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Kian Komingoi

October 4th, 2023

Writing 5 Adventures Section 6

Famous Explorers Paragraph

The First Step

In Western Europe, several people wanted to find a shorter way to get to Asia, and

Columbus was one of them. There was an issue; Columbus did not have the money to pay

for this voyage. For help, he turned to the rulers of Spain, Ferdinand the second, and

Isabella the first. In return for gold and spices, they would help fund his voyage. According

to an article by Kiddle Encyclopedia, Columbus left Spain in 1492 with 3 ships, The Santa

María, The Pinta, and The Santa Clara or The Niña. “On October 12, 1492 land was spotted,

a small island in the Bahamas that Columbus would name San Salvador,” as stated in an

article by Ducksters. Columbus had completed the first step of his journey, he had found


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