievement obtained as a result of the effects
approaches attempt to treat patients and pre- of the TCFs.
vent illness in healthy individuals despite dif- ‘Šƒƒ†Ž‹ƒŠ‡”‹ǡ–Š‡ˆ‘—†‡”‘ˆ”ˆƒ
ferences in fundamentals, rules, diagnosis, and ‡›Šƒ‹ ƒŽ“‡Šǡ ƒ • Š‘‘Ž ‘ˆ –Š‘—‰Š– ™‹–Š ‘˜‡”
treatment methods. These methods are known 40 years of history, and the founder of Cosmoin-
as complementary or substitute medicine –‡Ž‡•‡ƒ” Š‡–‡”‹–”‘†— ‡†ƒ‡™• ‹‡ ‡‹
throughout the world. The new approach aims 2020 as a branch of this school. He coined the
–‘ ’”‘‘–‡ ƒ Š‹‰Š‡” Ž‡˜‡Ž ‘ˆ Š‡ƒŽ–Š ƒ† “—ƒŽ‹–› term Sciencefact for this new science because it
of life and its expectancy via wise employment —–‹Ž‹œ‡•• ‹‡–‹ϐ‹ ‹˜‡•–‹‰ƒ–‹‘•–‘’”‘˜‡–Š‡‡š-
of natural/complementary-substitute medicine istence of T-Consciousness as an irrefutable phe-
supported by research and clinical experiences nomenon and a fact.
ȋƒ•–Š‘’‡Ƭ”ƒ–‡”ǡʹͲͲͲȌǤ +Although science focuses solely on the study
The nature of consciousness and its place of matter and energy and Sciencefact, by con-
T-Consciousness Research

The First Journal in

in science has received much attention in the trast, explores the effects of the non-material/
current century. Many philosophical and scien- non-energetic TCFs, Sciencefact has provided a
Journal of

–‹ϐ‹  –Š‡‘”‹‡• Šƒ˜‡ „‡‡ ’”‘’‘•‡† ‹ –Š‹• ƒ”‡ƒǤ common ground between the two by conducting
44 In the1980s, Mohammad Ali Taheri introduced reproducible laboratory experiments in various
‘˜‡Ž ϐ‹‡Ž†• ™‹–Š ƒ ‘Ǧƒ–‡”‹ƒŽȀ‘Ǧ‡‡”‰‡–- • ‹‡–‹ϐ‹ ϐ‹‡Ž†•ǡƒ†‹–Šƒ•—•‡†–Š‡• ‹‡–‹ϐ‹ ƒ’-
ic nature named Taheri Consciousness Fields proach in proving T-Consciousness Fields. These
(TCFs). ϐ‹‡Ž†• ƒ‘– „‡ †‹”‡ –Ž› ‡ƒ•—”‡† „› • ‹‡ ‡ǡ
T-Consciousness is one of the three existing but it is possible to investigate their effects on
elements of the universe apart from matter and various subjects through reproducible laborato-
energy. According to this theory, there are vari- ry experiments (Taheri, 2013).
ous TCFs with different functions, which are the Š‡ ‹ϐŽ—‡ ‡ ‘ˆ –Š‡  • „‡‰‹• ™‹–Š –Š‡
subcategories of a networked universal inter- connection between CCN as the whole con-
net called the Cosmic Consciousness Network sciousness of the universe and the subjects of
(CCN). study as a part.
Š‡ ‹ϐŽ—‡ ‡ ‘ˆ –Š‡  • „‡‰‹• ™‹–Š –Š‡ Š‹• ‘‡ –‹‘ ƒŽŽ‡† Dz––‡•ƒŽdz ‹• ‡•–ƒ„-
connection between CCN as the whole con- Ž‹•Š‡†„›–Š‡ ƒ”ƒ†ƒ”ƒ‰ƒ”ǯ•‹†ȋƒ ‡”–‹ϐ‹‡†
sciousness of the universe and the subjects of and trained individual who has been entrusted
study as a part. with the TCFs). The human mind acts as an in-
The major difference between the theory of termediator (Announcer) which plays its part
TCFs and other theoretical concepts about con- by paying an instant attention to the subject
sciousness is related to the practical application of study and then the main achievement is ob-
of the TCFs. TCFs can be applied to all living and tained as a result of the effects of the TCFs.
non-living creatures, including plants, animals, The research methodology in the study of
T-Consciousness has been founded on the pro- & body management. By saying software, it re-
cess of Assumption, Argument, and Proof, in fers to today’s computerized world in which the
which the basic Assumption is: The Cosmos was devices have two aspects: (i) hardware and (ii)
formed by a third element called T-Conscious- the programs and applications that should be
ness that is different from matter and energy. installed on the hardware are called software.
The Argument: The existence of TCFs can be This analogy applies to humans and the entire
demonstrated by its effects on matter and ener- universe (Taheri, 2011).
gy (e.g., humans, animals, plants, microorgan- Steger and Frazier (2006) consider the
isms, cells, materials, etc.) meaning of life to be the constructive feeling of
Š‡”‘‘ˆǣ‹•–Š‡• ‹‡–‹ϐ‹ ˜‡”‹ϐ‹ ƒ–‹‘‘ˆ–Š‡ human beings and even claim that human nature
effects of TCFs on matter and energy (according and existence depend on having such a concept.
to the Argument) through various reproducible Maddi (2004) considers the meaning of life to be
• ‹‡–‹ϐ‹ ‡š’‡”‹‡–•Ǥ inherent in life itself. According to him, in the
Accordingly, to investigate and verify the ex- essence of life (by the nature of the universe),
istence, effects, and mechanisms of TCFs, the fol- there is a meaning or purpose that man must
Ž‘™‹‰ ϐ‹˜‡ ”‡•‡ƒ” Š ’Šƒ•‡• ȋŠƒ•‡• Ͳ –Š”‘—‰Š discover. He means the meaning of life is that life
4), and the aims of each phase are outlined be- is purposeful, and the meaning of this purpose is
low. to design the basic and intrinsic reasons for life.
Phase-0 studies aim to prove the existence Frankl (1963) conceives the meaning of life
of TCFs by observing their effects. The nature as a discovery process in an inherent meaning-

T-Consciousness Research
The First Journal in
of T-Consciousness and what it is will not be ad- ful world. His given theory mentions that the
Vo l . 0 1
dressed in this phase. Phase-1 explores the var- meaning is not created but is discovered in the N o . 05
ied effects of different TCFs. Phase-2 examines world outside by people and thus governs the 2022
the reason behind the varied effects of these ‘„Œ‡ –‹˜‡”‡ƒŽ‹–›‘ˆ–Š‡‹”Ž‹˜‡•Ǥƒ Š•‹–—ƒ–‹‘Šƒ• 45

ϐ‹‡Ž†•Ǥ Šƒ•‡Ǧ͵ ‹˜‡•–‹‰ƒ–‡• –Š‡ ‡ Šƒ‹• only one meaning, namely, the reality of the in-
of TCFs effects on matter and energy. Finally, dividual’s search, which is the primary motiva-
Šƒ•‡ǦͶ †”ƒ™• •‹‰‹ϐ‹ ƒ– ‘ Ž—•‹‘•ǡ ’ƒ”–‹ —- tion of human’s life. Based on Frankl’s theory, if
larly with regard to the mind and memory of people fail to pursue meaning in their lives, they
matter and their relation to the T-Conscious- will experience existential vacuum of meaning-
ness, etc. lessness. He regards self-transcendence as one
The current research aimed to examine of the most necessary existential characteristics
the effect of the Faradarmani and Psymentolo- of human beings. People’s existence becomes
gy methods and their TCFs on the meaning of more complete and they transform into perfect
Ž‹ˆ‡ ˆ‘” –Š‡ Ž‹‡–• ‘ˆ –Š‡ ”ˆƒ‡ǦƒƒŽ ‡–‡” human beings when they step into a domain
in Tehran (capital of Iran). In Faradarmani and beyond themselves and master their existential
Psymentology, the mind is not only regarded as limitations. This aim could be achieved through
part of the brain but the brain’s function is con- actualizing meaning or love-oriented encoun-
sidered to be a function of the mind’s activity, ters with others. Frankl, instead of self-search,
and the brain is considered to be managed by regards the search for the meaning of life and its
–Š‡‹†ǤDz‹†dz‹•›‡–‘Ž‘‰›‹•”‡•’‘•‹„Ž‡ actualization as the most basic needs and identi-
for software-based management of all aspects of ty of human beings.
human existence, memory management, learn- People might excessively concentrate on
ing, recalling, data-setting management, and cell themselves. However, transcendence becomes
evident when people forget themselves. The tol- third stage of development in love occurs when
erance for psychological problems, which hin- a person is completely out of love with himself
ders transcendence is in contrast with the search and his/her love realizes all beings and crea-
for life meaning. There are two main factors that –—”‡•Ǥ Š‹• •–ƒ‰‡ ‹• –Š‡ Š‹‰Š‡•– •–ƒ‰‡ ‹ ϐ‹†‹‰
prevent the individual from pursuing transcend- the meaning of human life and to reach it, one
‡ ‡ǣŠ›’‡”‹–‡–‹‘ƒ†Š›’‡””‡ϐŽ‡ –‹‘Ǥ ›- must go through self-knowledge and (Taheri,
’‡””‡ϐŽ‡ –‹‘”‡ˆ‡”•–‘‡š ‡••‹˜‡’”‡‘ —’ƒ–‹‘ 2011).
with oneself issues. Hyper intention means ex- The current study aimed to examine the effect
travagant attention to reach one’s goals. of the Faradarmani and Psymentology, kinds of
Taheri (2011) considers the meaning of hu- c o m p l ementary medicines on the meaning of
man life in understanding the philosophy of hu- life, which in turn could affect the physical and
man creation so that if humans fail to understand mental health of people during their lifetime. It
the meaning of their creation, they will only pay was hypothesized that the Faradarmani and Psy-
attention to material life and personal material mentology training could increase the meaning
„‡‡ϐ‹–•Ǥ ‘ ‘™ –Š‡ ’Š‹Ž‘•‘’Š› ‘ˆ ‡š‹•–‡ ‡ǡ of life and its constituent constructs (as intro-
the nature of humans, and their place in the eco- †— ‡†„›–Š‡‡ƒ‹‰‘ˆŽ‹ˆ‡“—‡•–‹‘ƒ‹”‡Ȍˆ‘”
system, one must clearly picture and interpret the participants.
Š—ƒ „‡Šƒ˜‹‘”ǡ ’‡”•‘ƒŽ‹–›ǡ ƒ† ‘–Š‡” †‡ϐ‹-
nitions. With this in mind, Psymentology pays
special attention to understanding the place of
T-Consciousness Research

The First Journal in

humans in the ecosystem. Human always has Methods

two steps ahead to know, understand and com- Application of the Faradarmani
Journal of

prehend the universe: the step of reason and the Consciousness Field
46 step of love. The realm of the reason is called the T CFs were applied to the samples according
world of tools and the realm of love is called the t o the protocols regulated by the COSMOintel
toolless world. research center ( A re-
The step of the reason is the basis of under- “—‡•–ˆ‘”‘‡ –‹‘–‘–Š‡–‘—–‹Ž‹œ‡ •
standing the step of love and all human under- can be placed through the COSMOintel website
standings are done through it, so reason and ‹  –Š‡ Dz••‹‰ ‘— ‡‡–dz •‡ –‹‘Ǥ Š‹•
love are necessary for each other. The step of a ccess is available for everyone at no cost. In
Ž‘˜‡‡šƒ‹‡•–Š‡‡š‹•–‡–‹ƒŽ“—ƒŽ‹–›‘ˆ–Š‡—‹- order to study and experience this Connection,
verse and humans. Taheri considers love as the the researchers can register on the website at
basis of creation and considers humans to have any time and in order to report the experiment
a level of growth on the steps of love during their to the COSMOintel research center. Certain de-
Ž‹˜‡•ǡ™Š‹ Š‹•†‡ϐ‹‡†‹‘”†‡”–‘‰‹˜‡‡ƒ‹‰ tails of the experiment must be provided to the
to human life. He considers humans to be at the center; for example, the characteristics or num-
peak of self-love and narcissism at birth, but ber and name of samples and controls must be
gradually during his life, love for others grows • ’‡ ‹ϐ‹‡†Ǥ Š‹• ‡–‹”‡ ‡š’‡”‹‡– ™ƒ• ƒ””‹‡†
in them, so that earthly love (falling in love with out as a double-blind method where lab techni-
another person) can be the peak of love for an- cians were completely unaware of TCFs theory,
other___while paving the way for divine love___ and the Faradarmangar at the COSMOintel re-
which in that person, in addition to self-love, he/ search center who established the Connection
she experiences love for another person. The w as unaware of the details of the study. Dou-
ble-blind is a gold standard that is common in 6) Intimacy subscale 0.59
• ‹‡ ‡ ‡š’‡”‹‡–• ‹ –Š‡ ϐ‹‡Ž† ‘ˆ ‡†‹ ‹‡ ͹Ȍ —•–‹ϐ‹‡†‡Šƒ˜‹‘”•—„• ƒŽ‡ͲǤͷ͸
and psychology, involving theoretical and prac-
tical testing.

 “—ƒ•‹Ǧ‡š’‡”‹‡–ƒŽ †‡•‹‰ ™‹–Š ’”‡-
Participants te st-posttest was used in this study. The inde-
Th ere were 35 participants who were sim- pendent variable was the Faradarmani and Psy-
pl e-randomly selected from 100 persons who me ntology training. The dependent variables
ac tively and voluntarily underwent the Fara- co mprised the values on different subscales of
†ƒ ”ƒ‹ ƒ† •›‡–‘Ž‘‰› –”ƒ‹‹‰ ‹ –Š‡ ”- –Š‡‡ƒ‹‰‘ˆŽ‹ˆ‡“—‡•–‹‘ƒ‹”‡Ǥ
fane-Kamal center located in North Tehran.

Measures To analyze the data descriptive statistics, Means
The measure used in this study was the meaning and standard deviations were employed. To test
‘ˆŽ‹ˆ‡“—‡•–‹‘ƒ‹”‡Ǥ –‹˜‘Ž˜‡•–Š‡‹†‹˜‹†—ƒŽǯ• th e hypothesis, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
pe rceptions regarding his/her meaning of life wi th repeated measures was utilized. The data

T-Consciousness Research
The First Journal in
ȋ‘‰ǡͳͻͻͺȌǤ – ‘–ƒ‹•͹ͷ“—‡•–‹‘•’Žƒ ‡†‹ of the study were used to examine the following
Vo l . 0 1
7 subscales which covers an extensive amount hypotheses regarding the effect of Faradarmani N o . 05
‘ˆŽ‹ˆ‡‡ƒ‹‰ ‘•–”— –•ǡ–Š‡“—‡•–‹‘ƒ‹”‡‹• and Psymentology on the increase in the mean- 2022

similar to those inspired by Frankl (logotherapy) ing of life and its constituent constructs present- 47

an d Long (1994) reported Cronbach’s alpha as ‡†„›–Š‡‡ƒ‹‰‘ˆŽ‹ˆ‡“—‡•–‹‘ƒ‹”‡ǤŠ‡”‡-

0. 93. Steven Lazzari (2002) obtained the over- sults are as follows;
al l alpha of 0.94 and the alpha of its subscales The Meaning of life: The Lambedai-wilks test
as follows: indicated that the mean difference between pre-
–‡•–ƒ†’‘•–Ǧ–‡•–™ƒ••‹‰‹ϐ‹ ƒ–
1) Advancement subscale 0.89 Hypothesis 1: Š‡–”ƒ‹‹‰Šƒ•ƒ•‹‰‹ϐ‹ ƒ–
2) Communication subscale 0.85 effect on the meaning of life.
3) subscale of religious values 0.82 Th e results of the Lambedai-Wilks test
4) Self-transcendence subscale 0.79 showed that the mean differences between pre-
5) Sub-scale of self-acceptance 0.68 –‡•–ƒ†’‘•–Ǧ–‡•–™‡”‡•‹‰‹ϐ‹ ƒ–ȋƒ„Ž‡ͳǦͳȌǤ

Table 1-1. The results of the Lambedai-Wilks test for the meaning of life

Eta coefficient Significance Degrees of freedom for error Degrees of freedom for hypothesis F Value Effect

0.78 0.000 34.00 1.00 126.28 0.21 Wilks’s Lambda

Table 1-2. The results of ANOVA for the meaning of life subscale

Eta coefficient Significance level F Mean square Degrees of freedom Total squares Source of changes

0.78 0.000 126.28 110803.21 1 110803.21 Intergroup

877.42 34 29832.28 Error

Moreover, the correlated one-way ANOVA „Ž‡ͳǦʹȌǤŠ—•ǡ–Š‡Š›’‘–Š‡•‹•™ƒ• ‘ϐ‹”‡†Ǥ
revealed that the effect of Faradarmani and Psy- Hypothesis 2: The Faradarmani and Psy-
mentology on increasing the meaning of life was mentology training have an effect on the sub-
•‹‰‹ϐ‹ ƒ–ǡȋ αͳʹ͸ǤʹͺǡδͲǤͲͲͳǡʹαͲǤ͹ͺȌȋƒ- • ƒŽ‡‘ˆŒ—•–‹ϐ‹‡†„‡Šƒ˜‹‘”Ǥ

Table 2-1. The results of ANOVA for the justified behavior subscale

Eta coefficient Significance Degrees of freedom for error Degrees of freedom for hypothesis F Value Effect

0.61 0.000 34.00 1.00 53.71 0.38 Wilks’s Lambda

Table 2-2. The results of the Lambedai-Wilks test for the justified behavior subscale

Eta coefficient Significance level F Mean square Degrees of freedom Total squares Source of changes

0.61 0.000 53.71 223/21 1 223.21 Intergroup

4.15 34 141.28 Error

Š‡ ‘””‡Žƒ–‡† ‘‡Ǧ™ƒ›  ‘ϐ‹”‡† The hypothesis was approved

that the effect of Faradarmani and Psymentolo- Hypothesis 3: The Faradarmani and Psymen-
‰›‘‹ ”‡ƒ•‡‹Œ—•–‹ϐ‹‡†„‡Šƒ˜‹‘”™ƒ••‹‰‹ϐ‹- tology training have an effect on the subscale
ƒ–ǡȋ αͷ͵Ǥ͹ͳǡδͲǤͲͲͳǡʹαͲǤ͸ͳȌȋƒ„Ž‡ʹǦʹȌǤ of intimacy.

Table 3-1. The results of the Lambedai-Wilks test for intimacy

Eta coefficient Significance Degrees of freedom for error Degrees of freedom for hypothesis F Value Effect
T-Consciousness Research


0.93 0.000 34.00 1.00 521.06 0.48 Wilks’s Lambda

The First Journal in

Journal of

Table 3-2. The results of ANOVA for the intimacy scale

Eta coefficient Significance level F Mean square Degrees of freedom Total squares Source of changes
0.93 0.000 521.06 885.72 1 885.72 Intergroup

24.52 34 885.77 Error

Further, the correlated one-way ANOVA con- αͲǤͻ͵Ȍȋƒ„Ž‡͵ǦʹȌǤŠ‡Š›’‘–Š‡•‹•™ƒ•ƒ’’”‘˜‡†

ϐ‹”‡† –Šƒ– –Š‡ ‡ˆˆ‡ – ‘ˆ ƒ”ƒ†ƒ”ƒ‹ ƒ† •›- Hypothesis 4: The Faradarmani and Psymen-
mentology on increasing the values of intimacy tology training have an effect on the subscale
•—„• ƒŽ‡™ƒ••‹‰‹ϐ‹ ƒ–ǡȋ αͷʹͳǤͲ͸ǡδͲǤͲͲͳǡʹ of self-acceptance.

Table 4-1. The results of the Lambedai-Wilks test for self-acceptance subscale

Eta coefficient Significance Degrees of freedom for error Degrees of freedom for hypothesis F Value Effect

0.71 0.000 34.00 1.00 83.87 0.28 Wilks’s Lambda

Table 4-2. The results of ANOVA for the self-acceptance subscale

Eta coefficient Significance level F Mean square Degrees of freedom Total squares Source of changes

0.71 0.000 83.87 1760.01 1 1760.01 Intergroup

20.98 34 713.48 Error

Furthermore, the correlated one-way ANOVA ͲǤ͹ͳȌȋƒ„Ž‡ͶǦʹȌǤŠ‡Š›’‘–Š‡•‹•™ƒ• ‘ϐ‹”‡†Ǥ

proved that the effect of Faradarmani and Psy- Hypothesis 5: The Faradarmani and Psymen-
mentology on increasing e in the self-acceptance tology training have an effect on the subscale
˜ƒŽ—‡•™ƒ••‹‰‹ϐ‹ ƒ–ǡȋ αͺ͵Ǥͺ͹ǡδͲǤͲͲͳǡʹα of the self-transcendence.
Table 5-1. The results of the Lambedai-Wilks test for the self-transcendence subscale

Eta coefficient Significance Degrees of freedom for error Degrees of freedom for hypothesis F Value Effect

0.69 0.000 34.00 1.00 78.92 0.30 Wilks’s Lambda

Table 5-2. The results of ANOVA for the self-transcendence subscale

Eta coefficient Significance level F Mean square Degrees of freedom Total squares Source of changes

0.69 0.000 78.92 2905.72 1 295.72 Intergroup

36.81 34 1251.77 Error

Moreover, the correlated one-way ANO- ‘ϐ‹”‡†–Š‡Š›’‘–Š‡•‹•Ǥ

VA discovered that the effect of Faradarmani
and Psymentology on increasing the values of Hypothesis 6: The Faradarmani and Psymen-
•‡ŽˆǦ–”ƒ• ‡†‡ ‡•—„• ƒŽ‡™ƒ••‹‰‹ϐ‹ ƒ–ǡȋ α tology training have an effect on the subscale
͹ͺǤͻʹǡδͲǤͲͲͳǡʹαͲǤ͸ͻȌȋƒ„Ž‡ͷǦʹȌǤŠ‡†ƒ–ƒ of religion.

Table 6-1. The results of the Lambedai-Wilks test for the religion subscale

Eta coefficient Significance Degrees of freedom for error Degrees of freedom for hypothesis F Value Effect

0.78 0.000 34.00 1.00 125.11 0.21 Wilks’s Lambda

Table 6-2. The results of ANOVA for the religion subscale

Eta coefficient Significance level F Mean square Degrees of freedom Total squares Source of changes

0.78 0.000 125.11 5280.91 1 5280.91 Intergroup

42.208 34 195.37 Error

T-Consciousness Research
The First Journal in
The correlated one-way ANOVA discovered 0.78) (Table 6-2). The hypothesis was approved. Vo l . 0 1
N o . 05
that the effect of Faradarmani and Psymentolo- Hypothesis 7: The Faradarmani and Psymen- April
gy on increasing the values of the religion sub- tology training have an effect on the subscale
• ƒŽ‡™ƒ••‹‰‹ϐ‹ ƒ–ǡȋ αͳʹͷǤͳͳǡδͲǤͲͲͳǡʹα of connections.

Table 7-1. The results of the Lambedai-Wilks test for the connections subscale

Eta coefficient Significance Degrees of freedom for error Degrees of freedom for hypothesis F Value Effect

0.60 0.000 34.00 1.00 50.97 0.40 Wilks’s Lambda

Table 7-2. The results of ANOVA for the connections subscale

Eta coefficient Significance level F Mean square Degrees of freedom Total squares Source of changes

0.60 0.000 50.66 1574.62 1 1574.62 Intergroup

30.89 34 1050.37 Error

The correlated one-way ANOVA discovered •—„• ƒŽ‡™ƒ••‹‰‹ϐ‹ ƒ–ǡȋ αͷͲǤͻ͹ǡδͲǤͲͲͳǡʹ

that the effect of Faradarmani and Psymentol- αͲǤ͸ͲȌȋƒ„Ž‡͹ǦʹȌǤŠ—•–Š‡Š›’‘–Š‡•‹•™ƒ•ƒ -
ogy on increasing the values of the connections cepted.

Table 8-1. The results of the Lambedai-Wilks test for the advancement subscale

Eta coefficient Significance Degrees of freedom for error Degrees of freedom for hypothesis F Value Effect

0.51 0.000 34.00 1.00 36.11 0.48 Wilks’s Lambda

Table 8-2. The results of ANOVA for the advancement subscale

Eta coefficient Significance level F Mean square Degrees of freedom Total squares Source of changes

0.51 0.000 36.11 4989.72 1 4989.72 Intergroup

138.17 34 4697.77 Error

The correlated one-way ANOVA revealed that truth. Frankl believes that if people don’t pursue
the effect of Faradarmani and Psymentology on meaning in their lives, they will experience an
increasing the values of the advancement sub- existential vacuum of meaninglessness.
• ƒŽ‡ ™ƒ• •‹‰‹ϐ‹ ƒ–ǡ ȋ  α͵͸Ǥͳͳǡ δͲǤͲͲͳǡ ʹ α Faradarmani and Psymentology also main-
0.51) (Table 8-2). The hypothesis was approved. tain that a lack of access to truth would generate
This training accounted for 93% of changes in a materialistic or mortal life. In logotherapy, this
the values from the pretest to the post-test. meaning could be a search for ethical and social
values such as peace, beauty, justice, and broth-
erhood. In Faradarmani and Psymentology, the
‡ƒ‹‰ ‘ˆ Ž‹ˆ‡ ‹• †‡ϐ‹‡† ƒ• –Š‡ ‘˜‡‡– –‘-
Discussion and conclusion wards perfection which, in addition to social
The current study aimed to examine the effect of and ethical values, contains the following goals:
the Faradarmani and Psymentology training on ’”‘‘–‹‘ ‘ˆ –Š‡ “—ƒŽ‹–› ‹ ƒŽŽ ƒ•’‡ –• ‘ˆ Ž‹ˆ‡ǡ
the meaning of life and its components as was giving love, getting released from self-conceit,
represented by 7 subscales of the meaning of achieving peace with oneself and the world of
Ž‹ˆ‡“—‡•–‹‘ƒ‹”‡Ǥ –™ƒ•Š›’‘–Š‡•‹œ‡†–Šƒ––Š‡ existence, being impartial and non-judgmental
training would increase the values of all depend- –‘™ƒ”†• ‘–Š‡”•ǡ ”‡•‘Ž˜‹‰ ‘–”ƒ•– ƒ† ‘ϐŽ‹ –
‡–˜ƒ”‹ƒ„Ž‡•ǤŠ‡†ƒ–ƒ ‘ϐ‹”‡†ƒŽŽ–Š‡Š›’‘–Š- with others and making peace with them, avoid-
eses. ing multitude, unifying with the world of exist-
Due to the training, a 76% change occurred ence, and in sum, having an integrative view of
T-Consciousness Research

The First Journal in

in the participants’ meaning of life. In other –Š‡™Š‘Ž‡‡š‹•–‡ ‡‹–Š‡ˆ‘”‘ˆƒ—‹“—‡„‘†›Ǥ

words, their perceptions, interpretations, judg- In contrast to logo-therapy, Faradarmani and
Journal of

ments, and attitudes effectively increased after •›‡–‘Ž‘‰›†‘ǯ– ‘•‹†‡”•’‡ ‹ϐ‹ †‡ϐ‹‹–‹‘•
50 –Š‡–”ƒ‹‹‰ǤŠ‹• ‘•‹†‡”ƒ„Ž‡ϐ‹‰—”‡’”‘˜‡†–Š‡ for life meaning in each situation. There are dif-
deep effect of Faradarmani and Psymentology ferent meanings that are accessible by people in
on the sense of responsibility and mission in both particular (individual experience) and gen-
people’s life. Thus, taking the data into consid- eral (the role of experience as whole existence)
eration, the training affected the meaning of life ways. According to Faradarmani and Psymentol-
for the participants. ‘‰›ǡ–Š‡‹†‹˜‹†—ƒŽϐ‹†•ƒ•‡•‡‘ˆ”‡•’‘•‹„‹Ž-
According to Frankl’s theory and other logo- ity, not only for life situations, but also for the
therapists, the meaning of life is achieved via whole existence. Upon taking such responsibili-
ϐ‹†‹‰ƒƒ•™‡”–‘–Š‡”‹††Ž‡‘ˆŽ‹ˆ‡ǡ–Š‡”‘Ž‡ǡ ty, each moment of life becomes full of purpose
and mission of human beings, and setting val- and meaning. Frankl maintained that this is the
uable goals which in turn could lead to a sense special feature of human beings, who can not
of maturity and usefulness. Frankl stated that, live a spiritual life without thinking about the
in the outside world, the meaning is not creat- ˆ—–—”‡ǡƒ•–Š‡„‘†›‹•“—‹ Ž›„‡ ‘‹‰•—„Œ‡ –
ed but discovered. Faradarmani and Psymentol- to mortality. In this regard, Frankl assumes an-
ogy pose this concept by uncovering the truth other feature namely reaching transcendence by
beyond the curtain of reality. Having found the abandoning self-conceit which would be feasi-
truth, the bitterness of reality vanishes. Such ble through giving life and actualizing a mean-
an approach to truth is not feasible by thinking ing. The difference between Faradarmani and
and planning but via connection to the whole Psymentology and Frankl’s theory lies in the fact
intelligence followed by getting access to the that Frankl regards meaning in life in the form
of a method that releases the human being from and thus gain knowledge/awareness. When in-
himself/herself and being steered to the outside •‹‰Š– •‘ˆ–™ƒ”‡ ‹• ‘†‹ϐ‹‡†ǡ •‡ŽˆǦƒ––‹–—†‡ ‹• ƒŽ•‘
world whereas Faradarmani and Psymentology ‘†‹ϐ‹‡†Ǥ Š‹• ‹† ‘ˆ ƒ’’”‘ƒ Š ™‘—Ž† Ž‡ƒ† –‘
view life meaning as the movement towards per- healthy and dynamic management of individual
fection. Thus, Faradarmani and Psymentology strengths.
†‡ϐ‹‡–Š‡‡ƒ‹‰‘–ƒ•ƒ‡†„—–ƒ•ƒ‡ƒǤ Š‡•‹‰‹ϐ‹ ƒ–”‡•—Ž–•‘•‡ŽˆǦ–”ƒ• ‡†‡ ‡
The results of the test showed that the values accounted for 69% of changes from pretest to
ˆ‘” Œ—•–‹ϐ‹‡† „‡Šƒ˜‹‘” ‹ ”‡ƒ•‡† ƒˆ–‡” –”ƒ‹‹‰ǡ post-test. This subscale refers to the learning
ƒ†–Š‡ϐ‹†‹‰ƒ ‘—–‡†ˆ‘”͸ͳΨ‘ˆ Šƒ‰‡•‹ which would lead to change and transformation
post-test values. The subscale points to the fact of the individual. The training in this section in-
that having understood the unity and integrity cludes a discussion of the network of universal
of the world, the individual’s viewpoints regard- awareness, experiencing and understanding the
ing others would change. His/her new attitude states of being cophysic (i.e., cosmopolitan and
makes him/her sensitive to any suffering im- temporal), reaching the status of a pious (peace
posed on others. In this way, he/she will auto- with God, oneself, existence, and others) and un-
matically develop justice and fairness towards derstanding the realm of love and unity of the
others. universe.
The data indicated that the effect of training Š‡ϐ‹†‹‰••Š‘™‡†–Š‡•‹‰‹ϐ‹ ƒ–‡ˆˆ‡ –‘ˆ
on the results for the intimacy subscale was sig- the training on religious values (accounting for
‹ϐ‹ ƒ–ƒ†ƒ ‘—–‡†ˆ‘”ͻ͵Ψ‘ˆ Šƒ‰‡•ˆ”‘ 78% changes from pretest to post-test) (Taheri,

T-Consciousness Research
The First Journal in
pretest to post-test. The category of intimacy is ʹͲͳͳȌǤ š’‡”‹‡ ‹‰ –Š‡ ’”‡•‡ ‡ ‘ˆ ‘† ‹• ƒ–-
Vo l . 0 1
ƒ—•‡† „› ‹‹‹œ‹‰ ‘ϐŽ‹ – ™‹–Š ‘–Š‡”• ƒ† tained by means of connection with CCN and di- N o . 05
gaining affection towards them through making vine awareness. In essence, the religious views 2022

peace with everybody. When the human being will be promoted by correcting the people’s rec- 51

”‡‰ƒ”†• –Š‡ ™Š‘Ž‡ Š—ƒ •‘ ‹‡–› ƒ• ƒ —‹ϐ‹‡† ognition of the internal meaning of the ritual and
body within which all the cells are connected ’‡”ˆ‘”‹‰ •’‡ ‹ϐ‹  ‘’‡”ƒ–‹‘ƒŽ ‘‡ –‹‘•Ǥ
and affect each other’s health, he/she would feel Š‹••‹‰‹ϐ‹ ƒ–’‡” ‡–ƒ‰‡•Š‘™•–Šƒ––Š‡ ƒ”ƒ-
responsible and intimate with others and see darmani and Psymentology training methods
no part of the society separate from himself/ have managed to change people’s mental inter-
herself. According to Sternberg’s theory (1986), pretation of God in a relatively short time.
intimacy is one of the three main pillars of love- ‹–Š ”‡•’‡ – –‘ –Š‡ •‹‰‹ϐ‹ ƒ– ”‡•—Ž–• ˆ‘”
making. In cosmic mysticism, which aims to get connections (accounting for 60% of change),
ƒ “—ƒ‹–‡† ™‹–Š –Š‡ ™‘”Ž† ‘ˆ Ž‘˜‡ ƒ† ‡–‡” ‹–ǡ it should be taken into account that, following
–Š‡ –‡ƒ Š‹‰• ƒ”‡ ƒ‹‡† ƒ– ”‡•‘Ž˜‹‰ ‘ϐŽ‹ –• release from self-captivity, understanding the
and achieving peace with others, which results unity with the world of existence, and reaching
in an increase in the sense of intimacy in indi- peace with others, people’s connections will be
viduals. extended and improved. According to Stern-
The results regarding the self-acceptance berg’s theory of love, a sense of commitment
•—„• ƒŽ‡ ™‡”‡ •‹‰‹ϐ‹ ƒ–Ǥ ‡ŽˆǦƒ ‡’–ƒ ‡ ‹• and responsibility is one of the three main pil-
ƒ Š‹‡˜‡† ™Š‡ –Š‡ ‹‡” ‘ϐŽ‹ – ™‹–Š ‘‡•‡Žˆ lars in lovemaking, that is, intimacy without
diminishes and peace with oneself occurs. Such commitment and responsibility does not mean
peace with oneself would not be possible unless lovemaking. In Faradarmani and Psymentology,
one could recognize his/her status in existence the subject of theoretical and practical love-
making is different. And the condition of hav- topics would be corrected after undertaking the
ing a true love is commitment, so the training –”ƒ‹‹‰ ‘—”•‡• ™Š‹ Š Šƒ• „‡‡ ‘ϐ‹”‡† „›
in this study is associated with promoting the statistical results. Such evidence is coined by the
understanding of practical love and improving originator of the method, Mohammad Ali Taheri,
relationships. Sciencefact.
Š‡ ”‡•—Ž–• •Š‘™‡† –Š‡ •‹‰‹ϐ‹ ƒ– ‡ˆˆ‡ – ‘ˆ
the training on an increase in the values of the Acknowledment
advancement subscale (accounting for 51% of The authors of this article would like to thank
change). Through this training, people come to the Kerman Azad University, wherein this thesis
the understanding that they reach and achieve ™ƒ•”‡‰‹•–‡”‡†ǡƒ†ƒŽ•‘–Šƒ–Š‡”ˆƒƒƒŽ
their desires with taste, effort, and trust. †— ƒ–‹‘ƒŽ‡–‡”‹‡Š”ƒˆ‘”‹–••—’’‘”–Ǥ‡
In conclusion, in the case of Faradarmani and also express our appreciation to Ms. Mehrnaz
Psymentology training courses that focus on Monzavi for her help and ideas.
enriching worldviews while providing humans
with the philosophy of creation, it is anticipat- Conflict of Interest
ed that people’s worldviews regarding these Š‡ƒ—–Š‘”•†‡ Žƒ”‡‘ ‘ϐŽ‹ –‘ˆ‹–‡”‡•–Ǥ
T-Consciousness Research

The First Journal in

Journal of


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