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tat tUOUtoA

Juvuttudty: ufwya ogaouwa

B.A-LLB (7th kmestn, detion- A)

utmittd to: D Janmut Kan dafuual



dck owldgunit

LwA my_huauutlt ouatitude to my mache Ba Janmeet Kaw

0uuval 404 qung me an phontunity to uwwnk upon ths
udi fuoud on th topic Acuiutin atae utouy'
4 uaxd the juejt 1 ok to und vaud dumensienu ana
ndxstand he aubjid daly he MuLauch that 1 ndvntooR
Kbed e bw0a.dun my Aouaons,not uut Lganduing the aubpd
n pauticulan, but aso vn turw o_Anouldge genLnally & kilpd
o Covmbat my LOnOkan U hghy rlwant Lssu nallonal
ouvnd mtuunaliona wmhodam


ohuc age No

- Occuhation 2-3
- drnunahon/iubyugadien
Accution -5
- Pstion 5-4

- lnsion

esuon and te0se wth

andmauk udgenmnts

Mable of Cases

'No Casehaw tage No

Lastn &unlands Cau
iea iYemen
3-alamd lakmas Case

R Avuubau hon lass
5ugandhaRoy v. Uruon o ndia Uou

wuwn ofIndua Ds v. dukumar knqusia Ys


dcquubn of itatt wvutoy


m thuuwo-ds o penhien "A btau wthoul mtoy u not jousblu

4 thr baaic_wt thu tntuunatienal ugal agtum is th state theafac
uwuch th tatu sccusieA m the Wld iw o tooutory ad ilonally thougkt
04 Hialty wi b state (a jwon)t jueietou
ata teatoiy jo a ahace within whuch thi Atat vnnciws ua aufume
Qnd mowally n d n i e authouly h l change un wunip w i t o y a

gal ecu pn he 44Lu eoueiqly_and uuwndidun uon th inhabitanti

n thu land Palmas lnse" Max rHuuben iaud " Joveuinty n
ulation bieen taki uom mdehndence mdyurdunc in ngad to a
oon globe is the aght tMue thwwn to the nclunion o any
Othen slab h i hwcuen t a : The mlqht to toutoual Leuuigny
ables a alau to Lie th jullst mueus ANLugnty poueis
Due a n d tuvutoy
he AcQUSITION OF TCRRITORY BY ASTATG Cam be moL aptly lwvud to 0s
acquuautonv wwuteual sbAimyby an isting etath andmenmber e
tt tnatinal ommury 0utu inothn wtate Ihough Mic0qnition
a ner das v not iquuvalit to acquuádien e tmitvy Neu may awe
betauA wiu_bawak wduidualA p conAonauionu sain (itain kughta 94
wn authouly oes a tusuloy uhich was not wrdin tbe utouat Apunacy
Aar Auconnigd Atake uuchcäns ce aqain ot wthin dhe ueepe h mad
AuAduon stoat teutosy
6uadby thuw au we'modus o acquulion of ttat tvwndosy ohch iu baned
m htact that whatheu tu puwen to dhu ah u duimd uon a hink
(Dwnu tati o not

wakmuw Tal, Acquiion oma TAan o Tloual denAeignty awailabl atE

As: 1| LaweuoKs iom/ 0ayusiuon- ad-ana-o-tuoual-AbuveiynTucU o1s
a 3 s pm
Page 2

HLgnal modi thu h only gain o wuloy fou inntana 0ccupauon

A nuluw: whuwas m Nowvalint modi, thod ii both jain as well as
wowd: o uwtane dnnaaton-opibl acquation o a ttate at
nere he vtalh
HoLAA, buadstionally hu au ie modus et acany terutory rhe
han bum dvuwed piown Roman lan - occpaton w n a o n docnben,
PACANion owmd Csuen
ach o thu ue mods wu be aiocussed Aiatim
s u he iust mthod q acauiing utoial soeulty t o a atatis
wtntimal clau gveiany ou tuutoy tuaud by thi vntwnatonat
Comwwwdya tuvta ulli l tuuly thal dos nol Beiong ueuny thea
ennings Wba,it o"he athaofauaton by a state a tovutouy uhidhis not
ot the time ubjud thu souwuiqpkj e{ any ehey vtau
dti 42 h tague hulations Oa01 denu ecupation aa -" uutou
A 0onuidADd occuud whin tu cuad laud wrdu the authouly o
houle avm hi Dccujatior «drdu ny Te the trdoy whwu sud
authaty Kas heen utahiuha omd can be xAuined

hu torapt o hteoccuhaluon vm mteuaonollaw ehunentu the uk

A t r l Helation whuch mwat aN sould b dneubed as ponsession.
n aSTERN GREENLANDS CAS6 h Puumannt Couwtuaud 'a cdaim to

Q i y baaud not upon Aonntfautloulas,acteaul auuch a 2aty o

ctAM but mouy upon 0ohUa duoptay authody, nvelves uu
sen Lath wwhdh mut be ahoun, to éuat: huinintuon amd uit+
8ALign, and A0mu adual IneMe ou dalay o uch authot
theA wods al anuMLs ama u s mteniun, co
Pago 3

Uen a hant oh t_0x a nuQa0nabe hzd y

thu mocdiun tenaional
gaun u was nuitenated m tRITREA]yEmtN-
a othe acquualuon e twutoy guenally wauiuthat thu an
ntuntional dioplay boueu and'authouty sueu the untios by w
s undidion _tah huneuonu_ a oniimous a Aaaful
th absenc eha jotnal basis of title_ma tuats o udgemant wndm a
Aystum thous ugubtation esutie hosuenuon playy a ignuficant role
AnnnaUon u thu &utunauon Louigniy buwa tuutoy by dsneluuanon
mto the ttati: U a erabl acauulon o wtoy by on tat at the
nNunse anobhex Avu u an element oDinuulmon
mode ú ka0nbd wndin tuwe cwncwwstahs

ohre th woulouy arnemd u onquueud ou Aubjugatud hq_he annninq
2)whu twpuutouy anhunzd b in a poaulion o| vvuiual auherdinalionto
annexinq stati ant he ime he lattnu mlntion decand

)nulatenal Aclanation
) vwaly
ubiugabon lpu to acauisihon oq vutory by conquuot uawed by
annination 1hu d t Modu0Acquuon a otn called tle by no
t h e d a , wan VOurit yal and s0 makny wan waA heco
av ught. ike Conmpuluou Con Conqut follouwed hy naon
A4 thau tuitouy y 0mulsuon,but unluke cws440n.t mond
naapRMmunt betUeer o U a pue n most eaaes
Vualy 0cwson
hw nouna


Uml tu by aubugaion u Hae tilelo on the duaquu 0
Counant made it uulatul to wage uem t puapme y aunn
uyJhe acquwinihion öutouy vuough te se ot_foncu e
undek Nations wkich ckuqed
alAD 0utlaund by he Chann d the
agamst u woutouial
Mmbu tatu to uain t40m e uae O0e
hdt iu, u was ondy

ndepanena wtat
mtiqaity 0 outical any

aju _pu!: W0Mid bvan ACunam

AccHion rules te tw qeoqucphical meces by which nn
tand w hotmed
attached to nistung land
mainy tough natuiual" caiuss and becomus
t u tha Ahyuial nhanaon o an uisting tevutoytwuough he
vl&icaUAon t vnuis ncwa land dlu o Am nuN emaiions
man-mate no
a XaL_ocwene monty nalal and alldom
Aumal act ou amintion om dtt 0 r acquiwy ltate w iquuiud
uch eUmation may be a Moduaten o th Liistig tate toutouy
In whun an isand iau wtiin a riwn not vndwaning the bolto
an oland anmqs in thu manitme belt
ony the and) n when
mouA, he duuna
pthn ampbi mddude ualione alandsin a s
4 the changen h ouye Oa60day uH,o the muqing
land e i he ustion an wndn-ia volcano
In ose oa duung o hiting 0{a bondany ve
thang in ådual and suiht tte bowdauy maybe shyu
thechan4 utnt and vntuan,te bolnaaiy taiu at the vo
pontaong the ginal
ia a udomay ule o unolional towvhak nlasgmunt outn.
bynw fomaieriu tak flau 0 fado by accuetion,wthout tte statu
takinq_anu special ak (ok tu pupox nttndingth A0UeApiat.

Pago: 5

ha acoution,o also a diut mode oy acquision uloy

thu o o thu hna uhuy a nuw and aue ulaing th cajuu
a Apanwh wd by aButioh hwatuwn, thi Us auned mat he wessel
wCA copmd wthiny the Brian manitine bet dord touyel uphold
hisclaim on the gvound hat the val was tauptuud beyond tu mis
Continndal Ceast bit uwithin hu 3milu o some mud wtand whiah
ww joumud thun Bruvan mantimu belt
diwilauy n 1986 a a MAut of a vocani vupion n he Paciko
O Aland unuged thowby owamng tu uuadduon on4an

At dA koe_uswpien wu tw he Hunobal _ej desctu n a putalwe
tl auainq_uom whatien oAdheu Cwuriy the acquieacunc

9od ath and uh niud to pAuewe nbunaienal ondu and stablut

a l uQua diti ocegnilion o o acquuscente in th conaeqenas et
ndhalonqd _posseswion, and toninl:
insuhle uns, a fserupdiom can be dujnad as be acquusubion e souerynt
DAJA a u t o y thuough a coninueus and wndiuwrbid nvncise o

Joreignty_ou duwy uh a poued a4 u ncusauy to oeat ueu

bemluwra Astouucal Auelpment tu qunual cenidioni nat thu pusnt
0ondition o thinge io anfoundty uvth ti inunntienal vmdn
d o acauLadion o a touutony Wa u ubit to he doberaint
anothen t a Cnot being tOLa nulltuu ) thouQuak eaatul wneie o

d hado ouigiy
u a
korq eviod ofime

wiltior ( hu
a)Theconce Corm.auquuoutuonn- a d - flacco
Luti m the Lau
l-sotiuan auaulable
buan- o-iutoual-
lauweeplos at
Atps/ PM

10 o2
at 12:09
ACLsAed m


uupin u dulunt puom outught abadonment 04 ulunqushmunt

toy: bandonmwnt nuwHa to a Altuatuon whou a state is kold tw
haue wwendenud ds ti , conwedingthe tuvutoy to nes nullws heoU
nohey sta usabusAes ti own tti by wy lawtul allocaen 0
c u oCCuhaiion In caae oh abandanmurt, oe u ne uwpauon
ouugndy Auce howu ne coniempoManeus Comping ttaims'
Kuquwhhent u uung uf of_a clain to toutoy m jaa of_hat
thouby ackrowldatd to be a betten dain vn at lhast a subsustiy onl

wdr Mucinal lau till u owatd bY_fusution and un the

aAUDL p0LAuALOn ponid by_juusousuon gus a good title to the_
A0AALAOH 4 ausw Cut o lon4 contiuwd posasuon whene mo ougnal
JOuna MoAAieby Aught _can be 4Aown to emust ou whou f03sLsron in
wst uvtara being wA.onglul , te ugdima moprutoe has nughctrd to
aMUths nughts « has bun unabe to do so.
Requinemurts oy Pusouston -
1 Lstabuia Juch a case het e uautpaen oh tote, cvdain unquissli
nood to be cleanly otablished - JOUDUam
PoaABAALONN muat be sreucised à tiu de e ar
1heu must bi a drsplay
o4 dat auhouy and the abien oCOgnution ALigndy m
rotho ta, tbx amAh wndix KOrditiona qpuotuetoah leavinq e
Bhdrd skat uth a upasato posonalily thouk adwrue bo
ho n be ne pLOupto
1A hoAeuon Must be su, AiacL, a Wwtutrd As qchnan
AAA HMasked:ublicit o taerial rcause acquuscana tu
inally, AnAALAMOon muot peroust n
he case o HCLnt p0LALasion, t
.addu widinde tac acqmescnc A wr wutonA. a
ugguions aL du te
ahr muuuial
medls and kohe yeeinq


that he ength q
may be 'uvpliud' in cvtaun condtions he bettr uiw v
tunuMuquud ju a mathn o fad drpndung onthe paticular cast
h was ne rul laud down as ni4arda the" hngtv o tun u thun
AUNCuvtana nuu4ay to cnLati xiuch ite by fuouuen

basus k leng as atben wtats kupus

condutiow duton kuom case to can
puctrats and dauns the adiual exvwist eugwonugniy unt
n0 L thou a qerenal conuiciion tat te fpusunt condtien f un u
n contomdywitv itwnational 0don: A Much puststs ctan,
twwmay be scuation ciunqwheL boms n contomty wth
mtnalonal oudu he qustion oh uohat tme nd wndru shat
Auch a kohAituon eh thingy auses iu onu fact mwly
A twaty e 1984 by ueñich thu boundasu dispule betueenn &ueat
B-uctain and Vnsulä juzscaubed a poued eh Aya LLAa acqusu
hitu be pACition But tbhis is not hotlowed m hadice ginwmally
ali tatus

Mrauon o the statu tovutos w the beanajuH LDugnty_guwy state tinrutoy
y th ounw tate to anobui dtati. IN statu tuanavuna siote knoun a
th cading atat amd the stath to whom u tuanavud u calld acauna
ta basis lism thu unervionn ef the concund ^avtus to manaten
Ueigry ou thu ttoy n 4Uation,and Mest Dn the pwncple that tt
nt q iahkeung ta wtsy w a hunkamertal attiubute et the soiwMiaT.
haatr cccws by muans of an ugoUment bétuuen the ceding and b"
n c a i n tate und dunauly thw tusukous addd uhdiu th tuns a a tuay

maybi u t tomperuation althou wdaindutiei could be umped in he

ma Ho uh cssions du aqund upon by he ntustad tat for

dypourt pupou,ke a qut o uoluday mengir

hat u te Lay, CLason o tautoy maybi
Voluntany [ad a mauk of a uwchau an tnchangu,a gt,a volutoy
2Compulaive ( as a osubt of wa oH any e of kpa agaunst be cuaing stat)

m Ri Boubai Uruon tase (1940) t wau cbauwed by kenbu kupume

CousAto ndsa, bhat aaion amowts to bianaen 40ngy guota
utoy tw by ou tat to anothn oueun dtate and this can, be
m wase otliaty makimg_potgvA_
the tdaliiy f utoy. n the latM L , thu cduny tat duaspeans
mbo he acquurg sta e conaiilh a isuon tt must be
and mug
inundd*hat the A0uehLqnty_wil sas
he aalu olaska by Russua to UsA_n 897 and luat Butaun m
1291 athe nalu o ontay asen
CCmausoyessien u ustuataa sy e ouon Lgwnany by iran@n
18H0dsaa-AoAAUnNe, subatqjlènty_Autungd tJhand at tho und
o the Funl wold
ncthn NOmhli u hn busUUa duwung ta wan with Puussua amd taly
A t Jaane cedr& Venue to 1tal
n 1846 d1d Verua t uana As a git
dlau -

s s o m and
Mhin Bigha loxoudon a Abup o Land im ndua on the bo4den utt

acCLA the Nahaguam- -rngapoa Bangladishi encdaua uwithin
Anclais uagmint ofa courdy ovpletly wxouhded by andhu


Counby ndua had 102 andaues m Bangladish whil bhe laten Aad 11encdaves
m ndia Juthou thvuu counteenclauu and cauutx counten tnclaues
hi ptopl Hmsidinq um tuse tndavts wu ompolubly awvuoundsd by puople
O0Ln towdiy and dudt haue a o the mainiavd theit mohen
n 1958 4aupahadal Nuu and the Pakistani PM JvoeKhan Nsen had an
agiumnkoth Ruped to the disputhd aguon as he Asguwn vau ast
Apt the cion { bangladesh m j911 tnduna handhi and Jhueh Muybw
Kzlvmar AAgned a pat m19H o nusolw the endaue prcblum: peA thu
agulernerni Bangadish aitaurd ahanguam amd bnganpcta tu
igqist anclajs m ndra and tndia uetaned. Aouth Beubri hi
Awidera liund vn a feptual skau o umbe owng to jobluma thuy_pacad
AcCAing uduucaton udical facilliu amploymeit oppostwuts and
LUunal sica machinuy t
A m uoa coudou_wa to be Kandid ouu to banqladssh n 19H4
dsey ahx the dral betuuen yandh ahd Muibuu Rihman . whill
Aanded ouu Jouh biuubei mght ausay thi m bigha Could notbe
owute Bangladesh blcau t needid a constiuutional Umendmunt hu
Alayd khe puoass Und ony vm 1192 Jhe wna Uwas llased to Banaladu
whin te a waA obenid up hat yean, tu peope of the enclave oau
ab to moue through the coLdon and atcess Vn Mauland fon
ben day. n uly 4%, dt was ohunud uf {ou12Ahouwsa day Jmallyon
Bangladi4hd unclae.
oy ko th seope ef he
uw he uwvi Buotals PdUn Jndua n 942, whn th idou
dhe fuist time the uwu
tpered up jox hug_pruUsK
pidimg vn
MUhding cuLas: nu_ potulow Keld that #hetepropl

|Page: l0

was luasud and thi znchange q Indian enciaues was not done he
etuai lase usouid be dctewet Aorthe full uchange ofte uneaus
in Mouy oIS th hiatouu 1 h dnundmiut kll w
asAtd by Parliamint whuch allouos the nhangeo enddaves by tndsa amd
Barngladush kiisthis mAndhatthea would be alouo outoy fo
ndaa e6oundavits uwould not bu altoud: Moe thu long-danding
uobum e apl luwunqin. a stailss aituation uwould'ometo an ind4
- n lght e h uaboue nasuatud atuation aewna ug londnna
Audginunts ucuid be uiwat huu
Jugandha Kou v. nuonofndua and hes AIR 1983 Caly68
hi Ph ations nth Momg au
cuon o_a twutoy tan tak1_plac by wayek a ase also
COpbenhuim hteunatiwnal laus 1tv idh Vol IP-8). ons iahsaction
wch as qt, Lak o mcharge will be valua as cuon 'uohich dupicen
iducotsan mbrion to duanj oveuigrdy om one tat 0
ancth LFaa 64]
t u tebe pountud out that bobw the agumerds m l914 and Ia 82
Aq ts druoubi thu paud aHangUnnti ngarding un Righa
as "Atas n fenpetuity". hough such an eiuunion u wtdm
w Ad wO aquwmunt thu nanaacuon thinuby contelahd, u
not auually a lua fan les4 a laas m epeluty but that it
was baw t n u LPua b5]
AL bt poitd out thad üauaR I2 z 1474 6imnt pu0dea do
Mchan dndan tnclaes m Bangladtsh and h
nclaus m
nting Cahag1an and Manapata Wrdn auue 4
olt Jalda nqeman * puoUdud bat Bandladtsh ul netain h, A

and Brgaapsta.enelae Unu dauL also puodes or base n perpebui

Bangladeon in xnespect o an ana ok abbeinaty A8 methosK85mabs
niau din 8igha wcorned ahaqam wt Panbasi moura tPs Pakgamy.
8analadsh llana
uase m purpetuuy was to nabe the Bandad yovvnmunt to enabls
Ucise f hut aovoLgnty oux thetwo unelau
Clause &maku t dhan that the aowqny ot w aua mqusion that u
m Bigha lhall tontnu to wst m mdia i s m taligoual imu

he tupnuon'urdisswtbed bOsuLAdn ard use doesnot mian enclwe

04ALsOn to thu ercluwion o othes but t muwly means hatthiu l l a

t Aangladssh jouevumant and its nationatu CRaa i3,74]

Held: hat thi lmplmantatiom o hu we Bquumurs uoouid not uwolue
Losuon o any twitoy to Bangladesh m Apect ohUn Aigha
inpt of uch gpunyunt mdua woula dill nunain l
Louereiqnty ,ouenouhip and onbuoi f m bigia

Uwwrr f dua Bnd s

v. sukwvan dtnqupla And shs 1490 ALRI92
Huld: Amucabe and puauul axtiunent y beundaydioputueonm
iniuots o thu muuational omavuny oldie and
abaolut idan oLouewgnty andl undzpurdnce has thu
uusaly wbe moduud oj tu 214tcrtusuy.A ferpiluat
Aughto asage nd ethuu incidenktl Aughts giuntw Banqladesly
Lo the ldoa fupoe o nbcLaungthe tbunignty owr h
Duon we avelays luthn du ewitduy o tndia and|oe
. dols not turtanow
Ubeed ostkuiuons on da y Indha
b than wunsl n India


urbhi Madhua lulbic snkuunational law awaulabe at Rttp: WNN uojt

du law Laat vultd onaOciobes, dodl)
ush ha Pubu Inteunational iauw wvwtoual Lovrniqniy, awalabu e
https: / huout. klelaweolge q > last vwtnd on da Ocloberao a)
s) dcquuilion and buaj oh ivutoual douwnugny kOLgn and unlunaiuena
law awailable at https: | lawerhlors Com [acquuiton- and-ana
dvutouial -s0u0eigrty t laot baubd onaa Oclobex, a0~)
Medca acquisitin awailabe at ktps: {1 Aagabuaj. com/ auticizs-dstailsal
Modis- o-atqustuen lat vuiud on&2 Ocicberu,0)
5) m igha coudon leased tw Bangladesh -L quus 1942] hu Nay

Hutoy, auailabe at tps:1bius Com f-ias- p|thisda

m- histoy- un 4 tlast valtid on 22 pclobbu.J0u

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