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The table below shows how patients evaluated different services at three health

The table below shows how patients
evaluated different services at three
health centres.
The table demonstrates the
patients’ evaluations of the
quality of services provided at
the three medical centers.
Chú ý:
- patients evaluated => patients’ evaluations
- different services => the quality of services
- health center = medical center
1. Đặc điểm về xu hướng
2. Đặc điểm về độ lớn

- Đặc điểm về xu hướng: Nếu

dạng bài KHÔNG có thời gian thì
đặc điểm về xu hướng bị bỏ đi.

- Đặc điểm về độ lớn: Thực hiện

phân tích 2 bước trung gian (hàng
ngang và hàng dọc)
Highest Lowest

Booking appointments 9.1 (Peveril) 5.2 (Longston)

Doctors’ service 8.7 (Peveril) 8.0 (Longston)

Care of children 7.5 (Peveril) 6.3 (Longston)

Pharmacy 6.3 (Peveril) 5.1 (Longston)

Response to concerns 9.6 (Peveril) 4.3 (Longston)

=> Rút ra nhận định theo chiều ngang: Peveril là health center
được đánh giá cao nhất ở tất cả các mặt, trong khi đó
Longston là health center được đánh giá thấp nhất ở tất cả
các mặt.
Highest Lowest

4.3 (Response to
Longston 8.0 (Doctor’s service)

9.6 (Response to
Peveril 6.3 (Pharmacy)

Marchbank 8.4 (Doctor’s service) 5.8 (Pharmacy)

=> Rút ra nhận định theo chiều dọc: Doctor’s service là aspect
được đánh giá cao nhất ở cả 2 health centers (Longston và
Marchbank); Pharmacy là aspect được đánh giá thấp nhất ở
cả 2 health centers (Peveril và Marchbank).
1. Đặc điểm về xu hướng (BỎ)
2. Đặc điểm về độ lớn
+ Peveril là health center được
đánh giá cao nhất ở tất cả các
+ Doctor’s service là aspect
được đánh giá cao nhất ở cả 2
health centers (Longston và
1. Đặc điểm về xu hướng (BỎ)
2. Đặc điểm về độ lớn
According to the data in the
table / As can be seen from the
figures of the table, Peveril is
the health center with the
highest overall ratings, while
both Longston and Marchbank
are highly regarded for the
quality of their doctors’ service.
Body 1: Mô tả Peveril
Body 2: Mô tả Longston và Marchbank

Chú ý: KHÔNG cần mô tả tất

cả mọi con số vì thông tin
trong dạng TABLE rất nhiều.
Body 1: Mô tả Peveril
With respect to Peveril, Response to
concerns is rated the highest at 9.6,
followed by Booking appointments at
9.1. The rate of patient satisfaction for
Doctor’s service is 8.7, which ranks
third and is higher than the average
rating for the center. However,
Pharmacy receives the lowest score of
all, just 6.3.
Body 2: Mô tả Longston và Marchbank
For the remaining two centers,
Marchbank is consistently superior
in all respects to Longston. Doctor’s
service in Marchbank and Longston
are rated 8.4 and 8.0, respectively.
The most notable difference
between the two centers is in
Booking appointments, where
Marchbank scores 7.8 and Longston
scores 5.2 (below the mean score).
The table demonstrates the patients’ evaluations of the quality of services
provided at the three medical centers.
As can be seen from the figures of the table, Peveril is the health center with
the highest overall ratings, while both Longston and Marchbank are highly
regarded for the quality of their doctors’ service.
With respect to Peveril, Response to concerns is rated the highest at 9.6,
followed by Booking appointments at 9.1. The rate of patient satisfaction for
Doctor’s service is 8.7, which ranks third and is higher than the average rating for
the center. However, Pharmacy receives the lowest score of all, just 6.3%.
For the remaining two centers, Marchbank is consistently superior in all
respects to Longston. Doctor’s service in Marchbank and Longston are rated 8.4
and 8.0, respectively. The most notable difference between the two centers is in
Booking appointments, where Marchbank scores 7.8 and Longston scores 5.2
(below the mean score). (157 words)
The table below shows the participation of people over 15 in selected sports and physical
recreation activities by gender in Australia during the period 2011-12.
The table below shows the participation of people over 15 in selected sports and physical
recreation activities by gender in Australia during the period 2011-12.

Highest Lowest

16.5 2.8
(Walking for exercise) (Basketball)

30.4 3.3
(Walking for exercise) (Yoga)

Nhận xét theo chiều dọc: Môn

Walking for exercise là được yêu thích
nhất ở cả 2 giới, trong khi đó môn
Basketball ít được nam chơi nhất và ở
nữ là Yoga.
Nhận xét theo chiều ngang: Ball and individual sports là các môn được nam chơi
nhiều hơn nữ.
Sports Higher
Walking for exercise 30.4 (Females)
Fitness/Gym 19.1 (Females)
9.8 (Males)
BMX (Bicycle Motocross)
Jogging/Running 8.7 (Males)
Golf 8.2 (Males)
Swimming/Diving 8.0 (Females)
Tennis 4.9 (Males)
Netball -
Football (Outdoor) 4.1 (Males)
Basketball 2.8 (Males)
Yoga -
Total 6M – 3F
The table below shows the participation of people over 15 in selected sports and physical
recreation activities by gender in Australia during the period 2011-12.
1. Đặc điểm về xu hướng (BỎ)
2. Đặc điểm về độ lớn
According to the data in the table /
As can be seen from the figures of the
table, there was a greater proportion of
females compared to males in terms of
sports and recreation activities. In
addition, Walking for exercise was the
most preferred activity by both genders.
Một vài cách viết khác cho câu “There was a greater proportion of
females compared to males in terms of sports and recreation

• Females outnumbered males in terms of their

involvement / participation in sports and recreation
• In terms of sporting participation, females
outnumbered males.
• When compared to males, females were more likely
to participate in sports and recreation activities.
The table below shows the participation of people over 15 in selected sports and physical
recreation activities by gender in Australia during the period 2011-12.
BODY 1: Mô tả các môn Females
outnumbered Males
• Walking for exercise
• Fitness/Gym
• Swimming/Diving
BODY 2: Mô tả các môn Males outnumbered
• Cycling/BMXing
• Jogging/Running
Individual sports
• Golf
• Tennis
• Football (Outdoor)
Ball sports
• Basketball

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