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Spare the rod and spoil the child

I do not agree with the statement spare the rod and spoil the child because it
simply means that a child should be punished severely for his offences, otherwise
he will be spoilt, which is not true because a child will not be spoilt by the lack of
whip but by the presence of it, as they can only nourish when carefully looked
after, and when punished severely they will most likely have psychological and
emotional problems deep rooted in their mind as they grow older.
A child who is always scolded, beaten, punished and never given a kind word will
always live in a world of fear, leading his innocent, delicate mind to have a hard
time understanding this cruel world around him and its devious ways will have
nothing but hatred & revenge and become a rebellion in his mind, therefore such
a child will always feel insecure and unhappy and in return, will either live in his
make-believe world unable to cope with the realities of life or a hardened
In conclusion, corporal punishment should be viewed as a negative form of
punishment despite the fact that it has been used by parents back at the time for
thousands of years, as children don’t develop that way, therefore instead of using
the logic of force, we should use the force of logic to bring them around.

- Haya abdulla

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