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Multiple Comparisons

Dependent Variable(I) group(J) groupMean DiffStd. ErroSig.

post_attiTamhane InfluenceOrganizat-5,965* 1,920 ,008

InfluencePeers -4,911* 1,651 ,012
post_descTamhane InfluenceOrganizat-1,101 ,715 ,337
InfluencePeers -6,458* ,639 <,001
post_injuTamhane InfluenceOrganizat-1,424* ,542 ,031
InfluencePeers -1,603* ,402 <,001
* The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

Pairwise Comparisons of group

Sample 1-Test StatStd. ErroStd. TestSig. Adj. Sig.a
Influence -34,986 7,705 -4,541 <,001 ,000
Influence -76,949 7,962 -9,664 <,001 ,000
Peers-Org 41,963 8,087 5,189 <,001 ,000
Each row tests the null hypothesis that the Sample 1 and Sample 2 distributions are the same.
Asymptotic significances (2-sided tests) are displayed. The significance level is ,050.
a Significance values have been adjusted by the Bonferroni correction for multiple tests.

Parameter Estimates
choicea B Std. ErroWald df Sig. 95%Exp(B)
Confidence Interval for Exp(B)
Lower Bound
Upper Bound
chocolateIntercept -1,652 2,581 ,410 1 ,522
food_lite,006 ,027 ,051 1 ,822 1,006 ,955 1,060
core_inta,113 ,068 2,747 1 ,097 1,120 ,979 1,281
[group=1] -1,770 ,810 4,778 1 ,029 ,170 ,035 ,833
[group=2] -2,433 1,145 4,517 1 ,034 ,088 ,009 ,828
[group=3]0b . . 0. . . .
water Intercept,736 2,619 ,079 1 ,779
food_lite-,010 ,029 ,120 1 ,729 ,990 ,935 1,048
core_inta,027 ,073 ,134 1 ,714 1,027 ,890 1,186
[group=1] -22,919 ,000 . 1. 1.11E-07 1.11E-07 1.11E-07
[group=2]-,592 1,133 ,273 1 ,602 ,553 ,060 5,099
[group=3]0b . . 0. . . .
banana Intercept -1,092 2,314 ,223 1 ,637
food_lite,007 ,024 ,076 1 ,782 1,007 ,961 1,055
core_inta,084 ,060 1,954 1 ,162 1,087 ,967 1,222
[group=1]-,949 ,727 1,704 1 ,192 ,387 ,093 1,610
[group=2] -1,767 1,033 2,926 1 ,087 ,171 ,023 1,294
[group=3]0b . . 0. . . .
a The reference category is: cola.
b This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant.
s are the same.

iple tests.

rval for Exp(B)

Upper Bound

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