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Section – English

This section contains 15 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has four choices
(a), (b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. Choose the correct option and fill in the blanks:

The Ganges is ________longest river in ____ India.
A. The/No article B. a/an C. The/the D. a/the
2. Choose the correct option and fill in the blanks:
She _________sing in Spanish.
A. Can B. Might C. Must D. Ought not
3. Identify the adjective in the sentence below
The bride was looking stunningly beautiful.
A. Bride B. looking C. Stunningly D. beautiful
4. Complete the sentence with the correct conjunctions from the choices given
She was aware of the fact that she was not responsible for her cousin’s failure in
exams, ______ was she responsible for his expulsion from the school.
A. Either B. but C. and D. nor
5. Pick the Abstract Noun from the following:
A. Loyalty B. Mouse C. Teacher D. Smoke
6. He and __________ friend need to take time to prepare ______for the examination
which will start next week.
A. his / themselves B. yours / ourselves
C. their / you D. your / yourselves
7. There is a cow grazing ____ the field since morning. Choose the appropriate
A. On B. In C. Onto D. At
8. _______ I’ve passed my examination. Identify the interjection which is not
appropriate for use.
A. Ah! B. Hurray! C. Phew! D. What a pity!
9. Choose the correct verb to complete the following sentence:
Carlos is the only one of those students who __________ lived up to the potential
described in the yearbook.
A. Has B. Have C. Were D. Are
10. Find the correct form of the word to use in the sentence –
We rarely go to the movies on the weekends. The adverb "rarely" modifies.
A. We B. Go C. Weekends D. Movies
11. Fill in the blanks.
For the time, we ____ for the exam, but this time tomorrow we ______ the best
movie of this year.
A. Study/ will watch B. Are studying/ will be watching
C. Are studying/ will have watched D. None of these
12. Fill in the blanks.
The film _______ten minutes ago. You ________the beginning of it.
A. Start/ miss B. Started/ missed
C. Started/ missing D. Starts/ missed
13. Choose the correct option:
When I have enough funds with me, I _____ Europe as it is my dream destination.
A. Visit B. Will visit C. Will have been visiting D. Would have gone to
14. Find out the synonyms of ‘Adhere’?
A. Disjoin B. Comply C. Discuss D. None of above
15. Which of the following options is an antonym for ‘Fertile’?
A. Generative B. Fruitful C. Productive D. Barren

Section – Aptitude
This section contains 10 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has four choices
(a), (b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
1. Find the number, when 15 is subtracted from 7 times the number, the result is 10
more than twice of the number
A. 5 B. 15 C. 7.5 D. 4
2. Fresh fruit contains 68% water and dry fruit contains 20% water. How much dry fruit
can be obtained from 100 kg of fresh fruits?
A. 20 B. 30 C. 40 D. 50
3. A person incurs a loss of 5% by selling a watch for Rs. 1140. At what price should
the watch be sold to earn 5% profit.
A. Rs1233 B. Rs1260 C. Rs1278 D. Rs1124
4. A book was sold for Rs 27.50 with a profit of 10%. If it were sold for Rs. 25.75, then
would have been percentage of profit and loss?
A. 2%profit B. 3%profit C. 4%loss D. none
5. A can finish a work in 18 days and B can do same work in half the time taken by A.
Then working together, what part of same work they can finish in a day
A. 1/3 B. 1/5 C. 1/8 D. 1/6
6. An aeroplane covers a certain distance at a speed of 240 kmph in 5 hours. To cover
the same distance in 1 3 hours, it must travel at a speed of:
A. 160kmph B. 720kmph C. 680kmph D. 540kmph
7. What will be the day of the week 15 August, 2010?
A. Saturday B. Tuesday C. Sunday D. Wednesday
8. In a certain language MYSTIFY is coded as NZTUJGZ, how is NEMESIS coded in
that language?
9. One day, Raviraj left home and cycled 20 Km southwards, turned right and cycled
10 km and turned right and cycled 20 Km and turned left and cycled 20 Km. How
many kilometers will he have to cycle to reach his home straight?
A. 20km B. 30km C. 40km D. 50km
10. Statements:
A. Some mangoes are yellow.
B. Some tixo are mangoes.
1. Some mangoes are green.
2. Tixo is a yellow
A. Only (1) conclusion follows B. Only (2) conclusion follows
C. Neither (1) nor (2) follows D. Both (1) and (2) follow

Section – Physics
This section contains 25 Questions (20 MCQs and 5 FIBs). Each MCQ has four choices
(a), (b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. For FIB type question, answer the
question with a numeric value upto two decimal places.

1. The position –time graph of a body of mass 2kg is as given in figure. Impulse on
the body at t=4s is _________

A. 1.5kg − m / s B. −1.5kg − m / s C. 1kg − m / s D. 0kg − m / s

2. A motor of power P0 is used to deliver water at a certain rate through a given
horizontal pipe. To increase the rate of flow of water through the same pipe n times,
the power of the motor is increased to P1. The ratio of P1 to P0 is
A. n: 1 B. n2: 1 C. n3: 1 D. n4: 1
3. A particle of mass ‘m’ is projected with an initial velocity u at an angle ‘θ’ to
horizontal. The torque of gravity on projectile at maximum height about the point
of projection is
mgu 2 sin 2 mgu 2 sin  1
A. B. mgu2sin2θ C. D. mu 2 sin 2
2 2 2
4. A rod PQ of mass ‘m’ and length L is rotated about an axis through ‘P’ as shown in
figure. Find the moment of inertia of the rod about the axis of rotation.

mL2 2 mL2 mL2 mL2

A. sin  B. sin  C. sin 2 D.
3 3 3 3
5. Let l , r , c and v represent inductance, resistance, capacitance and voltage
respectively. The dimension of in SI units will be
A. [LTA] B. [LA-2] C. [A-1] D. [LT2]
6. A body is projected vertically upwards with a velocity ‘u’ from the top of a tower. Time taken
by it to reach the ground is ‘n’ times the time taken by it to reach the highest point in its
path. Height of the tower is
nu 2 ( n − 1) nu 2 ( n − 2 ) nu 2 ( n − 2 ) u2
A. B. C. D. ( n + 2)
2g g 2g 2g
7. Assertion (A): - The speed of a body in uniform circular motion is constant.
Reason (R): - In uniform circular motion, the acceleration of the body is constant.
A. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of (A)
B. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not correct explanation of (A)
C. (A) is true but (R) is false
D. (A) is false but (R) is true
8. Artificial satellite of mass m revolves around the Earth at a height h with a speed
v. How much power (Energy per second) will it require to keep itself moving with
constant speed in the orbit of radius r?
mv3 1 2 6mM e
A. B. mv C. D. 0
r 2 (Re + h)
9. A pendulum is executing simple harmonic motion and its maximum kinetic energy
is K 1 If the length of the pendulum is doubled and it performs simple harmonic
motion with the same amplitude as in the first case, its maximum kinetic energy is
K 2 . Then: -
K1 K1
A. K 2 = B. K 2 = C. K 2 = 2 K1 D. K 2 = K1
4 2
10. The speed of sound in air at temperature T and pressure P is v. When the
temperature is increased to 2T and the pressure is reduced to P/2, then the speed
is changed to _____
A. 2v B. v C. 2v D.
11. One end of a long metallic wire of length L, area of cross-section A and Young’s
modulus Y is tied to the ceiling. The other end is tied to a mass less spring of force
constant K and a mass ‘m’ is hung from the free end of the spring. If ‘m’ is slightly
pulled down and released, then its time period of oscillation is
m mYA m ( KA + YL ) m ( KL + YA )
A. 2 B. 2 C. 2 D. 2
12. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
Three rods of same dimensions have thermal conductivities 3K, 2K and K. They
are arranged as shown in the figure below. Then in the steady state temperature
of the junction ‘P’ is _________ oC

13. An ideal gas in a cylinder is compressed adiabatically to one-third of its original

volume. A work of 45 J is done on the gas by the process. The change in internal
energy of the gas and the heat flowed into the gas, respectively are
A. 45 J and zero B. – 45 J and zero
C. 45 J and heat flows out of the gas D. – 45 J and heat flows out of the gas
14. The value closest to the thermal velocity of a Helium atom at room temperature
(300 K ) in ms-1 is: kB = 1.4 10−23 J / K ; mHe = 7 10−27 kg 

A. 1.3  10 4 B. 1.3  10 3 C. 1.3  10 5 D. 1.3  10 2

15. A proton and an  − particle start from rest in a uniform electric field. The ratio of
times taken by them to travel the same distance in the field is _____
A. 5: 2 B. 3 :1 C. 2 : 1 D. 1: 2
16. In the circuit shown in figure, if the point R is earthed and point P is given a
potential of +1800 V, then charges on C2 and C3 are respectively___

C1 4 F
+1800 V

P Q 2 F R


A. 2.4 10−3 C; 1.2 10−3 C B. 1.6 10−3 C; 0.8 10−3 C

C. 3.2 10−3 C; 1.6 10−3 C D. 4.8 10−3 C; 2.4 10−3 C
17. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
When the switch S, in the circuit shown, is closed, then the value of current I will
be__________ A.

18. If a straight conductor of length 40cm bent in the form of a square and the current
2A is allowed to pass through square, then find the magnetic induction at the centre
of the square loop
A. 16 2T B. 26 2T C. 46 3T D. 26 3T
19. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(for example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as

Magnifying power of an astronomical telescope for normal adjustment is 10 and

length of the telescope is 110 cm. Magnifying power of the same telescope when
the image is formed at the near point is____________.
20. An alpha nucleus of energy mv 2 bombards a heavy nuclear target of charge
Ze. Then, the distance of closest approach for the alpha nucleus will be
proportional to:
A. 1/Ze B. v2 C. 1/m D. 1/v4
21. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(for example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as

Magnetic moment associated with a circular coil of 50 turns and radius 20cm
carrying a current of 10A. A laser beam is operating at 100 mW. The amount of
energy stored by 90 cm length of this laser beam will be ________ Am2.
22. A printed page is kept pressed by a transparent cube of edge t. The refractive
index of the cube varies as  ( z ) = 1 + , where z is the vertical distance from
bottom of the cube. If viewed from top the printed letters appear to be shifted by
an amount
t 2t
A. (1 − ln 2 ) t B. ( 2 1n2 − l ) t C. D.
2ln 2 3ln 2
23. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
In an experiment, light passing through two slits separated by a distance of 0.3
mm is projected onto a screen placed at 1 m from the plane of slits. It is observed
that the distance between the central fringe and the adjacent bright fringe is 1.9
mm. The wavelength of light in nm is___________
24. One conducting U tube can slide inside another as shown in figure, maintaining
electrical contacts between the tubes. The magnetic field B is perpendicular to the
plane of the figure. If each tube moves towards the other at a constant speed v
then the emf induced in the circuit in terms of B, l and v where l is the width of each
tube, will be

A. Zero B. 2 Blv C. Blv D. −Blv

25. A shell explodes into three fragments of equal masses. Two fragments fly off at
right angles to each other with speed of 9 m/s and 12 m/s. what is the speed of
third fragment?
A. 9 m/s B. 12 m/s C. 15 m/s D. 18 m/s

Section – Chemistry
This section contains 25 Questions (20 MCQs and 5 FIBs). Each MCQ has four choices
(a), (b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. For FIB type question, answer the
question with a numeric value upto two decimal places.
1. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
An element may occur as different isotopes. Element ‘x’ has three isotopes with
mass numbers 20, 21 and 22. The fractional abundances are 0.90, 0.01 and 0.09
respectively. The average atomic mass is_______
2. CsCl crystallises in body centred cubic system. If a is its edge length, then which of
the following expressions is correct
A. 𝑟𝐶𝑆+ + 𝑟𝐶𝑙− = 3a B. 𝑟𝐶𝑠+ + 𝑟𝐶𝑙− = 2
C. 𝑟𝐶𝑠+ + 𝑟𝐶𝑙− = 2
D. 𝑟𝐶𝑠+ + 𝑟𝐶𝑙− = √3𝑎
3. A body of mass 10 g is moving with a velocity of 100 ms -1. The wavelength
associated with it is
A. 6.626 x 10-7 m B. 6.626 x 10-34 m C. 6.626 x 10-4 m D. 6.626 x 10-35 m
4. The electronic structure of four elements A,B,C,D are
A: 1s2, B: 1s22s22p2, C: 1s22s22p5, D: 1s22s22p6
The tendency to form electrovalent bond is largest in
A. A B. B C. C D. D
5. If at 298 K the bond energies of C–H, C–C, C = C and H–H bonds are respectively
414, 347, 615, and 435 KJ/mol, the value of enthalpy change for the reaction
H2C = CH2(g) + H2(g) → H3C - CH3(g) at 298 K will be
A. +250 kJ B. (-250 kJ) C. +125 kJ D. (-125 kJ)
6. Which one of the following statements regarding Henry’s law not correct?
A. The value of KH increases with function of the nature of the gas
B. Higher the value of KH at a given pressure, higher is the solubility of the gas in
the liquids
C. The partial pressure of the gas in vapour phase is proportional to the mole
fraction of the gas in the solution
D. Different gases have different KH(Henry’s law constant) values at the same
7. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
For the equilibrium, 2H2O H3O+ + OH- the value of ∆Go at 298 K is
approximately ___________ kJ/mol
8. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as

The weight of silver (atomic Wt=108) displaced by a quantity of electricity which

displaces 5600 ml. of O2 at STP will be (in gm) _______
9. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.
(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
Decomposition of X exhibits a rate constant of 0.05 mg/year. The number of years
required for the decomposition of 5 mg of X into 2.5 mg are _________
10. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
A. A mixture of dinitrogen and dioxygen at room temperature is an example for
B. Lyophilic sols are more stable compared to lyophobic sols
C. Formation of micelles is possible only above Kraft temperature
D. An example for a soap is sodium stearate and an example for detergent is
sodium lauryl sulphate
11. The chemical nature of hydrogen peroxide is
A. Oxidising and reducing agent in acidic medium, but not in basic medium
B. Oxidising and reducing agent in both acidic and basic medium
C. Reducing agent in basic medium, but not in acidic medium
D. Oxidising agent in acidic medium, but not in basic medium
12. The ore which is concentrated by leaching
A. PbS B. Al2O3.2H2O C. SnO2 D. Fe2O3
13. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(for example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as

The number of water molecule(s) directly bonded to the metal centre in CuSO 4
.5H2O is __________
14. Which of the following nitrates on heating does not give its oxide?
A. LiNO3 B. NaNO3 C. Ba(NO3)2 D. Ba(NO3)
15. Orthoboric acid is
A. a mono basic Arrhenius acid B. mono basic lewis acid
C. tribasic Arrhenius acid D. tribasic lewis acid
16. Which of the following is/are correct?
A. All of the statements given below
B. ozone undergoes addition reaction with unsaturated carbon compounds
C. sodium thiosulphate reacts with iodine to form sodium tetrathionate and sodium
D. ozone oxidizes lead sulphide to lead sulphate
17. The transition element that has lowest enthalpy of atomisation, is
A. Zn B. Cu C. V D. Fe
18. Identify the correct statements from the following.
i. In [𝐶𝑜𝐶𝑙 (𝑁𝐻3 )5 ]2+ , the Lewis acid is Co 3+.
ii. An example for heteroleptic complex is [𝐶𝑜 (𝑁𝐻3 )6 ]3+.
iii. The hybridization of Mn in [𝑀𝑛𝐵𝑟4 ]2- is dsp2.
iv. In [𝑁𝑖(𝐶𝑜)4 ], the metal-carbon bond possesses σ and π character.
A. i, ii, iii, iv B. i, iv C. ii, iii D. i, iii, iv
19. Methemoglobinemia is caused by the presence of X in drinking water. X is
A. 1000 ppm of sulphate B. 20 ppm of fluoride
C. 200 ppm of nitrate D. 50 ppm of lead

A. A-Q, B-R, C-S B. A-R, B-P, C-S

C. A-S, B-R, C-P D. A-Q, B-R, C-P
21. Which of the following compounds is not aromatic?

A. B. C. D.
22. The major of the following reaction is

A. B. C. D.

23. The major product of the following reaction is

A. B. C. D.
24. Predict X in the below reaction

A. B. C. D.
25. An aromatic compound ‘A’ having molecular formula C7H6O2 on treating with
aqueous ammonia and heating forms compound ‘B’. The compound ‘B’ on reaction
with molecular bromine and potassium hydroxide provides compounds ‘C’ having
molecular formula C6H7N. The structure of ‘A’ is

A. B. C. D.

Section – Mathematics
This section contains 25 Questions (20 MCQs and 5 FIBs). Each MCQ has four choices
(a), (b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. For FIB type question, answer the
question with a numeric value upto two decimal places.

1. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
An investigator interviewed 100 students to determine their preferences for the
three drinks milk(M), coffee(C) and tea (T). He reported the following :10 students
had all the three drinks M, C, T. T;20 had M and C;30 had C and T;25 had M and
T;12 had M only; 5 had C only; 8 had T only. Then how many did not take any of
the three drinks _________
2. Which of the following relations is not transitive?
A. ( a, b )  R1  a  b, a, b  z
B. ( x, y )  R2  x divides yif x, y  z
C. ( x, y )  R3 | x | + | y |= 1, for x, y  R
D. ( l1 , l2 )  R4  l1 parallel to l2 where l1 , l2 are lines

 
3. For each x  R, let x be the greatest integer less than or equal to x. Then

x ( x  + x ) sin  x 
lim is equal to
x →0− x
A. sin 1 B. -sin 1 C. 1 D. 0
4. Let z1 and z2 be two complex numbers satisfying z1 = 9 and z2 − 3 − 4i = 4 . then
the minimum value of z1 − z2 is
A. 10 B. √2 C. 1 D. 2
5. The area bounded by the x − axis , the curve y = f ( x) and the lines x = 1 , x = b is
equal to ( )
b2 + 1 − 2 for all b  1 then f ( x) =

x +1 x −1 x
A. B. C. D. None of these
x x x2 + 1
 q + 1

Sn = 1 + q + q + ....... + 

6. Let  2  where q is a real number and q  1 . If

C1 +101 C2 .S1 + ....... +101 C101.S100 = T100
, then  is equal to :-

100 99
A. 2 B. 200 C. 2 D. 202
1 r r2 l
 
7. Let 𝑙, 𝑚, 𝑛 ∈ 𝑅 and A =  r r2 1 m  . Then the set of all real values of r for
r 2 1 r n 

which the rank of A is 3, is
A. ( 0, ) B. R C. R − 1 D. R − 0

1 a2 a3 bc b + c 1

8. If 1 = 1 b 2 b and  2 = ca c + a 1 then 1 =

1 c2 c3 ab a + b 1

2 ( ab + bc + ca ) (a + b + c)
A. ab + bc + ca B. abc C. D.
9. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.
(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
Let a = 2 i + j − 2k and b = i + j be two vectors c is a vector such that

a.c = c and c − a = 2 2. . If the angle between a  b and c is 30o, then

(a  b ) c is equal to __________

10. The following statement “ If a triangle is equilateral then it is isosceles” is

A. false B. may be true C. true D. sometimes true
11. The number of ways of arranging 8 boys and 8 girls in a row so that boys and
girls sit alternately is
A. 9! B. (9!) (8!) C. (8!)2 D. 2!(8!)2
12. Let S= {1,2,3,….100}. The number of non-empty subsets A of S such that the
product of elements in A is even is
A. 250 (250 – 1) B. 2100 - 1 C. 250 - 1 D. 250 + 1
13. For any integer n  1 , then sum  k ( k + 2 ) is equal to
k =1

n ( n + 1)( n + 2 ) n ( n + 1)( 2n + 1)
A. B.
6 6
n ( n + 1)( 2n + 7 ) n ( n + 1)( 2n + 9 )
C. D.
6 6
14. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
The coefficient of x4 in the expansion of (1 + x − x 2 − x3 )
is __________
d2y 3 
15. If x=3cos t and y=4sin t, then at the point ( x0 , y0 ) =  2,2 2  , is
2 
4 2 4 2 8 2 8 2
A. B. − C. D. −
9 9 9 9
16. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
The radius and height of cylinder are measured as 5 cm and 10 cm respectively
and there is an error of 0.02 cm in both the measurements. The approximate error
in the volume is ______ π times c.c .
1 − x2
17.  (1 + x )2
1 + x4

1  x 2   x 2 
A. sin −1  2  + c B. 2 sin −1  2  + c
2  x +1   x +1 
 x  1  x 2 
C. 2sin −1  2  + c D. sin −1  2  + c
 x −1  2  x −1 
2x + 5  x +3
18. If  dx = A 7 − 6 x − x 2 + B sin −1   + c then ( A, B ) =
7 − 6 x − x2  4 
A. (-2, -1) B. (2, -1) C. (-2,1) D. (2,1)
 x  2 x  e  x 

19. The integral    −    log e x dx is equal to :

1  e   x 

1 1 1 1 1
A. −e− 2 B. − + − 2
2 e 2 e 2e
3 1 1 3 1
− − 2 −e− 2
C. 2 e 2e D. 2 2e
dx x
20. The general solution of the differential equation + = x 2 is
dy y
1 1
A. = cx − y log x B. = cy + x log x
y x

1 1
C. = cy − y log y D. = cx + y log x
x y

21. p, x1, x2 ,......xn and q, y1, y2 ,...... yn at r two arithmetic progression with common
difference  and  respectively. If  and  are the arithmetic means of
x1, x2 ,......xn and y1, y2 ,...... yn respectively, then the locus of P ( ,  ) is
A.  ( x − p ) =  ( y − q ) B. p ( x −  ) = q ( y −  )
C. α(x-p) = β(y-q) D. β(x-p) = α(y-q)

22. If P is a point which moves inside an equilateral triangle of side length ‘a’ such that
it is nearer to any angular bisector of the triangle than to any of its sides, then the
area of the region in which P lies is __________ sq units

2  3 −1  3a 2  3 − 1 
a    
A.  3 +1 B.
2  3 +1
 3 −1 
3a 2  
C.  3 +1 D. a

23. If the circle x 2 + y 2 + 2 gx + 2 fy + c = 0(c  0) touches both the coordinate axes and
lies in the third quadrant, then the length of the chord intercepted by the circle on
the line x + y + c = 0 is
A. 2c B. c C. c D.
24. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
The tangent and normal are drawn at P (16,16) on y 2 = 16 x which intersect the
axis of parabola at A and B respectively if C is the centre of the circle through the
points P, A, B and CPB =  then the value of tan  is __________
25. The harmonic conjugate of P(-9,12,-15) with respect to the line segment AB,
where A=(1,-2,3) and B=(-4,5,-6) is
 2 1   7 8  7 8 9
A.  − , ,0  B. (6,-9,12) C.  − , , −3  D.  , − , 
 3 3   3 3  3 3 3

Section – Biology
This section contains 25 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has four choices
(a), (b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
1. An axon conducts nerve impulses _________ the cell body.
A. around, bypassing B. toward
C. away from D. both toward and away from
2. The hormone which reduces the sodium loss through urine and sweat is
A. Calcitonin B. Aldosterone
C. Parathormone D. Vasopressin
3. H2 donor during photosynthesis is
4. Which of the following prevents the fall of the leaves?
A. GA3 B. NAA C. Ethylene D. Zeatin
5. Which of these is used in commercial production of butyric acid?
A. Aspergillus niger B. Acetobacter aceti
C. Clostridium butylicum D. Lactobacillus
6. The resting potential membrane is determined by
A. Sodium-ion gradient B. Bicarbonate-ion gradient
C. Potassium-ion gradient D. None of these
7. In adults a severe deficiency of vitamin D causes
A. Night blindness B. Osteomalacia
C. Rickets D. Skin cancer
8. An organ which is extremely sensitive to ammonia toxicity is
A. Liver B. Kidney C. Heart D. Brain
9. Nuclear DNA replicates in the ________ phase.
A. G2 phase B. M phase C. S phase D. None of these
10. The first company to synthesize and market recombinant Humulin in 1983 was
A. Sun pharma B. Torrent C. Eli Lilly D. Abbot laboratories
11. The small intestine has three parts. The first part is called
A. Duodenum B. Oesophagus C. Jejunum D. Ileum
12. Which of the following is a chronic respiratory disorder caused by smoking?
A. Asthma B. Emphysema
C. Respiratory alkalosis D. Respiratory acidosis
13. Which observation was made by Avery, Macleod, and McCarty?
A. DNA is a duplex molecule B. DNA can be taken up from medium
C. DNA can denature at high temperature D. DNA is more stable than RNA
14. Plants with skotoactive stomata perform
A. C4 photosynthesis B. CAM photosynthesis
C. C3 photosynthesis D. An oxygenic photosynthesis
15. Carbon dioxide joins the photosynthetic pathway in
A. PS I B. PS II C. Light reaction D. Carbon fixation reaction
16. Which one of the following is an incorrect match?
A. Dextrocardia – Enlargement of heart
B. Double circulation – Birds
C. Venous heart – Fishes
D. Pulmonary circulation – Shorter circulation
17. In birds, arginase enzyme is only found in:
A. Liver B. Kidneys C. Brain D. Small intestine
18. A mutual relationship between two organisms, where both are benefitting from
each other is called:
A. Mutualism B. Symbiosis C. Parasitism D. Food Chain
19. Select the incorrect food chain
A. Grass → Frog → Vulture
B. Diatoms → Zooplanktons → Small fish
C. Phytoplanktons → Zooplanktons → Small fish → Large fish
D. Grass → Grasshopper → Frog → Snake → Eagle
20. By using the single-cell protein, the amount of protein that can be produced by
algae grown in ponds(per acre) is
A. 20 tons B. 30 tons C. 40 tons D. 50 tons
21. In human beings, fungal infection is known as
A. Micromia B. Mycosis C. Fungosis D. Mucorsis
22. ____________ is defined as an ecological state of a species being unique to a
specific geographic location.
A. exotic species B. endemic species C. ecosystem D. none of these
23. Which one of the following cause global warming?
A. Carbon dioxide B. Oxygen C. Nitrogen D. Hydrogen
24. Systematics is
A. Identification B. Nomenclature
C. Relationships and classification D. All of these
25. Bentham and Hooker gave which system of classification?
A. Numerical B. Phylogenetic C. Artificial D. Natural

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