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Lunar Artistry:
Chandrayaan-3's rover, Pragyan, is not just a scientific explorer; it's also an artist, leaving
a distinct mark on the Moon's south pole. By imprinting India's national flag and the
ISRO emblem on the lunar regolith, Chandrayaan-3 establishes a unique and symbolic
presence, making India the sole nation to leave its mark in this unexplored lunar

2. A Thrifty Cosmic Venture:

The Chandrayaan-3 mission stands out not only for its scientific objectives but also for
its cost-effectiveness. With a budget of approximately ₹650 crores ($75 million), it
exemplifies India's ability to conduct impactful lunar exploration without breaking the
bank. To put it in perspective, the mission costs less than the production budgets of
major blockbuster films like Adipurush and Avatar.

3. Pioneering the Southern Frontier:

Chandrayaan-3's ambitious soft landing on the Moon's south pole is a historic endeavor.
If successful, India will not only become the first country to explore the Moon's
southernmost region but also the fourth nation to achieve a lunar landing, following in
the footsteps of the United States, the former Soviet Union, and China.

4. Rectifying Lunar Missions Past:

Building on the legacy of Chandrayaan-1 and learning from the challenges of
Chandrayaan-2, Chandrayaan-3 is a mission of redemption. It aims to rectify the
mistakes of its predecessor and contribute valuable insights into the Moon's south pole,
particularly regarding the presence of water. This mission represents a continuation of
India's quest for lunar knowledge and exploration.

5. Vikram and Pragyan: A Lunar Duo:

At the heart of Chandrayaan-3 is the dynamic duo - the lander Vikram and the rover
Pragyan. Vikram, named after Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, the visionary behind India's space
endeavors, pays tribute to the founding father of ISRO. Pragyan, equipped with
advanced scientific instruments, is set to embark on a lunar adventure, analyzing soil
samples and uncovering the secrets of the Moon's south pole. Together, they represent
India's technological prowess and dedication to lunar exploration.

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