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Travel is the movement of people between distant geographical locations.

Travel can be done

by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, bus, airplane, ship or any other kinds of transportation, and
can be one way or round trip. Travelling plays an important part in making us feel relaxed and
rejuvenated. It also brings positive changes in our life and keeps us alive and active.

Travelling has become easier due to advancement in technology and transportation. Earlier people
use to travel by road or sea and it takes many days to reach from one place to another, however,
now things have changed and people travel to far off places within hours and minutes thanks to
well-built roads and airplanes.

People travel for different purposes, some travel for the sake of education while others travel to
relax and enjoy. Many people take a break from their hectic schedule and go for a vacation, this
makes them feel delightful and help them to invigorate.

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