S10-Pragmatic Analysis-Speech Act Theory-Task

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Linguistic Analysis of Text Winter 2023/2024

Practical Task
Seminar 10: Pragmatic Analysis – Speech Act Theory
Task: Read the speech acts below. For each of them indicate (i) the type of speech act, (ii) its communicative function,
(iii) the sincerity condition (expressed psychological state), and (iv) the direction of fit. Provide an explanation for
your choices.
Example: I’ll help you with your paper tomorrow.
Answer: (i) This is a commissive because the speaker commit himself/herself to helping the interlocutor.
(ii) The communicative function is promising because the speaker mentions a favour that he/she is
willing to do for the interlocutor (help with the paper) in the near future (tomorrow).
(iii) The expressed psychological state is intention as in order to help the speakers need to want to do
it in the first place.
(iv) The direction of fit is world-to-word as the speaker is going to change reality (world) to
correspond to what he has promised (word)
a. I will turn my paper in on Friday. (said by student to instructor)
b. May I have an extension on the due date for my paper? (asked by student of instructor)
c. I assign this paper a grade of A. (said by the instructor)
d. The teacher is supposed to return our papers today.
e. Ruth's essay is the best in the class. (said by the instructor)
f. You passed the course. (said by the instructor to the student)
g. I regret that you failed the exam. (said by the instructor to the student)
h. Congratulations on passing the course. (said by the instructor to the student)
i. Your papers will be marked down for each day that they are late. (said by the instructor to the students)
j. If you don’t start on your papers early, you won’t have enough time. (said by the instructor to the students).

a. (i) Commissive; (ii) Promising; (iii) Intention; (iv) Word-to-word

- This is a commissive because the speaker commits to turning in the paper on Friday.
- The communicative function is promising, as the speaker mentions a commitment to a future action (turning in the
paper on Friday).
- The expressed psychological state is intention, as the speaker needs to have the intention to turn in the paper on
- The direction of fit is world-to-word, as the speaker plans to change reality (world) to correspond to their promise

b. (i) Directive; (ii) Requesting; (iii) Desire; (iv) Word-to-word

- This is a directive because the speaker is making a request for an extension.
- The communicative function is requesting, as the speaker is asking for permission or assistance.
- The expressed psychological state is desire, as the speaker expresses a desire for an extension.
Linguistic Analysis of Text Winter 2023/2024

- The direction of fit is word-to-world, as the speaker is seeking a change in the world (granting an extension) based
on their request.

c. (i) Assertive; (ii) Declaring; (iii) Belief; (iv) Word-to-word

- This is an assertive because the speaker is declaring the grade assigned to the paper.
- The communicative function is declaring, as the speaker is making a statement about the grade.
- The expressed psychological state is belief, as the speaker asserts their belief about the paper's grade.
- The direction of fit is word-to-world, as the speaker's statement aims to represent a state of affairs in the world.

d. (i) Assertive; (ii) Informing; (iii) Belief; (iv) Word-to-word

- This is an assertive because the speaker is providing information about the teacher's task.
- The communicative function is informing, as the speaker is conveying information.
- The expressed psychological state is belief, as the speaker believes the teacher is supposed to return the papers
- The direction of fit is word-to-world, as the speaker's statement aims to correspond to a state of affairs in the world.

e. (i) Expressive; (ii) Evaluating; (iii) Feeling; (iv) Word-to-word

- This is expressive because the speaker is expressing an evaluation of Ruth's essay.
- The communicative function is evaluating, as the speaker is giving their opinion about the quality of the essay.
- The expressed psychological state is feeling, as the speaker expresses their positive judgment.
- The direction of fit is word-to-world, as the speaker's statement aims to represent their evaluation of the essay.

f. (i) Assertive; (ii) Pronouncing; (iii) Belief; (iv) Word-to-word

- This is an assertive because the speaker is pronouncing a fact about the student passing the course.
- The communicative function is pronouncing, as the speaker is making a statement.
- The expressed psychological state is belief, as the speaker believes the student passed the course.
- The direction of fit is word-to-world, as the speaker's statement aims to correspond to a state of affairs in the world.

g. (i) Expressive; (ii) Conveying emotion; (iii) Regret; (iv) Word-to-word

- This is expressive because the speaker is expressing regret about the student failing the exam.
- The communicative function is conveying emotion, as the speaker is expressing their regret.
- The expressed psychological state is regret, as the speaker feels sorry or disappointed.
- The direction of fit is word-to-world, as the speaker's expression of regret corresponds to a state of affairs in the
Linguistic Analysis of Text Winter 2023/2024

h. (i) Expressive; (ii) Congratulating; (iii) Feeling; (iv) Word-to-word

- This is expressive because the speaker is expressing positive feelings and congratulations to the student.
- The communicative function is congratulating, as the speaker is conveying good wishes.
- The expressed psychological state is feeling, as the speaker expresses their positive emotions.
- The direction of fit is word-to-world, as the speaker's expression of congratulations corresponds to a positive state
of affairs in the world.

i. (i) Directive; (ii) Warning/Threatening; (iii) Intention; (iv) World-to-word

- This is a directive because the speaker is issuing a warning/threat about marking down papers for lateness.
- The communicative function is warning/threatening, as the speaker is indicating potential consequences.
- The expressed psychological state is intention, as the speaker intends to mark down papers for lateness.
- The direction of fit is world-to-word, as the speaker's warning aims to bring about a change in the students'

j. (i) Directive; (ii) Advising; (iii) Intention; (iv) World-to-word

- This is a directive because the speaker is advising the students about starting on their papers early.
- The communicative function is advising, as the speaker is offering guidance.
- The expressed psychological state is intention, as the speaker intends for the students to start on their papers early.
- The direction of fit is world-to-word, as the speaker's advice aims to bring about a change in the students' behavior.
Task 2: For the following indirect speech acts, (i) name the type of the implicit speech act, (ii) write out the implicit
speech act1, (iii) identify the linguistic (lexical and/or grammatical) for that is used to render the given communicative
function indirectly. Provide an explanation for your choices.
Example: I would appreciate it if you could do the dishes.
Answer: (i) This is a directive because …
(ii) I request that you do the dishes.
(iii) would appreciate if… - the verb appreciate (expressing the speaker’s state of being grateful for
the action to come) in the subjunctive mood (expressing wish/hope).
a. You’ll be happy to know that the work will be finished tomorrow.
b. The meeting is adjourned.
c. Any suggestions you have are welcome.
d. Isn’t that just the best idea we’ve heard so far?
e. Can’t you sit still for a minute?
f. I’d be honored if you came to my party next week.
g. Did you know that Allison is going to Europe this summer?
h. Can you tell me how much that costs?

Try to formulate it in such as way as to include the direct mentioning of the communicative function.
Linguistic Analysis of Text Winter 2023/2024

a. (i) Assertive; (ii) Informing; (iii) Belief; (iv) Word-to-word

- This is an assertive because the speaker is providing information.
- I'm letting you know that the work will be finished tomorrow.
- The verb "will be" expresses a belief about the future state of affairs.

b. (i) Directive; (ii) Declaring; (iii) Intention; (iv) World-to-word

- This is a directive because the speaker is giving an instruction.
- I declare the meeting adjourned.
- The act of declaring expresses the speaker's intention for the meeting to be adjourned.

c. (i) Directive; (ii) Inviting; (iii) Desire; (iv) Word-to-word

- This is a directive as the speaker is encouraging a particular action.
- Feel free to share any suggestions you have.
- The phrase "Feel free to" implies an invitation, expressing a desire for the hearer to share suggestions.

d. (i) Expressive; (ii) Praising; (iii) Evaluation; (iv) Word-to-word

- This is expressive as the speaker is conveying their evaluation.
- I find that idea to be the best one we've heard so far.
- The speaker is expressing their positive evaluation of the idea.

e. (i) Directive; (ii) Requesting; (iii) Desire; (iv) Word-to-word

- This is a directive because the speaker is making a request.
- Could you please sit still for a minute?
- The use of "Could you please" softens the request, expressing a desire for the person to sit still.

f. (i) Expressive; (ii) Inviting; (iii) Feeling; (iv) Word-to-word

- This is expressive as the speaker is conveying their feelings.
- I'd be honored if you came to my party next week.
- The speaker is expressing positive feelings and extending an invitation.

g. (i) Assertive; (ii) Informing; (iii) Belief; (iv) Word-to-word

- This is an assertive because the speaker is sharing information.
- I'm letting you know that Allison is going to Europe this summer.
Linguistic Analysis of Text Winter 2023/2024

- The speaker expresses a belief about Allison's future plans.

h. (i) Directive; (ii) Requesting; (iii) Desire; (iv) Word-to-word

- This is a directive because the speaker is making a request for information.
- Can you tell me how much that costs?
- The speaker is expressing a desire for the hearer to provide information.

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