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i Intelligence? on Making chines become Intelligent? Types of Intelligence What is Artificial Intelligence? Applications of Al Around Us Al and Related Terminologies f © ALEthics Ar back humans designed machines to reduce their work. h th ne these mi Any tedious task can be done by Ng with sharing the load of tedious hhnology has helped in making the ‘achines are made smart so that alo hine can think and take small decisions. Which tec h deci making power? The answer is Artifical I Intelligence. In this chapter, we ental concepts of Artificial Intelligence. pproac h to make machines which can think and make decisions. The term wo words: Artificial and Intelligence. Artificial means not natural, it's ns ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. To understand further, lligence. ‘onsists of t ce mea Whatis Intelligence? Intelligence is how good you are in languages or science or music or art. You cannot at the same things that include your school subjects, music, sports etc. You may ‘h perfect body coordination but not in mathematics: Your friend may be good 9 and using words and languages. May be the other friend is oe with sees data “208s. Your ability to learn and understand these will depend on your skills and qualities. Then using this gathered knowledge and skills you apply them to your life. atlea Imteligence has the following features: : a ind you and the surrounding “Slity to communicate and interact effectively with the people ee oe sions “ronment so that you can recognize, understand and then respond ur intelligence will tell You tO TUN away to g« rinteligence wil tell You to GTeet the persgn. and comprehend ideas to deal with ing, For example, if you see a snake YO if you meet somebody known yOu! lems, Ability to reason, plan, solve pro! ncertainties. ; a ty to lear and adapt by upgrading your internal . i rence and knowledge. a ‘ queries based on experi ‘ability to perceive or infer information behaviors within an environment oF ¢g, system so that you ares According to researchers, intelligence is th Knowledge to be applied towards adaptive 2 Types of Intelligence ponies the skills, the intelligence is divided into different types: Intrapersonal Intelligence: It’s the ability to understand yourself, what are your you want— your strengths and weaknesses, your goals, and your motivation, For. Gendhi and Mother Teresa had the capacity to know themselves. * Spatial Intelligence: It is the ability to create, visualize, retain and retrieve well-const is an ability which designers, architects, engineers possess. It's the ability to visuali For example, Leonardo Da Vinci and LM. Pei are some famous people with high * Naturalist Intelligence: It involves how sensitive an individual is towards natur understand living things and care for nature. People with this type of intellige veterinary doctors, zookeepers, etc. Charles Darwin, Steve Erwin, John Muir are « naturalist intelligent personalities. 5 + Existential Intelligence: It involves thinkin live and die. They have the ability to use in around them. They are the philoso} Gautam Buddha had this ability to 19 philosophically and tackling the que ‘tuition, thought to understand the phers, yoga or meditation instructors of t understand life and death, 2 Politician, Oprah Winfrey a the people, * Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence: It’s the skill to use motor skills a players. Its the ability of a person to ind the body to solve probe 7@™ 130 | Touchpad artificial Intelligence-x it's an ability to understand, speak and write, it igencet includes findi : ech or written words. They are the peopl finding the right wige™ i istic IM rough SP ue le with debating sti aS express wea ‘william Shakespeare, Agatha Christie are famous people ene ES For exe ig ators “el igence Pypura Personal nderstanding? { Weurselt what { Yeuteel and hat you want | podity-Kinesthetic Coordinating your } mind with your Decision Making Have you faced a situation in life, where you have to choose one thing ger ‘poled for choice in life, decision making becomes difficult. Whenever you are you will have different choices and at that time you need to choose ‘toes ll be based on many factors like time frame, people involved, Decision making is the process of comparing our different altemnativ ‘ateractly you want to do. It is a process of selection w a plays a very important role in making all ty inife it 8 ; toh, | dace sn't magic, its artificial intelligence” a — Dave Waters ce is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines. Itis a technique ork and behave like humans. The machines that are incorporated with Roe perform tasks 25 we do. This intelligence is built using complex algorithms and functions. a machine is artificially intelligent when it can accomplish ‘tasks on its own {ike collecting ding it, analyzing it, learning from it, and finally improvis ing it. ‘How do Machines become Intelligent? become intelligent with the algorithms that are fed into them by formation that makes them intelligent to achieve the desired output to monitor its environment and then adjust its actions based on yourself, you will find many such machines that use AL simpler terms, we can summarize as follows: deta is the information needed for trai Lin fed to analyse data which will help in maki Cree ent! Ot ateg, We Fao, Tatty CBO tage Villeroy bogs te Sey 41 cased Goenes 46 0 cragety sexpisicniin PURCIG thee Yophics Bt act eae A tie hss Dafne Gemg sword allcgennty or cra, wer the garies based le Search ak h is powered by Al It responds to our search ina also sug atches incomplete words or search Google search gests and autocorrects it more accurate way. Sometimes, c our typed sentences, It even Bie 4 list according to your preferred sentences to display history Digital Assistants Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortana, Siri are son examples of the voice assistants which are a maa digital devices. They use Natural Language pry interact with humans. They can make a phone’ ail you, search for some favorite food or restaurant Google Maps Google Maps uses Al to p : heavy or light, an estimated travel time, and an estimated time of arrival. It also assists you by providing alternative light traffic routes redict traffic along your route whether with all possible calculation of estimated arrival time. Preferred Recommendations Netflix, Amazon, Spotify, YouTube etc. show us recoy on the basis of what we like. It helps you connect your preference on social media platforms like Ridesharing Apps Like Uber Uber uses Al for matching drivers and riders, route optimization, driver onboarding, predicting the estimated times of arrival, reduces rider and driver cancellations, etc. AI based Games Al has completely revolutionized the gaming enhancing the graphics and act intelligently or ct the taste of the human playing the games. ‘@~ 134 | Touchpad Artificial Intelligence-X nitor the physical and mental health . reducing the task of constant Monitoring ned in re ade in critical care units. It has also 4 nul forming many lifesaving operations jormi nlf s anc goctor «in per Chatbots Interacting with customers can be Chatbots are taught to communic. Natural Language Processin, satisfaction. time-consumin, ‘ate with the 19 (NLP) ensuring '9 and stressfy © Customers using maximum customer what is not AT? ;ound us in our daily lives, Everything that is automatic ge echn0l09) 4 echnology that uses All onnoeaTha meena thats tra jie that. 0/0 ons o predictions is Artifiallntligenttas are few er jeci to make imply acting upon the set of instruct 3 rink on thelr own but are simply acting up aa dom / autom: machine. Yor other feature ee ers or remote-control fans: These are examples of Intemet of Thi A one vt the ‘on’ and “off” swithes ie eaeaaaaa humans fori eto instru 2 essing capacity of its own. 'S not always Al Theres @ lined with data and has the. examples that are not Al ions: hing machine: The washing instructions are fed a i ve to select the type of fabric, quantity of di = in omer to run the machineliiienam the in: by humans in an automatic wash letergent, time duration of ri structions and options se to pe hav a ntrol toys-cars: They are remote driven cars and do not have its i ie erases of the toy is controlled by the person with the remote control form. ‘ r a rt TV: It is a TV with internet connection that allows browsing and smart TV: lisplays the information based on using Alto process any data. It displays forms. Some of them are as follows: The theory and development of intelligence, such as visual p languages, x to perform cognitive tasks like thinking, perceiynaiam rmitiatly conceived asa rechnology that could mimic hy ginal conception. with incredible advances man, ms can now be deployed t0 take g ‘al refers to the obility of machin solving and decision making thot for exceed its Ort evolved 19 wens f processing ond computation Powe’ intelligent systen enable connectivity and enhance productivity. __ NITI Aayog: National Strategy for ‘are engine that drives the Fourth Industrial Reyg 4 4 political processes. In its embodied form g caring for the young and elderly. It holds but also presents challenges such as inser job displacement. As rapid advances ment across all aspects of daily life, an f collaboration is required to op ce (AD is the softw mes, businesses ar rehouses and facing society, artéicial Intelliger already be seen an bor be driving cors, stocking Wo most pressing issues use of data and potential 4 scale of Al’: deploy” iti-stakeholde reate trust. some of the aigonthons, unethi Iu) increase the scope an an tear and change on its own, MU sronsporency, prvagy ‘and impartiality t ¢! jor on integ’ her a cover rated vision Al is not a well-defined technology and no universa term for techniques associated with data analysis and pattern since the 1950s. While some markets, sectonaigig ‘aris still at a relatively early stage of development +t existing applications, have ample The poth ents RE 2 new technology, having existe nced than others, ‘ons, and the quality of most are more owe! potential development and improvement. _ European Artificial Intellig machines follow instructions given rn from past data and do what you instruct ble for machines to learn from the experi performing human-like tasks. Humans learn from their past experiences and cen train the machines to lear ith Al it is possi .d on new input thereby n used with Al. humans fester and with accuracy: Wi are just the responses base erent terminologies which are ofter Machine Learning Machine Learning is 2 subset of AI which uses statistical methods to ‘enable machines to improve with experience. It is one of the most popular techniques to build Al systems across the globe. It is the science of getting machines to interpret, process and analyse data in order to solve problems. It provides us statistical tools to explore the data. Deep Learning Deep Learning is a subset ‘of machine learning that is inspired by the functior neurons which led to the concept of artificial neural networks, It is @ proc etworks on high dimensional data to gain insight and form solutions. Alisa bigger picture and machine learning and deep learning are its deep learning are the subset of each other, Deep Learning is next ali < 196 | Touchpad Artificial Intelligence-X meters ondency pe re Dependency \ ne ctference between the {WO let Us take help oft, ind the sta Deep Learning When the size of the data is small, a deep (earning algenet does not perform well as a deep leaming algorithm needs large amounts of data to understand perfectly Deep Learning algorithms are heavily dependent on high-end machines, Deep Learning algorithm solves the problem end to end, ally, Deep Learning algorithms take 2 long time to train because faecuton Time ‘here are many parameters making the training time longer than usual ’) Domains of AL the given ‘Omes for a 'sthe domain of ata to find solutions or Predict artificial intelligence that ee * table given belov, Machine Machine Le, “ming algorithm can “2sily work with smaller data set. Learning down the problem into different sub Parts and solve them individually and then finally combine them to get the desired result, Machine Learning algorithms take ™uch less time to train, Problem statement. The type of a that cg = Price Predicting Websites: D imples of price comparison websites ng the hail sed to predict how different s factog,, 2 Brainy Fact | Amazon's revenue is generated using integrated recommendstions into nearly every chasing process. ey e domain of artificial intelligence r analyse and understand an 2 video by collecting information from pixels. focuses on developing techniques that do millions of ions in order to recognize patterns and to have the same accuracy as the human eye and understand the content of digital images such as photographs and video to give the desired output It uses the concept of image classification, object detection, video processing and so on. Some of the applications of computer vision that we come across in our daily lives are: * Object Classification: Google Lens is an application with google that can be used to ident) any image by clicking a picture from the real world, It uses the concept of object detection ‘Gentifying an object in images. For example, if you are unaware of a flower name in your garde click @ picture with your phone using Google Lens application and it will reveal its name ao with the description. * _ Categorization of Photos in your Phone: Smartphones use CV to categorize the photos on) phone under the different categories. For example, if you try to search for “Cakes” in the pro® folder it will show you all the pictures with cake in it. and save it. Once it is stored, every time to unlock it matches the input face with the features: stored in it 5 138 | Touchpad Artificial Intelligence-X AA \ 1 self-driving cars to recognize lam V Is op signs. Image classification technique + all obstacles are, when to stop or kee; building self-driving cars are building gle 2 tion: CV is used to identify faces in CCTY foot, ack unusual activities or behavior petec age and al ify and tr 'SO in real time at ing (NLP) uage processing ( ai Lan language used by humans to yt ge is the other by writing or speaking, essing is the domain of where a machine uses algorithms e where 2 and interact with humans analyse, ane guage. The types of data that can al nae and speech. It combines the ‘up are te and computer science to decipher » and provide guidelines to make orehend, break down and separate significant details from text es NLP to identify and filter out terrorist languages in their tweets, A\ J customer reviews and improve user experience, dc and speech. For \mazon uses NLP lications of NLP are: tocorrect Feature: It uses NLP to give you suggestions and correct ut ie also has the feature of auto-sentence completion, where it us . A your spellings in a document. es Al to predict the next word e the sentence. For example, if you write "Good", based on the system clock it will predict or ‘Afternoon ing + flagirism Checker: It uses NLP to search through the web and find any cates of published nts that may match your work line by line and wamn you for the same. doc + Email Filters: Your mails in Gmail accounts are categorized under three. heads "Primary’, “Social” and Promotions’. It uses NLP to identify certain phrases from the mails and categorize them. The mails marked as "Spam also follow the same concept. + Chatbots: They are software applications that use NLP to communicate with humans using text to speech. Smart assistants like Alexa and Siri understand the speech pattern of the instructions and execute them. Brainy Fact : customer Es Bank of Scotland uses NLP based text analytics to extract important trends from ‘ 5 analyses) a Siven through emails, surveys and call center conversations. The company ae * data to find out the reasons for customer dissatisfaction and use it for further improve who developed the car’s algorithm, me in front of the car and got severely injureg, Privacy oe Data nas information privacy, is the accessibility of an individu; et every domain of Al. In recent times, the amount of al data that is generated by the use of role Be and applications is huge. Organizations use data Protection policy in order to safeguard the ei data of the customers. P jcations need a lot of data which is collected from the user li ee or your geographic location, contact list, your preferen Bicep a track of your activities yotaate amma Visits, yo ‘© and to identify you. This also provides you with customized according to our choices. uur shopping cart filling, preferences recommendations and notifications * Ai Reboot 1. Why Al related apps collect so much of the data? Pray taste a ee ea is ee te S rampage A ZK tt WS BC att AO Gag, e wong ty tem wk tog sk Be Be VE EE ERE, FUME Bupp Me me EE 2 Semen ce ah epee be a Se LE + nupetemms sty eng HET 0 ESE Oe PEE te EE DLE Lt ES le memes OIE LE LEVEL ELIE LE LEME LEIA DEE ELE IGE B | 2g cision se 1 Sin et noe eo gate a eo | ECR” gue, se ts aera SEE LIED TEESE LE EELS Bet at tales 2 Sega VET CIE gt ey eam rel San See ee - —_—___________ | | ALLELE LDELLESE IO SEE TAC eit ta a se Unemployment i Al despite making our lives easier and helping us in doing our tasks, has led to the. umber of unemployment all across the world. Al is advancing and improving the | working for them and doing some of their tasks but at the cost of the livelihood g unskilled labourers. We know that * _ Self-driven vehicles will replace the human driver in the future. * In hospitals the robots can be used for vaccinating the patients, Al-enabled devices attached to patients’ bodies can be easily monitored with purses, Chatbots are replacing the humans at customer care services * _ Insome countries courier and delivery people are already being replaced by dro in factories and industries, the tasks done by labourers are replaced by Al robots and above examples show that technology is the biggest challenge in today’s time. It Benefit the society by creating jobs and not destroying it e @: Ai Task At a big construction site 10 labourer to different floors till 20. The mana installing Al enabled machines to d 's are required to take bricks and mortar from g iger of the company believes in giving jobs to labour lo this tedious and heavy loaded task. De you think the managers doing right by employing labourers to do this kind of reasons transfer from the developer to the machine eith ve becoming more and more involved in major decisions in many industries. They are already a . Be ide who Is hired, who gets the loan, who can travel freely and many more things. If these ng t are flawed or biased it could actually amplify inequality. Let us understand this with the help hms & examples given below. coareh for "Salons near my house’, it gives you a listing of women’s salons, if you search for “em shirts’, it gives brands of men’s shirt collection, The search engine is trained to search for gglons for women and shirts for men, uy the virtual assistants have a female voice. tn 2015, Amazon realized that their algorithm used for hiring employees was found to be biased against women. jn 2019, Facebook has to face country’s legal system for using bias ad-targeting tools. ‘ost of the companies have understood the importance of designing Al models that should not be gue to algorithm writing, data provided or developers intentional or unintentional preferences. It Have you seen any other Al bias system around you? Explain in short.

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